单词 | 入站 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入站 adjective —inbound adj
如果您希望具有专用的扫描站和专用的自动 导 入站 , 您需要购买可专用于自动导入的个别E组许可证。 graphics.kodak.com | If you wish to have [...] dedicated scanning stations and a dedicated Auto Import station, then you [...]would need to purchase a separate [...]Group E license that would be dedicated to Auto Import. graphics.kodak.com |
入站端口将会阻挡以及将不会响应来自网络的查询。 graphics.kodak.com | Inbound ports are blocked and will not respond to queries from the network. graphics.kodak.com |
还可以创建相应的规则来拒绝未使用 VLAN ID 标记的任何入站流量。 vmware.com | You can create a [...] rule to deny any incoming traffic that is [...]not tagged with a VLAN ID. vmware.com |
对加沙地带的封锁,涉及到多次关闭边境 出入 站,使 得居民无法得到必要的援助物品,特别是能 [...] 源,这可是医院和许多攸关民生设施的生命线。 daccess-ods.un.org | The blockade of the Gaza Strip, involving the repeated [...] closure of border entry and exit points, prevented [...]the population from obtaining necessary [...]aid items, particularly energy sources, which were a lifeline for hospitals and for many installations of vital importance to the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
(三 ) 在完成 為所有月台加裝 幕 門之前,九 鐵 公司會不 會 考慮調 低 列 車 入 站 的 車 速 , 但 提 高 其 餘 路 程 的 車 速 , 以 求 在不影 響 列 車 班 次 的 情況下,有 助 減低入 站 列 車對墮軌乘客 造 成的傷害; 若會考慮, 九 鐵 公司計 劃 設 定的入 站 車 速 上 限 是 甚麼; 若 不 會 考慮, 原 因 是 甚麼? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether, before completion of screen doors retrofitting works at all railway platforms, the KCRC will [...] consider setting a [...] lower speed for trains entering stations but a higher train speed at other sections so that, while not affecting the frequency of trains, it may help mitigate the injuries caused by incoming trains to passengers who fall onto the railway track; if it will, of the speed limit it intends to set for trains entering stations; if not, the reasons [...]for that? legco.gov.hk |
在第一个示例所演示的交互中,购买定单在单 向 入站 的 请 求中被接收,包括发票的确认在异步的响应中被发送。 huihoo.org | The first example shows an interaction in which a purchase order is received in a one-way inbound request and a confirmation including an invoice is sent in the asynchronous response. huihoo.org |
该活动提交的申请费用为 162,300 [...] 美元,包括培训训练员;编制系统防泄漏处理和系统改装的指导材料;编制维修使用 R22 的设备(空调)和改装良好做法的课程安排;75 [...] 个工具箱/空调设备试验性改装综合注 入站、7 个 R-22 维修/修理泄漏便携式回收和再循环工具箱、对 [...] 100 个技术员进行的关于 操作氟氯烃和强化配方方面的半天培训,以及对 [...]100 个维修厂进行的改装空调设备使用替 代气体的一天培训。 multilateralfund.org | The activity, which has been submitted for a cost of US $162,300, includes the training of trainers; development of guidance material for making systems leak proof and retrofitting systems; development of curricula for good practice in servicing R-22-based [...] equipment (AC) and retrofitting; 75 [...] toolsets/composite charging station for pilot retrofit [...]of AC units, 7 portable toolsets R&R [...]for R-22 servicing/repairing leaks, half day trainings for 100 technicians on good practice in handling HCFCs and tightening systems, and a one-day training for 100 service shops on retrofitting AC units to alternative gases. multilateralfund.org |
如果您将所有默认规则更改为拒绝所有 流量,vShield App 将丢弃所有入站和出站流量。 vmware.com | If you change all of the default rules to deny any traffic, the [...] vShield App drops all incoming and outgoing traffic. vmware.com |
这种保护阻止了对 此接口进行的入站连接,并阻止了 G3 发送某些诊断数据包,这些数据包 [...] 可能会向黑客提供系统信息,也可能被攻击者用于在没有实际数据传输时 保持连接活跃。 redlion.net | This protection prevents incoming connections [...] from being made to this interface, and prevents the G3 from sending certain [...]diagnostic packets that might either provide a hacker with information about the system, or might be used by an attacker to keep a connection active in the absence of actual data transfer. redlion.net |
允许Skype入站连接 可增强Skype通话的质量,无需特殊的防火墙规则或例外设定。 skype.com | Whilst allowing incoming connections to [...] Skype could increase the quality of a Skype call, no special firewall rules or exceptions are needed. skype.com |
C 系列触摸一体机,可满足多 种销售终端机 (POS)、信息终端(POI)和服务终端机(point of [...] service)等场所的高要求,包括零售和酒店接待显示装置、 客户预订系统、互联网接入站点、 数字标牌以及枕边娱乐、家 庭自动化和控制。 elotouch.com.cn | The C-Series touchcomputer family has been developed to meet the demanding needs of a wide variety of point-of-sale (POS), point-of-information (POI), and point-of-service venues, including retail and [...] hospitality display units, customer loyalty systems, [...] internet access sites, digital signage [...]as well as bedside entertainment, home automation and control. media.elotouch.com |
临时性的方案,例如拦截端口 25 或在出站流量上应用标准的入站反垃 圾邮件过滤,是不够的—可能会导致出现非常高错误率而让客户失望。 parallels.com | Patchwork solutions, such as blocking port 25 or employing standard inbound anti-spam filters on outbound traffic, are insufficient—they result in very high false positives and frustrated users. parallels.com |
其他安全限制包括:出站通信(outbound communication)只能通过所提供的邮件和URL fetch API进行,通过HTTP和HTTPS作为传输的 入站 通 信 (inbound communication)使用标准端口,禁止文件系统写操作和禁止子进程或代码在请求/响应循环外执行(例如后台操作和批操作)。 javakaiyuan.com | other safety restrictions include : Outbound traffic (outbound communication) can only be provided for mail and URL fetch API , HTTP and HTTPS as the transport of inbound communication (inbound communication) using the standard ports , banned file systemWriting system and the prohibition of child processes or code in the request/response cycle outside of execute ( such as background operation and batch operation) . javakaiyuan.com |
OL&T将负责管理朗盛公司在北美地区大部分业务 的 入站 与 出站物流,其中包括运输公司选择与资格认定、合同谈判、索赔、不符合项管理与报告,招标与运费审计以及支付服务等一系列完整的运输服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | OL&T will manage inbound and outbound logistics for most of LANXESS' business across North America, including complete transportation services such as carrier selection and qualification, contract negotiations, claims and non-conformance management and reporting, as well as tendering and freight audit and payment services. tipschina.gov.cn |
随着 Esker [...] 应付账款模块的推出,应付账款专家开始从用于接收、输入和跟 踪 入站 供 应 商发票的端到端功能中尝到了甜头,其中涉及到审批的自动采集、对账、发布、工作任务路由和详细报告。 esker.com.cn | With the Esker Accounts Payable module, AP [...] specialists benefit from end-to-end capabilities [...] for receiving, entering and tracking [...]inbound vendor invoices — encompassing automated [...]capture, reconciliation, posting, work task routing for approvals and detailed reporting. esker.co.uk |
对于 JAX-RPC 入站消息来说,容器将充当 JAX-RPC 服务器端运行时。 huihoo.org | For JAX-RPC inbound messages, the container will act as the JAX-RPC server side runtime. huihoo.org |
进入网站,您 会看到数据组成是受法律保护的,并且,根据上述1998年7月1日的法律规定,禁止直接或间接提取,重新使用,贮存,复制,转载或保存,在任何载体中,以任何方式和形式,全部或部分定性的或定量的,对您 进 入站 点 的 数据库内容部分定性或定量的提取或重复并系统使用,这些操作明显超出了正常使用的条件。 webtrafiz.cn | When accessing the present site, you recognize that the data of which it is composed are legally protected, and, in accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned law of 01/07/98, it is forbidden in particular to extract, re-use, store, reproduce, represent or keep, directly or indirectly, on any medium, by any means and in any form, all or part qualitatively or quantitatively substantial, of the content of the data bases appearing on the site which you access [...] or to make the extraction or repeated [...]and systematic re-use of parts qualitatively and quantitatively non substantial when these operations obviously exceed the normal conditions of use. webtrafiz.com |
如果系统中安装了防火墙,保证连接到以下端口 的 入站 已 进 行了配置 evget.com | If there is a firewall on your system, ensure that the inbound connections to the following ports are configured evget.com |
入站消息会被转发至邮件管理器,管理器可根据其配置将消息转发至 [...] 其它用户。 redlion.net | Incoming messages are forwarded [...] to the mail manager, which will optionally forward them to other users according to its configuration. redlion.net |
包括邮件、协同工作附件、FTP、IM、SOCKS 代理或 IMAP APPEND,每个服务器入站或出站都将被扫描和检验。 icewarp.cn | Be it email, GroupWare attachments, FTP, IM SOCKS Proxy or IMAP APPEND, every file going in or out of the server is scanned and validated. icewarp.eu |
这些 老化的计算机常常被分配给公共场所负荷较轻的用途,如图书馆和因特网 接入 站。 daccess-ods.un.org | These aging computers are often assigned to light-duty tasks in public areas, such as libraries [...] and Internet access stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們從多個角度接近搜索優化,確保網站設計優化的搜索,發展是搜索引擎友好的網站設計的內容策略,最大限度地提 高 入站 的 搜索流量和引導觀眾產生預期的業務目標;利用社會化媒體和替代的內容類型推動搜索展示位置和有效安置在移動設備上的搜索。 jvlimited.com.hk | We approach search optimization from several perspectives: ensuring website design is optimized for search; developing sites to be search-friendly; devising a content strategy that maximizes inbound search traffic and guides the resulting audience to desired business objectives; using social media and alternative content types to drive search placements; and effective placement for searches made on mobile devices. jvlimited.com.hk |
应用程序和 Web [...] 开发人员可以利用 API 对象的优势,使用入站/出站服务 器规则,内部 sms: 协议,甚至通过自定义 [...]SQL 语句和选择数据库存储和检索通信。 icewarp.cn | Application and web developers can take advantage of the [...] API objects, use incoming/outgoing server [...]rules, internal sms: protocol, or even [...]store and retrieve the communication by custom SQL statements and a database of choice. icewarp.eu |
DDC 技术是一个功能强大的数据识别引擎,能够提取和分析相关信息,实 现 入站 文 档的完全自动化;通过消除低效的手工数据录入步骤,简化了业务流程,提高了数据准确性并使企业得到不断成长。 esker.com.cn | DDC technology is a powerful data recognition engine which extracts and analyses [...] relevant information, enabling the complete [...] automation of inbound documents; thereby [...]streamlining business processes, improving [...]data accuracy and growing business by removing inefficient manual data entry steps. esker.com.au |
预览版的配额包括:3个应用/开发者、500MB存储/应用、2000封邮件/天(连续24小时)、 10 GB入站带宽、10 GB出站带宽、200M CPU兆周、650k HTTP请求、2.5M Datastore API调用和160k URL Fetch API调用。 javakaiyuan.com | preview version of the quota include : 3 application/developer , 500MB storage/application , 2000 messages/day ( 24 hours ), 10 GB bandwidth, inbound , 10 GB outbound Bandwidth , 200M CPU megacycles , 650kHTTP request , 2.5M Datastore API calls and 160k URL Fetch API calls . javakaiyuan.com |
申请人须向学校递交完整的申请资料(详情请见本 网 站 “ 入 学 申 请”部分)并支付申请费,学校方可继续为申请人办理剩余的申请手续。 ycis-sh.com | No. Only after a complete application is submitted to the school [...] (please see the “Admissions” section of this [...]website) and the application fee is paid [...]can the application proceed through the remaining part of the application process. ycis-sh.com |
这些计划包括对公共网站适应 性的分析及支持;在公共部门 及私人部门的专业培训,包括对所涉及 网 站 内 容的改进和更新;推动实施新型技 术方案以发展用于维护信息社会接入 水 平 的工具及服务,以及对于通用设计作为 保障信息社会无歧视服务的入口,提升对其重要性认识的社会敏感度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The projects include analysis of and support for the adaptation of public websites, the training of both public- and private-sector professionals involved in the development and updating of those websites, the launching of innovative technological projects designed to develop tools and services facilitating maintenance of the [...] level of accessibility required by law [...]and the promotion of awareness in society of the importance of universal design as a means of guaranteeing nondiscriminatory access to the services of the information society. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而 ,有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注 [...] ,包括受影響設施( 例 如 戴麟趾康復中 心 、 堅尼地城游泳池、 正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通 風井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 [...] 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車 站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。 legco.gov.hk | However, there are concerns over the reprovisioning of the affected facilities (such as David Trench Rehabilitation Centre, Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Centre Street Market West Block and open spaces); the possible adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students [...] and residents at Bonham Road; the [...] proposed locations of station entrances and the preservation [...]of tree walls at Forbes Street etc. legco.gov.hk |
杜拜的運輸系統相當先進,例如運用尖端科技的捷運系統(如上圖),部分公車站牌配備太陽能空調裝置,還有建設完善的道路網;不過我最近前往當地,也感受到其中部分缺點,例如縱然許多人搭乘捷運,要找到 車 站入 口 也不容易,道路指標也令人困惑,不易在市區內往來,若是錯過或走錯交流道,行程就會延誤許久。 thisbigcity.net | Dubai has a fairly sophisticated transportation system: a state-of-the-art metro system (pictured above), solar-powered air-conditioned bus stops (some, not all), and a well-built road network. thisbigcity.net |