

单词 入场券

See also:


enter the venue for a meeting
enter a stadium, arena etc
enter into an examination


voucher n
certificate n
contract n

deed (i.e. title deeds)
bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)

External sources (not reviewed)

设在三楼的媒体联络服 务台将按照先来先领的办法,在会议开始前 30 分钟发入场券。
The media liaison desk on the 3rd floor will distribute tickets on a first-come first-served basis 30 minutes before the meeting.
在他们3-4负于亚特兰大之后,他们几乎没有机会拿到下赛季冠军联赛 入场券 了。
After 3-4 loss to Atlanta, they almost have no chance to get a Champions League spot for next season.
生活方式服务,例如推荐和预订餐馆、旅行协助、预订戏剧 演出、音乐会或体育赛入场券等。
Lifestyle services such as restaurant recommendations and reservations, travel assistance, and
[...] tickets for theatre shows, concerts [...]
or sporting events.
中国区决赛5月18日在上海举行,来自全国的10支大学生车队将争夺晋级9月份在北京举行的亚洲区总决赛的两 入场券。
The finals of China Qualifying Race is held on May 18 in Shanghai. 10 teams from various universities
across China will compete for top two places to be qualified to compete in the Asia Finals
[...] held in Beijing coming September.
非政府组织的成员将 不能前往禁区,他们经核实持有有效的联合国大楼通行证以及当天会议 入场券 后, 将获准前往参加在总部举行的会议。
Members of non-governmental organizations will have no access to the restricted areas, and their access to meetings at Headquarters will be honoured upon verification of valid United Nations building passes and appropriate tickets issued for the day’s meetings.
入场券销售 和现场拍卖会,该项活动成功为UNICEF筹得约270万美元,用以资助「Schools [...]
for Africa」非洲助学计划在马拉维、莫桑比克、安哥拉、卢旺达、南非和津巴布韦六个国家的教育项目。
Through ticket sales and a live [...]
auction, the event successfully raised a total of approximately USD 2.7 million to benefit
UNICEF’s ‘Schools for Africa’ education programs in six countries: Malawi, Mozambique, Angola, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
为了增加资本入,最不发达 国家应促进国内券交易和债券市场 , 并 支持资本市场的信息流动。
In order to
[...] increase access to capital, LDCs should promote domestic stock exchanges and bond markets, and support [...]
capital market information flows.
[...] 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the
rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased
[...] participation of women in the labour market.
资金已经分配,以调整主要银行和金融券市场的资本,稳定房地产市场,支持中小型企业, [...]
Funds had been allocated to recapitalize the major banks
[...] and financial securities market, stabilize [...]
the housing market, support small and
medium-sized enterprises, and increase social benefits and pension payments for socially marginalized groups.
应支持区域货币和金融合作安 排,例如东盟的清迈倡议和亚洲券 市 场 倡 议 ,因为 它们加强了金融安全网,有效地调动资本,促进投资 [...]
Regional monetary and financial cooperation
arrangements such as ASEAN’s Chiang Mai
[...] Initiative and Asian Bonds Market Initiative [...]
merited support inasmuch as they strengthened
financial safety nets and effectively mobilized capital for investment and development.
它欢迎采取措施,增进和保护妇女权利,尤其是在担任高层职务、接受教育 和入劳动力市场等领域。
It welcomed measures for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, in particular in areas such as access to higher positions, education and the labour market.
互联网领军企业腾讯(HKEx: 700)正在入公司债券市场,这 一引人注目的举措不仅测试投资者对来自中国互联网领域这类新的金融产品的欲望,而且也暗示了公司未来的并购计划,探测对动视暴雪(Nasdaq: [...]
Internet leader Tencent (HKEx: 700) is taking a
[...] dip into the corporate bond market, an interesting [...]
move that should not only test investor
aippetite for a new kind of financial product from China’s Internet space, but may also hint at the company’s future M&A plans as it explores a potential bid for Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI).
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、監事及高級管理人員及彼等的 聯繫人概無於本公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)的股份、相 關股份或債券中擁有任何個人、家族、公司或其他權益或淡倉,而該等權益根據證 券及期貨條例第XV部第7及第8分部須知會本公司及聯交所(包括根據證券及期貨條 例的條文,被當作或視為擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據 券 及 期 貨條例第352條須入該條例所指的登記冊中;或根據標準守則須知會本公司及聯交所。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or other interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange.
若 這 是 您 的 首 次 交 易 , 請 確
[...] 保 用 以 支 付 總 交 易 金 額 的 現 金 或券已存入賬 戶 內 。
If this is your first trade, please
[...] note that cash or securities must be in your [...]
account to cover the total amount of the trade.
(8) 作為資本家、融資人、特許權分授人、投資公司、基金經理及商人經營業務;
[...] 承辦及經營及執行各類財務、商業、顧問、貿易及其他業務;及向適當之人 士按適當之條款墊付、入、借出及 入 款 項、 證 券 、 商品及財產;貼現、入、賣 出及買賣貨幣(即期或遠期)、黃金、票據、債權證、認股權證、息 票、股票、股份、期權、單位信託之單位及各類型投資或投資及投資工具之 [...]
(8) To carry on business as capitalists, financiers, concessionaires, investment houses, fund managers and merchants, and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, advisory, trading and
[...] operations, and to advance, deposit, lend and borrow money, securities, commodities and property to and [...]
with such persons and on such terms as may seem expedient; to
discount, buy, sell and deal in currencies (spot or forward), bullion, bills, notes, debentures, warrants, coupons, stocks, shares, options, unit in unit trust and all forms of investments or participation rights in investments and investment vehicles, including joint ventures, partnerships and limited partnerships and all forms of securities and documents, including without limitation letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of exchange and promissory notes.
他认为,基金组织可以以购买与 通胀挂钩的债券的方式发挥作用,并协助确定 券 的 市 场 价 格
He felt that IMF could play a role by purchasing the latter instruments and
[...] helping to define their market price.
例如,在印度,少数外 资银行约占外汇场的一 半,约占政府 券 二 级 市 场 的 四 分之一,这表明了这方 面的某些复杂性。
For instance, in India, a few foreign banks accounted for about half of the foreign exchange market
and about a quarter of the
[...] secondary market in government securities, which indicated some complexities [...]
in this regard.
在规制交易场(例如证券交易所)内,收 购上市公司股票导致投票权的改变,应在交 易日起的六个交易日内按上述要求发出的通 知。
In the case of a change resulting from the acquisition of shares of a public company in a transaction on a regulated market (e.g. a stock exchange), the above mentioned requirement is due no later than within six trading days from the transaction date.
二零一一年後,政 府 必須完全贖回隧 橋 費入債券(這 樣 會令到所有票據及零售債券全數被贖回),方 [...]
可 從五隧一橋 交 易中剔除海底隧道。
After 2011, the Government will have to
[...] redeem the Toll Revenue Bond in full (which [...]
would result in all institutional notes
and retail bonds being redeemed in full) in order to remove CHT from the transaction.
作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系
[...] 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际场旅客 名单,以防止恐怖分 入 境 和 过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check
passenger lists at the
[...] international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through [...]
the country; updating
the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
(vii) 本公司註銷所購入之任何股份(不 包括在 聯交所或任何就此目的獲認可券交 易所 所入者) ,而董事認為在該等情況下調 整認購價屬恰當之舉。
(vii) a cancellation of any Shares repurchased by the Company (other than on the Stock Exchange or any stock exchange recognised for such purpose) in circumstances where the Directors consider that it may be appropriate to make an adjustment to the subscription price.
在这方面,摩尔多瓦已根据《国际标准教育分类》第 97 条和欧洲联盟统 计局的规定,设计并采用针对高等教育专业培训的职业教育与资格认证的部门分 类标准,而且自 2005 年以来,在大型职业、学科、专业领域培训部门组织了场入学考试,目前可提供 27 个同时培训的双重教师职业资格认证。
In this respect, the Classifier of sectors of vocational training and qualifications for the training of experts at the higher education institutions was adopted, conceived in accordance with ISCED-97 and
EUROSTAT, and since 2005
[...] matriculation is organised in large sectors of vocational training of studies/fields and qualifications. 27 double teaching qualifications within simultaneous training have been made available.
于2010年12月,玛泽资本市场小组担任美乐集团有限公司在PLUS股票交易市场配售 入场 过 程的申报会计师。
In December 2010, Mazars’ Capital Market team acted as reporting accountant on
[...] the placing and admission to the PLUS stock [...]
exchange of MiLOC.
正在对工作人员进行培训,将现金和代 券 纳 入 粮 食 署粮 食援助项目。
Staff are being trained to
[...] mainstream cash and vouchers in WFP food assistance [...]
其他一些选择涉及各种管制手段,诸如征收一种减缓 券 组合 投资入波动 的国际税(托宾税),对资本流入进行管制(如智利的无息准 备金政策,要求流入资本需存入中央银行一年时间,而且不支付利息),或 者对证券组合资本流出实行定量管制 — 目前正在对这些选择进行探讨。
Other options involve various types of controls, such as an international tax to moderate the volatility of portfolio inflows (the “Tobin Tax”), controls on inflows (Chile’s Encaje, a one-year, non-interest-paying payment with the central bank), or quantitative controls on portfolio outflows — all are under discussion.
同样,若采用通过加息来收紧货币,而此时其他经济体尚未采取类似的加息措施, 便会吸引券组合投资入、增 加通货膨胀压力,而且会对名义汇率造成上行压 [...]
Likewise, monetary tightening through an increase in interest rates, in the absence of
similar rises in other economies, could
[...] attract portfolio flows that would increase inflationary [...]
pressures as well as exert upward
pressure on nominal exchange rates, thereby dampening recovery prospects for exports.
政府自2007年起推行學前教育券計 劃( 學 券 計 劃 ), 在 2012/13學入 讀 合 資 格 本 地 非 牟 利 幼稚園/幼稚園暨幼兒中心/開辦幼稚園的學校(以下合 稱為「幼稚園」)幼兒班(K1)、低班(K2)或高班(K3)的學童,其家長可透過該計劃獲發 學費資助。
In the 2012/13 school year, parents of children attending Nursery (K1), Lower (K2) and Upper (K3) classes in eligible local non-profit-making kindergartens / kindergarten-cum-child care centres / schools offering kindergarten classes (hereafter collectively referred to as kindergartens) may receive fee subsidy through the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme (PEVS) introduced since 2007.
上市規則禁止本公司在聯交所知情地向「關連人士」 入 本 身之 證 券 , 所 謂「關連人士」 是指本公司或其任何附屬公司之董事、主要行政人員或主要股東或彼等各自之聯繫人士,而 [...]
The Listing Rules prohibit the Company from
[...] knowingly purchasing its securities on the Stock Exchange [...]
from a ‘‘connected person’’,
that is, a director, chief executive or Substantial Shareholder of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or their respective associates and a connected person is prohibited from knowingly selling to the Company his/ her/its securities of the Company.
澳大利亚政府的绿色汽车创新基金(Green Car Innovation Fund)与汽车场入市计 划(Automotive Market Access Program)等措施,为探索中国市场打开了灿烂的前景,因此澳中两国双向投资机会有望相互分享专业技能,共同开发出更清洁 的能源解决方案。
Given that the Australian government’s commitments such as the Green Car Innovation Fund and the Automotive Market Access Program have a strong perspective to explore the market in China, two-way investment opportunities have the potential to share expertise and develop cleaner energy solutions.
該 公 佈 必 須 包 含 收 購
人 及 其 任 何 一 致 行 動 人 士 已 借 入 或 借 出 本 公 司 任 何 有 關 證 券( 定 義 見 收 購 守 則 第 22 條
[...] 註 釋 4 )之 詳 情 , 惟 已 轉 借 或 出 售 之任何入 證 券 除 外
The announcement must include details of any relevant securities (as defined in Note 4 to Rule 22 of the Takeovers Code) in the Company which the Offeror and any parties
acting in concert with it has borrowed or lent, save
[...] for any borrowed securities which have been either [...]
on-lent or sold.




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