

单词 光栅

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如果兼容文件可通过扫描应用程序读取、显示并转换为 PDF 格式, 便可采用这些任务步骤处理位图影像 (TIFF、 JPEG 以光栅影像 PDF)。
Bitmap images, such as TIFF, JPEG, and raster image PDF’s may be processed by these job steps if the compatible files can be read, displayed, and converted to PDF format by the scanning application.
任何商用的以近红外光谱技术为基础的仪器其原理都是基于色 光栅 的 单 色器能够提供一个最高水平的信噪比。
All of the Near Infrared products are based on dispersive grating based
monochromators as they afford the user the highest level of signal-to-noise available in any
[...] commercially available NIR product.
这些数据包括网上特稿服务以及向量 光栅 格 式 的小规模测绘产品。
The data included web feature service as well as small-scale mapping
[...] products in vector and raster formats.
在调光栅后的特定距离,第二个具有类似衍射属性(比例)的衍 光栅 则 在 移动中扫描此亮度调制。
At a specific distance behind the modulating grating, a second diffraction grating with similar diffraction properties (the scale) is used to scan this intensity modulation as it is moved.
其功能包括:自由进行转换,色阶的应用,分层编辑,历史行为,图层格式,坐标导航,过滤器 光栅 层 , 色彩曲线调整等等。
It is amazingly similar to Photoshop, not just in appearance, but also in terms of its features: ability freely to perform transformations, to apply levels, to edit using layering, history of
actions, styles of layers, to navigate by
[...] coordinates, filters, rasterization of layers, curves [...]
colour adjustment, etc.
定位在两个标光栅后的 一个光电二极管将高对比度的光学条纹转换为电流,直接测量出其移动的距离。
A photodiode positioned behind the two gratings converts the
[...] high contrast optical fringes into [...]
a current, which is directly related to scale displacement.
光栅印刷 是一项卓越的技术,即:将一 光栅 滤 光 器 (一个胶片)放在一个LCD平板上来创造一种深度的视觉效果。
Lenticular Printing is a remarkable technology in which a lenticular filter (a film) is [...]
placed on an LCD panel to create an illusion of depth.
使用它就类似于在您的系统中安装了一个虚拟打印机,可打印来自任何Windows应用程序所支持的,符合行业标准 光栅 图 像 格式的文档/图像——比打印到纸上更好。
As with our award winning PDF-XChange the latest addition to our product range installs onto your system as a 'Virtual' printer allowing you to 'print' your document/Image
from any Windows application to any of the
[...] industry standard Raster format's supported [...]
(see below) - rather than paper.
Because the PDF file is actually a half after
[...] the document rasterization is nothing to [...]
do with the equipment and the resolution.
这些SDKs(软件开发工具包)包含许多附加的图像处理特性,例如用于读写一 光栅 , 矢量的可扩展的图像文件格式,和文档文件类型,众多的图像处理程序,文档图像清洗,注释,压缩,扫描,医疗影像组件,多媒体组件,以及移动设备的支持。
These SDKs include many additional imaging features such as extensive
image file format support for reading and
[...] writing several raster, vector, and document [...]
file types, numerous image processing
routines, document image clean-up, annotation, compression, scanning, medical imaging components, multimedia components, and mobile device support.
工作经历:Smirnov先生是率先开始研究PTR光敏玻璃体布拉 光栅 技 术 的研究人员,在全息技术和体布拉 光栅 领 域拥有15年经验。
Experience: Mr. Smirnov pioneered the early development of volume Bragg grating technology in PTR glass and has 15 year experience in holography and VBGs.
它包光栅数据 管理的基础函数,它能处 光栅 ( 混 合 、距离、内插等),并能生成二维或三维的数据表达。
It contains
[...] fundamental functions for the management of raster based data, it is able to manipulate [...]
rasters (blending, distances,
interpolation, etc.) and is able to generate a two dimensional or three dimensional presentation of the data.
这些紧凑型模块化系统以公司的高效率全息凝胶透 光栅 和 优 化的光学设计为基础,是当前市场上效率最高、失真度最低的光谱产品。
These compact modular systems are based on the company's high
efficiency holographic gel transmission gratings
[...] and optimized optical design, which [...]
when combined enable a line of spectroscopy
products that provide the highest efficiency and lowest distortion available in the market today.
在进入到生产环节创建PDF文件之前,不要对矢量图形进 光栅 化 处 理,通常人们将矢量文件转为JPEG格式,这样当此后对文件再次转换格式时,文件有相当程度的质量丢失,建议采用无损JPEG 2000格式作为转换格式,可以使图像压缩所丢失的信息最小。
into production processes in the creation of PDF file, not to be grating vector graphics processing, usually it will be converted to JPEG format vector file, so when the subsequent re-conversion of the document format, document a considerable degree of quality loss, proposed to use lossless JPEG 2000 format as a format conversion, image compression can make the smallest loss of information.
通常,建议您在成功打印后删除作业。但是,有些情况下不要删除,例如,将作 业移动到其它文件夹进光栅化, 如打样文件夹。
However, there are circumstances where this is useful, such as moving the job into another folder for RIPPing, like the Proofing folder.
Acrobat 的 PDF 陷印编辑插件能够创光栅陷印 、拼合、重印处理,并且具备一个工具笔可用来创建贝塞尔陷印。
The PDF trap editing plug-in for Acrobat allows
[...] the creation of raster traps, cutbacks, [...]
double-hit handling and has a pen tool for bezier trap creation.
本产品手册详细介绍多种坚固耐用、功能强大的直线磁栅、磁环编码器和磁旋转编码器、增量式直 线 光栅 和 圆 光栅 、 激 光 尺 , 以及我们新推出的绝对式直 线 光栅 和 圆 光栅 系 列
This product brochure details an extensive selection of robust magnetic linear,
ring and rotary
[...] encoders, optical incremental linear and rotary encoders, laser interferometers and our new range of optical absolute linear [...]
and rotary encoders.
IM 9500近红外谷物分析仪是满足行业标准要求,实现了领先技术和实用性相结合的扫 光栅 透 射 技术的近红外分析仪。
The IM 9500 NIT Grain Analyzer is based on industry standard
[...] scanning grating transmittance technology, [...]
incorporating the latest advances in technology and usability.
重量仅为普通玻璃的1/2,抗碎裂性能为普通硅玻璃的12-18倍,机械强度和韧性大于普通玻璃10倍以上,硬度相当于金属铝,具有突出的耐候性和耐老化性,能耐有机酸、碱、盐及低级醇,并且价格低廉,已广泛地应用于宾馆、酒店、商场、体育馆、 机场候机楼、候车亭等户内广告灯箱;膜 光栅 由 于 透过性能不好,“眼晕”现象严重,操作复杂,废品率高,逐步被板 光栅 替 代 ;片 光栅 由 于 厚度薄,线数高,造成了视场角很小。
Weight is only common glass 1/2, resistance to shatter glass for ordinary performance of silicon 12-18 times, mechanical strength and toughness is 10 times greater than common glass, aluminum, hardness is equivalent to having outstanding weathering and aging resistance, alkali, salt and organic acids, and low prices, lower alcohol, has been widely used in hotels, restaurants, stores, gymnasium, airport terminal bus stop, indoor advertisements,
etc. Due to the
[...] membrane material, through performance of grating YanYun "phenomenon, complex operation, scrap rate high, gradually been plank grating replacement, Sheet thickness thin, line grating due to high [...]
number, caused the view is small.
立体久久3D99科技有限公司从2009年开始圆 光栅 成 品的制作生产,切身感受到材料进步对成品的影响。
Since 2009,OK3D use Dot lens(fly-eye lens) to finish product production, feel impact on material progress for finished products.
RESA具有优异的精度,分辨率达0.00075角秒,而且RESOLUTE读数头具有低电子细分误差和低抖动的特点,因此 光栅 系 统适用于精度要求极高的测量场合。
The RESA offers impressive accuracy with resolution to 0.00075 arc second, while RESOLUTE readheads feature low Sub-Divisional Error (SDE) and low jitter, making this encoder system suitable for the most demanding precision applications.
海德汉 高精位置测量和控制技术 约翰内斯•海德汉博士公司研发和生产高质量直 线 光栅 尺 和角度编码器、旋转编码器、数显装置和数控系统。
JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH develops and manufactures linear and angle encoders, rotary encoders, digital readouts, and numerical controls for demanding positioning tasks.
确保耦合器、隔离器、过滤器和布拉 光栅 可 集 成到IQS-600集成鉴定系统,并使得这种集成实现了标准化。
Secures and standardizes the integration of couplers, isolators, filters and Bragg gratings into the IQS-600 Integrated Qualification System.
例如当有人进入一个场所时,一 光栅 可 將 一个触发脉冲同时发送给 EYE-12 和硬盘录像机。
For example a light barrier can simultaneously send out a trigger pulse to the EYE-12 and to a hard disc recorder when someone enters a room.
[...] [...] “高性能芳纶复合材料(AFRP)在混凝土结构中的应用技术研究”(建设部)、“高等级公路边坡FRP锚杆加固技术研究”(湖南交通厅)、“高强玻璃纤维增强筋用于连续配筋水泥混凝土路面研究”(广西省交通厅)、 光 纤 光栅 自 监 测纤维增强复合材料(FRP)筋”(产学研合作)等多个课题的研究工作。
Civil Engineering Institute participated in the study of “composite of aramid (AFRP) in the concrete structure in the applied technology research "high-grade highway slope FRP bolt reinforcement technology research " (Hunan Provincial Communications Department), "high-strength glass fiber reinforced reinforcement for continuously reinforced cement concrete pavement research”
(Guangxi provincial Department of
[...] Communications), “fiber Bragg grating self-monitoring [...]
of fiber reinforced composites (FRP) tendons”
(Cooperative), etc. wide range of topics.
光栅是由 许多个排列有序的凸透镜组成,配以一定厚度的介质(亚克力板、PS板或玻璃等),当人们透 光栅 去 看 光栅 板 后 面的图像时,由于凸透镜的折射原理和对光的会聚作用,将人们看到的经过一定位移的图像进行了分割,而人双眼存在着视觉差,所以看到的是存在一定视觉差的不同角度的几幅画面,人类的大脑将这几幅位移过的图像进行加工处理合成在一起,形成一种有深度的图像,即人眼看到的立体图像。
Grating is composed of many an orderly convex, match with certain thickness composed of medium (acrylic, PS board or glass, etc.), when people go through a grating behind [...]
the plate when the grating images, because of the burning light
refraction principle and the convergence of the role, will people to see through the image segmentation of displacement, and people there eyes see visually, so there are certain visual Angle of several different picture, the human brain will have a few displacement of the image processing synthetic together, forming a depth of image, namely the eye seen stereo image.
采用纳秒响应的光电驱动系统(Opt Drive System),搭载三菱自行开发的 伺服放大器和M700系列数控系统, 加配绝对光栅尺,通过光纤传输技 术,提高响应速度和控制精度,从而提高加工精度。
Carrying Mitsubishi self-developed servo amplifier and M700 series CNC System, along with absolute value linear scale, MV Series has greatly improved the response speed and precision control ability.
在二十世界末期,OptiGrate展示了一款新型的固体激光器纵向模式选择器,所采用的方法基于内腔模式,通过刻录在光热折变玻璃(PTR)内的体布拉 光栅 实 现
A new type of longitudinal mode selector for solid state lasers was demonstrated at OptiGrate in late 1990’s. This approach
was based on intra-cavity mode selection by volume Bragg gratings (VBG) recorded
[...] in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass.
Stroker 785L将采用自由空间VPH(体积位相全息 光栅 的 一 个ƒ/1.3分光仪、一个稳定的785 nm激光器和一个采用ADI精密模数转换器技术的科学级CCD(电荷耦合器件)相机相结合。
The Stroker 785L combines a ƒ/1.3 spectrometer using a free-space VPH (volume phase holographic) grating, a stabilized 785-nm laser, and a scientific CCD camera that integrates ADI’s precision A/D converter technology.




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