

单词 入境签证

See also:

入境 n

entry n
immigration n
immigrants pl



签证 n

certificate n


log on
log in

External sources (not reviewed)

道路车辆专业司机在申请签证时不得不经过复杂而繁琐的手续,而且 一般每次只能获得一个单入境签证。
Professional road vehicle drivers have to go
through complicated and difficult procedures to apply for visas and are generally granted
[...] only a single-entry visa each time.
专家组在亚的斯亚贝巴获取了苏丹单 入境签证 后 ,于 2010 年 2 月 3 日开始在 苏丹的第一次任务。
After receiving single-entry visas to the Sudan in [...]
Addis Ababa, the Panel conducted its first mission to the Sudan, starting on 3 February 2010.
关于移民管制,有关移民的第 1312 号法及其相关条例(第 26/78 号法令)规
[...] 定,外国公民到古巴旅行,要持主管机关签发的有效护照 入境签证。
With regard to immigration control, Act No. 1312 on migration and its accompanying regulations (Decree No. 26/78) stipulate that in
order to travel to Cuba, a foreign citizen must hold a valid passport issued by a competent
[...] authority, and an entry visa.
若申请人因第 2
[...] 点所述的原因经常入境西班牙,可以获得长时间段的多 入境 签证。
Applicants who travel to Spain
assiduously due to any of the reasons mentioned above in section 2 will be able to obtain a
[...] long-stay multiple entry visa.
这些方面包括提入境签证、工 作许 可、旅行通知、海关免检和快速征聘本国工作人员的手续等。
These were related
[...] to providing entry visas, work permits, [...]
travel notifications, customs exemption and speedy recruitment
procedures for national staff, etc.
[...] 于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官 入境签证 的 第四条 第 11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作”,并对此后的段落重新编号。
The Secretary-General, as the custodian of the Headquarters Agreement, shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement, in particular its article IV, section 11 and section 13 (a),
governing the host country’s legal
[...] obligation to grant entry visas to the officials [...]
of all Member States attending United Nations meetings.
委员会特别回顾方案 6(法律事务)
[...] 项下的建议,内容涉及东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官入境签证。
In particular the Committee recalled its recommendation under programme 6, Legal affairs,
concerning the host country’s legal
[...] obligation to grant entry visas to the officials [...]
of all Member States attending United Nations meetings.
26.6 不结盟运动的各位部长表示严重关切联合国总部的东道国拒绝或 拖延向任何不结盟运动成员国的代表发 入境签证 , 并重申政治观点不应 干扰依据总部协定为不结盟运动成员国参加联合国活动提供必要便利。
26.6 The NAM Ministers expressed their serious concern about the denial of or the delay in the issuance of entry visas to the representatives of any NAM Member States by the host country of the United Nations Headquarters, and reiterated that political observations shall not interfere with the provision of facilities required under the Headquarters Agreement for the Member States to participate in the United Nations activities.
回顾其内容随后得到大会认可的方案和协调委员会的报告(A/65/16) 的第 107 段,并进一步重申,秘书长作为《总部协定》的托管人,应加强该 协定的执行工作,特别是关于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有 会员国官入境签证的第四条第 11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作。
6.11 The Secretary-General, as the custodian of the Headquarters Agreement, shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement, in particular its article IV, section 11 and section 13 (a), governing the host country’s legal obligation to grant entry visas to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings, in accordance with paragraph 107 of the report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, as endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/244.
最终的安排是,专 家组收到有效期一个月的单 入境签证 , 之后在喀土穆期间可再延长一个月。
The eventual arrangement was that the Panel
[...] received single-entry visas, valid for one month, [...]
and a subsequent extension for another month while in Khartoum.
如果被递解出境或驱逐的外国人是与白俄罗斯共和国建立了 入境签证制 度 的国家的公民,则由有关内务机构向被递解出境或驱逐的外国人签发从白俄罗 [...]
When deporting or expelling an alien who is a citizen of a
State with which the Republic of Belarus
[...] has established a visa entry and exit regime, [...]
the relevant internal affairs body issues
the alien being deported or expelled with an exit visa from the Republic of Belarus, or with a travel document, for the period necessary to execute the deportation or expulsion order.
在提交所需的资料后,菲 律宾休闲与退休署将建议移民局将单次入境SRRV换成多 入境签证。
Upon the submission of the documentary requirements, the
Authority will recommend to the Bureau of
[...] Immigration the conversion of single entry SRRV to multiple indefinite-entry visa.
[...] 在以下方面继续合作:及时部署本国观察员,帮助所有国际观察员不受阻碍地开 展活动,包括发入境签证和居 住签证。
Furthermore, once the Mechanism has been activated, its effective functioning will require their continued cooperation in the timely deployment of national monitors and the facilitation of
the unhindered movement of all international monitors, including with regard to
[...] the issuance of entry and residence visas.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国继续敦促东道国遵守《总部协定》,特别是第 11、12 和13条所规定的关于向会员国代表签 入境签证 的 义 务。
The Islamic Republic of Iran continued to urge the host country to comply with its obligations under the Headquarters
Agreement, in particular sections 11, 12 and 13, with
[...] regard to the issuance of entry visas for representatives [...]
of Member States.
来自免旅游签证国家的外交或公务护照持有人不需要巴 西 入境签证 , 但 摩纳 哥和新西兰的此类护照持有人除外。
Holders of diplomatic or official
passports from countries exempt from
[...] tourist visas do not need a visa to enter Brazil, except [...]
holders of these passports from Monaco and New Zealand.
谨向你——东道国关系委员会主席——转递所附的伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻 联合国代表团于 2010 年 3 月 15 日和 2010 年 5 月 7
[...] 日分别发给美国常驻联合国 代表团的普通照会,事关无理拖延处理及随后拒绝向伊朗伊斯兰共和国副外长签 发美入境签证事宜(见附件)。
I have the honour to address you, in your capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country, in relation to the attached notes verbales sent by the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations to the United States Mission to the United Nations on 15 March 2010 and 7 May 2010, respectively, concerning the unjustified delays in the processing
and subsequent denial of
[...] a United States entry visa for the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs [...]
of the Islamic Republic of Iran (see annexes).
联合国通行证持有人需要获得巴西 入境签证。
Holders of a United Nations laissez-passer need to
[...] obtain a visa to enter Brazil.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团向美国驻联合国代表团致敬,并谨提及 后者 2010 年 5 月 24
[...] 日的普通照会,该照会有关拒绝向负责法律和国际事务的副 外交部长穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克洪德扎德赫·巴斯提签发美 入境签证。
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to the latter’s note verbale
dated 24 May 2010 concerning the denial of a
[...] United States entry visa to Mohammad Mehdi [...]
Akhondzadeh Basti, Deputy Foreign Minister
for Legal and International Affairs.
根据第 354/2003 号移民公告,如果发入境签证申请人或持有人是臭名昭 著的罪犯,被视为对安全构成威胁,可以拒绝发给或取消此种签证。
Pursuant to Immigration Proclamation No. 354/2003, an entry visa may be denied [...]
or cancelled if the applicant or the holder
is found to be a notorious criminal who has been found to be a threat to the security.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,并谨提 请后者注意在处理伊朗伊斯兰共和国负责法律和国际事务、主管联合国事务副外 长穆罕默德·迈赫迪·阿克洪德扎德赫·巴斯提先生阁下的美 入境签证 申 请事 宜上长期拖延不决的情事。
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and has the honour to draw the latter’s attention to the long delays in the processing of requests for an entry visa to the United States for H.E. Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh Basti, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who is in charge of United Nations affairs.
苏丹政府随后承诺审批 所有积压待批入境签证申请
The Government has committed to clearing the backlog of pending entry visa applications shortly thereafter.
除了手续完成后领取学生准证时须向ICA支付发证费和多 入境签证 费 外 ,其他所有费用均应支付给London School of [...]
Business & Finance Pte Ltd。
All fees are payable to London School of
Business & Finance Pte Ltd
[...] except for the issuance fee and multiple-entry visa fee which [...]
are payable to ICA during completion
of formality to collect the Student Pass.
经过数个月无理拖延处理阿克洪德扎德赫·巴斯提先生的美 入境签证 申请 使其无法参加联合国有关会议之后,美国当局于 [...]
2010 年 4 月 30 日正式通知伊朗 驻伯尔尼大使馆,他的申请已被拒绝。
After months of unjustified delays in the
processing of Mr. Akhondzadeh Basti’s
[...] applications for an entry visa to the United [...]
States, which prevented him from attending
the related United Nations meetings, the United States authorities officially informed the Iranian Embassy in Bern on 30 April 2010 that his request had been denied.
作为最低目标,区域各成员国可向公路车辆专业驾驶人员和车队人员 发放一年有效的多入境签证。
As a minimum target, regional member countries may pursue
[...] multiple-entry visas valid for one [...]
year for professional drivers and crews of road vehicles.
2009 年 12 月 2 日递 交了新的(第二次)申请(第 343-4/6607a 号普通照会),目的是出席妇女地位委员 会第五十四届会议(2010 年 3 月 1 日至 12
[...] 日),但他又未能出席会议,因为他没 有收到美国入境签证。
A new (second) application was submitted on 2 December 2009 (note verbale No. 343-4/6607a) for attending the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women
(1-12 March 2010), and again he was not able to attend the event because he did not
[...] receive a United States entry visa.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国常驻联合国代表团获悉,原定前来出席联合国武器贸易条 约会议筹备委员会第二届会议的伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团成员 Reza Najafi 先生 仍未获入境签证。
The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations has been informed that the requested United States entry visa for Mr. Reza Najafi, member of the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, has not yet been issued.
5.注意到委员会预期东道国将加大努力,根据《联合国和美利坚合众国间 关于联合国总部的协定》3 第四条第十一节的规定,确保及时向会员国代表签入境签证,使 他们能够前往纽约进行联合国的事务;并注意到委员会预期东道国 将加大努力,酌情提供便利,包括签 入境签证 , 使 会员国代表能够参加其他联 合国会议
that the Committee anticipates that the host country will enhance its efforts to ensure the issuance, in a timely manner, of entry visas to representatives of Member States, pursuant to article IV, section 11, of the Agreement between the United
Nations and the United
[...] States of America regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations3 to travel to New York on United Nations business; and notes that the Committee anticipates that the host country will enhance efforts to facilitate participation, including visa issuance, of representatives [...]
of Member States
in other United Nations meetings as appropriate
工作组提出了因外国人没有有效 入境签证 或 签 证过期,或因其非法进入德 国或非法过境而对之实施拘留的相称性问题,他们通常会被判处重刑。
The Working Group raises the issue of proportionality concerning the detention of foreigners for not having a valid entry visa or for having an expired visa, as well as the detention for illegal entry to Germany or illegal border crossing, which is often coupled with harsh sentencing.
在这方面专家组指出,尽管 苏丹政府就在亚的斯亚贝巴签发单 入境签证 发 出 长期有效的命令,但往往行不 通,因为签证官员对每次签证申请都要求有喀土穆新的授权。
The Panel notes in this context that the standing
order of the Government of the
[...] Sudan for the issuance of single-entry visas to the Panel [...]
in Addis Ababa did not work at
times because officials would nevertheless request new authorization from Khartoum for every application that was submitted.




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