

单词 光效



lighting effect


photoelectric effect

External sources (not reviewed)

当 E 或 T 变化到一极值 时,得不到满意的光效果。
When E or T are varied to the extreme, an unsatisfactory exposure can result.
为了同时满足环保和美观的涂装需求,专为粉末涂料调配和量身定做的金属效果颜料和 光效 果 颜 料,为高质量的表面涂装提供了最佳选择。
In order to satisfy both demands, the need for environmental friendliness and
highly aesthetic appearance of coatings,
[...] metallic and pearlescent effect pigments [...]
– modified and tailor-made for powder
coatings – offer the right option to achieve surface coatings of high-quality.
白色涂层有助于增加 LED 灯的光效率, 与白色 PCB 板和电路板上其它涂成白色的电子元件一起使用时,这种效果尤其明显。
The white coating helps
[...] to increase the efficiency of your LED light, [...]
especially when it is being used with white PCB boards
and other white-coated components on the circuit board.
这些迷人光效果的 奥秘在于由合成云母或人造玻璃片状底材以及包覆其外的半透明氧化金属层所组成的特殊颜料结构。
The secret of
[...] the fascinating pearlescent effect lies in a special [...]
pigment structure composed of synthetic mica platelets
or artificial glass substrates and consecutive semitransparent layers of metaloxides.
可以從 3 張曝光不同的圖片中選擇一張具有理想 光效 果 的 圖片。
You can select the picture with the desired exposure from the 3 pictures with different exposures.
首次在周末晚間啟航的貢多拉船,讓賓客一邊夜遊戶外湖畔,一邊欣賞精彩的「幻彩四季 」 3 D 光效 投 射 滙演  。
Guests can enjoy the first-ever night-time gondola rides in the outdoor lagoon to capture the perfect moments of the spectacular 3D light and sound show “The Magic of the Seasons” during weekends.
以对环境友好型社会和创新照明的不懈追求,早在2000年以前,神谷茂先生即预见到,21世纪的前50年里一定会出现更理想的新光源,而这种光源则与电子器件和电子线路的进步密切相关,并预测了两种未来理想新光源,一种是半导体发光二级管,而另一种就是无极放电光源,即无极灯 光效 性 、 显色性都将较传统照明明显提高,且节能耗、无污染。
In hot pursuit of environment-friendly society and innovative lighting, around the year 2000, Mr. Shen Gumao predicted that a better new illuminant must appear in the early 50 years of the 21st century, which is closely connected with the progress of electron device and electronic circuit; and he also forecasted that there would be two excellent illuminants in the future, one of them, the semiconductor LED, and the
other one, electrodeless discharge
[...] illuminant, namely induction lamp, whose lighting effect and color rendering [...]
would obviously be
increased in comparison with traditional lights and which would be energy-saving and pollution-free.
基于CPT技术的不含溶剂的润湿分散剂,用于改善溶剂型和无溶剂木器和家具涂料的 光效 果 ,特别是高固体份和无溶剂体系。
Solvent-free wetting and dispersing additive on CPT-basis for
solvent-borne and solvent-free wood and furniture
[...] coatings to improve matting, particularly [...]
in high-solid and solvent-free systems.
在黑暗中,是不同材质可以发光数个钟头不等, 光效 果 可以不断补充能源重新使用,没有使用期限的问题。
In the darkness it can be luminous for several [...]
hours, depending on the quantity of the material.
由于解决了以上技术难题,使宏源研发的无极灯具有超长的寿命、高节能、高可靠性、高功率因数、 光效 、 高 显色性、低谐波含量、低温启动、恒功率输出、宽温度范围、光亮无闪烁等特点,特别是其无线电骚扰特性完全符合IEC的标准。
After overcoming the above technical difficulties, the Hongyuan induction lamps include features of over-long use term, high
energy-saving, high reliability, high power rate
[...] factor, high light effect, high color [...]
rendering, low harmonic content, staring at
a low temperature, steady power delivery, wide temperature range and no flashing in light, especially its radio disturbance characteristics absolutely matching IEC standards.
硅珠体积很小,可嵌于肌肤表面的细纹中,通过 光效 果 最大程度地减少细纹,令肤色更加匀净光洁,呈现出优美的光泽。
With their small size, the silica beads settle into fine lines on the skin
surface and help minimize their
[...] appearance with an optical luminous effect called opalescence [...]
that evens and smoothes the
complexion while conveying beautiful radiance.
这款多功能去屑洗发水配方中加入了Sulfochem™ B-298K混合表面活性剂,这是一种表面活性剂浓缩液,经优化可提升发泡和粘度性能,同时还能为含锌的洗发水配方增添雅致的 光效 果。
This multifunctional anti-dandruff shampoo is formulated with Sulfochem™ B-298K Surfactant Blend which is a surfactant concentrate that has been optimized for foaming and viscosity building performance, while imparting an elegant pearlescence to shampoos formulated with zinc.
最多130人,几乎完全是在玻璃,水晶厅,保留有花园的景致,美丽的喷泉点缀其间,它创建了一个非常特别的 光效 果 , 在一个可爱的私人户外区域。
The Crystal Room, reserved for a maximum of 130 people, almost entirely in glass, has a view of the garden,
embellished with a beautiful fountain, which creates a very
[...] special lighting effects, all in a lovely [...]
private outdoor area.
单环可实现任意角度调节,采用G8.5金卤光源, 光效 , 灯 具体积小。
Single ring can achieve any angle adjustment G8.5 metal halide light
[...] source, high luminous efficiency, lighting small size.
你可把任何形狀、影片平面或繪畫筆觸變成反光表面,加入模糊效果來柔化反光,並在物件移離光源時,利用 Falloff 功能來淡出光效果。
Turn any shape, video plane, or paint stroke into a reflective surface, add blur to soften reflections, and use the Falloff feature to fade reflections as the object moves away from the light.
可调式分辨率设计,以及搭配黑者鼠标的呼吸式斗龙背光系统,让玩家能随时享受功能及 光效 果 的 完美体验。
Adjustable resolution design, as well as breathing type fighting dragon back
light system matched to the black mouse, allows the gamer to enjoy the perfect experience
[...] of function and lighting effects.
由于它的特性易做有良好光效果的 产品。
Owing to the characteristics,it is easy to formulate the ultimate
[...] products with excellent pearing effect.
一位业内人士就LED光源应用于农业植物领域的优势这样表示,“相较于传统光源,除了众所周知的节能特性,LED还具有波长窄、光质纯 光效 高 、 波长类型丰富、光谱能量调制便捷以及低发热、小体积、长寿命等突出优势,便于集中植物所需波长实施均衡近距离照射。
One industry source has advantage in the field of LED light source used in agricultural plants such said, "compared with the traditional light source, in addition to the well-known energy-saving features, LED has narrow
wavelength, the light quality of pure,
[...] high photosynthetic efficiency, wavelength modulation [...]
type is rich, spectrum energy is
convenient, and low fever, such outstanding advantages as small volume, long life, easy to focus close irradiation wavelength to implement balanced plant need.
这是当今世界上最小最轻的700W效果投射灯,它有着高品质的 光效 率 、图形和光学性能。
With the Alpha Spot HPE 700, a new generation of “moving
[...] heads” for graphic effects is born.
歐司朗光電半導體採用了此項技巧,讓您可以在 CRI 和光效組合中隨意選擇, 找到最適合您應用的 LED。
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has employed this technique to bring you a choice of CRI and efficacy combinations, letting [...]
you choose the LED
best suited to your application.
近年来,随着大功率LED应用于照明的形式逐渐形成,解决散热问题已成为大功率LED应用的先决条件,对于现有 L E D 光效 水 平而言,输入电能的70%左右都会转变成无法借助辐射释放的热量,由于LED芯片尺寸小,如果不能有效散热,会导致芯片温度升高,引起热应力不均、芯片 光效 率 降 低,甚至发生死灯现象。
In recent years, with high power LED application in the form of lighting gradually formed, solve the heat dissipation problems has become a prerequisite for the
high power LED
[...] application for existing LED efficacy level, about 70% of the input power will be turned into not with the release of the radiation heat, because LED chips of small size, if not effective thermal radiation, can lead to chip temperature, cause thermal stress arosen chip luminous efficiency, reduce, or even a [...]
deadly lamp phenomenon.
具小电流、光效, 体 积小不占空间,驱动的简化,增加灯具对于灯体空间的运用以及有效的降低整体成本。
This allows for simple lighting fixtures designs that do not require full converter and driver solutions – dramatically reducing the total design costs while increasing total fixture efficiency.
在使用电子可调快门拍摄 ramping
[...] shot(画幅比在镜头中改变)时,快门随着画 幅比的改变而改变,以补偿速度改变对 光效 果 的 影响。
Using an electronically adjustable shutter in a ramping shot (where the frame rate changes during the
shot) the shutter changes as the frame rate changes in order to compensate for
[...] the exposure effect of the speed changes.
织物经向和纬向张力 优化工艺可提供最佳光效果并节省碱 液、水和蒸汽。
The thus optimized process
[...] provides the best mercerizing effect with savings [...]
in lye, water and steam.
焕发神采的珍珠成分:优化双唇的 光效 果。
Radiance-boosting pearls: optimize [...]
the reflection of light on lips.
为了满足国内低碳环保产品的市场需求,强有力投入中国LED照明领域的角逐,公司在全国拥有福建云霄、江西武宁两大制造基地;并在福建厦门、广东古镇设立两大研发中心,以及拥有100多项LED照明专利;全国各中大型城市设立30余家运营中心、200多家超市网点、2000多家品牌智 光效 体 验 店等完善的销售服务网络,使社会各界能真正体会到美宝带来的新科技、新理念、新服务。
In order to meet domestic market demand for low carbon environmental products,  The company strong investment in LED lighting field for competition and has two major manufacturing base   in Yunxiao,Fujian, Wuning Jiangxi and set up two R & D center in Xiamen  Fujian, Guzhen Guangdong, and has more than 100 patents in LED lighting; the Group owns more than 100 LED lighting patents and set up perfect sales service network of more than 30 operations centers in many large cities, more than 200 supermarket outlets and 2000 brand shops to make the community can really realize Maibo’s new technology, new ideas and new services
对于半导体发光二极管而言,晶格的匹配是一个重大的课题,因为对于大部分III-V族半导体而言,并没有刚好适合的基板(substrate)可承载上方的磊晶层,而成长的磊晶层其晶格大小必须与基板的晶格匹配,才不至于面对力的因素导致晶格缺陷,使得器件发出的光子被缺陷吸收,而大幅降低器件的 光效 能。
For semiconductor light emitting diode is concerned, the matching of the grid work is a big question, because for most iii-v semiconductor is concerned, and not just right for the base plate (substrate) could hold the upper part of epitaxial layer, and the growth of epitaxial layer grid work must be the size and the grid work of the board to match, the force will not face the factors leading
to the grid defect, make a device of the photons are defects absorb, and
[...] greatly reduced the luminous efficiency device.
近年來LED照明技術快速成長,LED產品 光效 率 每 年都以倍數提高並逐漸超越傳統節能燈照明產品,可望在不遠的將來全面取付現有的節能照明產品,預估屆時將可為全球節省20%以上的電力,也有助於改善傳統照明排放過多二氧化碳,減緩溫室效應,對保護地球環境帶來正面幫助。
In recent years, rapid growth of LED lighting technology,
[...] LED products, LED efficiency has doubled each [...]
year and gradually increase beyond the
traditional energy-saving lighting products, is expected to fully take in the near future to pay the existing energy-efficient lighting products, estimates the world will be saved for 20 % of the electricity, but also help to improve the excessive carbon dioxide emissions of conventional lighting, reduce the greenhouse effect, on the positive to help protect the global environment.




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