单词 | 克勤克俭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 克勤克俭 —be industrious and frugal [idiom.]See also:勤俭—hardworking and frugal 克俭—thrift 克俭 n—economy n
美国经济的各个行 业都应该为研究生提供实习和勤工俭 学 的 机会。 fgereport.org | All sectors of the U.S. economy should seek ways to provide internships and work study opportunities for graduate students. fgereport.org |
还有一些小学打着职业培训的旗号,以政府批准 的 勤 工 俭 学 项 目为掩护,为工厂和农场提供童工强迫工作。 embassyusa.cn | Under the government-sanctioned work-study programs, elementary schools supplied factories and farms with forced child labor under the pretext of vocational training. eng.embassyusa.cn |
她由於無親無故,所以總是擔心年紀老邁的時候的境 況,亦因為她克勤克儉,現在總算有點積蓄,所以不㆒定能夠獲得綜援計劃的援助, [...] 但這並不表示她生活舒適。 legco.gov.hk | She struggled so hard that she is able today to amass a little bit of [...] savings, so she does not have to fall [...]within the CSSA Scheme, but it does not mean she lives in comfort. legco.gov.hk |
为研究生提供实习和勤工俭学的机会。 fgereport.org | Provide internships and work study opportunities for graduate students. fgereport.org |
学会了做人的基本道理:通过实习,“看到了什么是严谨、什么是谦虚,什么是胸怀, 什么是乐观,什么是热心,什么是细心,什么 是 勤 奋 , 什么 是 俭 朴 ”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Learned basic principles how to make yourself a good person: Through practice, we learned what it really means by seriousness, humbleness, broad bosom, optimism, enthusiasm, charity, diligentness and thriftness. unesdoc.unesco.org |
陳克勤議員 請香港產科服務關注組及香港 新生兒服務關注組就醫管局招聘非本地醫生作有 [...] 限度執業註冊,作為其中一項解決醫生人手緊絀問 題的措施,發表意見。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHAN Hak-kan sought the [...] views from the Hong Kong Obstetric Service Concern Group and the Hong Kong Neonatal Service Concern [...]Group on HA's recruitment of non-local doctors to practise with limited registration as one of its measures to address the stringent doctor manpower shortage problem. legco.gov.hk |
由於議員對陳克勤議員 的建議表達了 不同的意見,內務委員會主席表示,議員可考 [...] 慮將此事付諸表決。 legco.gov.hk | Given Members' diverse [...] views on Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal, [...]the Chairman said that Members could consider putting the matter to vote. legco.gov.hk |
陳克勤議員 : 代理主席,當局在2006年計劃預留土地興建中央家 [...] 禽屠宰中心,先後建議選址於上水石湖墟污水處理廠附近及文錦渡路 旁的虎地拗村一帶,分別涉及土地面積達10 500平方米及15 000平方 米,後來因本港的禽流感風險得以控制在低水平,食物及衞生局局長 [...] 於去年6月宣布擱置中央家禽屠宰中心計劃。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHAN HAK-KAN (in Cantonese): [...] Deputy President, in 2006, the authorities planned to reserve a site for the construction [...]of a centralized poultry slaughtering centre (PSC), and they first proposed to use the site near Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works in Sheung Shui and then proposed the site in the vicinity of Fu Tei Au Tsuen next to Man Kam To Road, which cover an area of 10 500 and 15 000 sq m respectively, but subsequently, as the risk of avian influenza in Hong Kong was kept at a low level, the Secretary for Food and Health announced shelving the centralized PSC project in June last year. legco.gov.hk |
这些情况通常称为“制约下 的”创新或节俭性创 新,说明了技术发展在南半球的重要性及南南协作和技术转 [...] 让的潜力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Often termed [...] “constraint-based” or frugal innovation, these [...]cases illustrate the importance of technology development in [...]the South, as well as the potential of South–South collaboration and technology transfer. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如,美 国的跨国公司都有能力为研究生创造一些实习 和 勤 工 俭学 的 机会以便为他们提供最前沿的培训和在不同文化氛围中 工作的机会。 fgereport.org | For example, U.S. multinational corporations are in a position to create internship and work/study opportunities for graduate students to provide cutting-edge training and exposure to working in diverse cultures. fgereport.org |
它将使本组织作为多边良好雇主组织的地位发 生大变,变成一个效率和业绩都分别成为大幅度削减和 节 俭 代 名 词的机构。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It has changed the Organization drastically from being a good multilateral employer to an institution in which efficacy and performance have respectively become synonymous with drastic cuts and savings. unesdoc.unesco.org |
甘乃威議員提出的原議案,以及何秀蘭議員、余若薇議員及 陳 克勤 議員所提出的各項修正案,其實跟政府所提出的不少措施是不謀而合 的。 legco.gov.hk | Mr KAM Nai-wai's original motion and the [...] respective amendments of Ms Cyd HO, Ms Audrey [...] EU and Mr CHAN Hak-kan are actually [...]similar to many of the measures introduced by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
娄勤俭特别 强调,明天即将迎来中秋、国庆双节假期,这是国家实行节假日小型车高速公路免费通行政策的第一个假期,希望交通、公安等部门以及公路沿线各级政府要高度重视,做好各种应对预案,加强安全隐患排查,及时处置突发事件,采取有效的工作措施,确保道路畅通,让群众过一个安乐祥和的节日。 sdgxsz.com | He had special emphasis, [...] tomorrow is about to usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival, national day double holiday, it is the country [...]executes holidays small vehicle highway toll free policy in the first holiday, hope traffic, public security departments as well as the highway along various government wants to take seriously highly, make all kinds of plans to deal with, strengthen the safe hidden danger investigation, to handle emergencies, take effective measures, to ensure smooth transportation, let people lead a peaceful and happy holiday. sdgxsz.com |
陳克勤議員: 主席,據報,香港房屋協會(“房協”)的主席較早前表 [...] 示,房協正研究復建俗稱“ 中產公屋” 的乙類屋邨出租單位(“乙類單 位 ”),以紓緩夾心階層的住屋壓力,但由於房協在覓地方面有困難,故 此會以內部的土地資源興建該類單位,例如把有關土地由重建出租予低 [...] 收入人士的甲類出租單位(“甲類單位”),改為興建乙類單位,但須先向 當局申請修改地契及補地價。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHAN HAK-KAN (in Cantonese): [...] President, It has been reported that the Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HS) [...]indicated earlier that the HS was studying the reintroduction of Group B rental estate units (Group B units), which are commonly known as "public housing for the middle-class", so as to relieve the housing pressure on the sandwich class, but due to difficulties in finding suitable land, the HS would have to use its own land resources to build such units, for example, changing the land use of the sites concerned from redeveloping Group A rental estate units (Group A units) for low-income people to building Group B units instead, but it would have to apply to the authorities for lease modification and pay land premium first. legco.gov.hk |
李國麟議員提到要為青少年充權;葉偉明議員建議在主流教育以外 另闢職業培訓的途徑;甘乃威議員提及青少年要建立一個正確的價值 [...] 觀,建議青少年可自我推薦加入各諮詢委員會及法定機構;湯家驊議員 對原議案作出深入的補充;陳克勤議 員亦建議多項具體措施;而謝偉俊 [...] 議員則建議立法會開設一個青少年功能界別議席。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Joseph LEE's amendment mentions the need for youth empowerment; Mr IP Wai-ming proposes to provide vocational training as an alternative to mainstream education; Mr KAM Nai-wai says that the youth must establish proper values, and he also proposes to establish a self-nominating process to enable youth representatives to recommend themselves for joining advisory committees and statutory bodies; Mr Ronny TONG adds many [...] points to make the original motion more [...] thorough; Mr CHAN Hak-kan proposes various [...]concrete measures; and, Mr Paul TSE proposes [...]to establish a "youth seat" in the Legislative Council. legco.gov.hk |
新疆当地政府为达到年度农业收获配额,通过 “ 勤 工 俭 学 ”项目强迫数千名当地学生劳动。 embassyusa.cn | The Xinjiang provincial government forced thousands of local students to labor through “work-study” programs in order to meet yearly harvesting quotas. eng.embassyusa.cn |
如果您有勤工俭学的 想法,这是完全没问题的。 englishuk.com | It's possible to work while you study, if that's what you want to do. englishuk.com |
(會後補註:陳克勤議員 於2012年 10月 12日 致內務委員會主席的函件已於會議席上提 [...] 交議員省覽,並於2012年 10月 15日隨立法 會 CB(2)15/12-13(01)號文件送交議員。 legco.gov.hk | (Post-meeting note: Mr CHAN Hak-kan's letter to [...] the Chairman of the House Committee dated 12 October 2012, which was tabled [...]at the meeting, was circulated to Members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 15/12-13(01) on 15 October 2012. legco.gov.hk |
陳克勤議員 認為,豁除部分敏感的健康資 料或會影響向病人提供護理的質素,他要求當局就 如何平衡病人私隱及讓醫護人員查閱全面的醫療 資料方面提供海外經驗的資料。 legco.gov.hk | Holding the view that the exclusion of certain sensitive health data might affect the quality of care provided to patients, Mr CHAN Hak-kan sought information on overseas experience on how to balance patients' privacy and access to comprehensive medical information of patients by healthcare professionals. legco.gov.hk |
陳克勤 議員 及陳鑑林議員均認為,政府當局落實計劃的模 式最重要是能夠在最短時間內於新界東北供應新 [...] 建房屋。 legco.gov.hk | Both Mr CHAN Hak-kan and Mr CHAN [...] Kam-lam held the view that it was paramount that the Administration adopt the implementation [...]approach that could provide new housing supply in NENT within the shortest time. legco.gov.hk |
內務委員會主席表示,陳克勤議員 所 動議議案的主題是"關注青年人面對的學業、就 [...] 業、住屋置業和創業問題",而議案措辭已送交 議員。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that the subject of the motion to be [...] moved by Mr CHAN Hak-kan was "Caring [...]about the education, employment, housing, [...]home acquisition and business start-up problems faced by young people". legco.gov.hk |
葉偉明議員就由甘乃威議員動議,經 陳 克勤 議 員 修正的議案 動議下列進一步修正案: 在緊接句號之前加上“; (十三) 協助業界解決在推行更換歐盟二 期柴油商業車輛計劃後所出現的技術問題,從而確保更換後的 新型車輛在維修、設計及零件配套等方面皆可配合業界的運作; ( 十四) 研究並諮詢公眾及運輸業界有關設立‘ 低排放區’ 的具體 建議;( 十五) 要求本港電力公司在不增加電費及不影響市民 健康的前提下,全面採用低排放發電技術及使用潔淨燃料發電, 從而改善本港因發電排放廢氣而引致的空氣污染;及(十六) 將 僱員因在空氣污染嚴重的環境下戶外工作所引致的相關疾病列 為職業病”。 legco.gov.hk | To add “; (m) to assist the industries in resolving the technical problems that occur after the implementation of the scheme for the replacement of Euro II diesel commercial vehicles, with a view to ensuring that the repair, design and parts availability, etc., of the new vehicles after replacement can tie in with the operation of the industries; (n) to study and consult the public and the transport sector on a specific proposal of designating ‘low emission zones’; (o) to require power companies in Hong Kong to fully adopt low-emission power generation technologies and clean fuel for power generation on the premise of not increasing electricity tariffs and affecting public health, with a view to alleviating the air pollution caused by power generation emission in Hong Kong; and (p) to classify the related diseases contracted by employees who have to work outdoors under severe air pollution conditions as occupational diseases” immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |
內務委員會主席表示,陳克勤議員 動議的 議案主題為"關注過海隧道未能有效分流及收費偏 [...] 高問題"。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that the subject of the motion to be [...] moved by Mr CHAN Hak-kan was "Concern [...]about the cross harbour tunnels failing to [...]divert traffic flows effectively and their high tolls". legco.gov.hk |
秘书长在报告第四部分总结指出,维持和平行动部和 外 勤 支 助部 已 克 服 初 期 挑战,改革总体而言已产生预期效果,即显著加强了联合国发起、管理和持续开 [...] 展维和行动的能力;两部已经为巩固所取得的成就奠定了重要的基础(A/65/624, 第 119 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In section IV of his report, the Secretary-General concluded that [...] the Departments of Peacekeeping [...] Operations and Field Support had overcome initial challenges [...]and that the reforms had generally [...]yielded the intended benefit of considerably strengthening the ability of the United Nations to mount, manage and sustain peacekeeping operations and had laid an important foundation on which to consolidate the gains achieved (A/65/624, para. 119). daccess-ods.un.org |
b. 还实施了其他与法定旅行有关的节俭 措 施,其中包括差旅费的报销仅限于已 [...] 入围的候选人,或将入职前旅行仅限于被分配到“D”级或“E”级艰苦的 工作地点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) Other austerity measures related [...] to statutory travels have also been implemented, including limiting the reimbursement [...]of travel costs to short-listed candidates only, or limiting pre-assignment travel only for assignments to “D” and “E” hardship duty stations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
內務委員會主席表示,上述議案分別由 陳克勤議員 及黃宜弘議員動議,而議案措辭已發 [...] 給議員。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman said that the above motions would be [...] moved by Mr CHAN Hak-kan and Dr Philip [...]WONG respectively and the wording of the [...]motions had been issued to Members. legco.gov.hk |
我们充分重视希望所有这些议题得到平衡的愿望,但基于常识和 节 俭 的需 要,如果你确信没有人会要求对某一专题发言,就不必再召开会议了。 daccess-ods.un.org | We fully appreciate the desire to have balance accorded to all these topics, but common sense and fiscal prudence seem to suggest that you should not feel it incumbent upon you to call a meeting if you have determined that there are no further requests to speak on a given topic. daccess-ods.un.org |
梁美芬議員就由梁家傑議員動議,經梁君彥議員、 陳 克勤 議 員 及 甘乃威議員修正的議案動議下列進一步修正案: 在緊接句號之前加上“; (十六) 成立‘綠色經濟諮詢委員會’ ,委任 不同行業的代表加入,將綠色經濟的理念化成不同的前線工種, 創造更多就業機會,並協助全民跳上綠色經濟快車;及(十七) 加強 教育和宣傳,向全民灌輸綠色生活的概念”。 legco.gov.hk | To add “; (p) establishing an ‘advisory committee on green economy’ and appointing representatives from different industries to sit on it, turning the notion of green economy into different types of front-line jobs so as to create more employment opportunities, and assisting the entire population in boarding the express train of green economy; and (q) enhancing education and publicity to instil the concept of green living in the public” immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |
陳克勤議員 指出,特敏福應優先用作治療 嚴重流感病症。他關注到現時過量使用特敏福治療 較輕微流感疾病的情況,會導致人類豬型流感病毒 對特敏福呈抗藥性的個案增加。 legco.gov.hk | Pointing out that the priority use for Tamiflu should be for treatment of severe influenza illness, Mr CHAN Hak-kan expressed concern that the present excessive use of Tamiflu for relatively mild influenza illness would result in a rise in cases of Tamiflu resistance to HSI virus. legco.gov.hk |
甘乃威議員就由陳克勤議員 動議,經余若薇議員修正的議案動議 下列進一步修正案: 在緊接句號之前加上“; (十三) 改善及發展行人天橋及隧道網絡, 鼓勵市民更多使用公共交通工具和集體運輸系統;(十四) 盡快落實 停車熄匙立法,資助專營巴士公司更換高污染的舊款車輛,並在空 氣污染嚴重的區域設立‘低排放區’,限制高排放量的重型柴油車輛 進入,以改善路面的空氣質素;(十五) 採用世界衞生組織訂立的‘空 氣質素指引’ 來制訂空氣質素指標和達標時間,以及修訂《空氣污 染管制條例》,把‘保障公共健康’列為法定要求;及(十六) 盡快直 接資助市民使用慳電膽及其他節能產品”。 legco.gov.hk | To add “; (m) to improve and develop footbridge and subway networks, and encourage people to make more use of public transportation and mass transit systems; (n) to expeditiously legislate to ban idling vehicles with running engines, subsidize franchised bus companies to replace their high-polluting old-model vehicles, designate ‘low emission zones’ in areas with serious air pollution and restrict the entry of heavy diesel vehicles with high emissions into such zones, so as to improve roadside air quality; (o) to adopt the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines for setting air quality benchmarks and the timetable for achieving such benchmarks, and amend the Air Pollution Control Ordinance to make ‘protecting public health’ a statutory requirement; and (p) to expeditiously and directly subsidize people to use compact fluorescent lamps and other energy-saving products” immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |