

单词 入会

入会 ()

join a society, association etc

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,该代表团亦表示愿意入会议 就此达成的共识。
However, it would join the consensus of the meeting.
参加唱名表决或记录表决的每一国家所投票都应 入会 议 记 录或关于会议 的报告中。
The vote of each State participating in a roll-call or a
[...] recorded vote shall be inserted in any record of [...]
or report on the meeting.
我们人生中积累的物质如何重新分配并融入到其他人的生活中?这次销售的 入会 用 于 2013年将在匹兹堡举办的关于上海房产销售的续展。
The proceeds of the sale will go into the production of a subsequent exhibition of a Shanghai estate in Pittsburgh in 2013.
二者的主 要区别实际上在于取消了文件的印制(印刷)环节以及向用户交付文 件的打印文本;后者是以发布、或“上载”的形式把文件 入会议 网 站、或以电子邮件形式将之发送给会议用户。
The main difference lies in the elimination of document production (printing) and the delivery of paper documents to the client, with the latter accomplished by publishing, or “uploading”, the documents onto the meeting website or delivering them to the client by email.
Her delegation wished to have
[...] that point included in the summary record of the meeting.
[...] 论的情况,为避免浪费时间,他建议“执行局成立一个分委员会或工作小组,由几名执行局委员组 成,负责在逐届会议期间审议有争议 入会 申 请 ,收集各有关组织的活动情况,并与他们的领导人谈 [...]
During the discussion on this question Mr Paulo E. de Berrêdo Carneiro, expressing his concern lest the Board again be involved in arguments of a political nature, and in order to avoid wasting time, suggested that ‘the Board should set up a subcommittee or working group, consisting of some of its own members, who would be
responsible between sessions for
[...] studying requests for admission that were likely [...]
to arouse controversy, obtaining documentary
information on the activities of the organizations concerned, holding discussions with their responsible officers and carrying out a meticulous analysis of the contribution they make to the work of UNESCO’ (70 EX/SR.21, paragraph 28.1).
国际哲学和人文科学理事会(ICPHS)2002 年 9 月在贝宁的波多诺伏召开了两年一度 的全体大会,欢迎新成员—科学历史和科学哲学联 会 -- 入会 , 并 启动现行媒体战略框架协 议的实施工作--这一协议是与教科文组织共同签订的。
The International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (ICPHS) held its biennial General Assembly in September 2002 in Porto Novo, Benin, welcoming to its fold a new member, the International Union of History and Philosophy of Sciences and launching implementation of the current Medium-Term Strategy Framework Agreement signed with UNESCO.
大会第六十一届会议决定将题为“人权理事会的报告”的项目 入会 议 议 程, 并决定由全体会议和第三委员会审议这个项目,但有一项谅解,即第三委员会将 审议人权理事会提交给大会的所有建议,包括涉及人权方面国际法发展的建议, 并就此采取行动(第 61/503 A 号决定)。
At its sixty-first session, the General Assembly decided to include in the agenda of that session the item entitled “Report of the Human Rights Council”, and that the item would be considered in plenary meeting and in the Third Committee, on the understanding that the Third Committee would consider and act on all recommendations of the Human Rights Council to the Assembly, including those that dealt with the development of international law in the field of human rights (decision 61/503 A).
专家组重申,它之所以要求澄清,是因为 担心这些入会被挪用于购置武器,这种违反武器禁运的危险很大。
The Group reiterates that its requests for clarification are based on
[...] concerns that these revenues are at high risk [...]
of diversion for arms acquisitions in
violation of the arms embargo.
组织将来最终要实行的预算编制和开支管理做法的相关 性、可行性和所涉问题进行一次审查,以便在即将建立的 企业资源规划系统范畴内进行审议,审查时应参考联合国 维也纳办事处和内罗毕办事处在以下两个方面的定价原 则、核算、资金划拨和(或)其他资金调节做法方面所取得 的经验:(a) 委托实体对列入和没有入会议日 历的会议 管理设施的使用,(b) 各工作地点之间工作量分担和能力 分享(第 61 段)。
OIOS recommends that the Department, in collaboration with the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts, conduct a review, for consideration in the context of the forthcoming enterprise resource planning system, of the relevance, feasibility and implications of eventual future budgeting and expenditure management practices of the Organization, drawing upon the experience gained by the United Nations Office at Vienna and the United Nations Office at Nairobi with regard to the principle of price-setting, accounting, funds transfer and/or other reconciliation of funds pertaining to: (a) the commissioning entities’ use of calendar as well as non-calendar conference-management facilities and (b) workload- and capacity-sharing among duty stations (para. 61).
追踪入会的来宾和未出席会议的会员,继续来鼓励他们加入或重新入 分会。
Keep track of
[...] guests who have not joined and members who have not been attending meetings, and follow up with them to encourage them to join or re-commit to the club.
土耳其工人入会率为58.21%,公务员 入会 率 为49.70%。
The unionization rate in Turkey is 58.21% for workers, and 49.70% for civil servants.
如果无法确定选择暂缓 执行这些规定缔约国的情况,这一事实必须正式 入会 议 报 告并将其列为今后工 作议程的优先事项。
If it was not possible to ascertain the point reached by Parties that had opted to defer implementation of the provisions, that fact should be duly noted in the meeting report and the issue made a priority agenda item in the future.
最后我要再次指出,欧洲联盟一贯主张扩大裁军谈判会议,特别是要吸收那 些仍然不是本会议成员国但已经提交正 入会 申 请 的欧盟成员国加入。
enlargement of the Conference on Disarmament, in particular to include those member States of the European Union which are not yet members of the Conference but which have already submitted their formal request for membership.
这些入将会投 资于能源效率措施,其中至少有 25% 的入会用 于 发展中国家和转轨经济国家的能源效率政策、规 划和项目。
The revenue would be invested in energy efficiency measures with at least 25% of revenue going to [...]
energy efficiency policies,
programs, and projects in developing and transition economies.
他解释说,由于指示灯很快将变颜色,他只能部 分宣读在会场分发的发言稿,但请求将其 入会 议记 录。
Noting that the colours on the bulbs were changing quickly, he said that he would not read the entire statement that had been circulated, but he requested that it should be made a part of the record.
[...] 为爱好和平的国家而且能够并愿意履行《宪章》所载的义务,并以 出席并参加表决的成员国三分之二多数对该国 入会 申 请 作出决 定。
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the
Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and
[...] voting, upon its application for membership.
酌情设立框架(包括一个或多个独立机制)方面的情况,以 及为促进、保护和监测本公约的实施,同时顾及与保护和 促进人权的国家机构的地位和运作有关的原则而采取的措 施 负责监测《公约》履行情况的多部门常务委员会提议将吸 纳各类残疾人代入会;为 此已批准了选举此类残疾代表 的程序。
The establishment of a framework, including one or more independent mechanisms, as appropriate and measures taken to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the Convention, taking into account the principles relating to the status and function of national institutions for the protection and promotion of human rights The multisectoral commission which monitors implementation of the Convention is planning to include representatives of each type of disability; the procedure for the election of those representatives has been approved.
尽管只是暂时的,但多余的入会减 弱 ,我们会从过量进食中解放出来,尽管同时我们的历史已离得太远而无法给与这些释放的精神以支持。
The excessive input weakens us down, [...]
be it is temporary, and we find ourselves liberated from overeating, although at the
same time our history is already too far gone to give enough support to the now unleashed spirits.
为减少残疾人面临的障碍,特别工作组讨论了在 入会 议 室 以及获取信 息和文件方面减少障碍的各种选择办法。
With regard to the enhancement of accessibility for persons with disabilities, the task force discussed options to enhance accessibility in terms of physical access to meeting rooms and of access to information and documentation.
在这个方面,中 产阶级的平均收入相比 G7 而言还是比较低,但是一些 EAGLEs 经济体(特别是巴西,墨西哥,土
[...] 耳其还有中国台湾)收入不平等的情况暗示月收入超过 800 美元的那一群体的人均入会达到现在 领先新兴市场的水平,比如以色列。
In this regard, the income of the average middle class consumer will remain comparatively low versus the G7, but in some EAGLEs (particularly Brazil, Mexico,
Turkey and Taiwan) income inequality implies
[...] that per capita incomes of those who exceed [...]
the 800 USD monthly mark will reach
levels close to those in today’s advanced EMs, like Israel.
在土耳其大国民议会内办公的其它机构的工作人员和议会记者 会 的 入会 新 闻 工作者须凭所在机构的书面担保,方能外借。
The staff of other institutions but working in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and members of the Association for Parliamentary Correspondents may borrow material with the written permission of their own department.
[...] 发展中国家进行绿色技术改革的成本相对于它们的 入会 高 得 多,所以全球经济 的绿化将带来分配上的重大挑战,也需要通过上述的融资机制和其他国际合作新 [...]
Since many, although not all, existing new technologies are owned by the advanced countries and the cost of inducing green technological change will be
much higher for developing countries
[...] relative to their incomes, there will be [...]
important distributional challenges connected
with greening the global economy, which will also need to be addressed through the abovementioned financing facilities and other new mechanisms of international cooperation.
在 这方面,委员会强调,秘书处必须作出协调一致的努力,改善适当预期成绩的编 列方式,为此,要在预算编制阶段 入会 员 国授权的所有活动和产出,以便切实 [...]
In that regard, the Committee stressed the need for coordinated efforts by the Secretariat to improve the formulation of suitable expected accomplishments in such a way that, at the stage of budget preparation,
all activities and outputs mandated by Member
[...] States would be included for their effective [...]
and efficient implementation.
执行委员会将各国家臭氧机构能力建设的议题增 入会 议 的 议程,以便讨论国家 臭氧机构的工作、国家臭氧机构在管理方面遇到的问题以及如何解决这些问题。
The Executive Committee adds the topic on NOUs capacity building in its meeting agenda to discuss the works of NOU, problems faced by NOUs in management and ways to solve them.
关于出席 2010 年 9 月 20 日至 30 日大会第六十五届会议高级别会议和一般性 辩论的正式代表团的核证和入会议 室 和禁区的详细说明,见 A/65/HLPM/INF/1 号文件所载向各国代表团提供的情况说明。
Details related to the accreditation of official delegations attending high-level meetings and the general debate of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly from 20 to 30 September 2010 and access to meeting rooms and restricted areas are available in the information note for delegations contained in document A/65/HLPM/INF/1.
管理和行政司司长须据其所知、所晓、所信,证明所有重大业务 往来均已适当入会计记 录,并适当反映于财政报表和有关附表。
The Director, Division of Management and Administration, shall certify that, to the best of his or her knowledge, information and belief, all material transactions have been properly charged in the accounting records and are properly reflected in the financial statements and supporting schedules.
在这次会议之前,非 洲安全部门网络和日内瓦民主管制武装力量中心联合组织了一个研讨班,西非
[...] 办/西非经共体的会议为西非经共体行动计划草案提供了 入 , 会 议 还建议建立 一个安全部门改革执行人员和专家的区域论坛。
Preceded by a workshop co-organized by the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control
of Armed Forces (DCAF), the UNOWA/ECOWAS
[...] meeting provided inputs to the draft ECOWAS [...]
plan of action and recommended the establishment
of a regional forum of security sector reform practitioners and experts.
实施公共部门会计准则的持续和经常费用估计额为每年 7 500 美元,这是管 理局入会计准 则工作队正在整个联合国系统开展的公共部门会计准则项目的 会员费。
Ongoing and recurrent costs associated with IPSAS are estimated at $7,500 per year, which represents the membership fee for the Authority in the IPSAS project being pursued by the Task Force on Accounting Standards throughout the United Nations system.




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