单词 | 入睡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入睡 verb —sleep v入睡 —fall asleepSee also:睡 v—sleep v 睡—lie down
许多乘客抱怨说,由于定时点名、监狱警卫的喧哗和其他蓄意打 扰,他们在监狱里无法入睡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many passengers complained that they were prevented from sleeping in the prison due to regular roll-calls, noise from the prison guards and other deliberate disturbances. daccess-ods.un.org |
人 要入睡 , 而 且 要 酣睡, 是 要 經 過 在工作後 , 一 段 [...] 慢慢停 下 來 的 休 息時間。 legco.gov.hk | To fall asleep and sleep soundly, we [...] need rest time to slow down after work. legco.gov.hk |
陳偉業議員: [...] 主席,本人近日接獲不少市民投訴,指不少大廈外牆的廣 告燈箱發出的燈光對居民造成滋擾,使他們難 以 入睡。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALBERT CHAN (in Chinese): President, recently, I received many complaints from members of the public that the light emitted from advertising light boxes [...] (ALBs) on the external walls of many buildings has caused nuisance to residents, making it [...] difficult for them to fall asleep. legco.gov.hk |
如果 系统在一定时间内没有活动,则可以使其 进 入睡 眠 状 态,这样也可以使系统数据和访问更安 全化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hibernation of workstations left inactive for a given period would also make data and access to workstations more secure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在基里巴斯,许多青年每天 晚上入睡时都担心一夜之间他们的家会发生什么,特 别是在涨潮的时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Kiribati, many [...] young people go to sleep each night fearing [...]what may happen to their homes overnight, especially during very high tides. daccess-ods.un.org |
当与手机断开后,Jabra JOURNEY 将关闭并在 10 分钟后进入睡眠模式。 jabra.cn | When disconnected from the phone the Jabra JOURNEY will turn [...] of and go into sleep mode after 10 [...]minutes. jabra.com |
如果发生膝关节严重肿胀、疼痛或发红,或因为膝关节疼痛无 法 入睡 , 请 通知您的医 生。 iortho.com.my | Notify one of your treating [...] team if you get severe swelling, pain or redness in your knee, or if you can’t sleep because of your knee pain. iortho.com.my |
房间中愉快的气氛似乎与外面街道上的氛围相隔甚远,似乎要保护人们远离那些让人无 法 入睡 的 连 续不断的炮击和爆炸声。 unicef.org | The cheerful atmosphere in the room seemed miles from that on the streets outside, [...] protected as it was against the continuous sound of shelling and bombing that [...] had prevented us from sleeping the night before. unicef.org |
阿托克同意后, 接连 六个晚上,在他的妻儿入睡后, 在自己家里给四名希 斯巴军成员上了类似“给培训者的培训”的课程。 crisisgroup.org | Atok agreed and for six nights, after his wife and [...] children had gone to sleep, he gave a kind of [...]“training of the trainers” course at [...]his house to four members of Tim Hisbah. crisisgroup.org |
如果五分钟无人照看幼仔,它将会进 入睡 眠 模 式,在睡眠模式期间,幼仔会安静地发出呼噜声或打鼾,再过五分钟就会中断电源,以节省电池用电。 tipschina.gov.cn | If a cub is left unattended for five [...] minutes he will enter Sleep Mode, during [...]which he will purr or snore peacefully for [...]an additional five minutes before powering down to conserve batteries. tipschina.gov.cn |
恶魔在床垫:她的老,波诡云谲的床垫,穆里尔订单一个新的无 法 入睡。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Demon in the [...] Mattress: Unable to sleep on her old, lumpy [...]mattress, Muriel orders a new one. seekcartoon.com |
午夜太阳可能让您比平时更困难地进 入睡 眠 ;但从另一个方面说,为什么要在正常时间睡觉呢? visitfinland.com | The Midnight Sun can make [...] going to sleep a bit harder than usual, but then again, why go to sleep at normal hours? visitfinland.com |
尽管在人们入睡时火 灾事故的数量会有所下降,但深夜和凌晨发生火灾时的死亡率却最高。 cn.lubrizol.com | Although fire incidents [...] drop when people sleep, deaths are at their [...]highest late at night and in the early morning. lubrizol.com |
如果晚餐吃得清淡及少量 [...] (吃得時間較早),但是您覺得吃點心可以幫 助 入睡 , 也 不擔心攝取熱量過高時,那就沒有問題。 health.herbalife.com.tw | If your evening meal is small and light (and early), then a light snack is fine if you [...] feel it helps you sleep and you can afford [...]the calories. health.herbalife.com |
最初垂直的世界完全由图形的尺寸定义,没有深度或重量,混合的精确和不持续度”(2)它把我们推 进 入睡 眠 的错综复杂的模式。 luxe-immo.com | Initially a vertical world entirely defined by the graphic dimension, [...] without depth or weight, a mix of exactness and [...] unsubstantiality” (2) it plunges us into the intricate patterns of sleep. luxe-immo.com |
因此,雖然我們並 [...] 無就這項特定因素進行獨立研究,但一直有監察各種由司機引致的交通意 外成因的趨勢,其中包括司機「入睡 或 昏 昏欲睡」。 devb.gov.hk | Therefore, although we have not carried out any separate study on this particular factor, we have been monitoring the trend of various [...] driver contributory factors to traffic accidents including the one described as [...] drivers found to be “asleep or drowsy”. devb.gov.hk |
在试图让宾克入睡,, Norby这样做阅读宾克的书,名为“宝宝的一天”,让他无人值守。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While trying to [...] get Bink to fall asleep, Norby does so reading [...]Bink’s book titled “Baby’s Day Out”, leaving him unattended. seekcartoon.com |
在過去 3 年,在涉及 [...] 交通意外的職業司機當中,被發現在意外發生時正 「 入睡 或 昏 昏欲睡」的 佔 0.4%。 devb.gov.hk | In the past three years, 0.4% of [...] the number of professional drivers involved in accidents were [...] found to be ‘asleep or drowsy’ at [...]the time of the accident. devb.gov.hk |
系统用毕后,随着视频系统进入睡眠 模 式,系统将自动关闭显示器和扬声器电源。 lifesize.com | After you've finished using the system, as [...] the video system enters sleep mode, it will [...]automatically turn off power to the display and speaker. lifesize.com |
另一項以健康成年人為對象的研究發現褪黑激素顯著地縮 短 入睡 時 間 ,減少晚上的覺醒的次數,改善睡眠質素。 vitagreen.com | Another study of healthy, young adults found that melatonin [...] significantly shortened the time [...] needed to fall sleep, reduced the number of night awakenings, and improved sleep quality. vitagreen.com |
她们还可能监测自己家里的异常 [...] 活动—一些培训课程或行动策划就是在参与者认 为妻儿入睡后才开始进行的。 crisisgroup.org | They also may be aware of odd activities in their own homes [...] – some training sessions and plot discussions have taken place in homes after wives [...] and children were supposedly asleep. crisisgroup.org |
在省電方面,Pen Mouse [...] 搭載智慧自動偵測功能,可在偵測不到動作時,自動 進 入睡 眠 模 式,若要繼續使用,只要按下任何按鈕即可。 geniusnetusa.com | For power saving, a smart auto-detection is added to put [...] Pen Mouse into sleep mode when no action [...]has been detected, just press any button to start using it again. geniusnetusa.com |
每个人每天应该用含氟牙膏早晚刷牙两次,分别在早餐后 和 入睡 前。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Brushing twice a day – after breakfast in the morning and before bed at night – with fluoride toothpaste is recommended for everyone. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
研究亦發現,相對於一般床褥,使用者對Technogel®床褥的舒適度滿意程度較高,這是由於睡眠質素的提升,整體睡眠時間及沉睡時間的增長 , 入睡 後 醒來的機會減低等。 technogelsleeping.com | Professor's study shows that the subjective bed comfort was significantly higher during the night slept on the Technogel®-based mattress, and that it could be due to the increase of sleep quality, given that the total sleep [...] time and the time [...] spent in deep sleep (SWS) increase, while the wake during sleep period (WASO) [...]decreases in those nights. technogelsleeping.com |
他们白天不知怎样打发时间,晚上也 不知何时可入睡。 ccineurope.org | They do not know how to spend their time during the day, and do [...] not know when they can sleep at night. ccineurope.org |
即时,测试仪在进入睡眠状 态15秒 钟后(例如2分钟内无任何行动,则测试仪屏幕亮灯随之关闭后), [...] EQC测试将自动运作。 itcmed.com | When due, an EQC test will automatically run 15 seconds after the [...] analyzer goes into sleep mode (i.e., after [...]analyzer screen backlight turns off following 2 minutes of inactivity). itcmed.com |
手提箱在船舱中翻滚,船壁咯吱直响,让人难 以 入睡 - 该 出来透透气了!没有人能站得住脚跟,只能坐着穿衣服,每次移动我都想呕吐。 voith.com | The suitcases perform witches' dances in the cabin, the walls moan and groan, it [...] is impossible to sleep - time to get out! voith.com |
当午夜钟声敲响的时候,当世界入睡 的 时 候, 印度将苏醒过来,恢复自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | at the stroke of the midnight hour, [...] when the world sleeps, India will awake [...]to life and freedom. daccess-ods.un.org |
靜態活動(例如閱 讀或享受熱水澡)均有 助入睡。 psychosissucks.ca | Quiet activities such as reading or relaxing in a [...] hot bath help promote sleep. psychosissucks.ca |
内置最大可驱动4X14段显示的LCD驱动电路;31个可配置的I/O;三个8位计数器,其中两个可联合实现16位定时长度;内嵌实时时钟电路,保证系统 进 入睡 眠 状 态后实现不间断计时;11个中断源,包括四个外部中断入口,使系统能够快速响应各种内部或外部事件。 silan.com.cn | Built-in LCD driver which can drive max. 4X14 segments display, 31 configurable I/O ports and three 8-bit counters, two of which can be combined to achieve 16 timing length; Built-in real time [...] clock ensures the system uninterrupted [...] counting when it is in sleep state; 11 interrupt [...]sources, including four external interrupts, [...]enabling the system to respond quickly to internal or external events. silan.com.cn |