

单词 光说不练

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

交通部 门觉得有必要展开这个调查,并把调查结果报告了警察 部门,这个事件也在国内媒体上遭到 光 , 这 一切说 明,UMEHL 不再不可触碰。
That the transport department felt in a position to launch such an investigation and refer its findings to the
police, and that it could be reported in the domestic
[...] media, are themselves indication the UMEHL is no longer untouchable.
倘无这种制衡制度,就无法监督执行情况,即会出现“ 说不练 ”的 架式。
According to the latter respondents, there should be some official system of checks and balances without which implementation cannot be monitored, and “all talk and no action” instead.
还请提供资料说明是否对光诚在 被拘留期间遭受虐待和酷刑,包括对其罹患慢性病而 不 到 治 疗的指控 进行调查。
Please also provide
[...] information on the investigation, if any, into the alleged ill-treatment and torture to which Guangcheng was subjected while in detention, including [...]
of access to medical care for chronic illness.
但是,一个组不进行演练就 无法说其业连管能力是否可靠。
Without exercises however, an organization cannot say whether its BCM [...]
capability is reliable.
不仅令人失望,而且是可悲的,是 光 短 浅 ,坦率说,是失职。
That is more than disappointing; it is pathetic, short-sighted and, frankly, a dereliction of duty.
目前,如果一项发明对该行业中的 练 人 员19 来说不是显 而易见的话,它就会被认为是有 创造性的。也许有人会认为现在所用的标准太低,如美国专利商标局 [...]
(USPTO) 和欧洲专 利局 (EPO) 标准,从而致使不重要的小发明专利泛滥,而这些小发明专利可能对专利制度
At present an invention is typically
considered to be inventive if it is not
[...] obvious to a person skilled in the art.19 Some would [...]
argue that this standard as it
is now applied, for example by the USPTO or the EPO, is too low resulting in a proliferation of patents for trivial inventions which may not contribute to the over-riding objective of the patent system which is the advancement of science for public benefit.
规范警察和安全部队的法律 框架几乎不存在,而且军队方面存在着很多缺陷,不要说部队训练不够并 且缺乏训练方案了。
The legal framework for police and security forces was virtually non-existent, and the army was rife with deficiencies, not to mention its undertrained troops and lack of training programmes.
巴厘阿贡是一个超过150巴厘岛的最有才华的舞者和表演者的盛大合作,指导和支持与国际知名导演,制片,木偶制造商,服装和艺术设计师,作曲家,舞台导演, 光 工 程 师,和 不 用 说 动 物 训 练 师。
Bali Agung is a grand collaboration of over 150 Bali’s most talented dancers and performers, directed and supported by internationally acclaimed director, producer, puppet
maker, costume and artistic designer, music composer, stage
[...] director, lighting engineer, and not to mention animal trainer.
出现这些偏差的原因,包括海关干事 练不 足 ,与津巴布韦臭氧办公室缺乏沟通 (2011 年,该国未获得臭氧办公室的必要批准或许可,却允许进口甲基溴项;但情况 早已经矫正),外加一个种植者人数急剧增加的产业需要进一步培训;在埃及,化学替 代品的登记过程缓慢而困难(见相应案例研究 说 明 ) ;在肯尼亚,项目实施多次延迟, 为了能用磷化氢处理谷物,调整适应筒仓也需要更多时间;在摩洛哥,甲基溴主要用于 生产青菜豆,这是一个新兴行业,在不断扩大,只在最近才对该行业实施替代做了研究, 7 该行业可用的化学替代品登记的很少。
Reasons for these deviations include insufficient training of customs officers and lack of communication with the Ozone Office in Zimbabwe (imported MB was allowed into the country in 2011 8 without the required validation or permit from the Ozone Office, but situation has since been corrected), plus a requirement for further training in an industry where the number of growers [...]
has increased dramatically; in Egypt,
a slow and difficult registration process for chemical alternatives (as described in the corresponding case study); in Kenya, delays in project implementation and additional time needed to make adjustments to silos so grain can be treated with phosphine; in Morocco, MB is mainly used in the production of green beans, a new and expanding sector where research on the implementation of alternatives has only been conducted very recently and for which few chemical alternatives are registered.
(d) 阿拉伯联合酋长国补说,训练、审查和授权私营部门比资助相同规 模的公共警察部队更具成本效益。
(d) The United Arab
[...] Emirates added that training, examining and [...]
licensing the private sector could be far more cost-effective
than funding a public police force of a similar size.
本节记录七起违反武器禁运事件和一起企图严重违反武器禁运事件,这些事 件从进口武器和小口径弹药到外国技术援助和军事 练不 等。
This section documents seven breaches of the arms embargo and one major attempted
violation, ranging from imports of arms and small-calibre
[...] ammunition to foreign technical assistance and military training.
提交人还认为,对于侵权行为说, 光 是纯 粹的行政救济、不提交 法院审理是不够的,这种情况也不符合《公约》第二条 的规定。
The author further considers that for such violations, purely administrative remedies without the possibility to go to court are inadequate and do not satisfy the requirements of article 2 of the Covenant.
由于也 门
[...] 政府似 乎没有向相关的机构提供明 确的指南、 指示或练 , 说明如何在 维 护 也 门 边不受侵 犯的过程中遵守国际难民保护原则,一般 地,相关的联合国机构和国际社会应当在能力建设方 [...]
面向也 门执法机构提供相关 的技术援助,来帮助他们遵守难民法和人权法。
As the Government of Yemen does
[...] not seem to provide clear guidelines, instructions or training to/for the concerned [...]
agencies on how
to comply with international refugee protection principles in the course of maintaining the integrity of Yemen’s borders, the appropriate United Nations agencies and the international community generally should provide the Yemen law enforcement institutions with relevant technical cooperation in terms of capacity-building to help them comply with refugee law and human rights law.
[...] 确保武装冲突法的原则成为士兵和指挥官 练 内 容 不 可 分 割的组成部分,并确保 以这些原则指导规划和行动决策。
At the national level, it requires continuous efforts to ensure that the principles
of the Law of Armed Conflict are an
[...] integral part of the training of soldiers and [...]
commanders, and that these principles guide
planning and operational decisions.
关于喀布尔银行问题,我们看到乌云背后现出光 亮,强烈光亮,坦率说,有时候到了乌云看起不再像乌云的地步。
On the issue of the Kabul Bank, we see
light, strong light coming from
[...] behind the cloud, to the point where sometimes it does not even look like a cloud, frankly.
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青光眼可分为多种,一般说,急性 青 光 眼 患 者会突然出现严重的症状;至于慢性 光 眼 就 比较常见,临床表征 不 甚 明 显。
There can be many different types of glaucoma. In general, acute glaucoma presents suddenly with severe symptoms.
对一国际组织取得国际法规定的法律人格 不 同 的 看法。有一种意见认 为,对一组织说,光是存 在国际法规定的义务就意味着该组织拥有法律人格。
According to one view, the mere existence for an organization of an obligation under international law implies that the organization possesses legal personality.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上不够的,因光是承 认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
不可以光说住房 政策最好是留给政府决策人作决定。
Governments cannot simply affirm that housing policy is best left to governmental decision-makers.
不言自明的是,如果北南方双方不自己走出对抗的泥潭,而是固守 不光彩 的 过去,就永远不可能铺出一条宽广的和平与繁荣的大道, 不 用 说 实 现 半岛的 和平与稳定了。
It is self-evident that if the north and the south do not pull themselves out of
the mire of
[...] confrontation, sticking to the inglorious past, they can never pave a wide avenue of peace and prosperity, much less achieve peace and stability [...]
in the peninsula.
After testing, two things were clear.
[...] 金匮乏、科学机构领导者的经验和 练不 足 、 缺少有经验的人员参与起草和提交具有国际竞争力的 [...]
In contributing to the development of scientific capacity, the challenges have varied with each region or country, but often included limited
human and financial resources,
[...] insufficient experience/training in leadership [...]
of scientific organizations, and lack of
individuals experienced in the process of developing and submitting internationally competitive funding proposals.
应该在应急计划中详说明培 训和练要求 并加以实施,从而为应对人员提供 安全完成其工作所必要的技能。
Training and exercise requirements should be detailed in a contingency plan and put into effect in order to provide response personnel with the skills necessary to do their jobs safely.
特别委员会回顾其 2009 年报告(A/63/19)第 104 段,重申要求维持和平行 动部在其下一份年度报告中,评价设立该厅如何有助于密切本部各科室间以及与 联合国其他行动体之间的协调和协同作用,以更有效地执行法治任务, 不光是 描述所有它的活动。
The Special Committee recalls paragraph 104 of its 2009 report (A/63/19) and reiterates its request to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to include in its next annual report an assessment on how the creation of that office has contributed to closer coherence and synergies among its own sections and between other United Nations actors to deliver rule of law mandates more effectively, rather than a description of all its activities.
這些光譜數 據 能協助氣象學家提供更佳的天氣預報、更準確的惡劣天氣 不 穩 定 大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提前疏散,加強對性命和財產的保 護。
This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric [...]
more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property.
而最新的技术第五代红外屏的分辨率取决于红外对管数目、扫描频率以及差值算法,分辨率已经达到了1000X720,至 说 红 外屏 在 光 照 条件 下 不 稳 定 ,从第二代红外触摸屏开始,就已经较好的克服了抗光干扰这个弱点。
The latest technology, the fifth-generation infrared screen resolution depends on the number of IR on the possession, scanning frequency and the difference between the
algorithms, the resolution has
[...] reached 1000X720, As for the infrared screen in the lighting conditions [...]
of instability, from the
second generation of Infrared touch screen started, it has good resistance to light interference to overcome this weakness.
教育课程缺少社会相关性、教育人员的数量和 练不 足, 以及创新教材和方法的少之又少都损害了现有教育体制提供优质教育以解决我们社会中 存在的不平等问题的能力。
The lack of social relevance of educational curricula, the inadequate numbers and training of educators, [...]
and the paucity of
innovative materials and methods all undermine the ability of existing educational systems to provide quality learning that can address the disparities in our societies.
卓越执教的一个最高目标是要求 练不 断 学 习;这包括与体育组织进行合作,以提供最先进和最新的执教知识。
One of our top Coaching Excellence goals calls for ongoing coaches’ education; this includes partnering with sports organizations to provide the highest and most up-to-date level of coaching knowledge.




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