单词 | 克拉科夫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 克拉科夫—KrakowSee also:克拉n—caratn 克拉—carat (mass) (loanword) 克拉拉n—Claran 克拉克—Clark or Clarke (name)
巴勒斯坦犹太法典是普遍给予的论文引用,章节页和列后,威尼斯和克拉科夫版本,大多也行,由J(= jerus)或PAL表示;如PAL。 mb-soft.com | The Palestinian Talmud is generally cited by giving the [...] treatise, chapter, page, and column after [...] the VenetianandCracow editions, mostly [...]also the line, indicated by j (=jerus.) or pal. mb-soft.com |
官员们称,为克拉 科夫技术园区的投资者们提供的公共补助金是全波兰最高的。 paiz.gov.pl | Officials say public aid [...] for investorsin Kraków Technology Park is [...]the highest in Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
两个耶路莎米其他版本有除了editio [...] princeps(威尼斯,1523及以下),他们紧跟在出现柱内,那些克拉科夫,1609年,和Krotoschin,1866。 mb-soft.com | Two other editions of Yerushalmi have appeared in addition to the editio [...] princeps (Venice, 1523 et seq.), which they closely follow in [...] columniation-those of Cracow, 1609,and Krotoschin, 1866. mb-soft.com |
先生说道。 凯尔采位于华沙、克拉科夫和西里西亚等波兰主要经济中心 之间的交叉路口,这样的地理位置使它从中受益。 paiz.gov.pl | Kielce has benefited from its location at the crossroads of the main economic centers [...] in Poland – Warsaw,Kraków and Silesia. paiz.gov.pl |
克拉科夫这个城市为它提供强大的学术基 础,在技术园区附近有好几个大学,可从中招募合格的工作人员。 paiz.gov.pl | The city of Krakówprovides it with [...] a strong academic base, with several universities located within the vicinity of the [...]technology park, from which qualified staff can be drawn. paiz.gov.pl |
克拉科夫已成为欧洲的外包之都,而 这里的城市当局与大学进行合作,他们在投资人和学术机构 [...] 之间扮演中间人的角色。 paiz.gov.pl | Kraków says italready is [...] the European capital of outsourcing, while city authorities cooperate with universities, acting [...]as an intermediary between investors and academic units. paiz.gov.pl |
由于是波兰第二大城市且其位置在主要运输路线 上,克拉科夫的位置对物流业/工业的业主具有吸 引力。 businessinmalopolska.com | As the second biggest city in Poland and a location on an important [...] transport route, Kraków is an attractive [...]location for logistics / industrial occupiers. businessinmalopolska.com |
其他城市比如克拉科夫、弗罗茨瓦夫或三联 市的租金水平都差不多,但总体低于华沙, 最高租金低于14欧元/每平方米。 paiz.gov.pl | The same pattern can [...] be seenin Krakow or the Tricity, but at the [...]slightly lower level of 14 EUR/m2. paiz.gov.pl |
最近5年,一些国外的大型开发商和本地开发 商在诸如克拉科夫、波兹南或华沙等城市投 资开发了很多高档的写字楼项目。 paiz.gov.pl | Within the last 5 years a wave of foreign BPO and specific local Investments with high quality requirements in towns likeKrakow,Poznań orWrocław have had a strong impact on the development of modern office space in these regions. paiz.gov.pl |
2006年3月22日至24日在波兰克拉科夫举行的全欧科学院(ALLEA)大会上首次 介绍和讨论了关于科学伦理和科学工作者责任问题的各项活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Thefirst occasion to present and discuss activities regardingscience ethicsand scientists’responsibility [...] was the General [...]Assembly of ALLEA (All European Academies) meeting in Krakow, Poland, from 22 to 24 March 2006. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年 7 月 2 日至 4 日,特别报告员出席了民主政体共同体常设秘书处为纪念 [...] 民主政体共同体十周年而举办的高级别民主会议,由波兰政府在克拉科夫主办。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 2 to 4 July 2010, the Special Rapporteur attended the High-level Democracy Meeting on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Community of Democracies, [...] organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies and hosted by [...] the Government of Poland in Krakow. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借深厚的历史底蕴而最具影响力的 城市有克拉科夫、华沙、弗罗茨瓦夫、格但斯 克、托伦和奥斯维辛,维利奇卡市凭借它的盐 矿而出名。 paiz.gov.pl | The most reflective places for their historical backgrounds are Kraków, Warszawa, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Toruń, Oświęcim and Wieliczka with its salt mine. paiz.gov.pl |
Musial女士获得了克拉科夫音乐学院的硕士学位,得到了高度评价,而且师承Stefan [...] Wojtas教授;获得了温哥华音乐学院的艺术家文凭,师承Lee Kum-Sing教授;还获得了蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学的高级音乐表演研究文凭,师承Anna [...]Szpilberg 和 Philip Cohen 教授,而且 Philip Cohen 教授至今仍是她的指导员和长期的表演辅导员。 pianist.pl | Ms. Musial holds a Masters degree with high honours from the [...] Academy of Music in Cracowunder Professor [...]Stefan Wojtas, as well as an Artist Diploma [...]from the Vancouver Academy of Music under Professor Lee Kum-Sing and a Diploma in Advanced Music Performance Studies from Montreal's Concordia University under Professor Anna Szpilberg and Philip Cohen who remains as her mentor and long term performance coach. pianist.pl |
克拉科夫克拉科夫是波兰最受 BPO (商业流程委 外) /SSC (共享服务中心)欢迎的投资地点之一。 businessinmalopolska.com | Krakówis one of the most popular BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) / SSC (Shared Services Centre) destinations in Poland. businessinmalopolska.com |
除了在2011年 Bradshaw & Buono [...] 国际钢琴比赛(纽约)上夺得一等奖以外,Musial女士也在如下比赛中获得大奖:Krzysztof [...] Penderecki 国际现代室内音乐大赛(克拉科夫)、Kay Meek大赛(温哥华),而且还因杰出的才艺而获得Alban [...]Berg大奖(维也纳),并因高深的音乐造诣而获得Philip [...]Cohen大奖(蒙特利尔)。 pianist.pl | In addition to the First Prize at 2011 Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition (New York) Ms. Musial was a prize winner in the following competitions: the Krzysztof Penderecki [...] International Competition of Contemporary [...] Chamber Music (Cracow), theKay Meek Competition [...](Vancouver) and has received the [...]Alban Berg Prize for outstanding merit (Vienna), as well as the Philip Cohen Award for outstanding performance musicianship (Montreal). pianist.pl |
克拉科夫科技园经济特同时以经济特区和技术园区的方式运营,在支持创新和新技术 [...] 的同时汇集科学家、企业家以及投资者。 paiz.gov.pl | The Kraków Technology Park [...] Special Economic Zone operates as both an SEZ and a technology park, supporting innovation and [...]new technology, as well as bringing together scientists, entrepreneurs and investors. paiz.gov.pl |
项目。许多城市看到了共享服务在克拉科夫、弗罗茨瓦夫和波 兹南等城市产生的积极影响,他们想在自己的城市引入各种共 享服务——无论它是本地的还是跨国公司或政府的。 paiz.gov.pl | Many cities have seen the positive impact shared services has had on cities such asKraków,Wrocław, Poznań and want to attract shared services to their cities – be it local, multinational or government. paiz.gov.pl |
只有荷兰的格罗宁根和波兰的克拉科夫市民对自己城市的 生活质量评分更高。 maxicom.de | Only people living in the Dutch city of Groningen and the Polish cityof Cracow gave the quality of life in their cities higher marks. maxicom.de |
而在波兰犹太法典增加研究导致了一个完整版(克拉科夫,1602-5)的问题,与原始文本恢复;一个版本包含,所以目前所知,只有两个论文先前已发表在卢布林(1559年至1576年)。 mb-soft.com | The increasing study of the Talmud in Poland led to the issue of a [...] complete edition (Cracow, 1602-5), with a [...]restoration of the original text; an edition [...]containing, so far as known, only two treatises had previously been published at Lublin (1559-76). mb-soft.com |
项目选址地 的位置。在咨询公司Tholons 发布的2012 [...] 年外包服务目的地 前100 位排名中,克拉科夫不但是唯一入围“新兴外包服务 城市”类表的中东欧城市,而且它还在此项排名中位列第一。 paiz.gov.pl | In 2012’s Top 100 Outsourcing [...] Destinations ranking, published by the consulting [...] company Tholons, Kraków is not just the [...]only city from Central and Eastern Europe [...]on the list of Emerging Outsourcing Cities, it also came in at the top of the ranking. paiz.gov.pl |
不 动产税豁免也可以做为区域投资支援的一部分, 提供给在克拉科夫市营业的商业实体。 businessinmalopolska.com | Real estate tax exemption can also be offered as part of regional investment support for business [...] entities that are operatingin Kraków City. businessinmalopolska.com |
KTP 也是克拉科夫先进技术中心(一个研发中 心)的所在地。 paiz.gov.pl | The KTPalso hosts the Kraków Advanced Technologies [...] Center, an R&D center. paiz.gov.pl |
例如:克拉科夫的AGH 科技大学在梅莱茨设立分部,培养机 械、机电一体化以及机械构造等方面的专业人士。 paiz.gov.pl | TheAGH Science and Technology University inKraków,for example, operates a branch in Mielec to train specialists in mechanics, mechatronics and the construction of machines. paiz.gov.pl |
你会在那里遇到在克拉科夫的心脏的平静与安宁。 hotelspreference.com | You will there encounter [...] calm and serenity in the heart of Krakow. hotelspreference.com |
最着名且最有名望的是:雅盖隆大学, 它在“Perspektywy”期刊所做的 2010 年高等教 育机构排名大学类第二名;克拉科夫AGH 科学与 技术大学 – 高等教育机构技术类第三名以及克 拉科夫经济大学 – 经济类第六名, 排名在在卡 托维兹经济大学, 弗罗茨瓦夫大学以及其他大学 [...] 的前面。 businessinmalopolska.com | The most famous and prestigious are: the Jagiellonian University, which came second in the 2010 ranking of HEIs by the “Perspektywy” periodical in the [...] category for Polish [...] universities;the AGH Universityof Science andTechnology – third in the category for technical HEIs; andtheKraków University of [...]Economics – sixth in [...]the field of economics, staying ahead of the University of Economics in Katowice, the University of Wrocław and many others. businessinmalopolska.com |
他曾于波兰国家铁路(PKP)工作超过20年,一开始担任克拉科夫Nowa Huta火车站的副总经理,之后成为PKP [...] S.A.管理委员会的成员,同时他也从CTL物流管理委员的成员成为波兰融合投资管理委员会的副总裁。 railconference.com | For more than 20 years he worked for the Polish [...] State Railways (PKP), beginning as [...] Deputy Manager of the Cracow Nowa Huta railway [...]station and advancing to a member of the PKP S.A. Management Board. railconference.com |
波罗的海地面服务公司授权为立陶宛的维尔纽斯和帕兰加,以及在波兰的六个主要机场(华沙,克拉科夫,弗罗茨瓦夫,格但斯克,波兹南和卡托维兹)提供客运服务 。 aviasg.com | Baltic Ground Services is fully licensed to provide passenger services in Vilnius and Palanga (Lithuania), in six major airports in Poland – Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Poznan and Katowice, as well as in the Lamezia Terme Airport, Italy. aviasg.com |
其他的大城 市的人均GDP也较高,包括波兹南(是全国平 均水平的2倍)、克拉科夫(比全国平均水平 高出60%)、弗罗茨瓦夫和三联市(三联市包 括格但斯克、索波特和格丁尼亚)(比全国平 均水平高出45%)。 paiz.gov.pl | High per capita GDP is also noticeable in other big cities, including Poznań (twice the national average), Kraków (60% above the national average), Wrocław and the Tricity of Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia (45% above average). paiz.gov.pl |