单词 | 入境前 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入境前 noun —pre-entry nSee also:入境 n—entry n • immigration n • immigrants pl
(g) 确保所有边境管制行动和其他入境前 机 制的准则与做法均明确、充分尊 重国际法,特别是国际难民和人权法所规定的对寻求国际保护的人的义务 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) To ensure that guidelines and [...] practices in all border control operations and other pre-entry mechanisms [...]are clear and fully respect [...]their obligations under international law, particularly international refugee and human rights law, towards persons seeking international protection daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然第 [...] 1970(2011)号决议中有对这一规定的人道主义豁免,但要获得豁免,必须 在 入境 前得到制裁委员会的许可。 daccess-ods.un.org | While resolution 1970 (2011) contains a humanitarian [...] exemption to this provision, to enact this, permission must be sought from the [...] sanctions Committee in advance of entry. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果旅客在缅甸入境前9天之内曾到过黄热病发作区域,或在此中转,则该旅客需提供黄热病相关证明。 shangri-la.com | Yellow fever certification is required for entry into Burma [...] if the traveller arrives within 9 days after leaving or transiting [...]through areas where yellow fever is present. shangri-la.com |
尽管阿尔及利亚和尼日尔基于人道主义理由允许这些 人入境,但未能取得入境前的批准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although Algeria and the Niger posited [...] humanitarian grounds for the entry into their countries of these individuals, they failed to [...] secure the approval prior to entry. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 在新加坡,建築工㆟的定義,並不包括住在㆞盤的工㆟, 以及每㆝從外㆞入境前往㆞ 盤工作的工㆟。 legco.gov.hk | (a) in Singapore, the definition of construction workers excludes workers living at worksites and workers who commute daily from abroad to work there. legco.gov.hk |
在公司中将担任行政、技术、管理或高度机密职务一年以上五年以下的外国人可 以根据《申请菲律宾移民法》第9(g)节的规定申 请 入境前 雇 聘 签证。 philcongenxiamen.com | An alien who will be occupying an executive, technical, managerial or highly confidential position in a company for at least one year, but [...] not to exceed five years, may [...] apply for a pre-arranged employment visa under Sec. 9(g) of the Philippine Immigration Act. philcongenxiamen.com |
雖然香港擁有地理和國際網絡的優勢,但由於現時轉口貨物均受《進出 口條例》規管,貨運人須在貨物 入境前 預 先申請,當中受規管貨物的類別繁 [...] 多,較其他轉口機場如新加坡、曼谷和台北等為多,而且貨物又有不同的監 管要求,並涉及不同的政府部門,在解讀方面亦因人而異,加上申請需時, [...] 往往導致貨運轉到其他港口轉運貨物,對本港的轉口貿易無疑造成一定的影 響。 legco.gov.hk | In spite of Hong Kong's advantages in [...] its geographical location and international [...]network, since re-export goods are regulated [...]by the Import and Export Ordinance, the consignor is required to make an application prior to the arrival of the cargo; there are numerous types of regulated goods and their types are far more than those prescribed in other airports handling re-export goods, such as the airports in Singapore, Bangkok and Taipei. legco.gov.hk |
我們會維持有效的入境前及入境後管 制措施,以防旅客逾期居留。 legco.gov.hk | We will maintain effective pre-entry and post-entry controls [...] to prevent overstaying. legco.gov.hk |
為確保 有效的 入 境 管 制,任 [...] 何人士如 欲 來 港就業 或開辦業務,必須在 入 境 前向入 境 事務處 申 請 有關的 簽 證 或 進 入 許 可。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure effective immigration control, persons who wish to enter Hong Kong for employment or to set up a business [...] have to apply for a relevant entry visa or entry permit from the [...] Immigration Department before they can enter Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
況且,由於20支裝 香煙與19支香煙在數量上只相差1支,在入境免稅店購買了免稅香煙的 人士可能會不惜丟掉1支香煙,以便入境時免繳稅款,不難想像他們屆 時會一邊口中唸唸有詞地抱怨,一邊無奈地拆開煙包及丟掉1支香煙, 如此勢將會成為這羣煙民入境前的指 定動作,相信也是自實行全面禁煙 後,街外後巷煙霧彌漫及煙民三五成羣圍着垃圾桶進行所謂“打邊爐”的 景象,將會與煙民進入海關前一起拋掉香煙的情況,成為香港的兩個奇 景。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that what we have seen since the total smoking ban ― scenes of puffers surrounding smoke-enveloped litter bins in alleys like people eating from "hot pots" ― together with scenes of smokers throwing away their cigarettes before customs clearance, will surely become two "wonderful" scenes in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
不丹现行的臭氧 [...] 条例规定了逐步淘汰消耗臭氧层物质的法律框架,并要求使用氟氯化碳的设备和打算进口 的消耗臭氧层物质在入境前获得许可。 multilateralfund.org | The current ozone regulations in Bhutan provide the legal framework for ODSs phase-out, [...] and require that CFC-based equipment and ODS being [...] imported have a license before these can be brought [...]into the country. multilateralfund.org |
在审查贸发会议文件时还提及了各种政策问题,例如“免费 搭车者”和身份问题、入境前和入境 后 条 款以及最惠国待遇标准和其他投资保护 [...] 标准之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reviewing the UNCTAD papers reference was also made to various policy [...] questions such as the “Free rider” and [...] identity issues, pre-entry and post-entry clauses and [...]the relationship between the MFN treatment [...]standard and other standards of investment protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
在這方面, 入 境事務處 有否加 強 入 境檢查 , 在 這些人 入 境 前已經 加 以 阻 止 ? legco.gov.hk | In this regard, has the ImmD stepped up its immigration control so that these people [...] can be intercepted before they enter Hong Kong? legco.gov.hk |
已由雇主提出申请、与当地实体签订了合同,希望申请正常工作签证(如符合《菲 律宾移民法》第9(d)与9(g)节规定的条约商人 与 入境前 雇 聘签证)的外国人,在尚 未签发正常工作签证时,可以申请临时工作证。 philcongenxiamen.com | Aliens who have contracts of employment with local entities and in whose favor petitions for regular work visas (e.g. treaty trader or prearranged employment visas under Secs. 9(d) and 9(g) of the Philippine Immigration Act) have been filed by their employer, may be issued PPWs pending the issuance to them of their regular work visas. philcongenxiamen.com |
由 2007年 8月 1日起,議會要求所有地接社於內地旅行 團入 境前必須 向議會登記"團隊確認書",此舉可避免內地旅客和地接社 有任何安排上的誤會。 legco.gov.hk | This helps avoid any misunderstanding on the reception arrangements between Mainland visitors and the RAs. legco.gov.hk |
如果是在入境前获得永久签证,则时限为逗留澳大利亚的头六个月。 apply.carey.com.au | the first six months of your stay in Australia if you have a permanent visa that was issued before you entered Australia. apply.carey.com.au |
由前入境事務處處長梁銘彥 及 前 稅 務局局長黃河 生的例子 可以看 到 , 沒 有 真 確無誤 地申報利益 的 結果, [...] 便 是 被 勒 令 離職。 legco.gov.hk | From the examples of Mr [...] LEUNG Min-yin, former Director of Immigration and Mr WONG [...]Ho-sang, former Commissioner of Inland [...]Revenue, we can see that, failure in making truthful declaration of interests would result in compulsory termination of service. legco.gov.hk |
外国人入境也可能是非法,因为签证或任何其 他必要证件在入境前或入境时已 被作废或可能被作废,即使入境是在合法居留期间发生(澳大 利亚,1958 年法,第 229、232、252 条;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,2003 年法,第 47(1)(d)、 (3)条;智利,1975 年法令,第 65 条;捷克共和国,1999 年法,第 9(1);葡萄牙,1998 年法, 第 13(4);瑞典,1989 年法,第 2.9-10 条),或外国人签证的期限不足以涵盖外国人预定的整 个居留期间[捷克共和国,1999 年法,第 9(2)和(3)条]。 daccess-ods.un.org | L511-1(1); Italy, 1998 DecreeLaw No. 286, art. 10, 1998 Law No. 40, art. 5; Japan, 1951 Order, art. 24(1)-(2); Kenya, 1967 Act, arts. 4(2) and 7; Nigeria, 1963 Act, arts. 18 and 46(3)(b); Panama, 1960 Decree-Law, arts. 58 and 60; Paraguay, 1996 Law, art. 79(1); Poland, 2003 Act No. 1775, art. 21(1); Tunisia, 1968 Law, art. 5; and United States, INA, sects. 212(a)(7) and 275(a)). The alien’s entry may also be illegal due to a visa or other necessary document that has been cancelled or is susceptible to cancellation prior to or upon the entry, even if the entry occurs during an otherwise legal stay (Australia, 1958 Act, arts. 229, 232 and 252; Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003 Law, art. 47(1)(d), (3); Chile, 1975 Decree, art. 65; Czech Republic, 1999 Act, sect. 9(1); Portugal, 1998 Decree-Law, art. 13(4); and Sweden, 1989 Act, sects. 2.9-10), or if the alien’s visa is of insufficient duration to cover the whole of the alien’s expected stay (Czech Republic, 1999 Act, sect. 9(2)-(3)). daccess-ods.un.org |
帮助中小公司在陷入绝境前找到 变革之法。 12manage.com | It helps to find a way to improve or change the [...] strategy if required before companies fall in [...]the ditch. 12manage.com |
S. 被北京大学招收入学,并多 次自由出境前往中 国。2010年1月19 日,毕业之后,她返回了土库曼斯坦,而 且她不是出入境权受任何限制的对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 19 January 2010, after graduation, she returned to Turkmenistan and she is not subject to any restrictions on her right to leave and enter the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於在該特別 措 施實行前,入 境事務處 未 有就需 要 擔 任 駕 駛職務的外 傭 作出統 計 , 所以未 能 提 供以往有關 數 據 作 參 考 或 比 較 之 用。 legco.gov.hk | Since the ImmD had not kept any statistics on the number of FDHs performing driving duties before the introduction [...] of this special arrangement, [...]we cannot provide any previous data for reference or comparison. legco.gov.hk |
根據擬議的《入境條例》第37ZM條,先 前 曾 提出酷刑 聲請的人不得在其後提出另一項酷刑聲請,除非該人以書面提供 充分證據,使入境事務主任信納在先 前 的 聲請獲最終裁定或被撤 回後,情況已有重大改變,而該項改變在與先前曾為支持先前的 聲請而提交的材料一併考慮下,會令後繼聲請有實際的成功 機會。 legco.gov.hk | Under the proposed [...] section 37ZM of IO, a person who has previously made a torture claim must not subsequently make another torture claim, unless he provides sufficient evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that there has been a significant change of circumstances since the previous claim was finally [...]determined or withdrawn, [...]and the change, when taken together with the material previously submitted in support of the previous claim, would give the subsequent claim a realistic prospect of success. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 负责在所有货物在乌干达入境和出 境前 对 其 进行检查的乌干达税务局 和所有边界管制部门,已完全有条件查出第 1718(2006)号决议第 [...] 8 段(f)分段所 述物项,并防止其进入乌干达,以及通过乌干达出口。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The Uganda Revenue Authority and all border control authorities, [...] which are responsible for the inspection of all cargo [...]before entry into and exit from daccess-ods.un.org |
前入境事務處處長梁銘彥 先生,以 及 前 廉 政公署 執 行 處 副 處 長徐 家 傑 先生,也 因個人 誠 信 遭 [...] 受 懷 疑 、個人 操 守 遭 受質疑 而被政 府 解 僱 。 legco.gov.hk | Mr LEUNG Ming-yin, former Director of Immigration, and Mr Alex [...] TSUI, former Deputy Director of Operations of the Independent [...]Commission Against Corruption, were dismissed by the Government after their personal integrity and probity had been questioned. legco.gov.hk |
在終審法院就入境事務處處長訴莊豐源 [2001] 2 HKLRD 533案作出判決前,《入境條例》附表1第 2(a)段訂明, “在香港出生的中國公民,而 ─ (i)其出生日期在1987年 [...] 7月 1日之前; 或 (ii)其出生日期在1987年 7月 1日當日或之後,且在其出生之時或其 [...]後任何時間,其父或母已在香港定居或已享有香港居留權”,是香港 永久性居民。 legco.gov.hk | Before the judgment of the Court of Final [...] Appeal (“CFA”) in [...] Director of Immigration v Chong Fung Yuen [2001] 2 HKLRD 533, it was provided in paragraph [...]2(a) of Schedule 1 [...]to IO that “A Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong – (i) before 1 July 1987; or (ii) on or after 1 July 1987 if his father or mother was settled or had the right of abode in Hong Kong at the time of his birth or at any later time” was a Hong Kong permanent resident. legco.gov.hk |
我們 的 前入境事務處處長 也 知道, 現 在香港人 拿 香港特 別行政 區 護 照 出外, [...] 不 知道有多光 榮 , 有多自 由 , 有多方便, 比 回 歸 前還要 好 。 legco.gov.hk | Our former Director of Immigration also knows how [...] proud, how free and how convenient it is for Hong Kong people to travel [...]on the SAR passport; all is much better than before the reunification. legco.gov.hk |
簽署:____________________ ___________________ [...] 日期:_____9 – 10 – 2012________________ 本人聲明本人不屬於來港目的並非定居,及/或在獲入境事務處簽發有關簽證/進入許 可 前 , 入境 事 務 處 已信納他們有足夠經濟能力維持自己在港生活的人士(非香港永久性居民適用,見項目簡介第 2(f)項 communitycarefund.hk | I hereby declare that I do not belong to those who have entered Hong Kong not for the purpose of settlement, and/or those who have [...] demonstrated to the satisfaction of [...] the Immigration Department that they have adequate financial means to sustain their living in Hong Kong before they have been issued [...]with a visa/entry [...]permit from the Immigration Department (applicable to non-Hong Kong Permanent Residents, please refer to item 2(f) of the Programme Brief). communitycarefund.hk |
伊拉克共和国内政部已向各有关主管部门发出指示,防止安全理事会第 1970(2011)号决议关于“旅行禁令”的附件中列名人 员 入境 , 无论是进入伊拉克 领土,还是在伊拉克过境前往其 他国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Iraq instructed all [...] authorities concerned to prevent the entry of the persons listed in the “travel ban”, attached to Security [...] Council resolution 1970 (2011), to enter Iraqi territories or transit through Iraq into other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了补充核安全合作工具和加入前援 助工具下的 核安全方案,八国集团全球伙伴关系活动应当会包括核安保援助、相关科学家参 与的活动、出口管制、边境监控 、非法融资、生物安全、生物安保,以及非法贩 运核材料和放射性材料等方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Complementing the programmes on nuclear safety under the instruments [...] for nuclear safety [...] cooperation and pre-accession assistance, the G8 Global Partnership activities should include assistance on nuclear security, engagement of relevant scientists, export controls, border monitoring, illicit [...]financing, biosafety, [...]biosecurity and, more generally, illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,境外走私入境的音像制品已经成为中国盗版音像制品的主要来源之一。2 走私入境的 盗版电影光盘主要通过南亚一些国家和中国的香港、澳门地区进入中国南方。 uschina.org | Currently, pirated movie optical discs smuggled into China from abroad [...] represent a significant source of pirated films.2 [...]Pirated film optical discs smuggled into China from abroad mainly arrive in southern China from Southeast Asian countries and the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau. uschina.org |