

单词 克拉玛依



Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture level city in Xinjiang


Karamay district (Uighur: Qaramay Rayoni) of Qaramay City, Xinjiang

See also:

克拉 n

carat n


Clark or Clarke (name)

拉玛 n

Rama n


carat (mass) (loanword)

External sources (not reviewed)

中国克拉玛依)国 际石油天然气及石化技术装备展览会将于 9 月 12 日至 14 日在新克拉玛依市克拉玛依会展 中心举办。
China Xinjiang (Karamay) International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE Xinjiang) will be held at Karamay Expo Center [...]
from September
12th - 14th, 2012 in Karamay, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
大型石油公司在全国建设有多个区域数据中心(包括北京、大庆、新 克拉玛依 、 长庆等),每个区域数据中心是地理周边地区公司的网络汇集点和数据共享、应用服务的中心;区域数据中心通过高速网络与北京网络中心进行互联,同时根据单位大小和应用需要,以不同的带宽与周边地区公司相连;区域数据中心不仅担负着本地区网络正常运行的维护和故障排除,也对周边地区公司提供应用服务器和数据存储的共享服务;其中区域数据中心邮件系统是负责周边公司和北京总部信息交流的枢纽。
The large-scale petroleum companies have established several
ADCs (Area Data Center) in China (including
[...] Beijing, Daqing, Karamay (Xinjiang), and [...]
Changqing etc.), every ADC is the network
junction of surrounding companies and the center of data sharing and application service; the ADC can be interconnected with Beijing network center through high speed network, meanwhile, it can be connected with the surrounding companies with different bandwidth according to the scale and applications; the ADC is not only responsible for the normal running maintenance and troubleshooting of local network, but also providing the sharing service of  application server and data storage for surrounding companies; wherein, the ADC mail system is the hub for information communication between the surrounding companies and Beijing headquarter.
拉是仍 然在世的最后一位非洲解放斗争 传奇人物,在他之前有克鲁玛、肯雅塔、尼雷尔、 阿齐基韦、桑戈尔等等。
As the last living legend of the liberation
[...] struggle in Africa, he has joined the ranks of his predecessors: Nkrumah, Kenyatta, Nyerere, Azikiwe, Senghor and others.
作为回报,土耳其将帮助KRG建设输油管道基础工程,出口土耳其的油气将不 依 赖 伊 拉克 国 有 管道,后者控制在巴格达中央政府手中。
In return, Turkey is to help the KRG build pipeline infrastructure that
will allow oil and gas to be exported
[...] to Turkey without relying on Iraq’s national [...]
pipeline, which is controlled by the
central government in Baghdad.
安全理事 会还欣见拉克依照其 法律,同意在《附加议定 书》生效之前暂时予以适用。
The Security Council further welcomes that,
[...] consistent with Iraqi law, Iraq has agreed [...]
to apply the Additional Protocol provisionally, pending its entry into force.
55 名高层教育决策者接受了培训,以便在他们国家的教育体系中实施富有创新精神的 “技术和职业教育与培训”(TVET)的政策改革,通过两个能力建设宣传研讨会,促进了教 科文组织--国际劳工组织关于技术与职业教育的建议的落实,研讨会一个为 拉 伯 国 家举行 (萨那,也门,5 月 9-12 日),另一个为中亚国家举行(阿 玛 迪 ,哈 萨 克 斯 坦 ,6 月 1418 日)。
Fifty-five high-level education policy-makers were trained to implement innovative TVET policy reform in their national systems through two capacity-building advocacy seminars to promote the implementation of the UNESCO-ILO Recommendations concerning technical and vocational education, one for the Arab States (Sana’a, Yemen, 9-12 May) and one for the Central Asian Republics (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 14-18 June).
12 种: 主要在北美洲(美国, 在墨西哥的Baja加利福尼亚)和亚洲从那些 玛拉 雅 山到日本(阿富汗, 孟加拉国, 不丹, 中国, 印度, 日本克什米 尔,老挝,缅甸,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦,泰国,越南),在欧洲东南部有1种(阿尔巴尼亚,保加利亚,希腊,前南斯拉夫);中国4 [...]
Twelve species: mainly in North America (United States, Baja California in
Mexico) and Asia from
[...] the Himalayas to Japan (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Japan, Kashmir, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, [...]
Vietnam), one species
in SE Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, former Yugoslavia); four species (one endemic, two introduced) in China.
乌 兹克斯坦询问沙特拉伯其 为 缔约国的各项国际文书,按其 国内法 具 有 什么样 的 地位, 并 询 问沙特阿拉伯是否 可在法庭 上 援引这些国际 文书,以 及 是 否 培训法 官 、 刑 事 调 查人员、检察官 和 律依照沙特阿拉伯批 准的人权文书行 事。
Uzbekistan asked about the status under domestic legislation of the international instruments to which Saudi Arabia is a party and if these can be invoked before the Courts and if judges, criminal investigation officers, prosecutors and lawyers are trained to act in accordance with the human rights instruments ratified by Saudi Arabia.
秘书长还一直提醒伊拉克总理,他发来的 重申拉克依照第833(1993)号决议对其与科威特的 陆地和海上边界所作的承诺的信,是一项至关重要的 建立信任措施。
The Secretary-General has also consistently reminded the Iraqi Prime Minister that a letter from him reaffirming Iraq’s commitment to its land and maritime boundaries with Kuwait under resolution 833 (1993) is an essential confidence-building measure.
虽然只有少数几个国家允许非正规医生实施主要产科手术,但 拉克 托 玛拉 拉博士强调必须对各国施加影响采用这种做法,制定扶持政策,并分配充足的资 源用于增加经过培训的非正规医生的人数。
Dr. Rakotomalala stressed that while non-physician clinicians are allowed to perform major obstetric surgery in only a few countries, there was a need to influence countries to adopt the practice, design supportive policies, and allocate adequate resources for increasing the number of trained non-physician clinicians.
在巴基斯坦,拉合尔古堡的拉玛花 园 在挪威政府的支助下获得了 重点援助。
In Pakistan, Lahore Fort and Shamlaman [...]
Gardens received focused assistance with support from the Norwegian Government.
在8月12 日委员会第8 次会议上,佐勒菲卡尔女士介绍了案文草案 A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, 提案人为:何塞·安东尼奥·本戈·卡韦略先生、劳伦斯·布 瓦松·德·沙祖尔内女士、陈士球先生、郑镇星女士、沃尔夫冈·海因茨先生、 艾尔弗雷德·恩通杜古鲁·卡罗科拉先生、弗拉基米尔·卡尔塔什金先生、奥比 奥拉·希内杜·奥卡福尔先生、阿南托尼亚·雷耶斯·普拉多女士、坂本茂树先 生、迪鲁杰拉尔·西图辛格先生、阿赫马尔 · 比 拉 勒 ·苏 菲先生、哈 玛 · 恩巴 雷克·瓦尔 扎齐女士、莫娜·佐勒菲卡尔女士。
At the Committee’s 8th meeting, on 12 August, Ms. Zulficar introduced draft text A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, sponsored by Mr. José Antonio Bengoa Cabello, Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Mr. Shiqiu Chen, Ms. Chisung Chung, Mr. Wolfgang Heinz, Mr. Alfred Ntunduguru Karokora, Mr. Vladimir Kartashkin, Mr. Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Ms. Anantonia Reyes Prado, Mr. Shigeki Sakamoto, Mr. Dheerujlall Seetulsingh, Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Ms. Halima Embarek Warzazi and Ms. Mona Zulficar.
截至 2009 年 1 月 1 日,拉克依照美 国和伊拉克谈判的《撤出协定》,对此类承包商已有管辖权。
As of 1 January 2009, Iraq now has jurisdiction over such contractors under the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the United States and Iraq.
他援引了一条法律意见,除其他外,证实了提交人的意见也依据乌兹别克斯坦 法律后一项要求实际上是不合法的。
He refers to the legal opinion, confirming, inter alia, the author‟s argument that this latter
[...] requirement is actually illegal under Uzbek law.
依玛士公 司营销副总裁Christophe Lopez表示:“目前产品经理主要关心的一个问题是不能预知生产线何时停工。
One of the main concerns of today's product managers is the unpredictable future line stoppage," reports Christophe Lopez, Markem-Imaje VP Marketing.
174 EX/46 号决定强调,尊重言论自由与尊重宗教信仰和宗教符号 是密不可分的两项原则,要求总干事 (i) 强化教科文组织各主管领域的计 划和行动,履行其促进相互理解与尊重各国人民宗教及文化价值观和表 达自由的职责;(ii) 加速执行不同文明、文化和民族间对话行动计划,
创建一种和平共处文化;并(iii) 将现行的所有国际文书汇编成书,对这
[...] 些文书进行深入的研究,并且为促进相互理解提出教科文组织可以采取 行动的方式方法,从克服目前依然 存在的不了解彼此的行为方式与生 活的状况,促进和平、宽容和不同文明、文化、民族和宗教间的对话。
Pursuant to 174 EX/Decision 46, which emphasized that the respect for freedom of expression and for religious beliefs and symbols are two indissociable principles, the Director-General was requested (i) to strengthen UNESCO’s programmes and actions to fulfil its commitment towards mutual understanding and respect for all peoples’ religious and cultural values, and freedom of expression; (ii) to accelerate the implementation of the plan of action for the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples with a view to creating a culture of peace and of living together; and (iii) to undertake a compilation and comprehensive study of all existing relevant international instruments, and to propose means and modalities of action available to UNESCO for the purpose of
furthering mutual
[...] understanding in order to overcome the still prevailing ignorance of each other’s [...]
ways and lives, and of
promoting peace, tolerance and dialogue among civilizations, cultures, peoples and religions.
[...] 部分地是因为伊拉克当局对其活动加大了监管力度,而且美国也努力进一步监督 其当地承包商,但拉克依然面临着 2003 至 2009 年间侵犯人权行为所涉承包商 [...]
The Working Group found that, despite a decrease in incidents involving such companies in recent years, due in part to stricter regulation of their activities by the Iraqi authorities and efforts by the
United States to better oversee its
[...] in-country contractors, Iraq continues to grapple [...]
with the problem of impunity for contractors
involved in human rights violations between 2003 and 2009.
[...] 尔斯、彼得·克罗克、阿布·巴卡尔·加法尔、伊曼纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉、尤里·鲍 里索维奇·卡兹明、吕文正、伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗、朴永安、西 拉玛克里 什 南·拉詹、迈克尔·安塞尔姆·马克·罗塞特、菲利普·亚历山大·西蒙兹和 卜部哲郎。
The following members of the Commission attended the session: Osvaldo Pedro Astiz, Lawrence Folajimi Awosika, Harald Brekke, Galo Carrera Hurtado, Francis L. Charles, Peter F. Croker, Abu Bakar Jaafar, Emmanuel Kalngui, Yuri
Borisovitch Kazmin,
[...] Wenzheng Lu, Isaac Owusu Oduro, Yong-Ahn Park, Sivaramakrishnan Rajan, Michael Anselme Marc Rosette, [...]
Philip Alexander Symonds and Tetsuro Urabe.
儿童权利委员会副主席艾格尼丝·艾杜和儿童权利委员会委 玛 丽 亚 ·赫尔克担任第一工作组报告员。
Agnes Aidoo, Vice-Chairperson of the Committee of the Rights of the Child, and Maria Herczog, member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, served as rapporteurs for the first working group.
依玛士具 有专利的、速干液态油墨与喷头 技术相结合,具有很好的非渗透性,每次以较 少的油墨用量就能打印出清晰、色泽一致的图 像、文字和可读条码。
Markem-Imaje’s patent pending, quick-drying liquid ink, combined with our printhead technology, provides superior opacity delivering clear, consistent images, text and readable barcodes with less ink per print.
拉克托玛拉拉博士 着重介绍了马拉维、莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚联合共和国的经 验,在这些国家中,所有剖腹产中约有 90%是由非正规临床医生实施的。
Dr. Rakotomalala highlighted the experiences in Malawi, Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania, where around 90 per cent of all Caesarean sections are carried out by non-physician clinicians.
产后的探访发现,母亲和婴拉玛健 康 状况良好。
During the postnatal visit, both mother and baby Rama were found to be in good health.
依照在捷克共和 国举行的哈龙管理问题专题会议提出的建议,环境规划署初步汇编 [...]
As per the recommendations of the thematic meeting on halon
[...] management in Czech Republic, UNEP [...]
prepared an initial compilation of case studies
on the use of economic instruments to sustain the operation of halon banks (and destruction) in developed countries.
拉克依然在 等待这些国家的答复,他们既没有确定签署协议的日期,也没有对转递 给他们的双边协定草案作出积极回应。
There has been no significant progress in this respect with the remaining 13 States mentioned in the first quarterly report (S/2010/308), as Iraq is still waiting for their responses and they have neither set a date for signing the agreements nor positively responded to the draft bilateral agreements transmitted to them.
依据《乌克兰法 律关于引渡相关条款的刑事诉讼法 修正案》,不能以种族、信仰、国籍、社会或政治考虑等作为借口,将难民引渡 [...]
到其健康、生命或自由有可能遭遇危险的国家,除非乌克兰承担的某一条约义务 另有规定。
Pursuant to the Law of Ukraine regarding [...]
the Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure in Relationship to Extradition,
a refugee cannot be extradited to a foreign State where his or her health, life or liberty may be at risk on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, social or political considerations, unless otherwise provided by a particular treaty obligation incumbent on Ukraine.
卡拉季奇案中披露了大量材料,造成这种情况的有几个原因,包括:检查官 办公室的证据收集量大,大约有 9 000 000 页;卡拉季奇在四年冲突期间权高位 重,造成大量文件都可能都与其行为举动相关;由于第 66 和 68 条规则要求披露 关于边缘问题和不存在争议问题的材料,检方的披露义务非常广泛; 拉 季 奇依 照第 66(B)条要求提供涉及 170 多个专题的资料;卡拉季奇提出的许多可能为其 开脱罪责的主张均与本案主要问题无重大关系,但仍需要检查官办公室披露研究 审查内容。
case reflects a number of factors including: the size of the Office of the Prosecutor’s evidence collection, which comprises some 9,000,000 pages; Karadžić’s high profile and senior position during the four-year conflict, resulting in enormous quantities of documents that are potentially relevant to his acts and conduct; the breadth of the Prosecution’s disclosure obligations under Rules 66 and 68 requiring disclosure of materials on peripheral issues and issues about which there is no dispute; the fact that Karadžić has requested, pursuant to Rule 66 (B), material falling under more than 170 different topics; and Karadžić’s many potential exculpatory claims that are peripheral to the main issues of the case, but nevertheless require disclosure searches and reviews by the Office of the Prosecutor.
自 2007 年以来,哈基姆基金会与下列组织建立友好关系:(a)圣伊玛姆阿里学校:拉克三省 的多所小学;(b) 圣谢克图西大学;(c)穆斯林妇女组织;(d) 达圣克玛人道主义科学学校;(e) 伊拉克学生 伊斯兰集团;圣拉雅学生集团;(f)万人 坑受害者纪录片中心;(g) 旨在培训工作人员和领导人的曼迪哈金研究所;(h)圣 伊玛姆莫森哈基姆妇女问题研究所;(i) 圣拉菲丁儿童基金会。
Since 2007, Al-Hakim Foundation has extended its affiliation with the following organizations: (a) Al-Imam Ali schools: primary and elementary schools in three Iraqi provinces; (b) Al-Shaikh Al-Tusi University; (c) Muslim Women’s Organization; (d) Dar Al-Hikma School for Humanitarian Sciences; (e) Islamic Gathering for Iraqi Students; Al-Raya Students Gathering; (f) Documentary centre for victims buried in mass graves; (g) Mahdi Al-Hakim Institute for training staff and leaders; (h) Al-Imam Mohsen Al-Hakim Institute for Women; (i) Al-Rafidain Children’s Foundation.




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