

单词 光面

光面 noun ()

metallic n
matte n



reflecting surface


smooth endoplasmic reticulum

External sources (not reviewed)

选项包 括:普通纸、薄纸光面纸、 卡片纸和杂志用纸。
The options are: Plain
[...] Paper, Thin Paper, Glossy Paper, Card Stock [...]
and Magazine.
我們不應以歧視的眼光看待任 何人,他們都是龍的傳人,我們應否用一份關懷和諒解的 光面 對 這 個問題 呢?
Therefore, should we not address this problem with an attitude of concern and compassionate understanding?
如果使光面纸或 特种纸,请确保纸张的朝向正确,以便打印正确的一面(有关如何定位纸张的更多信息,请参阅打印机手册。
When glossy or specialty paper is [...]
used make sure the paper is orientated so that the correct side is printed on (for more
information on how to orientate the paper, refer to the manual for your printer.
車上的新一代通訊系統採光面的控 制鍵,配以啞色按鍵 光面 控 制 範圍及全新的凸邊設計軚盤,創造出更高貴細膩的車廂氛圍。
The control panel of the new-generation
[...] communication and information unit has keys with high-gloss surface inserts.
反光彈性裝飾膠膜(RS3000) 是一款雙面膠,外層是光面, 內層是熱溶性黏合劑。
Reflective stretch film (RS3000) is a two-layer film featuring a reflective face side and a heat-activated adhesive backing.
使用喷丸或放电加工 (EDM) 表面,而不使用光面。
Shot blasted or electrical discharge machined (EDM)
[...] instead of polished surface.
确保将正确的纸张插入打印机(大多数普通纸适用于喷墨打印机和激光打印机 光面 纸 和 特种纸除外,请检查纸品包装,了解纸张可配合使用的打印机类型)。
Make sure the proper paper is inserted into the printer (most plain
paper can be used in both
[...] Inkjet and Laser printer, this is not the case for glossy or specialty [...]
paper, check the paper packaging
for the type of printer the paper is to be used with).
每間工廠應在切實可行的情況下進行有效預防,以防止(i)直接來自任何光源或任 何光滑或光面折射 產生的強光,及(ii)形成陰影,而在某種程度上造成眼睛疲勞或導 [...]
In every factory effective provision shall, so far as is practicable, be
made for the prevention of (i) glare either directly from any source of light or by reflection from a
[...] smooth or polished surface, and (ii) the formation [...]
of shadows to
such an extent as to cause eye strain or risk of accident to any worker.
系列共有六個型號,各見不同特點:S-600用上DLC(Diamond-Like Coating)光面處理技術,加強機身堅硬度;S-610及S-620以PVD黑鋼物料鑄造,機背配以鮮豔奪目的紅色及黃色凹凸橡膠物料;S-670、S-680及S-685以玫瑰金、黃金及黑、金鋼料配上真皮鱷魚紋機背,更添高貴感覺。
The six models in the series is distinguished with its own characteristics: S-600 comes with DLC (diamond-like coating) finishing, to increase the durability of the phone; S-610 and S-620 are made in black steel material, its back is paired with eye-catching blood red and vibrant yellow rubber material; S-670, S-680 and S-685 are made in rose gold, yellow gold and black gold steel.
2、正品板子面光滑(光面還覆膜--這點很重要ps ), 一 面 磨 砂 , 光面 拍 拍 攝有倒影的效果,透光性能優越,防老化,Y貨板子發黃,容易老化; 3、正品架子為鋁合金材質,經過陽極氧化處理,接頭配件螺絲為不銹鋼材質,Y貨用的鐵管,鐵螺絲容易生鏽,安裝後不平;4、送優質帆布包一個,大力夾8個 本店產品是廠家直銷保證正品,考慮到此產品運輸途中表面會有磕破、劃傷,廠家特意把板 光面 覆 上 薄膜,很好的避免了拍攝出不理想的畫面。
Genuine board side smooth (glossy coating - This point is very important ps) side matte , glossy film shooting a reflection of the effect
[...] of light transmission superior performance , anti-aging the Y goods board yellow , easy to aging ; genuine shelves for aluminum alloy , anodized fittings screws stainless steel , the Y goods with iron pipes , iron screws rust easily installed uneven ; 4 , to send high-quality canvas bag is a vigorously folder 8 Our products are factory direct guaranteed authentic , consider this the surface of the product in transit will be scraped , scratched, manufacturers deliberately covered board glossy film , avoid shooting ideal screen .
我们提供以下等级:A4复印纸,无碳复写纸,白土涂布新闻返回,白土涂布白背 光面 纸 1侧 , 光面 纸 2侧 ,涂层的数字电路板190-350GSM,涂布不含磨木浆,折叠纸板,挂面板,标签纸,新闻纸,无碳要求,OCR,固体漂白硫酸盐,专业,Supercalendar,热敏纸,纸巾,三信数码纸,胶版纸,未涂布机械浆纸,非涂布不含磨木浆挂面箱纸板,WTL,WhiteTop…,还有更多。
We offer the following grades: A4 copy paper, Carbonless Paper, Clay Coated News Back, Clay Coated White Back, Coated 1 Side, Coated 2 Side, Coated digital board 190-350gsm, Coated woodfree , Folding boxboard , Kraftliner Board, Label papers, Newsprint, No Carbon Required, OCR, Solid Bleached Sulfate, Specialties, Supercalendar, Thermal Paper, Tissue, Triple Letter , Uncoated digital paper, Uncoated Mechanical, Uncoated Woodfree, WhiteTop Testliner , WTL… and many more.
多表面处理加工工具通过保持正常的表面(或指定的超前和滞后),以提供完整的控制和光滑的 面光 洁 度
Multi-surface finish machining keeps the tool
[...] normal to the surface (or with specified lead and lag) to provide full control and smooth surface finish
甚至更高的速度smoth赛车面光滑的 ,干净的表面,在其他方面,150 TPI鲁比诺的专业光头是相同的到临。
Slick racing tread for even greater speed on smoth, clean surfaces, in other respects the 150 TPI Rubino Pro Slick is identical to the Pro.
[...] 以較低的光輸出達至傳統燈具所能提供的 面光 度 , 因而有 約 10%至 15%省電的空間。
However, the advantage of using LED
road lights is that they can produce the
[...] same level of illumination as conventional [...]
lighting fittings with a lower light
output, resulting in a potential electricity saving of about 10% to 15%.
您只需输入机床型号,工件材料,厚度,要求的 面光 洁 度 ,ESPRIT就会自动提供工厂推荐的工艺和表面需要精加工的次数。
Enter the machine model, workpiece material and thickness,
[...] and desired surface finish, and ESPRIT [...]
will automatically give you the factory-recommended
technology and number of skim cuts required.
堡密封系统也意识到面光洁度 可以大大提高弹性体密封件的性能,并且投入大量资源用于研究不同应用的有效涂层和表面处理。
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions also
[...] recognizes that surface finishes can significantly [...]
enhance the performance of elastomer
seals and have devoted considerable resources to identifying effective coatings and treatments for different applications.
[...] 64(银色铝合金外壳,质地很好)聚光灯,台口前方使用宽光束的进口光源,均匀 光 , 作 为 面光 ; 舞 台的后方使用中等光束的光源,向台前方投射光束,作为逆光,舞台顶部再设置一道顶光,这样,舞台的基本光足以均匀照亮舞台,通过添加色纸,分组编程,走灯等变化不同的色彩氛围,以配合歌舞表演的不同需要。
Proscenium stage in front of and behind the use of a PAR 64 (silver aluminum enclosure, good texture) spotlight, in front of the mouth to use table of imports of a
wide beam light source, uniform
[...] distribution of light, as a surface light; the rear of [...]
the stage using medium beam light, front
projection beam to the station, as a backlight, and then set up a stage at the top of the top light, so that the stage light enough to evenly illuminate the basic stage, by adding color paper, group programming, taking different color lights, climate change, to meet cabaret different needs.
And the membrane surface is smooth, low surface tension, has [...]
a good viscosity and hydrophobicity, the cleaning effect was
applied: PU micro-porous combined with polyester needle felt, cloth made of glass fibers, NOMEX, PPS substrates pulse bag filter or cartridge has been used in waste incineration, metallurgy, energy industry and other industries.
用 于面光滑的工件及同等的黑钢板。
Use for smooth surfaced workpiece through [...]
to the equivalent of black plate.
为避免LED产生的光污染危害,游波教授研发的光扩散膜将LED的点光源均匀转换 面光 源 , 从而使光线形成漫反射,从而达到匀光的效果,这样整体的光源更均匀、柔和、饱满。
To avoid LED produce light pollution hazard, swam wave professor r&d light diffusion
membrane will LED point source in
[...] order to uniform into surface light source, thus [...]
make the light form diffuse reflection,
so as to achieve uniform light effect, so that the whole light source more even, soft and full on.
请确保金属面光滑平 坦与标签紧密贴合,否则过多的空隙会使标 签失谐而降低读取距离。
Once again, it is important to ensure a
[...] flat metallic surface is used to eliminate [...]
any gap between the tag and the asset
which can lower the read range by detuning the tag.
这种有机硅助剂还能使涂料很好地湿润基底, 使涂料能够均匀干燥, 从而大大提高涂层的面光滑效果。
The silicone additive also provides for an improved
[...] wetting of the surface with paint, ensuring [...]
smooth, even drying.
良好的处理可以极大地减少卡套管上的划痕, 保护由可靠的卡 套管制造商所提供的优良面光洁度
Good handling practices can greatly reduce scratches on tubing and
[...] protect the good surface finish that reliable [...]
tube manufacturers supply.
叶片长圆状椭圆形,披针形椭圆形,或卵形, 9-13 * 3.5-5 厘米, 有一蹶不振的单毛的背面的带白色和静脉淡灰棕色(在支脉上带白色), 面光 滑 , 基部宽楔形到近圆形, 中脉和次脉正面凹陷; 次脉10-14在中脉两边各,通常在锯齿熔化; 支脉背面突出。
Leaf blade oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate, 9-13 × 3.5-5 cm, abaxially whitish and veins grayish brown (whitish on tertiary veins)
with prostrate
[...] simple hairs, adaxially smooth, base broadly cuneate to subrounded, margin awnlike serrate to sharply serrulate, apex acuminate to caudate; midvein and secondary veins adaxially impressed; [...]
secondary veins 10-14
on each side of midvein, often fusing at serration; tertiary veins abaxially prominent.
低粘度的山都平热塑性硫化弹性体121-75M100使得生产具有长流线设计和上佳 面光 洁 度 的耐用外部部件成为可能。
The low viscosity of Santoprene TPV 121-75M100 allows for the production of durable exterior parts with long flow
[...] length and excellent surface finish.
近年昌發公司加大了對開發LED透鏡的投入,以製造最佳照明效果的LED透鏡為目標,建立一支專業的研發及製造精英隊伍,包括:光學模擬設計工程師、光學模具設計工程師、光學注塑成型工程師、光學子工程師等,對各種角度光型混光功能進入深入研究,在大功率LED非 面光 學 透 鏡應用照明領域具有多年的研發設計和模具開發製造以及産品注塑經驗。
In recent years Changfa made company increased has on development LED lens of inputs, to manufacturing best lighting effect of LED lens for target, established a support professional of research and development and the manufacturing elite team, including: optical simulation design engineer, and optical die design engineer, and optical injection forming engineer, and light students engineer,, on various angle light type mixed light
function for in-depth research, in high
[...] power LED non-spherical optical lens application [...]
lighting area has years of research and
development design and die development manufacturing and products injection experience.
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法 面 的 改 革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略 光 和 更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation
[...] also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and [...]
to facilitate a more
rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是不够的,因光是承认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及 面 现 象
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
同时,在模具的加工方面,不 但可选用 AI 纳米高精度轮廓控制、工具前端点控制等的软件之外,还可采用正在同时进行开发 的热位移修正功能,从而可以实现不受环境温度变化影响的高精度、高加 面光 洁 度 的加工。
Also, for die and mold machining, in addition to the AI nano high-precision contour control and tool tip control software options, the series achieves high-precision, high-quality machining which is not affected by changes in environmental temperature thanks to the thermal displacement control function.
灯杆成型后,内外热镀锌防腐处理,镀锌工艺经过酸洗、镀锌、水洗、磷化、钝化等工艺过程, 面光 洁 , 无色差,且镀层均匀性好,具有很强的防腐性能要求。
After the molding of the light poles, inside and outside the hot dip galvanizing anti-corrosion treatment, galvanizing process after pickling,
galvanizing, washing, phosphating, passivation
[...] process, smooth surface, no color, and [...]
the uniformity of the coating, and has a
strong anti-corrosion performance requirements.




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