单词 | 入住率 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入住率 noun —occupancy rate nSee also:入住 n—occupancy n 入住—check in (at a hotel etc) 住 v—stay v • live v 住—dwell • reside • (suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming a halt)
水 務 署 長 沙度假 別 墅 [...] 的主要用途 是 在 颱 風 季節供 當 值 員工作 宿舍之用, 所以入住率亦較低 。 legco.gov.hk | The WSD's holiday bungalow at Cheung Sha [...] primarily serves as quarters for staff on duty during the typhoon season, and [...] therefore the occupancy rate is relatively low. legco.gov.hk |
本人得悉最近私家醫 院的入住率已達 致飽和,甚至有私家醫院因床位不足而未能接收公立醫院轉 [...] 介的病人。 legco.gov.hk | It has come to my knowledge [...] that the occupancy rate of private hospital [...]beds has reached saturation recently. legco.gov.hk |
其次,與去年同期比較,本港酒店的平 均 入住率為 83%,㆘跌了兩個百分點,可 見需求壓力稍為紓緩了。 legco.gov.hk | Second, we can see that [...] average hotel room occupancy for the same [...]period stood at 83%, down two percentage points from last [...]year, so there has been some slight easing of pressure. legco.gov.hk |
雖然每日可出租的房間數目增加 [...] 10.5%,達至年底的 33550 間,但房間的平均入住率由㆒ 九九㆒年的 75%增至去年的 82%。 legco.gov.hk | Although the number of rooms available for sale per day [...] increased by 10.5% to a total of 33 500 at the end of the year, [...] average room occupancy rose from 75% [...]in 1991 to 82% last year. legco.gov.hk |
管理層正透過積 極進取之銷售及市場推廣活動增加 入住率。 wingtaiproperties.com | Management is now in the process [...] of building up occupancy through aggressive [...]sales and marketing activities. wingtaiproperties.com |
懲 教 署 喜 靈 洲 度 假 別 墅 的 入 住率偏低,是由於位 置偏遠, 但 [...] 其 保 養 開支亦 很 低。 legco.gov.hk | The low occupancy rate for the CSD's holiday [...] bungalow on Hei Ling Chau is attributable to its remote location, but its maintenance cost is also very low. legco.gov.hk |
位於上海雙幢式大樓 逸蘭金橋服務式公寓已於二零一零年九月全面開業 , 入住率 正 不 斷提升。 wingtaiproperties.com | The two-tower [...] Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences in Shanghai has fully opened in September 2010, and has progressively built up occupancy. wingtaiproperties.com |
由 於 協 議是由 [...] 政 府 提 出 的,而 現 時 的 入 住 率 又 已 遠遠超 越 了 這項協 [...]議的規定,因此應盡 快 設 立第四 間 庇 護 中心。 legco.gov.hk | As the agreement is proposed by the Government and [...] that the occupancy rate at present is far [...]higher than the requirement under this [...]agreement, so the fourth refuge centre should be set up as soon as possible. legco.gov.hk |
事 實上, 儘 管本港酒店業 的 整體質素,在 亞洲是 數一數二, 近月的 酒店入 住 率 更 達 八 成 以上, 但 由於 在 價 格 方 面仍然偏 高,故此實在有需要提 升 服 務 質 素,例如 利 用更多 資 訊 科 技 , 以 及 提 升 員 工 的 服 務 質 素,才 能 保 持 強 大 的 競 爭 力 。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, as the prices are still high, it is still necessary to improve service quality so as to maintain our strong competitiveness by, for instance, making more use of information technology and upgrading workers' service quality. legco.gov.hk |
同样, 第三季度酒店入住率平均上升了 5.4%,而较早的两个季度却下降了 6%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, the occupancy rate in hotels rose [...] by an average of 5.4 per cent in the third quarter, compared with a 6 per cent [...]fall in the earlier two quarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
儘管酒店房間的數量增加了 4%,首八個月的酒店平均入住率高 達 85%,增加了㆕個百分點。 legco.gov.hk | The average hotel occupancy for the first [...] eight months was 85%, an increase of four points in spite of a growth in capacity of 4%. legco.gov.hk |
雖然經過院方的分流措施,入住率現 已 成功減低了,但院方所面 對的龐大壓力卻仍然存在。 legco.gov.hk | Although with the triage measures adopted by the [...] Hospital, the hospitalization rate is now reduced, [...]there is tremendous pressure on the Hospital. legco.gov.hk |
(五 ) 鑒於房屋署早前曾探訪及透過非政府機構接觸了所有私人 [...] 持牌床位寓所的住客,該等床位及板間房住客的人數;有否 瞭解現時床位寓所的入住率、住客繳 付的最高、最低及平均 租金、他們的平均收入、當中多少名住客已申請入住公屋, [...]以及他們平均已輪候了多久;及 legco.gov.hk | (e) given that the Housing Department (HD) has earlier visited and through non-government organizations contacted occupants of all licensed private bedspace apartments, of the number of occupants of such bedspaces and partitioned [...] cubicles; whether it has looked into [...] the current occupancy rate of bedspace apartments, [...]the highest, lowest and average [...]rent paid by the occupants; their average income; among them, of the number of those who have already applied for PRH; and the average time for which they have been waiting; and legco.gov.hk |
應委 員要求,政府當局同意提供宿舍的 入住率 , 供 委員參考。 legco.gov.hk | At members’ request, the Administration agreed to [...] provide the occupancy rate for members’ [...]reference. legco.gov.hk |
低空置率 和高入住率帶來的最終結果,就是幫助市民購買舊樓,只會增加對樓宇的整體需求。 legco.gov.hk | The net effect of a [...] low vacancy rate and a high occupancy rate is that helping people to buy older properties [...]is more likely to [...]increase overall demand, thus, until overall supply is increased, raising the prices of older properties without necessarily reducing the prices of new properties. legco.gov.hk |
至 於 由另一 間 非 政 府機構營運 的 恬寧居 及 由 社 會福利署 ( “ 社 署”) 營 運 的 維 安 中心, 在 1999-2000 年度的 平 均 入 住 率 則 分 別 為 90%和 95%。 legco.gov.hk | The corresponding average figures for the other NGO operated refuge, Serene Court, and the Social Welfare Department (SWD) operated Wai On Home was, 90% and 95% respectively in 1999-2000. legco.gov.hk |
根据酒店及旅游协会提供的资料,2008 年酒店平均入住率为 60%;截至 12 月,2009 年的数字大约为 50%。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Hotel and Tourism Association, hotel occupancies in 2008 averaged approximately 60 per cent; as at December, the 2009 figure stood at around 50 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
議員: 主席,在 1999-2000 年度, 全港 3 間 婦 女 庇 護 中心( 分 別 為和諧 之 家 、 維 安 中心及恬寧居 )的平 均 入 住 率為 90%, 而在去 年 4 月 至 本 年 1 月期間 , 因額滿 而未能即時入住 和 諧 之 家的個案有 263 宗 。 legco.gov.hk | MR LAW CHI-KWONG (in Cantonese): Madam President, in 19992000, the average occupancy rate in the three refuge centres for women in Hong Kong (namely, the Harmony House, the Wai On Home for Women and the Serene Court) was 90%, while from April last year to January this year, there were 263 cases in which the Harmony House had to decline immediate admission because it had been fully occupied. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 公務員度 假 設 施在過去 3 年的每 年 入 住率和所涉 及的保養 開支見 附件乙 。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The occupancy rate and maintenance [...] cost of holiday home facilities for civil servants in each of the past three years are set out in Annex B. legco.gov.hk |
早前,有醫護人員表示,在寒流襲港期間, 屯門醫院的整體病房入住率竟高 達 130%,雖然近日已經回落至 110%,但仍 然是超越醫院可承受的水平,情況實在令人關注。 legco.gov.hk | Although it has recently receded to 110%, this is still beyond the capacity of the hospital, so this situation is really a cause for concern. legco.gov.hk |
在衡量迪士尼的業務表現時,除了樂 園入場人次外,亦有需要考慮園內兩間酒店 的 入住率, 以及專利產品出售收益和餐飲收益。 legco.gov.hk | In measuring HKD's business performance, in addition to park attendance, it [...] was also necessary to look at [...] the occupancy rates of its two hotels, as well as incomes from its [...]merchandises and catering services. legco.gov.hk |
首都努美阿酒店入住率 在 2010 年 8 月还是在 55%左右徘徊,2009 年同期入住率为 63%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The occupancy rate for hotels in the capital, Nouméa, hovered around 55 per cent in August 2010 compared to 63 per cent at the same period in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
由 於預計未來酒店入住率每年 將增長 10%,加以現時並沒有新酒店工程,同時㆒些舊酒店 亦重建為商業大廈,這意味 到㆒九九五年時酒店入住率將達飽和。 legco.gov.hk | Annual future growth of 10%, combined with the current absence of new projects and redevelopment of old hotels into commercial blocks, will mean full capacity by 1995. legco.gov.hk |
於截至二零零二年六月止六個月內, 入住率 已 回升 至約80%之水平。 wingtaiproperties.com | For the six months [...] ended June 2002 occupancy has recovered [...]to around 80%. wingtaiproperties.com |
局长安栋梁总结过去8个月的旅业情况以及讲解与旅游有关的数据,当中包括访客数字、客源分布、酒 店 入住率 、 旅客逗留时间等。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Mr Antunes presented and concluded the information and data of Macau's tourism in the [...] past 8 months, including the visitor arrivals, distribution of tourist [...] sources, hotel occupancy rate and length of stay. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
政府兩 [...] 年前答應(i)立例規定須發牌給籠屋,以便管制籠屋的防火及結構安全事宜;(ii)訂定防 火及結構安全標準,若干籠屋的 入住率 可 能因而降低;及(iii)不會有籠屋居民因為當 [...]局立例發牌管制籠屋而無家可歸。 legco.gov.hk | The Government undertook two years ago (i) to introduce legislation to license bedspace apartments to regulate their fire and structural safety; (ii) to introduce fire and structural [...] safety standards which might result in [...] lowering the occupancy rate of some bedspace [...]apartments; and (iii) that no bedspace [...]apartment lodgers would be rendered homeless due to licensing. legco.gov.hk |
雖然平均房租有穩 定增長,年內整體入住率維持於 90%的穩健水平,與去年相同。 wharfholdings.com | Despite a steady increase in [...] average room rates, consolidated occupancy during [...]the year was sustained at a healthy level [...]of 90%, which is the same as last year. wharfholdings.com |
据旅游局称,2010 年, 领土共有 249 间旅馆客房,入住率不到 50%。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Visitors Bureau, in 2010 the [...] Territory had 249 hotel rooms operating at less than 50 per cent occupancy. daccess-ods.un.org |
1,066 蒐集有關新落成住宅單 位入住率和住戶特徵的 數據,為人口分布推算工 作和其他策略性規劃工 作提供資料。 devb.gov.hk | 1,066 To collect data on [...] the level of occupancy and characteristics of occupants in newly completed housing units to provide input for population [...]distribution estimates [...]and other strategic planning activities. devb.gov.hk |
(四 ) 民政事務總署的單身人士宿舍現時的 入住率 為 何 ;住客住滿 3年後是否須搬出;若須要,是否知悉他們一般搬往哪類住 所;現時住客繳付的最高、最低及平均租金;已申請入住公 屋的住客的百分比,以及他們平均已輪候多久 legco.gov.hk | (d) of the current occupancy rate of the singleton hostels of the Home Affairs Department (HAD); whether occupants are required to move out after three years of occupancy; [...] if so, whether it knows [...]the types of housing to which they will generally move; of the highest, lowest and average rent currently paid by the occupants; the percentage of occupants who have already applied for PRH, and the average time for which they have been waiting legco.gov.hk |