

单词 入声

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

科国防军和新生 力量安全部队经常拒绝专家组入, 声 称 他们必须在检查前 48 小时获得通知。
FDS-CI and FDS-FN units frequently deny access to the Group of Experts, claiming that they require 48-hours notice in advance of inspection.
如被雇用,请附上过去一年的税款申报表和 W-2(由您雇主提供的入声明)的副本,以及过去三个月的支票存根 。
If you are unable to supply one of the documents or there are additional factors that may influence the evaluation, please submit a written statement explaining your situation.
将设备放在目标位置并直线推动 ThermoLazer™,直 到前轮锁入中心位置 (当轮胎卡入时可听到轻微的入声)。
Lazer™ forward in a straight line until front wheel locks into centered position (a slight click will be heard when wheel is engaged).
将支承轨道挂入安装导轨,并小心地将底部推向墙壁,直至听到支承入 的声音。
Suspend the cap rail clip in the cap rail and push the underside carefully towards the wall until the clip can be heard to click into place.
因此,条约状况表今后应在‘也门’名称下,列出首先成 为当事方的国家完成(签署、批准、 入 、 声 明 和 保留等)程序的日期,必要 时并在脚注中注明随后成为当事方的国家完成的程序”。
Accordingly the tables showing the status of treaties will now indicate under the designation ‘Yemen’ the
date of the formalities (signatures,
[...] ratifications, accessions, declarations and reservations, [...]
etc.) effected by the State
which first became a party, those eventually effected by the other being described in a footnote.
Free-field microphones have a uniform frequency response for the sound pressure that existed before the microphone was introduced into the sound field, and are designed to compensate for their own disturbing presence.
根据一些与会者的意见,工作组主席收回了他的提议:明确 入声 称“ 儿时权利曾经遭到侵犯”的个人或者群体。
The Chairperson withdrew his proposal, based on statements from some participants, to explicitly include individuals or groups of individuals claiming “to have been victims while they were children” of a violation.
日内交易模型的精度也受益于以下事实,即日内交易中价格变化往往是由于自然的技术性原因,而更少的由于诸如 入声 明 之类的外部事件。
The accuracy of intraday models is also helped by the fact that price changes that occur during the trading day tend to be mostly technical in nature and less due to external events such as earnings announcements.
缔约国可以在签署、批准、或入本 议 定书时 声 明 不 承认本条第 1 款(b)项和(或)(c)项 所规定的委员会的权限。
A State party may, at the time of signature or ratification of
[...] the present Protocol or accession thereto, declare that [...]
it does not recognize
the competence of the Committee provided for in subparagraph 1 (b) and/or (c) of the present article.
您可以通过 XLR 转 USB 声卡上的硬件增益开关或软件来调 声 卡 的 输 入 增 益 ,从而调声压的测量范围。
You can adjust the sound level measurement range by adjusting the input gain of the XLRto-USB sound card through [...]
its hardware gain switch and/or the software.
如果作为听证结果,参与机构认定信息并非不准确、误导或违反您的孩子的隐私权或其它 权利,则该机构必须通知您有权在其保管的纪录中 入 一 项 声 明 , 对信息进行说明,或提 供您不同意参与机构决定的任何原因。
If, as a result of the hearing, the participating agency decides that the information is not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of your child, it must inform you of your right to place in the records that it maintains on your child a statement commenting on the information or providing any reasons you disagree with the decision of the participating agency.
主席的第二项建议:“但是,本公约第 31 条或第 32 条涉及的缔约国均可在交存批准 书、接受书或入书时声明愿 意在力所能及的范围内向本公约设立的基金捐款。
Chairman’s second proposal: “Nonetheless, each State Party concerned with Article 31 or Article 32 of this
Convention may, at the
[...] time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, declare that [...]
it will contribute
to the Fund established by this Convention to the extent of the amount it is capable of contributing.
然后将受话器/扬声器轻轻地入头带 圈。
Gently press the receiver/speaker into the headband ring.
澳大利亚观察员代表加拿大和新西兰对关于动议的表决结果感到 遗憾,表示理事会的讨论中应入多 种 声 音 ,即使某些声音不同于该国政府的声 音。
The observer for Australia, speaking on behalf of Canada and New Zealand, expressed regret about the outcome of the vote on the motion, stating that plural voices should be accommodated in Council discussions, even where they differ from those of their own Governments.
轻轻地将耳勾挂到耳后,然后将声 器 放 入 耳 内
Gently wrap the earhook behind your
[...] ear and fit the speaker into the ear.
一些代表团表示,食典标准和相关文本都是自愿的,须有政府来决定哪些标准的 规定必须纳入国家立法;所以将这 声 明 纳 入 食 典 文件是多余的,应予以删除。
Some delegations indicated that Codex standards and related texts were of voluntary nature and that it was up to governments to decide which provisions of the
standards should be
[...] mandatory for inclusion in national legislation and therefore the inclusion of such a statement [...]
in Codex documents was
redundant and should be deleted.
入墙式扬声器,您可以选择 CWM 8180(具有高端规格,包括一个 [...]
Kevlar FST 中音驱动器和一个 200 毫米 Rohacell 低音驱动器)或者 CWM DS8(只需按一下遥控器按钮,您就可以在偶极模式和传统环绕声模式之间随意切换)。
For in-wall speakers, you could choose [...]
between the CWM 8180, with its high-end spec including a Kevlar FST midrange driver
and 200mm Rohacell bass driver, or the CWM DS8, which can switch between dipole and conventional surround modes at the push of a remote-control button.
(5) 凡第(1)款所述的国家或组织,在递交本议定书的批准书、接受书或同意书, 或者本议定书的入书时,可声明 在 本议定书对其生效之日以前根据本议定书进行 [...]
(5) Any State or organization referred to in paragraph (1) may, when depositing its
instrument of ratification, acceptance
[...] or approval of, or accession to, this Protocol, [...]
declare that the protection resulting
from any international registration effected under this Protocol before the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to it cannot be extended to it.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the [...]
claimant has established a legal interest
in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
由于此阻抗匹配网络是低声放大器的入,它 的损耗将大大影响级联 NF,所以 设计人员必须在最佳阻抗匹配和 [...]
NF 性能之间权衡,同时 要特别注意匹配网络中每个组件的品质因数。
Since this impedance
[...] matching network is at the input of the LNA, its loss [...]
will have significant impact on cascaded NF,
so the designer must trade off optimal impedance match for NF performance while also paying careful attention to the quality factor of each component in the matching network.
一种控制辩论发言时间的新声 像 系 统 已入 使 用 , 对 发 言 者 ( 多 数 属部长级)的讲话时间进行了更好的管 [...]
A new visual and sound system aimed at gauging speaking [...]
time during the debates was introduced, thus allowing a better management
of time for the speakers (mostly of ministerial level) and a considerable gain of time for participants at large.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在过去的计划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的声,在 众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 [...]
The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO
[...] office, its spotty reputation for programme [...]
delivery in the past, the absorption of
its small number of staff in numerous small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.
但是,如果有条件解释声明实 际上 的“行为好像”一保 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题对于条约关系的内容和(甚至存在)并没有实 际的影响。
However, in the event that the conditional interpretative declaration actually “behaves like” a reservation, the question of whether it meets the conditions for the permissibility of reservations does have a real impact on the content (and even the existence) of treaty relations.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主 声 明 (S /PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
[...] 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不公开透明;没有解决标准争议的程 序声称这些标准比公共标准安全可能会误导消费者。
Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open
and transparent; there was no dispute
[...] settlement procedure for these standards; [...]
and claims stating that these standards were
safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
[...] 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求 入 价 值 观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 [...]
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in
curricula review and revision, particularly
[...] the introduction of values education [...]
and ethical approaches, in accordance with
national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份, 入 將 授 予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266
[...] 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 [...]
1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出
319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to
General Assembly resolution 63/266, the
[...] Secretary-General has included in his report a [...]
projection of the total budget for special
political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
(i) 本公司可按董事會認為合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可入或認 購或以其他方式收購本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 務援助入或認 購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及入法定 人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.




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