

单词 光说不做

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External sources (not reviewed)

總督先生,你可否親自處理此事,並要 求屬㆘㆟員停止這不光彩和可恥 做 法?
Now would you, Sir, be
[...] kind enough to take this matter up yourself and ask your officials to stop this disgraceful and despicable practice?
交通部 门觉得有必要展开这个调查,并把调查结果报告了警察 部门,这个事件也在国内媒体上遭到 光 , 这 一切说 明,UMEHL 不再不可触碰。
That the transport department felt in a position to launch such an investigation and refer its findings to the
police, and that it could be reported in the domestic
[...] media, are themselves indication the UMEHL is no longer untouchable.
只要我做的事情,是以人民的 權益為根本,而不是為所屬的政黨 光 , 不 是 為 個人榮辱,我們的判斷、 選擇便能很簡單利落,毫不困難。
If only the things we do are based on the rights and interests of the people, instead of for the sake of the honour [...]
of our political party
or the glory of ourselves, then the judgment and choice we make will be simple and straightforward indeed.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅 不 能 做 此 解 释,但可 说 的 是 ,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 [...]
部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than
suitable for a report of this
[...] size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively [...]
liaise with the supervisors
in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
还请提供资料说明是否对光诚在 被拘留期间遭受虐待和酷刑,包括对其罹患慢性病而 不 到 治 疗的指控 进行调查。
Please also provide
[...] information on the investigation, if any, into the alleged ill-treatment and torture to which Guangcheng was subjected while in detention, including [...]
of access to medical care for chronic illness.
她举说明了良好做法,比如批准人权维护者对 驳回他们的注册申请提出上诉、给予他们保护或 者向他们发放签证,取消国家法律中关于暴动的 条款,给予他们直接财政补助,邀请联合国机制 到相关国家执行任务,人权维护者和民间社会参 与制定政策和法律文本,打击有不 罚 现 象。
She gave examples of good practices, such as allowing human rights defenders to appeal against the rejection of their applications for registration, granting them protection or issuing visas to them, deleting clauses relating to sedition in national legislations, allocating direct financial assistance, inviting United Nations mechanisms to undertake country missions, allowing human rights defenders and civil society to participate in the framing of policies and legislation, and efforts to combat impunity.
限制权利标识 未经莱特波特(LitePoint)公司事先书面 许可,本文件的任何部不得复制、传 播、转录、存储检索系统,或翻译成任 何语言或电脑语言,或以任何形式或藉 由电子、机械、磁性光学、化学说 明书等等其他方式使用。
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into
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说,《 伯尔尼公约》第 9 和第 10 款中规定:各国可以为国家立法中所规定的某些特定目的如教学、研究和私人使 用,在未经授权的情况下对著作权作品进行有限的复制,只要这 做不 会 妨 碍著作权人对 其作品的正常利用(见第 5.1 文本框)。
So, for example,
[...] Articles 9 and 10 of the Berne Convention permit countries to allow limited copying of protected works without permission for certain purposes defined in national legislation such as teaching, research and private use, so long as these do not interfere with the normal [...]
of the work by the copyright owner (see Box 5.1).
[...] 官员被控的行为属官方性质为由,那么该国就等于承认这种行为是国家本身的行 为,但这做不一定是说承认 它对这种行为承担作为国际不法行为的责任。
Some members agreed with the assertion by the Special Rapporteur that the State which invokes immunity of its official on the grounds that the act with which that official was charged was of an official nature was acknowledging
that such act was an act of
[...] the State itself; by doing so, however, it was [...]
not necessarily acknowledging its responsibility
for that act as an internationally wrongful act.
在这一背景下,我们今天通过的成果文件(第 65/312 号决议)应鼓励我们所有不仅重 申坚决致力 于实现为所有人建设一个更加美好世界的共同目标, 而且为使青年拥有光明前景做出切 实贡献。
In this context, the outcome document that we adopted today (resolution
65/312) should encourage
[...] all of us to not only reaffirm our strong commitment to the shared objective of building a better world for all, but also to make tangible contributions to improving the prospects of young people.
但這些策略並不只是打造品牌而言,有些城市亦塑造專有名詞,藉由特定印象衍生出其他形容詞、副詞、名詞、動詞等,除 做 為 都市規劃或建築設計技術名稱,亦是種都市語言,用以定義場所,並賦予更深層、更基礎的含義,讓你我居住的城 不光 是 冠 名空間,更具備其他意義。
Certain cities have transcended their status as a proper noun, a name that signifies a place, in order to become other forms of speech: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs. This isn’t just the name of some urban planning and architectural design technique or some kind of urban markup language: it’s the way we, as humans, valorise a place and give it deeper, more fundamental connotation.
此外,哥伦比亚还报说,该 国与厄瓜多尔签署了有关交流残疾人问题方面 的良做法的协定。
In addition, Colombia reported that it signed an agreement with Ecuador to exchange good practices in the disability field.
关于喀布尔银行问题,我们看到乌云背后现出光 亮,强烈光亮,坦率说,有时候到了乌云看起不再像乌云的地步。
On the issue of the Kabul Bank, we see
light, strong light coming from
[...] behind the cloud, to the point where sometimes it does not even look like a cloud, frankly.
青光眼可分为多种,一般说,急性 青 光 眼 患 者会突然出现严重的症状;至于慢性 光 眼 就 比较常见,临床表征 不 甚 明 显。
There can be many different types of glaucoma. In general, acute glaucoma presents suddenly with severe symptoms.
提交人还认为,对于侵权行为说, 光 是纯 粹的行政救济、不提交 法院审理是不够的,这种情况也不符合《公约》第二条 的规定。
The author further considers that for such violations, purely administrative remedies without the possibility to go to court are inadequate and do not satisfy the requirements of article 2 of the Covenant.
对一国际组织取得国际法规定的法律人格 不 同 的 看法。有一种意见认 为,对一组织说,光是存 在国际法规定的义务就意味着该组织拥有法律人格。
According to one view, the mere existence for an organization of an obligation under international law implies that the organization possesses legal personality.
在比利时,一般说,如 果一国际规范符合下 列条件,便直接影响国内法:表述清晰完整;要求比利时政府要 不做 要 么 坚决 去做;能够被个人作为法源援引,并且此行为无需任何国内补充立法。
In Belgium, it is generally recognized that an international
provision produces
[...] direct effects when it is clear and comprehensive, when it requires the Belgian State either to refrain from action or to take some specific action, and when it may be invoked [...]
as a source of
law by individuals without the need for any additional domestic legislation.
不仅令人失望,而且是可悲的,是 光 短 浅 ,坦率说,是失职。
That is more than disappointing; it is pathetic, short-sighted and, frankly, a dereliction of duty.
不言自明的是,如果北南方双方不自己走出对抗的泥潭,而是固守 不光彩 的 过去,就永远不可能铺出一条宽广的和平与繁荣的大道, 不 用 说 实 现 半岛的 和平与稳定了。
It is self-evident that if the north and the south do not pull themselves out of
the mire of
[...] confrontation, sticking to the inglorious past, they can never pave a wide avenue of peace and prosperity, much less achieve peace and stability [...]
in the peninsula.
一成说,一贯的做法是 一个执行机构向秘书处提供信息,随后包括在提交給执行 委员会的文件之中不必首 先征求政府意见。
One member observed that it had been the practice of one implementing agency to provide information to the Secretariat, which was then included in documents submitted to the Executive Committee, without first checking with the government.
说明 说明 禁光 闪光灯关闭且不闪光。
Flash Off The flash is off and will not fire.
小组委员会建议国家审查并放弃公开向媒体曝光被拘留者 做 法 , 他们尚 未被定罪或尚未得知其权利或为其提供法律辩护,因为这种 光不 仅 可 能导致他 们的控告,也构成了残忍、不人道和有辱人格待遇。
The Subcommittee recommends that the State review and abolish the widespread practice of publicly exhibiting to the mass media detainees who have not yet been convicted or advised of their rights and provided legal defence, as this type of exposure is not only likely to lead to their incrimination, but also constitutes cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
SAD is particularly a problem in the Northern hemisphere [...]
where winter coincides with the popular holiday season of Christmas
and New Year’s. People’s mental condition can totally change as they struggle to deal with not only less sunlight but also the stress (a major cause of depression) of the holidays.
我们对那些解放军人,对我们的子孙 后代担负着共同的责任,必须确保那场战争的真 相以及那场胜利的真实意不被篡 改,坚决反对 一些人亵渎打败法西斯的英雄光辉 形象 的做 法。
Our shared duty, both to the soldierliberators and to future generations, is to protect the truth about the war and the significance of the victory, and to resolutely oppose those who desecrate the glory of the heroes who defeated fascism.
一名观察员回说,各国已做出消 除种族歧视的承诺并在许多其他生活领 域收集数据。
One observer responded that States had made a commitment to eradicating racial discrimination and that data was collected in many other spheres of life.
如果捐助者选择使用其他渠道,并依靠国家系统以外的援助提供机制(包括平行 的项目实施单位),它们将以透明的方 说 明 这 样 做 的 理 由,并定期检讨其立场。
Should donors choose to use another option and rely on aid delivery mechanisms outside country systems (including parallel project implementation units), they will transparently state the rationale for this and will review their positions at regular intervals.
发达国家按照承诺提供资源,绝不 能说不做,而 要作为能够迅速实现的目标。
Channelling resources from developed countries, as set out in the commitments undertaken, must be not just another rhetorical exercise, but rather an objective that can be achieved expeditiously.
而最新的技术第五代红外屏的分辨率取决于红外对管数目、扫描频率以及差值算法,分辨率已经达到了1000X720,至 说 红 外屏 在 光 照 条件 下 不 稳 定 ,从第二代红外触摸屏开始,就已经较好的克服了抗光干扰这个弱点。
The latest technology, the fifth-generation infrared screen resolution depends on the number of IR on the possession, scanning frequency and the difference between the
algorithms, the resolution has
[...] reached 1000X720, As for the infrared screen in the lighting conditions [...]
of instability, from the
second generation of Infrared touch screen started, it has good resistance to light interference to overcome this weakness.
(b) 对按照《规章》及管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行海洋学和环 境基线研究方案做说明将 有助于根据法律和技术委员会提出的建议,评估拟议 勘探活动可能对环境产生的影响,包括 不 限 于 对生物多样性的影响
(b) A description of the programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies in accordance with these Regulations and any environmental rules, regulations and procedures established by the Authority that would enable an assessment of the potential environmental impact including, but not restricted to, the impact on biodiversity, of the proposed exploration activities, taking into account any recommendations issued by the Legal and Technical Commission
[...] 多个公约缔约国的国家提供了相关的资料, 做说 服 工 作,让有关国家明白为什么批准有关 公约符合该国的利益。
With regard to the implementation of norms and preventive action for the protection of the cultural heritage, in cases where States have not yet become party to one or more
of the UNESCO Conventions, information
[...] was provided and persuasive arguments made [...]
as to why ratification would be in the
interest of the State in case.




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