

单词 入职薪酬

See also:

入职 n

entry n

入职 v

recruit v

薪酬 pl

wages pl
remunerations pl

External sources (not reviewed)

本组织代表其职员缴款(目前由参加 者和粮农组织支付,分别占职员应计养恤 薪酬的 7.9%和 15.8%),将其分摊的缴 款额作为支出入职员费用。
The Organization makes contributions on behalf of its staff (currently payable by the participant and FAO at 7.9% and
[...] respectively, of the staff member’s pensionable remuneration) and records its share of the contribution as [...]
expenditure within Staff costs.
在應用調 查結果時,避免公務入職薪酬過分 波動極為重要,並應 有靈活性。
It is imperative that excessive volatility in civil
[...] service starting salaries be avoided, and [...]
flexibility should be adopted in applying the Survey results.
2009 年 4 月生效的《侨民就业条例》规定了雇主如 职 责 : 对雇员在马尔 代夫停留期间负责;在每个月 7 号之前支付过去一个月所作工作应 薪酬 ; 在 雇 员就业期间向他们提供足够的食物和住房;支付合同中商定的所有费用;支付工 作许可证和所有相关费用;以及在工作许可期限结束之前,如果政府提出这种要 求,支付遣返外籍雇员的所有费用。
The Expatriate Employment Regulation that came into
force in April 2009
[...] imposes the following duties on the employer: be responsible for the employee during their stay in the Maldives; to pay the salary before the 7th of each [...]
month, due for work
done during the past month; to provide adequate food and accommodation to the employee for the duration of the employment; to pay all expenses as agreed in the contract; to pay the work permit and all related fees; and to pay for all the costs of repatriating the expatriate employee, in case the Government requests such, prior to the end of the duration of the work permit.
(a) 除附件 B 載述的獲豁免機構類別外 ,所有運作入中超過 50%來自政府的受資助機構,均需 就其高層人員數目、職級薪酬進行檢討,並就檢討結果向 所屬決策局局長提交 年 度 報告,相關的決策局局長如有充 分理據,可批准其職限 內的 個別機構,每兩年或每三年提交 [...]
一 次 檢討報告。
(a) Save for the exceptions in Annex B, all subvented bodies which
receive more than 50% of
[...] their operating income from the Government should review their senior staff’s number, ranking and remuneration and submit to their [...]
responsible Directors
of Bureaux annual reports on the review findings.
(h) ㈠ 法官不得直接或间接地洽谈或接受与其司 职 务 不符的、或者可以 被合理视为酬金或可能影响其偏袒某一具体当事方的任 薪酬 、 收 入 、 补 偿、馈 赠、优待或特权
(h) (i) Judges must not directly or indirectly negotiate or accept any remuneration, income, compensation, gift, advantage or privilege that is incompatible with judicial office or that can reasonably be perceived either as a reward or as likely [...]
to influence them in favour of a particular party
依照《联合国系统会计标准》,教科文组织为支付双年度结束前离职的工作人员(应 计年假、可能的职补贴与薪酬调整 )提供拨款。
In accordance with UNSAS, UNESCO makes provision for amounts payable to staff who
will be separated before the end of the biennium (accumulated leave, any
[...] termination indemnities and salary adjustments).
雇主应 确保少数群体人员不受歧视地行使劳工权利,包括在招聘、 酬 、 晋 升, 入和 组织工会并参与其活动的权利、诉 职 业 总裁法庭、产假、育儿及退休金等领 域。
Employers should ensure that persons from minority groups have access to their labour rights
[...] discrimination, including in the areas of hiring, remuneration, promotion, the right to join and form trade unions and [...]
to take part in their
activities, access to employment tribunals, maternity leave, childcare and pensions.
根据 2001 年 5 月 10
[...] 日第 140-XV 号法律第 4 条,劳动监察局的部职能 是对劳薪酬准确 适用情况进行监控,在行使职能期间有权要求中央及地方公共 [...]
行政当局、法律实体和自然人提供与行使其职能有关的必要信息,以及按法律规 定对违反与工作条件和保护雇员有关的法案及其他规范性法案的行为实施包括罚 款在内的行政处罚。
In accordance with article 4 of the Law No. 140-XV from 10.05.2001, Labour
Inspection, as part of its competences, organises controls on accurate
[...] application of labour remuneration and has the right to [...]
request and to receive
necessary information related to the exercise of its functions from central and local public administration authorities, from legal entities and physical persons and to impose administrative sanctions, as provided by law, including fines, for breach of legislative acts and other normative acts related to working conditions and protection of employees during the exercise of the functions.
因此,审查研究的目的是设计出一种具有竞争力,因而有助于有关 各组织吸引、培养和留住非常职的 工 作人员 薪酬 制 度 ,这种制度应根据成绩和能力来确 定报酬,既要考虑集体的工作成果也要考虑各个的工作成果,因为它要比现行的制度简单, [...]
The purpose of the study is therefore to devise a competitive system which enables the organizations to
attract, train and retain highly
[...] qualified staff, which bases reward on merit and competence, [...]
and which takes into account collective
and individual results alike, and which, being simpler than the existing system, is easier to administer and less complex.
當局會定期進行三種不同的調查,以比較公務員 2 薪酬和市場薪酬情況。這三種調查分別為:(a)每年一次的薪酬趨勢調 查,以確定私營機構在年度之間的薪酬調整幅度;(b)每三年一次 入職 薪酬調查,以比較公務員文職職系 入 職 薪酬 與 學 歷及/或經驗要求相若 的私營機構職位入職薪酬;以 及(c)每六年一次的薪酬水平調查,以確 定公務員薪酬是否與私營機構薪酬大致相若。
Civil service pay is checked against market pay on a regular basis through three different types of surveys, namely (a) a pay trend survey (PTS) every year to ascertain the year-on-year pay adjustment movements in
the private sector; (b)
[...] a starting salaries survey every three years to compare the starting salaries of civil service civilian grades with the entry pay of jobs in the private sector requiring similar academic qualifications and/or experiences for appointment; and (c) a pay level survey [...]
every six years to ascertain
whether civil service pay is broadly comparable with private sector pay.
年內,本集團並無向本公司董事或任何五名最 薪酬 僱 員 支付作為 入 本 集團時之酬金或入 本集 團後之獎勵,又或作為失去職位之賠償(二零零八年:無)。
During the year, no emoluments were paid by the Group to the Company's directors or any [...]
of the five highest paid individuals as an inducement to join, or upon joining the Group, or as compensation
for loss of office (2008: Nil).
公务员制度委员会根据大会的一项长期授权,继续审查在纽约的联合国专 业及以上职类工作人员薪酬净额 与在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的美国联邦公务员 系统中可职位雇员的薪酬净额 之间的关系。为此,委员会每年跟踪联合国专业 及以上职类工作人员和美国联邦公务员系统中可 职 位 人 员 薪酬 水 平 出现的变 化以及与这种比较有关的其他变化,包括从参照系统人员薪酬中推算净额所用的 税率以及纽约和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿两地生活费之间的关系。
Under a standing mandate from the General Assembly, ICSC continued to
review the
[...] relationship between the net remuneration of the United Nations staff in the Professional and higher categories in New York and that of the United States federal civil service employees in comparable positions in Washington, D.C. For that purpose, the Commission annually tracks changes occurring in the remuneration levels of United Nations staff in the Professional and higher categories and of officials in comparable positions of the United States [...]
federal civil service, as well as other changes
relevant to the comparison, including rates of taxation used for netting down comparator salaries and the cost-of-living relationship between New York and Washington, D.C.
不过要 指出,用于法薪酬和专业职类工 作人员的工作地点差价调整办法,将减轻并且 基本上吸收美元和欧元汇率波动的影响。
It may be noted, however, that the post adjustment
[...] mechanism for judges’ remuneration as well as for Professional [...]
staff will alleviate and largely
absorb the effects of exchange rate movements between the United States dollar and the euro.
专家小组主席对秘书 处的意见作了进一步澄清,并提醒专家小组公务员制度委员会确定指示所根据的原则(即诺
[...] 贝尔梅耶原则和弗莱明原则。根据前者,专 职 类 的 薪酬 比 照薪资最高的国家公务员制度, 目前是美利坚合众国的公务员制度;而后者则用来确定一般事务人员的薪酬),以及公务员 [...]
The Chairman of the expert group provided further clarification to the Secretariat’s remarks, and reminded the expert group of the principles upon which the ICSC directives are determined,
(namely the Noblemaire principle whereby
[...] Professional-level remuneration follow suit the [...]
best paid national civil service which
is currently that of the United States of America and the Flemming Principle used to determine General Service remuneration), and the benefit of ICSC’s work for coherence within the United Nations system as a whole.
薪酬的差职业机 会的不平等、妇女在决策机构和私营部门的执行职位上的比例不足, 仍然令人关切。
Gender pay gaps, unequal career opportunities, [...]
an underrepresentation of women in executive positions in decision-making
bodies and in the private sector continue to give cause for concern.
为确定适当的公务员队伍规模并应对不断发生的薪资 单失实问题,批准实薪酬和职等改 革、所有公务员使用生物特征身份证以及其 他措施。
Pay and grade reforms and the use of biometric identity cards for all civil servants are some of the measures approved to rightsize the civil service and address persistent payroll inaccuracies.
於 年 內,概 無 董 事 或 監 事 放 棄 或 同 意 放 棄 任 何 酬 金,而 本 集 團 亦 無 支 付 任 何 薪 酬 予
[...] 董 事、監 事 或 任 何 五 名 最薪 酬 僱 員,作 為入 本 集 團 的 誘 因 或 離 職 補 償。
During the year, no director or supervisor waived or agreed to waive any emolument, and no emoluments were paid by the Group to the directors,
supervisors or any of the five highest paid employees as an
[...] inducement to join or upon joining the Group or as compensation [...]
for loss of office.
其餘三個組別並沒有納入二零零六 入 職 薪酬 調 查 的範圍,原因 是這些組別不再是私營機構所常用的,或由於同一資歷組別內各職級的 入職要求各異,以致實際上難以把該等職級 入 職 薪酬 加 以 比較。
The other three QGs were not covered in
[...] the SSS altogether as they are no longer commonly used in the private sector or as there are practical difficulties in making a comparison on the starting salaries across ranks with different entry requirements within the same QG.
由于私人部门提供薪酬职位和 在正规行业就业的速度明显放慢,近年来就 业质量的改善停顿下来。
The improvements under way in recent years in job quality stopped as the creation of wage jobs in the private sector and of formal employment in general slowed considerably.
根據一般 換算安排入職薪酬如向下調整,在職公務員將不受影 響;而入職薪酬向上調整時,在職公務員的現有 酬如 低入職薪酬,便會把其酬調升 至新 入 職 薪 點,如 在職公務員的現有薪酬相等於或超過 入 職 薪酬 , 便 會把 其薪酬調升至下一個較高的薪點並以所屬職級的頂薪點為 限。
Under normal conversion, in the case of
[...] lowered starting salaries, serving civil servants are not affected; in the case of increased starting salaries, the pay of serving civil servants below the new starting pay point will be brought up to the new starting pay point, and the pay of serving civil servants equal to or above the new starting pay point [...]
will be brought up to the
next higher pay point, subject to the maximum pay point of their ranks.
就争议法庭法官而言,他们全职工作,比照 D-2 职等第职档领取薪酬。
In the case of the judges of the Dispute Tribunal, they work on a full-time
[...] basis and are remunerated at the equivalent [...]
of the D-2, step IV, level.
本會促請政府提供足夠撥款供資助機構提 入職 薪酬點, 以達到同工同酬的原則及避免拉闊政府及 資助機構員工之間的薪酬差距,並監察資助機構應 將全數撥款用於提入職薪酬點之上。
That this Committee urges that the Government should provide subvented organizations
with sufficient funding
[...] for raising the entry pay points of their staff to uphold the principle of "equal pay for equal work" and to avoid widening the salary gap between civil servants and staff members of subvented organizations, and monitor such organizations so that they should use the funding entirely for raising the entry pay points of their staff.
(d) ㆖述(a)段的減薪安排,應同樣適用於由㆓零零㆔年㆓月㆓十 六日起獲發聘書而入職薪酬支薪的㆟員;以及 (e) 由於法官和司法㆟員的薪酬和服務條件是按有別於公務員的安 [...]
排而訂定,因此,當局應就如何處理法官和司法㆟員的薪酬調 整㆒事,徵詢司法機構的意見,始行作出決定。
(d) the pay reduction referred to in (a)
above should also apply to
[...] officers on starting salaries who are offered appointment [...]
from (e) as the pay and conditions
of service of judges and judicial officers are determined separately from the civil service, the Judiciary should be consulted on the pay adjustment for judges and judicial officers before a decision is to be made.
至於醫管局 應否調高持所屬行業學士學位的護士及專職醫療人員入職薪酬, 生福利及食物局局長表示,這完全由醫管 局因應當前的市場薪酬及其他相關因素決定。
On whether HA should raise the starting salaries of its nurses and allied health professions who held an undergraduate degree in their respective field, SHWF said that it was entirely up to HA to determine such having regard to the prevailing market pay and other related factors.
两性薪金方面现有差距的起因在于:在多数情形下, 妇女或则从事薪酬不太高的领域的工作,传统上这些工作被视为女性的职业 (如教育和保健服务),我担薪酬较 低 的 职 位 (如 附属性职位),没有管理任务 和特权。
The existing gender pay gap is caused by the fact that women, in most cases, either work in less well-paid domains which are traditionally considered feminine occupations, such as education and health-care services, or occupy low-paid positions such as subordinate jobs with no managerial tasks or prerogatives.
象往常一样薪,该辞职员工 的工资会将 职 之 日 纳 入 计 算
Execute the payroll process as usual and his/her payroll will be calculated with the resignation date taken into consideration.
回顾其第 51/216 号决议第一节 B 部分以及大会给予的长期任务,其中要求 委员会继续审查在纽约的联合国专业及以 职 类 工 作人 薪酬 净 额 与在哥伦比 亚特区华盛顿的参照国公务员系统(美国联邦公务员系统)对 职 位 雇 员 薪酬净 额之间的关系(称为“比值
Recalling section 1.B of its resolution 51/216 and the standing mandate from the General Assembly, in which the Commission is requested to continue its
review of the relationship
[...] between the net remuneration of the United Nations staff in the Professional and higher categories in New York and that of the comparator civil service (the United States federal civil service) employees in comparable positions in Washington, [...]
D.C. (referred to as “the margin”)
妇女通常在家庭内承担大部分薪酬 的照料工作,这使她们更可能从事低 入 和 不牢靠的就业,或阻止她们根本进不 了劳工市场。
Women usually take on the bulk
[...] of unpaid care work in their households, making them more likely to engage in low paid and insecure employment, or preventing them from entering the labour market [...]
扼要來說,公 務員的基本職級廣分為 12 個資歷組別(附錄 C ),每個資 歷組別都有一個(或兩個)基準,而這些基準是因應以入職薪酬調查 所得,私營機構內具相類學歷及/或經驗要 求的職位入職薪酬來釐定的。
Briefly, basic ranks in the civil service are broadly divided into 12 Qualification Groups (QGs) (Appendix C), each with one (or two)
benchmark(s) set having
[...] regard to the entry pay in the private sector for jobs requiring similar educational qualifications and/or experiences as determined through previous SSSs.
經研究四 個可行方法的優點和不足之處後,我們建議採 用 廣義界定的 職
[...] 位屬系法比較公務員薪酬與私營機構僱員薪酬,以及採 用資歷基準 法, 特別就兩 個 界 別入 職薪酬進行比較。
Having assessed the relative merits and shortcomings of the four job comparison methods, we recommend adopting the broadly-defined job family method for comparing civil service pay levels and private sector pay
levels and the qualification benchmark method for a comparison
[...] specifically of starting salaries between the two sectors.




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