

单词 党政机关

See also:

政党 n

political parties pl

机关 n

body n
office n
agency n
institution n
organization n
certification authority n
gear n
trick n



External sources (not reviewed)

谭女士深谙呼叫中心行业的服务理念,熟悉金融业、制造业、电子商务 党政机关 等 行 业呼叫中心的业务流程,参与以上四大行业呼叫中心的建设和运营管理工作。
Miss Tan knows about the aim to serving in call center industry, as well as the
business procedures in finance,
[...] manufacturing, ecommerce, governments, etc. she also [...]
participated in the construction and management
of call centers in the industries above.
[...] 工人员、农林牧渔劳动者、下岗失业人员等因回避现实社会而上网的倾向强于主动的互联网 应用,党政机关事业 单位工作者、企业管理人员等则恰恰相反。
Difference is also reflected in the occupational characteristics of groups: the tendency of migrant workers, farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery laborers, and laid-off workers to surf the Internet for the purpose of evading the real society is stronger than the tendency to
active Internet applications, while
[...] Workers with Party and government organs and institutions [...]
and corporate managers are on the contrary.
它们可能会改变环境标准和环保法规、生产商 与消费者的行为和习惯以及社会上不 政党机关 之 间 的互动方式。
They can potentially bring changes to environmental standards and
regulations, producer and consumer behaviors and habits, and ways of social
[...] interactions between different parties in society.
党对司法机关的指导是一政策指 导,以确保司法 活动的独立性并遵守法律。
The guidance of the Party over the judiciary is a policy guidance to [...]
ensure independence and law observance in the judicial activities.
专家们强调,必须加强非洲人后裔对公共生活所有各领域的参 与,包括参与政治党派、司法机关 、 警 察部队和教育、法律专业和学术界等行业。
The experts stress the need to enhance such
participation in all spheres of public
[...] life, including political parties, the judiciary, the police force [...]
and professions such as education,
the legal profession and academia.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基本原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并政治动机的指 控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工党/库尔 德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之关于需 要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by
disrespecting the territorial
[...] integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold [...]
its obligations
and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
在拟订国家 人权行动计划时,与大量利益关方 ,包括参与议会 政党 、 政 府 机 构 、 市政府 和县议会、高等教育机构和非政府组织等进行了协商。
A large number of stakeholders, including the political parties represented in the Riksdag, [...]
government agencies, municipalities
and county councils, institutions of higher education and non-governmental organisations were consulted and involved in the drafting of the National Action Plan for Human Rights.
(d) 铭记经秘鲁各政党和政治运动赞同的并提交给拉丁美洲和加勒比各国 禁毒执机构负 责人第二十次会议的一份文件述 关 于 禁 止贩毒活动 政党和 政 治运动进行渗透的道德承诺,因此建议该区域的各国政府提出相关举措,促 进并发展透明的选举竞争,以防止贩毒活动干扰政治。
(d) Bearing in mind the document on the ethical commitment against the infiltration of drug trafficking in political parties and movements subscribed to by the political parties and movements of Peru and presented to the Twentieth Meeting
of HONLEA, Latin
[...] America and the Caribbean, it was recommended that the Governments of the countries of the region could put forward initiatives [...]
to promote
and develop transparent electoral competition with a view to preventing drug trafficking from interfering in politics.
. 政党的全国领机关应至 少指拨基金总额的 5%(百分之五)作为建立和维持促进与 宣传妇女政治参与方案之用”。
V. The national party leadership body shall allocate [...]
a minimum of 5 (five) per cent of funds to the establishment and implementation
of programmes that promote and publicize women’s political participation.
c) 2007 年 4 月 11 日通过了乌兹别克斯坦共和国《关于加 政党 在 国 家行 政改革和进一步民主化以及国家现代化中的作用的宪法性法律》,形成了党对执 行权机关高级 公职人员的任命进行监督的程序,并通过了乌兹别克斯坦共和国 《非商业性非政府组织活动保障法》,提供国家以社会服务采购、赠款和补贴形 式支持非商业性非政府组织的可能性。
(c) The following legislative acts were adopted: the Act on Strengthening the Role of Political Parties in the Renewal and Further Democratization of Governance and in the Modernization [...]
of Uzbekistan, of 11 April
2007, set up procedures whereby political parties can monitor appointments to the highest positions in the executive branch; and the Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations (Safeguards) Act, under which NGOs are eligible for State aid in the form of procurement of services, grants and subsidies.
这一时期的特点在于:第 一,在建立和运作两院制议会时加强立 机关 的 作 用,同时两院制议会在通过各 项法律时应将全国和区域的利益考虑在内;第二,提 政党 和 民 间社 机 构 对 通 过国家最重要决议的作用和影响,提高非政府组织对国家机构进行公众监督的威 信和意义;第三,实施彻底的改革,旨在使司法体系更加自由化和人性化,将死 刑从刑法中去除,加强司法机构的独立性和有效性;第四,在人权教育领域开展 [...]
The following were the characteristic features of this period: first, the increasing role and influence of the legislature, stemming from the establishment and functioning of a bicameral parliament that takes the general interests of the State and
the regions into
[...] account when adopting legislation; secondly, the increasing role and influence of political parties and civil society institutions in the adoption of critical government decisions [...]
and the rising authority
and significance of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the public scrutiny of government activities; thirdly, cardinal reforms to liberalize and humanize the judicial system, abolish the death penalty and strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary; and fourthly, extensive human rights information and educational efforts.
为了履行授权职责,支持利比里机 构 和 政党 创 造 有利于举行和平选举的气 氛,秘书长特别代表将加强与所有有关的国家利益 关 方 协 商,包括政党领导人 及其代表、民间社会组织和区域领导人。
In order to fulfil its mandated
responsibility to support
[...] Liberian institutions and political parties in creating an atmosphere conducive to the conduct of peaceful elections, the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General will intensify consultations with all national stakeholders concerned, including the [...]
leaders of political
parties and their representatives, civil society organizations and regional leaders.
指出关于立法和行政部门成员的行为守则适用于当选代表的个人责任问题, 但大家日关注的是政党的经 费筹措和整个政党对人民的责任问题, 又指出为了确保政党对人民负责,应该注意拟订规范政党和竞选经费筹措的 明确准则(关于竞选经费筹措的合理限制,竞选经费筹措的报告制度, 党 经费 筹措的报告制度,防止滥用国家资源的措施,建立独立的管 机 构 来监 督 政党和 竞 选的经费筹措,对违反行为的适当处罚)
Noting that while codes of conduct for members of parliament and the executive have addressed accountability issues as they apply to elected representatives individually, there has been growing concern over the funding of political parties and the associated accountability of political parties, as a whole, to the people
作为 活跃伙伴关系的基础,塞内加尔新的学校系统利用了 1981 年国家教育和培训会 议,这次会议成为一个将教育领域所有利益相关者和伙伴汇集到一起的论坛机 构利益相关者;合作和技术援机构 ; 社会伙伴;宗 教协会;非 政府组织;青年、 妇女、体育和文化协会;舆论制造者 政党 ; 各 级家长协会和学生协会。
As a basis for active partnership, Senegal’s new school system uses the 1981 National Conference on Education and
Training, which
[...] functioned as a forum that brought together all education stakeholders and partners: institutional stakeholders; cooperation and technical assistance agencies and institutions; social partners; religious associations; NGOs; young people’s, women’s, athletic and cultural associations; opinion-makers; political parties; and parents’ and [...]
students’ associations at all levels.
民主重建应围绕如下方面:(a) 尊重科特迪瓦民族多样性的包容的政治多元 化;(b) 制定一个对政治生活伦理原则有共识的民主宪章;(c) 建立具备人力物 力的独立制度机制, 以保障基本的民主活动的客观性和公正性,如选举、资助 其政党、公 平地获得信息和交流技术和尊重基本自由。
Rebuilding democracy should focus on (a) achieving inclusive political pluralism that respects the diversity of the Ivorian people; (b) drafting a consensual democratic charter on ethical principles in politics; and (c)
establishing independent institutions and mechanisms with the necessary human and material resources to guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of basic
[...] features of democracy such as elections, financing of political parties, equal access to information and communication, and respect [...]
for basic freedoms.
当违法的行政行为是如由 最高权力的政机关作出 时,或当它直接地危害或侵犯个人的基本权利时,可立 刻要求司法审查。
When the unlawful administrative act is issued by the highest in casu competent administrative body, or whenever [...]
it directly harms
or violates fundamental rights of the individual, judicial review is immediately available.
[...] 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参与的活动,在立法、政及 其 他职 机 构 中 无选举与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加党派及其他社政 治 组 织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right
to be elected in
[...] legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, [...]
may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
政党国际会议还 支持按照不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会 《最后文件》为加强国际安全作出努力,特别是与会关于各 国作出特别努力以为实现和维护一个没有 这类武器的世界建立必要框架的呼吁和秘书长关于 核裁军的五点建议,这些建议敦促各国考虑谈判一项 核武器公约。
ICAPP had also supported efforts to enhance international security in keeping with the Final Document of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, particularly the participants’ call for States to make special efforts to establish the necessary framework to achieve and maintain a world without such weapons, and with the Secretary-General’s five-point proposal on nuclear disarmament, which had urged States to consider negotiating a nuclear weapons convention.
深感遗憾的是缅甸政府未采取必要措施,以确保选举进程自由、公正、透明 和包容各方,在这方面尤其注意到政府制定和实施的选举法所施加的限制,包括 对选民政党及候 选人登记作出的限制,以及拘留政治活动家,限制自由报道和 集会自由,接触媒体、筹资和开展竞选活动的可能性有限,据报的官方恐吓事件, 在某些族裔地区取消选举,以及选举委员会缺乏独立性,并表示严 关 切 舞 弊的 报道,包括通过事先投票安排进行舞弊的报道
Deeply regretting that the Government of Myanmar did not take the steps necessary to ensure a free, fair, transparent and inclusive electoral process, noting in particular, in this respect, the restrictions imposed by the electoral
laws as enacted and
[...] implemented by the Government, including those placed on the registration of voters, parties and candidates, as well as the detention of political activists, the restrictions on free reporting and on freedom of assembl y, the limited access to media, funding and campaigning possibilities, the reported incidents of official intimidation, the cancellation of elections in certain ethnic areas and the lack of independence of the electoral commission, and expressing serious concern about reports of fraud, [...]
including through advance voting arrangements
此外,为明确未来合作以及可能与联合国系统其 机 构 进 行的联合计划的内容,综合 考虑了以下各个方面并作为切入点:扫盲和非正式教育(与开发计划署、儿童基金会合 作)、改善教育人员生活条件(与国际劳工局合作)、完善教育人员 关政 策 (与儿童基金 会合作)、关于教育体系中的边缘群体(与国际劳工局、儿童基金会、开发计划署和粮食计 划署合作)。
The following entry points for future cooperation and possible
joint programmes with other United
[...] Nations agencies are planned: literacy and non-formal education (with UNDP and UNICEF); improvement of teachers’ standards of living (with ILO); development of teacher policies (with UNICEF) and the inclusion of marginalized groups in the education system (with the ILO, UNICEF, UNDP and WFP).
安全理事会第 1938(2010)号决议授权联利特派团应要求以各种方式协助利 比里亚政府举行 2011 年总统和议会普选,包括提供后勤支助,特别是为便利前
[...] 往偏远地区提供后勤支助,协调国际选举援助,并为利比里 机 构 和 政 治 党 派营 造有利于举行和平选举的气氛提供支助。
The Security Council, by its resolution 1938 (2010), authorized UNMIL to assist the Liberian Government, as requested, with the 2011 general presidential and legislative elections by providing logistical support, in particular to facilitate access to remote areas, coordinating international electoral
assistance, and supporting Liberian
[...] institutions and political parties in creating an atmosphere [...]
conducive to the conduct of peaceful elections.
已故总统马拉姆·巴卡 伊·萨尼亚的前安全部门改革顾问、团结和工党领袖 Iancuba Djola N'Djai 所领导的“全国反政变阵线”
[...] 序,释放所有被拘留者;第二,停止迫害政府领导人 和掠夺公共财产;第三,恢复 2008 年选举产生的几佛 独党政府;第四,部署一支联合国授权的稳定部队, 以保证国机构安 全,协助执行安全部门改革方案; 第五,打击有罪不罚现象和贩毒活动;第六,起诉政 [...]
The National Anti-Coup Front, led by the former security sector reform (SSR) adviser to late President Malam Bacai Sanhá and leader of the Solidarity and Labour Party, Iancuba Djola N’Djai, has condemned the coup and called for, first, the immediate restoration of constitutional order and the release of all detainees; second, the end of the persecution of Government leaders and looting of public
property; third, the reinstatement of the PAIGC Government elected in the 2008 elections; fourth, the deployment of a United Nations-mandated stabilization force to provide security to State institutions and to facilitate the implementation of the SSR programme; fifthly, the fight against impunity and drug trafficking; sixth, the imposition of individual sanctions on the coup leaders and their prosecution; and seventh, the conclusion of the electoral process.
这名财务和预算干事向高级方案干事报告,负责以下事务:支持作为全球 外勤支助战略四大支柱之一的综合资源框架;协助修改特派团经费筹措安排,以
加快物资和人力资源向特派团的及时部署;分析全球外勤支助战略所涉预算问 题;监测特派团预算和维持和平行动支助账户,以确保总部、维持和平特派团、
[...] 恩德培区域服务中心和位于后勤基地的全球服务中心之间员额和非员额资源调 动的协调一致;为关政府间和专 机 构 -立法机构的预算审查提供实务支持; 协助确保获得大会核准。
Reporting to the Senior Programme Officer, the Finance and Budget Officer would be responsible for: supporting the integrated resources framework that represents one of the four pillars of the global field support strategy; assisting with the modification of mission financing arrangements so as to expedite the timely deployment of material and human resources to missions; analysing budgetary implications of the strategy; monitoring mission budgets and the support account for peacekeeping operations to ensure alignment of the transfer of posts and non-post resources between Headquarters, peacekeeping missions, the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe and the Global Service Centre
at UNLB; providing substantive
[...] support to relevant intergovernmental, expert and legislative [...]
bodies in their budgetary review;
and assisting in securing the approval of the General Assembly.
这 些改革将对根深蒂固的商业精英——裙带商人、军 队以及与政党有关系的 前重量级政治人物产生极 大影响,这些商业精英将不得不在一个更公平的环 [...]
These changes will have a big impact on the entrenched economic elite – crony
businessmen, the military and
[...] former political heavyweights linked to the government party – who will [...]
have to compete on a more
level playing field and even start paying tax.
[...] 有相当大的需求但其可利用资金的有限性, 关政 府 和赞 助 机 构 当然应该考虑支持可以提 高低成本方案(包括开放源码软件)意识的计划。
That said, given the considerable needs which developing countries have for information and communication technologies and the limited funds
which are available, it would
[...] seem sensible that governments and donors should [...]
certainly consider supporting programmes to
raise awareness about low cost options, including open source software, in developing countries.
[...] 黑塞哥维那联邦在 2008 年修正了法律,目的是扩大潜在的机构客户的范围,包 括联邦、州、市和镇各级机构在 内,并保护 政党 使 用 的设施。
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina amended its law in 2008 in order to expand the range of potential customers to agencies, including
authorities at the Federation, cantonal, city and municipality
[...] levels and the protection of facilities used by political parties.
通过给予公民资格或将选举权实行范围扩大到非公民获得政治 权利,如果新公民的投票率很低,而在公 机 构 、 议会 政党 中 的 代表不足,也 不会减轻问题。
Access to political rights through admission to citizenship or through extending the franchise to noncitizens would not alleviate the problematic if the new citizens have
lower voting rates in elections and are strongly underrepresented
[...] in public offices, parliaments and political parties.
尽管所有关政党都对 各自青 年分支的活动负责,并应确保这些活动在法律范围内进行,但是联尼共(毛主义) 有特殊责任履行承诺,结束共青团暴力活动,并确保这个姐妹组织充分遵守国家 [...]
While all the concerned political parties are accountable for [...]
the activities of their respective youth wings and should
ensure that those activities are carried out within the limits of the law, a particular responsibility rests with UCPN-M to fulfil its commitments to end the violent activities of YCL and ensure that its sister organizations fully comply with the laws of the country.




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