

单词 入门

入门 ()

enter a door
entrance door
introduction (a subject)


入门级 n

entry level n


introductory course


entrance and exit door

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 在解决两个主要的接入问题,即终端设备的投资成本和数字扫盲的 入门 ”费 用――这是使用数码服务的先决条件。
In the developing world, mobile telephones are addressing two of the major access issues,
namely the investment costs for terminals and
[...] the “getting started” costs of digital [...]
literacy as preconditions for the use of digital services.
简版 说明书包含操作电压调整器的快 入门 介 绍
The quick reference guide contains information that will provide a rapid introduction to operating the voltage regulator.
技能培训课程和管理、营销技入门 课 程已成为能力建设的一部分,手工艺和设计专 业的年轻女学生已通过在专业手工艺者和设计师处的实习,获得了专业经验(拉丁美洲、亚 洲)。
Skills training courses and introductions to management and marketing techniques have been part of the capacity-building efforts, and young women students in crafts and design have gained professional experience through internships with professional artisans and designers (Latin America, Asia).
这期间,我通过埃塞俄比亚红十字会收到邀请,向新招聘的警察介绍国际人 道主义法,告诉我有 50 到 100 个新人,国际人道主义入门课,需 45 分钟。
In the middle of this, I received an invitation, through the Ethiopian Red Cross, to give a briefing to new police recruits on international humanitarian law.
越是教高年 级,教学方法就越不如低年级要求的那么严!一些代表已经强调指出,现在是重新审查 教师地位的时候了,应当在所有国家实实在在地提高教师的待遇;应当重新审 入门培 训 和继续培训的问题;应当重视教师的工作并支持他们。
Several delegates stressed that it was high time to review the status of teachers; it is necessary to improve teachers’ benefits in practical terms in all countries and review initial and in-service training; it is necessary to place higher value on their work and to support them.
委员会除其他外请秘书处:继续分析新的替代办法用以获取必要数量的资源 资助拉丁美洲和加勒比国家的发展;制订更宽泛的一组指标,以体现各国的具体
[...] 情况且帮助确定其主要需求,以便划为中等收入国家不再成为参与官方发展援助入门障碍 ;发起一个进程以加强负责在要求提供国际合作的国家开展国际合作 [...]
The Commission requested the secretariat, among other things, to continue to analyse new alternatives for generating the volume of resources necessary for financing the development of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean; develop a broader set of indicators to reflect the particular realities in the countries and support the identification of their
main needs so that
[...] classification as a middleincome country ceases to be an a priori impediment [...]
to participating in official
development assistance; and initiate a process aimed at strengthening the capacity of institutions responsible for international cooperation in countries that so request.
2008 年,国防部与卡塔尔红新月会和红十字委员会合作,通过法律和司法研 究中心开设了国际人道主义法入门 课 程 ;来自各部委、机构和组织的 100 多名 律师学习了该课程。
In 2008, the Ministry held an introductory course on international humanitarian law through the Centre for Legal and Judicial Studies in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent Society and ICRC; more than 100 lawyers from various ministries, agencies and institutions took part.
有了我们为 您提供的多种不同的功能包入门级 、 标准级和高级),您只需为您真正需 [...]
With our different
[...] Feature Packs (Entry, Standard and [...]
Advanced), you only pay for what you need.
工作进程评审已经开展,采取各种举措逐渐优化秘书处的工作方法(例如, 分发行政记录给所有条约机构专家;为秘书处、条约机构专家和其它利益相关 方互动而建立的标准化通信模板;为了使条约机构不断改进并采用良好的实践 方法,条约机构秘书之间进行常规协调并分享信息;改进文件归档和存档;为 本司新职员建入门文件包;为新条约机构专家建 入门 文 件 包和介绍方案), 并改进高专办各方面的工作流程,包括高专办实地考察项目(见下文的计划与安 排)。
A review of work processes was undertaken and measures taken to gradually harmonize the working methods of the Secretariat (e.g. administrative note to all treaty body experts, standardized correspondence templates for interaction between Secretariat, treaty body experts and other stakeholders, institutionalized coordination and information sharing among treaty body secretaries to sustain the harmonization efforts and good practices among treaty bodies, improved filing and archiving, development of an induction package for new staff in the Division, development of an induction package and orientation programme for new treaty body experts) and improved work flows in all parts the Office, including its Field Presences (see below under planning and programming).
为了向地方公共当局提供方法支持和发展社会救助人员的专业能力,在联 合国儿童基金会驻摩尔多瓦代表和摩尔多瓦促进社会援助协会的合作下,确定了 社会救助人员的一般权限以及社会援 入门 课 程和“社区社会助理培训”课程―― 由社会、家庭和儿童保护部 2007 年 3 月 2 日第 10 号令和 2007 年 5 月 16 日第 44 号令通过。
In order to offer methodological support to the local public authorities and to develop the professional capacities of the social assistants, in cooperation with the UNICEF Moldova representatives and the Association for the Promotion of Social Assistance in Moldova, the generic terms of reference of the social
assistant was developed,
[...] as well as the Initiation Curricula in Social Assistance and the Course Notes “Training of community social assistants”, adopted by means of [...]
Order of the Ministry
of Social, Family and Child Protection (MSFCP) No. 10 from 02.03.2007 and No. 44 from 16.05.2007.
7米宽的大屏幕高挂在上海双年展 入门 大 厅 ,投影机投射出的画面是一组八个数码人物,他们面无表情地站着。
On a 7mwide screen hung
[...] high in the entrance hall of the [...]
Shanghai Biennale, a video projection shows a group of eight digitally
created human figures standing impassively.
以90度散射角进行粒入门级测 量、ZETA电位及分子量测量。
Entry level measurement of particle [...]
size at a 90 degree scattering angle, zeta potential and molecular weight.
为配入门级对主板耐用性的高需求, GIGABYTE发布全新「技嘉第四代超耐久」技术,透过采用高密度开纤布电路板、高质量 [...]
IC 芯片、防突波芯片及专利双实体 BIOS 以及全固态电容及超低电阻式晶体管等组件,令主板加强抵抗湿气、静电、雷击突波及高温等常见环境因素所造成损坏的能力。
To meet the demand for a high durability motherboard, GIGABYTE
[...] released a brand new "GIGABYTE fourth [...]
generation Ultra Durable" technology, using
high-density fiber cloth circuit boards, high-quality IC chip, anti-surge chip, patent dual physical BIOS, all-solid capacitors, and ultra-low resistance transistors, so the motherboard has greater resistance to common damaging factors, such as moisture, static electricity, lightning surge, and high temperature damage caused by the environment.
委员会同意,在即将到来的审查中,应将收入低于收入标准毕业门槛值(即 高于世界银行确定的低入门槛值 20%)的发展中国家纳入参照组。
The Committee agreed that for the upcoming review, developing countries with income below the graduation threshold of the income criterion, namely 20 per cent above the low-income threshold determined by the World Bank, should be included in the reference group.
通过 AT91 社区论坛和资源页面可以查看各 入门 文 档 以及访问我们的社区论坛。
AT91 Community Forum and Resource Pages offers a
[...] review of extensive documentation for getting started, [...]
as well as access to our Community Forum.
但是,委员会对教 育和卫生部门的预算被大幅度削减表示关切;委员会还感到关切的是,尽管作出 了努力,但是达不到低入门槛的 有子女家庭特别是单亲家庭的比率却有上升。
The Committee, however, expresses its concern at extensive budget
cuts to the education
[...] and health sectors and that, despite efforts, the rate of families with children below the low-income threshold, in [...]
particular single parent families, has increased.
为了扩大这一举措,在未来一段 时间里,还将组织更多的讲习班,并将为成员国开发更多期的 入门 系列》。
To expand this initiative, in the coming period, more workshops would be organized and additional issues of the Primer Series developed for the benefit of member States.
远程学习课程,该计划将开设:知识产 入门 课 教程(DL-001);知识产权一般教程 (DL-101);用七种语言编写的《专利合作条约 入门 ; 11 门高级和专业课程,即版 权与相关权(DL-201)、知识产权与电子商务(DL-202)、知识产权与生物工艺学 (DL-204)、专利(DL-301)、商标(DL-302)、WIPO [...]
管理(DL-401)、知识产权管理(DL-405)、WIPO 与南非大学知识产权专业化联合 证书课程。
(ii) The Distance Learning Program which will offer: the Primer on IP course (DL-001); the General
Course on IP
[...] (DL-101); Primer on the PCT (DLPCT- 101) in seven languages; and, 11 advanced and specialized courses, namely Copyright and Related Rights (DL-201), IP and Electronic Commerce [...]
(DL-202), IP
and Biotechnology (DL-204), Patents (DL-301), Trademarks (DL302), WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Rules (DL-317), Patent Information Search (DL-318), Basics of Patent Drafting (DL-320), IP Management in the Publishing Industry (DL-401), IP Management (DL-405), and the joint WIPO-University of South Africa Certificate Program on Specialization on IP.
8.降低入门门槛, 有利于初期开发和中后期维护,适用于开发程序员经常更换的团队。
8. Reduce
[...] the barriers to entry , will help in [...]
the initial development and later maintenance , programmers often change for the development team .
17发 展中国家也许会考虑提入门标准 ,特别是为只具有被认为有益于社会的特别特征(如增 加产量、具有营养价值)的重大或重要革新提供该种保护。
Thus, PVP law allows breeders to protect varieties with very similar characteristics, which means the system tends to be driven by commercial considerations of product differentiation and planned obsolescence, rather than genuine improvements in agronomic traits.17 Developing countries might consider raising the threshold, in particular so that protection is only given for significant or important innovations with particular characteristics that are deemed socially beneficial (for example, yield increases, or traits of nutritional value).
基于X100 SSD的Marvell NVDRIVE为入门级企 业级工作负载而优化,为寻求高性能关键业务数据中心应用的客户提供了一个理想的解决方案。
Optimized for entry level enterprise [...]
workloads, the Marvell NVDRIVE based on the X100 SSDs provides an ideal solution for
customers seeking performance demanding business-critical data center applications.
第一次启动 Navicat 及详细描述创建连接到你的服务器的快 入门 指 南
Quick start guide for the first time you start Navicat and details description on making connection to your servers.
在线培训课程“道德操守、廉正和反欺诈: 制订人口基金的标准”于 2009 年发起,是学习和职业管理处、监督事务司和人口基金道德操守办公室联合采取 的举措,已列入人口基入门教育 ,这是为新工作人员准备的第一门课程。
The online training course on “Ethics, Integrity and Anti-Fraud: Setting the Standard at UNFPA”, which was launched in 2009 and is a collaborative undertaking of LCMB, the Division for Oversight Services (DOS) and the UNFPA Ethics Office, is listed in the UNFPA induction portal which is the first port of call for new staff members.
由于采用模块化设计,因而可以使用灵活的配置(2个、4个、8个和16个以上模块)来创建原生PCIe固态硬盘,在成本、容量和性能上逐步升级,满足 入门 级 产 品到高端产品的各个市场领域需求。
Modular design allows the creation of native PCIe SSDs in flexible configurations (eg. 2, 4,
8, 16+ modules) that incrementally scale in cost, capacity and
[...] performance for entry-level to high-end [...]
market segments.
信息和通信技术(ICT)及商业服务是主 要的快速增长行业,具有巨大的潜力, 任入门级的竞争者都能建立自己的 分销电子商务或电子内容的全球平台。
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and business
services are considered as
[...] major fastgrowing sectors with high potential for any entry-level competitor [...]
to set up a global platform
for e-commerce or content distribution.
[...] 案的一部分组织的项目管理人员协 入门 课 程和 “PRINCE2”基础课程。
A number of secretariat staff participated in training courses, including the Association of Project Managers (APM)
introductory course and the PRINCE2 Foundation course, organized by UNEP headquarters as part
[...] of its staff development programme.
在加入意法•爱立信之前,Ben-Hamou先生曾在英飞凌(Infineon)任职10年。他在离开英飞凌(Infineon)时所担任的职位是副总裁以 入门 手 机 事业部的总经理和SDR移动平台副总裁及总经理,该事业部是由他在2007年成立的。
Prior to joining ST-Ericsson, Mr. Ben-Hamou worked 10 years at Infineon Technologies where in his
last role he was Vice President & General
[...] Manager of the Entry Phones Business [...]
Unit and Vice President & General Manager
of SDR Mobile Platforms – business that he founded himself in 2007.
Emulex存储处理器/控制器系列是专门为那些希望构建灵活的外部存储系统的存储系统提供商设计的,是一种全面集成的高性能解决方案,可以支持 入门 级 直 到企业级的各种存储系统,包括新的高性能8Gb/s [...]
Designed for storage system providers that want to build flexibility into their external storage systems, the family of Emulex storage processors/controllers provides a fully
integrated, high performance solution to support a
[...] broad range of entry-level to enterprise-class [...]
storage systems, including new
high-performance 8Gb/s FC storage arrays.
[...] iPF605,其目的是支持文件的印刷技术与计算机辅助设计(CAD),地理信息系统(地理信息系统)和AEC(建筑,工程,施工)应用工作作为用户的需求以及在一般办公室环境中 入门 级 用 户。
One such model from Canon is the imagePROGRAF iPF605 which is designed to support the printing needs of technical document users working with Computer-Aided Design (CAD), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and AEC
(Architecture, Engineering, and Construction)
[...] applications as well as entry-level users in [...]
general office environments.




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