单词 | 入眠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入眠 —fall asleepSee also:眠 v—sleep v 眠—hibernate
低脂、高碳水化合物的食物消化速度比較快,也會刺激大腦製造不同的化學物質-這些化學物質可以有助於放鬆及容 易 入眠。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Low-fat, high carbohydrate meals are digested more [...] quickly, and stimulate the production of different brain chemicals – ones that help aid [...] relaxation and facilitate sleep. health.herbalife.com |
咖啡因和酒精均會中斷正常的睡眠模式;您可能可 以 入眠 , 但 無法睡很久。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Both caffeine and alcohol can [...] disrupt normal sleep patterns; you [...]might be able to fall asleep, but not for long. health.herbalife.com |
这些小动物是长途旅行、学校展示课以及极富情趣的雨天玩耍期间的理想物件,也非常适合于白天娱乐、夜 晚 入眠 以 及 午后偶尔小憩时使用。 tipschina.gov.cn | Ideal for long road trips, show and tell at school, and [...] imaginative rainy day play, the cubs are ready for daytime [...] recreation, nighttime sleep, and the occasional [...]afternoon nap. tipschina.gov.cn |
申诉人还说,他浑身上下饱受疼痛,患有头脑剧痛,无 法 入眠 等 病 症,他认 为这些均系他所受酷刑落下的症状。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author also stated that he [...] suffered from pain throughout his body, [...] severe headaches and sleeping problems, which he [...]believed were the result of the torture [...]he was subjected to; he submitted copies of notes from his medical record. daccess-ods.un.org |
負離子能讓您深沉入眠並於 沉睡時分泌成長激素,從而修復細胞組織,刺激細胞再生,促進腦細胞功能。 gnetrading.com | Negative [...] ions promote quality sleep and promote secretion [...]of growth hormone, which then helps in cell regeneration and tissue [...]repair, and also enhancing brain function. gnetrading.com |
另外,60岁的Charles在17年前出现类风湿髋关节炎,不但影响活动能力,更痛得难 以 入眠。 asiamedicalspecialists.hk | Another 60 year old Charles had rheumatoid osteoarthritis 17 years ago. Not only was the hip function affected, it [...] was too painful to sleep. asiamedicalspecialists.hk |
如果 系统在一定时间内没有活动,则可以使其 进 入 睡 眠 状 态 ,这样也可以使系统数据和访问更安 [...] 全化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hibernation of workstations left inactive [...] for a given period would also make data and access to workstations more secure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当与手机断开后,Jabra JOURNEY 将关闭并在 10 分钟后进入睡眠模式。 jabra.cn | When disconnected from the phone the Jabra JOURNEY will [...] turn of and go into sleep mode after 10 minutes. jabra.com |
最初垂直的世界完全由图形的尺寸定义,没有深度或重量,混合的精确和不持续度”(2)它把我们推 进 入 睡 眠 的 错综复杂的模式。 luxe-immo.com | Initially a vertical world entirely defined by the graphic dimension, [...] without depth or weight, a mix of exactness and [...] unsubstantiality” (2) it plunges us into the intricate patterns of sleep. luxe-immo.com |
城市常用燈光塑造身分,強調心目中最佳特質,@Neighborhoodist樂於接受缺陷,提到「美國洛杉磯居民無論好惡,都必須承認Staples中心的紫色光害與聚光燈,已成為這座城市的一大特色」,@harry_verhaar則回應,「好的照明不會造成大量光線外洩,讓人們能舒 適 入眠 , 不受光線干擾」;也有人論及辦公大樓照明太過浪費,@elyanaja提到美國聖地牙哥「一棟『永續』能源公司的辦公室燈光日夜不滅」,實在很「諷刺」。 thisbigcity.net | Neighborhoodist celebrated the flaws by saying ‘while in LA, love or hate it, purple light pollution and spotlights from Staples Center is definitely part of the spectacle character’. thisbigcity.net |
系统用毕后,随着视频系统进入睡眠 模 式 ,系统将自动关闭显示器和扬声器电源。 lifesize.com | After you've finished using the system, as [...] the video system enters sleep mode, it will automatically [...]turn off power to the display and speaker. lifesize.com |
但作為一個選項,Seagate 磁碟機可以設定為在一段時間後進入 休 眠 狀 態。 seagate.com | However, as an option, the Seagate [...] drive can be set to sleep after a period of time. seagate.com |
最佳睡眠温度:研究显示,当室温在18℃--24℃-,而被了中温度保持在32℃--34℃时,人在睡眠过程中感觉最为舒适,睡眠质量也会达到最佳,当温度低于或高于此最佳温度时,都容易使人产生不舒适感,如果温度低于18℃-,人会感觉寒冷,身体以及各器官将收缩、紧张,导致不容 易 入眠 ; 而如果温度高于30℃时,人体新陈代谢过旺,能量消耗增大,汗液增多,配后反而感觉疲劳、困倦,还容易受凉。 huichangwangda.com | The best sleeping temperature: Studies show that when the room temperature at 18 ℃ - 24 ℃ - Sino-temperature maintained at 32 ° C - 34 ° C, people feel most comfortable during sleep, sleep quality will achieve the best when the temperature is below or above this optimal temperature, people are likely to produce comfort, if the temperature is below 18 ° C -, people will feel the cold, the [...] body and organs will shrink tension, [...] resulting in not easy to sleep; If the temperature [...]is above 30 ℃, the human metabolism, [...]excessive energy consumption increases, increased perspiration, but feel with after fatigue, sleepiness, but also easy to catch cold. huichangwangda.com |
启用PowerNap,可以调低显示器的亮度或在不使用时使其 进 入 睡 眠 模 式 ,从而帮助降低功耗。 accessories.ap.dell.com | Engage PowerNap to help reduce power consumption by dimming the monitor or by [...] putting it into sleep mode when not in use. accessories.ap.dell.com |
主席,最近有 1宗報道是關於上海菜市場的一名賣菜大媽蔡洪平,人稱菜花甜媽, 她唱了改編自意大利經典歌劇曲目“ 今夜無人入眠” 的一曲而一鳴驚 人,教我聯想到文化藝術的真諦是來自人民,源自生活,又高於生活, 更要服務人民。 legco.gov.hk | President, there is recently a report about CAI Hongping, a vendor selling vegetables in a market in Shanghai; some people call her Sweet Mom CAI, who became famous overnight after she sang a song adapted from a classic Italian opera "Nessun Dorma", which means "none shall sleep tonight". legco.gov.hk |
在待机模式5分钟后,或如果她被放倒躺下超过10秒钟,她将 进 入 睡 眠 模 式。 tipschina.gov.cn | After an additional 5 minutes in Standby Mode, or if she is left lying on her back for more than 10 [...] seconds, she will enter Sleep Mode. tipschina.gov.cn |
世界上的食物,足以餵飽全球七十億人口,但根據聯合國糧農組織(FAO)2012年10月公佈的最新數據,全球飢餓人口仍高達8.7億人,平均每8人中就有1人餓著肚 子 入眠。 30hf.org.tw | However, according to figures released by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in 2011, there are still 925 million hungry people in the world. 30hf.org.tw |
内置最大可驱动4X14段显示的LCD驱动电路;31个可配置的I/O;三个8位计数器,其中两个可联合实现16位定时长度;内嵌实时时钟电路,保证系统 进 入 睡 眠 状 态 后实现不间断计时;11个中断源,包括四个外部中断入口,使系统能够快速响应各种内部或外部事件。 silan.com.cn | Built-in LCD driver which can drive max. 4X14 segments display, 31 configurable I/O ports and three 8-bit counters, two of which can be combined to achieve 16 timing length; Built-in real time [...] clock ensures the system uninterrupted [...] counting when it is in sleep state; 11 interrupt [...]sources, including four external interrupts, [...]enabling the system to respond quickly to internal or external events. silan.com.cn |
如果您的電腦 在進入待命或休眠後, 無法順利回到正常運作的狀態,請勿勾選此選項。 avermedia.eu | If your computer has problem with being out of Stand By or Hibernate mode, please clear the Stand By/Hibernate option. avermedia.eu |
磁碟機會在這段時間內自行運作,並且系統可以決定它是否應該 進 入 待 命或 休 眠 模 式。 knowledge.seagate.com | The drive is working on its own at these times and the system may decide [...] it should go into Standby or Hibernate modes. knowledge.seagate.com |
當您要離開電腦一段時間,您可以利用本產品設定在某個時間將電腦關閉或讓您的電腦進 入待命/休眠、關機、離開應用程式或登出的狀態。 avermedia.eu | This option allows you to put your [...] computer in Stand By / Hibernate mode, power off, exit [...]the application or log off from the [...]computer while you are away from the computer. avermedia.eu |
某些生活方式的改变可以帮助更多休息睡眠,比如少饮含咖啡因的饮料,减少对糖的 摄 入 , 采 用正常 睡 眠 时 间 等。 cn.iherb.com | Certain lifestyle changes can encourage more [...] restful sleep, including the elimination of caffeinated beverages, cutting [...] down on sugar and adopting regular sleeping hours. iherb.com |
强大的病毒已经把所有的北美陷入了 深 深的 睡 眠。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A powerful virus has put [...] all of North America into a deep sleep. seekcartoon.com |
使用者可設定深度睡眠模式,當系統閒置一段時間後,就會自動 進 入 深 度 睡 眠 模 式,不但為您節省能源,還能幫助延長硬碟壽命。 synology.com | Deep Sleep mode can be manually configured [...] to take effect automatically when the system has been inactive for a period of time. synology.com |
修正沒有設定錄影排程時無法進入系 統 休 眠 的 問 題。 synology.com | Fixed the system hibernation issue when recording [...] schedule is empty. synology.com.tw |
虽然 被关入不同 的监狱,他们与其他乘客的遭遇相同,包括剥夺 睡 眠 和 不 允许会见律 师。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although taken to a different prison, they had [...] similar experiences to the other passengers, including sleep deprivation and denial of access to a lawyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
压力,焦虑,以及失眠, 药物 公司不会告诉您且您的医生可能也不知道的。 cn.iherb.com | STRESS, ANXIETY, AND INSOMNIA, What the drug companies won't tell you and your Doctor doesn't know. iherb.com |
项目厅还修订 [...] 了两年期财务报表附注 7,以澄清休眠和活动定额备用金账户的区别,以及此后 [...]直至年底的关闭工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOPS also amended note 7 of its biennium [...] financial statements to clarify the [...] differences between dormant and active [...]imprest accounts and report the closure thereof subsequent to year end. daccess-ods.un.org |
這些措施包括僱主在工作編排方面應注意的事 項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助 睡 眠 的 環 境,盡快 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以 及僱員應避免 睡 眠 前 飲 用咖啡、 茶或含酒精的飲品等。 legco.gov.hk | These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in arranging [...] work; the advice that [...] employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep. legco.gov.hk |
外聘审计员和执行局已经对休眠的预算外资金项目数量之多表示了关注,在过去的双年 度中,总部各处和总部外办事处已经采取行动,审查了项目文件,终止了那些实际已经到期 但是仍有少量剩余资金的项目,并为那些需要终止的项目提出了撤出项目的方式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The External Auditors and the Executive Board having raised concerns over the high number of dormant extrabudgetary projects, action was taken in the last biennium by Headquarters divisions and field offices to review their portfolios of projects, close down those that had actually terminated but for which small residual funds remained, and identify the exit strategy for those that needed to be closed. unesdoc.unesco.org |