

单词 免赔条款

See also:


(insurance) excess


pay reparations

赔款 n

payout n
indemnity n

条款 n

provisions pl
term n
clause n
article n
condition n
item n

External sources (not reviewed)

某些司法管辖区不允许伤赔偿免于 计 列的限 条款 , 故 上述限制或排除条款可能不适 用。
Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on the exclusion of damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to the Customer.
此外免于起诉受害 人以及向受害人提供援助赔偿的相 关 条款 也 载 入了新宪法。
In addition, provisions on granting immunity from prosecution to victims and providing assistance and compensation for [...]
victims were also included in the new constitution.
对因客户未能遵守条款所规定的责任而发生的任何 赔 和 /或 连带责任,客 户同意就此向 Citrix 进赔偿并确保免受损失。
Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Citrix harmless against any claim and/or liability resulting from Customer’s failure to comply with the responsibilities set forth in this Section.
此外,关于上文31-33各款所述任何 免 除 的 索 赔 , 条款 23(b )(3) 和解集体免责方今后可能会发现与其既有了解不同的或较之更多的信息,但是条款 [...]
23(b)(3) 和解集体免责方仍然在此明确弃权,并彻底、最终且永久性地与被免责方和解,放弃任何已知的或未知的、不确定的或确定的、或有的或必有的上文31-33各款所述的索赔,无论免责方随后是否发现更多的或不同的事实。
In addition, although each Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Releasing [...]
Party may hereafter discover facts other than, different
from, or in addition to those that it or he or she knows or believes to be true with respect to any claims released in the preceding Paragraphs 31-33, each Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Releasing Party hereby expressly waives, and fully, finally, and forever settles, discharges, and releases, any known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, contingent or non-contingent claims within the scope of the preceding Paragraphs 31-33, whether or not concealed or hidden, and without regard to the subsequent discovery or existence of such other, different, or additional facts.
免生疑问,特此声明:若学生和/或其家长/监护人已收到 PEI 或托管银行/保险公司* 依照本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*就任何事宜或损害而支付的任何款项,则该学生 和/或其家长/监护人应无权依照本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*中的其他任 条款向 P EI 或托管银行/保险公司*就同一事宜或损害另行 赔 相 同 款项。
For the avoidance of doubt, if the Student and/or his/her parent/guardian receives any payment from the PEI or the Escrow Bank/Insurance Company* pursuant to a provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement* in respect of any matter or damage, then the Student and his/her parent/guardian shall not be entitled to claim against the PEI or the Escrow Bank/Insurance Company* for the same payment in respect of the [...]
same matter or damage
pursuant to any other provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement*.
三、托运人根据条被免除部分赔偿 责 任的,托运人仅对因其本人的过失或 第三十四条述及的任何人的过失所造成的那部分灭失或损坏负赔偿责任。
3. When the shipper is relieved of part of its
[...] liability pursuant to this article, the shipper is liable [...]
only for that part of the loss or
damage that is attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 34.
现金和解集体(条款 23(b)(3) 和解集体)成员(在截止日期之前未从该集体中退出的),无论是否申请 赔 , 都 将受该和 条款 的 约 束,包括同意不向 集体和解协议包括同意不向集体和解协议第 32 款所列的任免责方提出赔要求
Members of the Cash Settlement Class (Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class) (who do not exclude themselves by
[...] deadline) whether or not they file a claim for payment, will be bound by the terms of that settlement, which include agreeing not to file a claim against any of the released parties identified [...]
in Paragraph
32 of the Class Settlement Agreement.
于此期满或终止后,用户立即就没有进一步的权利使用文件,用户应销毁所拥有或掌控的所有文件和机密信息的所有正本和副本,用户应在终止后10天之内以书面形式向Depositphotos证明,它已遵守此第7项(2) 条款 第 3项(所有权)、第4项(机密信息)、第8项(担 免 责 声明)、第9项 赔 偿 )、第10项(责任限制)、第11项(遵守法律)、第12项(总则),此第7项在本协议期满或以任何理由终止后继续生效。
User shall have no further right to use the Files and immediately after the termination or expiration date hereof, the User shall destroy all originals and copies of the Files and Confidential Information in the possession or under the control of User, and User shall certify in writing to Depositphotos within ten (10) days following termination that it has complied
with this Section 7(2) and the provisions of Sections 3
[...] (Proprietary Rights), 4 (Confidential Information), 8 (Disclaimer of Warranty), 9 (Indemnification), 10 (Limitation of Liability), 11 (Compliance [...]
with Laws), 12 (General Provisions) and this Section 7 shall survive any termination for any reason or expiration of this Agreement.
对于任何申索、要求、因您或您的代理机构违反本使 条款 或 任 何适用法律或规章以及/或者因您或您的代理机构使用这些服务而致使我们产生或遭受的任何花费或费用(包括与法律相关的费用或罚款),您须同意为我们和我们公司集团的其它公司辩护、偿还 赔 偿 , 并使 免 受 损 害。
You agree to defend, reimburse or compensate us and hold us and our other companies in our corporate group harmless from any claim, demand, expenses or costs (including legal fees, fines or penalties) that we incur or suffer due to or arising out of your or your agents' breach of these Terms of Use, breach of any applicable [...]
law or regulation and/or use of the services.
这些人权方面的保留在《宪法》的不 条款 中 都存在,并且与保护别人的 权利和自由的特殊状况有关,同时也涉及到尊重人的荣誉、遵守公共秩序、国家 安全、公共治安、保免受任 何危险和刑事处罚的威胁。
These reservations
[...] occur in different clauses of the Constitution and relate to specific situations regarding the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, but also regarding the honour of the person, public order, national security, the public peace, protection against the threat of [...]
danger and prevention of criminal offences.
您同意让 CNPV、其子公司、管理人员和员免于 承 担由以下原因而导致的任何第三方索赔 赔款 要 求 (包括合理的律师费用):您违反“使 条款 ” 使用本网站;您本人或您帐户的其他用户/成员侵犯知识产权,或侵犯任何个人或实体的其他权利。
You agree to indemnify and hold each of CNPV, its subsidiaries, officers and employees, harmless from any
claim or demand,
[...] including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the site in violation of these Terms of Use by you, or the infringement [...]
by you, or any other
User/Member of your account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.
[...] 入企业集团账目;相关人交易(公司不得将任何金钱利益,包括集团内 款、 担赔偿、债务免或资产转让,给予与之有关的公司,除非该交易得到股 东的核准,或无须经股东核准);交叉持股(集团成员一般不得获取任何控股成 [...] [...]
员的股份或接受以控股成员股份建立的担保,也不可向任何受控成员发行或转 让股份);破产交易(母公司应该对子公司的破产情况有所察觉,否则可能须对 该子公司破产时欠下的债务负责)。
Some of the circumstances in which strict application of the separate entity approach has been overridden may include: consolidation of enterprise group accounts for a company and any controlled entity; related person transactions (where a company is otherwise prohibited from giving any
financial benefit,
[...] including intra-group loans, guarantees, indemnities, releases of debt [...]
or asset transfers, to a related
company unless that transaction is approved by shareholders or is otherwise exempt); cross-shareholding (where group members are generally prohibited from acquiring, or taking a security over, the shares of any controlling member or issuing or transferring their shares to any controlled member); and insolvent trading (where a parent company which ought to suspect the insolvency of a subsidiary can be made liable for the debts of that subsidiary incurred when it was insolvent).
赔偿条款。贵 方应保有商业综合险,人身伤害和财产损失合并的一次事故保险额不少于 1,000,000 美元。
Insurance You will maintain general commercial liability insurance to the minimum amount of US$1,000,000 combined single limit for personal injury and property damage.
赔人证明,条第三款所列 事件或情形以外的事件或情形促成了灭 失、损坏或迟延交付,且承运人无法证明,该事件或情形既不能归责于其本人的 [...]
( b ) If the claimant proves that an
event or circumstance not listed in
[...] paragraph 3 of this article contributed to the loss, [...]
damage, or delay, and the carrier
cannot prove that this event or circumstance is not attributable to its fault or to the fault of any person referred to in article 18.
会上还注意到,2010 年《统法协会通则》的主要目标是处理国际商务界和 法律界感兴趣的其他议题,因此新增了 26 个条款,述及的问题有:未能履行合 同情况下赔偿、 非法性、条件,以及多个债权人和债务人。
It was further noted that the main objective of the Unidroit Principles 2010 was to address additional topics of interest to the international business and legal
communities and
[...] that, as such, they included 26 new articles dealing with restitution in case of failed contracts, [...]
illegality, conditions,
and plurality of obligors and obligees.
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》条款做出的,并考虑到了罪名的严重性以 免 有 人逃 跑和确保缔约国领土上的公共安全。
The decision to extradite them
was taken in
[...] accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals [...]
escaping and to ensure
public security on the territory of the State party.
未偿还不足金额」的定义是我的汽车的实际现金价值与损失之日分期支付销售合约/贷款/租赁的清偿净 值之间的差额,加上本附录背面「协议」第 (I I) 款定义适用的主要汽车保免赔额。
Outstanding Deficiency is defined as the difference between the actual cash value of my automobile and the net installment sales contract/loan/lease payoff as of
the date of loss, plus the
[...] primary automobile insurance deductible amount where applicable as [...]
defined in section (II) “Agreement”
on the reverse side of this addendum.
对于认条款草 案赔偿主 张方面出现无中生有的情形的问题,一 些代表指出,条款草案规定“各方当事人放弃……对 [...]
仲裁员……提出任何索赔”在事实上就是说,这就是 一种可以放弃的赔偿主张。
In response to the
[...] view that the draft article could create a liability [...]
claim where none existed, some delegates had pointed
out that, by saying that “the parties waive … any claim against the arbitrators”, the draft article was, in fact, saying that there was a claim that could be waived.
我们按照附录六所载 2002 年 1 月 1 日修正的公共审计师和公共审计公司业 务约定一般条款以及我们增加 2002 年 1 月 1 日业务约定一条款中规定的赔偿 责 任的特别条件,执行审计任务并履行我们的责任(包括对第三方的责任)。
The performance of the audit and our responsibility ― also towards third parties
― are governed by the
[...] General Engagement Terms for Wirtschaftsprüfer and Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften as amended on 1 January 2002 and by our special conditions for [...]
the increase of liability
in the scope of the General Engagement Terms dated 1 January 2002, as set out in appendix VI.
[...] 的规定(1907 年海牙公约(IV)附件:遵守陆战法规和惯例第 46 (2) 和 56 (2)条所载的保护概 念),除了和条约所 作出的规定之外,禁止要求用文物作 赔款。
Under international law already applicable at the relevant time (the concept of protection contained in Article 46 (2) and Article 56 (2) of the Annex to the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and
Customs of War on Land of 1907)
[...] cultural objects are banned from being demanded as reparations except in peace treaties.
关于给教科文组织带来的与第 2 类中心和在协议草案中加入 特权与免条款的风 险问题,鉴于其通用性质,需要在其他场合予以讨论。
With respect to the questions on risks to UNESCO associated to a
category 2 centre and to the
[...] inclusion of an article on privileges and immunities in the draft [...]
agreement, it was considered
that given the generic nature of the question, they would need to be taken up on another occasion.
如果 采取了这些步骤,采购实体必须在记录中提供理由(第 25 条第(1)款(v)项):这 些保障措施的用意是确保免条款的 潜 在重要性得到适当考虑,(在确定是否 有充分理由取消通常都适用的透明度要求时,)采购实体可以对其采取的行动 作出解释并说明理由。
If it takes these steps, the procuring entity
must provide reasons in
[...] the record article 25(1)(v): these safeguards are designed to ensure that the potential significance of the exemptions is appropriately [...]
considered, and that
the procuring entity (which determines whether sufficient grounds exist to lift normal transparency requirements) can explain and justify its actions.
安全条款免责声 明:本新闻稿包含了《1933年证券管理条例》第27条A款和《1934年证券管理条例》第21条E款所定义的前瞻性声明,这些前瞻性声明是以我们对未来事件的当前预期、信心和假设为基础的。
Safe Harbor Act Disclaimer: This release [...]
contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934 that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events.
若因我方违反次级合同责任,使得合同物品不能按照合同规定使用,甚至是在订立合同之前;例如,因为疏忽或不当意见、或不当说明;则除非买方提出额外 赔 , 则第 六 款第 5-8 条中规定的我方责任应适用。
If the contractual object cannot be used as stipulated in the contract due to culpable violation of secondary obligations to which we are obligated, even prior to conclusion of contract; for example due to omitted or incorrect consulting, or incorrect instructions, then under exclusion of additional claims on the part of purchaser, the provision set forth under Roman numeral VI no. 5 - 8 shall apply accordingly for our liability.
委员会建议缔约国将通过《防止和杜绝歧视法》作为要务进行,并保障对公民和 非公民的保护、确保执法机构的效率和独立性,载列针对种族歧视的充分制裁赔偿的条款,以及在民事司法程序中共同承担举证责任的条款,以此使上述法律 的条款符合相关的国际标准,包括《公约》。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt as a matter of priority the Law on Preventing and Combating Discrimination and bring its provisions into conformity with relevant international standards, including the Convention, by guaranteeing the protection of both citizens and non-citizens, ensuring the efficiency and the independence of the enforcement body, and containing provisions on adequate sanctions and compensation for racial discrimination and a shared burden of proof in civil proceedings.
作为使用本网站的条件之一,用户同意赔偿美联航及其供应商对来自和针对任何及所有用户使用此网站所引起的起诉带来的债务、开支(包括律师费)和损失,包括但不限于任何如果为真则可能导致用户违背这 条款 的 赔 偿 宣 称事实。
As a condition of use of this Web site, the User agrees to indemnify United and its suppliers from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including attorney's fees) and damages arising out of claims resulting from User's use of this Web site, including
without limitation any claims alleging facts that if true would constitute a
[...] breach by User of these terms and conditions.
此行动计划的主要内容包括:保留伊拉克 发展基金目前所采用的机制,按照上述决议第 21 条 和随 后其他有关决议的规定,利用在纽约联邦储备银 行开设的银行账户确保所有的石油、石油产品和天然 气的出售所得的集中存放,代替石油收益收款账户, 同时继续自动存赔款。
The main elements of this action plan involve maintaining the same mechanisms currently adopted for the Development Fund for Iraq by using bank accounts opened at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York to ensure central deposit of the proceeds
from the sale of
[...] oil, petroleum products and natural gas, as an alternative to the Oil Proceeds Receipts Account, while continuing the automatic deposit of compensation, as provided for in paragraph 21 of the resolution just mentioned and in subsequent other relevant resolutions.
(b) 如果无法通过订立这一合同安排满足 条 规 定 ,则瑙鲁和汤加这类发展 中国家必须制定那些法律和规章并采取哪些行政措施以履行其义务, 免赔 偿责 任?
(b) If it is not possible to
[...] satisfy this clause by entering into such a contractual arrangement, what laws and regulations and administrative measures must a developing State such as Nauru or Tonga take to fulfil its obligations and avoid liability?
六、承运人根据条规定被免除部分 赔 偿 责 任的,承运人仅对根据本条应由 其负赔偿责任的事件或情形所造成的那部分灭失、损坏或迟延交付负赔偿责任。
The carrier is liable for the breach of its obligations under this Convention caused by the acts or omissions of




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