单词 | 光量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 光量—luminosityless common: quantity of light Examples:光通量n—luminous fluxn 曝光量n—exposuren 光通量—luminous flux (physics) 光冲量—radiant exposure
这个系统,不太 [...] 好的是,在光和胶片间多放置了一个光学部件,负面地影响了分辨率和抵达胶片的光量。motion.kodak.com | This system, unfortunately, places one more optical [...] element between light and the film, and this can negatively affect [...] resolutionandtheamount of lightreaching [...]the film. motion.kodak.com |
闪光灯发光量调整当被摄物体很小,或者反射率非常高或非常低时,请调整闪光灯发光量。 us.leica-camera.com | Adjust the flashoutput when the subject is small, or the reflectivityis very high or low. en.leica-camera.com |
调整闪光灯发光量时,闪光灯发光量的调整值会显示在萤幕的左上方。 us.leica-camera.com | When the flash output is adjusted, the flash output value appears on the upper left of the screen. en.leica-camera.com |
在调整增益时,光量可能突然发生改变(导致输 出影像发生震动)。 panasonic.net | w p When adjusting the [...] gain, thelight quantity may change suddenly [...](causing the image output to be subjected to a shock). panasonic.net |
必要时,您可以对这些场景进行微调,如根据拍照次数自动调整曝光量,合成图像之前分别保存每张图像,并在合成时保存图像。 ricoh.com | You can adjust the settings in [...] detail as necessary, such as automatically [...] adjustingtheamount of exposure in [...]accordance with the number of snaps, saving [...]each image separately before combining, and saving images when combining. ricoh.com |
曝光量控制:为设置最优曝光,可使用预定义的曝光窗口或根据现场条件自定义曝光 窗口(大窗口界面)。 mobotix.com | Exposure control: To set the optimal exposure,you can use the camera’s predefined exposure window or set up your own exposure window for adjusting to local circumstances (large window areas). mobotix.com |
这些衡量用数字和图表来表 示,传达出胶片如何对一定数量的光,对不同类型的光,对曝光量,对显影剂的类型,对 显影的时间等做出的反应,以及这些条件间相互的影响。 motion.kodak.com | These measurements are expressed in numeric and chart form to convey how a film will react to the amountof light, the type of lighting, the amount of exposure, the type of developer, the amountof development, and how all these factors interact. motion.kodak.com |
太阳眼辐照度控制系统通过对灯管输出不间断的监视和控制,来确保精确的曝光量和测试结果的最大重复性和再现性。 q-lab.com | The SOLAR EYE Irradiance Control System constantly monitors and controls lamp output to assure precise light exposure and to maximize repeatability and reproducibility of test results. q-lab.com |
在这次营销活动中,卡地亚使用了网络视频的方法使自己的品牌信息本土化(爱可以克服文化差距的主题是微电影的主要情节),借真实的艺术价值宣传丰富的内容,巧妙运用社交媒体和微博丰富的特性使曝光量最大化。 labbrand.com | With this operation, Cartier uses web videos to localize its message (the topic of love overcoming cultural gaps is central to the movie’s plot), promote [...] rich content with true artistic value and [...] maximizes exposurethrough smartuse of [...]social media and Weibo’s rich features. labbrand.com |
忽略曝光测量窗口,使用全景图像确定曝光量。 stall.goip.de | Ignore exposure windows, use full image to determine exposure. stall.goip.de |
使⽤限制慢速快门速度时,根据物体的亮度,光量可能不⾜,导 致图像暗。 ricoh.com | When using the slow shutter [...] limit, the light quantitymaybe insufficient [...]depending on the brightness of the subject, resulting in a dark image. ricoh.com |
已设置“Auto”时,会自动调整光量。 panasonic.net | When “Auto” [...] is set, the light quantity is adjustedautomatically. panasonic.net |
如需要持续观察指针的光量摆幅可按 下测量按钮并须时针转动直至按钮锁 [...] 指标是在 锁定位置,此时释放按钮 后指针仍会不停摆动直至测量按钮锁 指标反回到 位置为止 . sekonic.com | At this time, the meter will deflect freely [...] even if the stopper button is released. To fix the needle, turn the stopper [...]button counter-clockwise to where the mark is positioned . sekonic.com |
如果由灯发出的光量不会随时间消减,则操作员可为每种感光乳剂类型设置一个曝光时间。 mrprint.com | Iftheamount of light emitted by [...] lamps did not degrade over time, operators would be able to develop a set exposure time for each emulsion type. mrprint.com |
该功能通过Sensor感光量侦测光照度的变化,在照度比较低的环境下会自动发出控制信号将滤光片切换为全波段滤光片,并调整视频数据分析模式,从而达到最佳的图像效果。 topband-e.com | The function ofthe amount by Sensorsensitive detection of changes in light intensity in the low illumination [...] environment will automatically [...]send control signals to filter switch to full-band filter, and adjust the video data analysis and thus achieving the best image results . topband-e.com |
通过从一个角度向被测表面发射强度不变的光束,然后监测同一角度反射光的量来测量光泽度。 elcometer.com | Gloss is measured by directing a constant intensity light beam at an angle to the test surface and monitoring the reflected light at the same angle. elcometer.com |
光电传感器从发光部发出信号光 (可见光或红外光) 在受光部 接收被测物反射回来的光量(反射型),或在受光部接收被测物 的遮光量(对射型) 从而得出输出信号。 sensorcentral.com.cn | A reflective type photoelectric sensor is used to detect the light beam [...] reflected from the target and the thrubeam [...] type is used to measure the change in light quantitycaused by the target crossing the beam. sensorcentral.com |
光碟资讯:检视光碟类型、分区数量、光碟大小、时间、物件、磁轨、磁区和来源光 碟磁区。 farstone.com.tw | Disc Information: View disc type, number of sectors, disc size, time, sessions, tracks, start sector, and end sector of the source disc. farstone.com |
MTP开关可用于配线架的带状光纤测试或批量光纤测试。 exfo.com | The MTP switch can be used either for ribbon testing [...] or for batch-fiber testing from a patch panel. exfo.com |
使用莱曼LSFL-01型表面光度仪可测量外形,使用莱曼Lehmann LMTL-01型光泽度组件可测量光泽度。 voith.com | Topographic measurements are done with a Lehmann LSFL-01 profilometer [...] and gloss measurements with a Lehmann [...]LMTL-01 gloss module. voith.com |
因此质量光谱仪或气相色谱仪可以被校准,CEM 可以产生可再生和 高精度流体,应归功於质量流控制器的直控方式。 bronkhorstusa.com | Thus MassSpectrometers or Gas Chromatographs [...] can be calibrated as the reference stream from the CEM is both highly reproducible [...]and highly accurate due to the direct action of the Mass Flow Controllers. bronkhorstusa.com |
专家们会对定量、灰分、厚度、纤维含量、光泽度和传导率等参数进行测量、分析和评估,并与在线测量系统提供的测量值进行对比。 voith.com | Parameters such as [...] basis weight, ash, thickness, fiber content, glossand transmission [...]are measured, analyzed, evaluated [...]and compared with the measurements of the online measuring system. voith.com |
将样品测量光圈朝向外部,确保样品测量光圈的1 m 半径范围内没有任何物体且 样品测量光圈的方向上没有光源。 konicaminolta.com | Aim the specimen [...] measuring aperture into the air with no object within a 1 m radius from the specimen aperture and no light source in the direction of the specimen measuring aperture. konicaminolta.com |
我们都知道拍摄照片时,曝光的时间长短可以创造出特定的影像效果,所以我们也了解,我们目光所见事实上是一段期间所聚集的定量光线,将时间的测量记录在光影之间。 audemarspiguet.com | We all understand that the length of an exposure in a photograph can create certain effects, and [...] so we comprehend that we [...] are seeing a volumeof light gathered over a period of time—a measure of time recorded in light. audemarspiguet.com |
而且,如果您的备份包 括多个 DVD,则从该等备份进行数据恢复将需要大量光盘交换。 seagate.com | Furthermore, if your backup consists of several DVDs, data recovery from such backup will require a lot of disc swapping. seagate.com |
城市常用灯光塑造身分,强调心目中最佳特质,@Neighborhoodist乐於接受缺陷,提到「美国洛杉矶居民无论好恶,都必须承认Staples中心的紫色光害与聚光灯,已成为这座城市的一大特色」,@harry_verhaar则回应,「好的照明不会造成大量光线外泄,让人们能舒适入眠,不受光线干扰」;也有人论及办公大楼照明太过浪费,@elyanaja提到美国圣地牙哥「一栋『永续』能源公司的办公室灯光日夜不灭」,实在很「讽刺」。 thisbigcity.net | Neighborhoodist celebrated the flaws by saying ‘while in LA, love or hate it, purple light pollution and spotlights from Staples Center is definitely part of the spectacle character’. thisbigcity.net |
用透明度板测量光照深度,是几十年来一直用于测量衰减的简单手段,在记录近岸环境变 化上十分有用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Provision of guidance, assistance and encouragement for the national and international analysis centres, in cooperation with other appropriate bodies, to prepare and deliver data products and services needed by the international science and operational programmes, Members of WMO, and Members States of IOC. unesdoc.unesco.org |
泛美加勒比海地区领先的批发通信服务商Columbus [...] Networks公司和全球领先的光网络解决方案供应商Xtera [...] Communications公司((Xtera)今天宣布,通过在位于巴拿马的现有高容量光网络中增加100G光纤,Columbus Network已经率先在泛美加勒比海地区部署了100G网络。 tipschina.gov.cn | (Xtera), a leading global provider of optical networking solutions, today announced that Columbus Networks is the first to [...] bring 100G to the Pan-American Caribbean region by adding 100G to its [...] existing high-capacity optical networkin Panama. tipschina.gov.cn |
她是非常熟练的魔法在“坏运气”时,她挑选了十六进制的工作人员,以击败Charmcaster,Charmcaster回复,它可以只可工作在手中的一个主魔术师和格温火一个黄色的能量光束从它即使她还没有学会他们。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | She is extremely skilled at magic as in “Tough Luck” when she picks up Hex’s staff to defeat Charmcaster, Charmcaster replies that it can only be worked in the [...] hands of a master magician and Gwen could [...] still fireayellow energybeam from it even though [...]she hadn’t learnt about them. seekcartoon.com |