单词 | 光宗耀祖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 光宗耀祖—bring honor to one's ancestorsSee also:光耀—brilliant dazzling 祖宗n—ancestorn wildernessn 祖宗—forebear
我特别想谈及特首这一职位,我一直很不客气地说,“特 首 ”真的不是“一份工作”那麽简单;这是很伟大、光宗耀祖的一个职 位。 legco.gov.hk | All along, I have been blunt in saying that the [...] position of the Chief Executive is not simply "a job", but a great position [...] bringing glory to the family and ancestors. legco.gov.hk |
据 7 月 23 日的报章报道,有一名很拼搏、外号“潮州小子”的男子, 他 9 年前移民来港与家人团聚,立志要光宗耀祖供养父母,会考毕业後,立 即工作赚钱,不计较职业高低,即使是码头搬运工作也愿意捱,但始终无法 融入社会,仍遭人歧视和排斥,结果失业後靠综援维生,令他自责无用。 legco.gov.hk | According to a press report on 23 July, a very hardworking man nicknamed "the young man from Chiu Chow" migrated to Hong Kong nine years ago to reunite with his family and he vowed to be successful in life, so as to bring honour to his ancestors and to support his parents. legco.gov.hk |
黄定光议员及谭耀宗议员申报他们是积金 局的非执行董事。 legco.gov.hk | Mr WONG Ting-kwong and Mr TAM Yiu-chungdeclared that [...] they were non-executive directors of MPFA. legco.gov.hk |
在保障香港法治和执行司法公义这件事上,我绝对认同吴霭仪议员 [...] 对律政司外判检控官叶祖耀(NeilMITCHELL)最近在法院外受袭的关 注。 legco.gov.hk | On protecting the rule of law in Hong Kong and administration of justice, I absolutely [...] agree with Dr Margaret NG's concern about the [...] recent attackon Mr Neil MITCHELL, [...]counsel on fiat for the Department of Justice, outside a court building. legco.gov.hk |
老兄,那是你的老祖宗说的,当时正在打仗,国民党亦正 与他开战,他当时是两面受敌。 legco.gov.hk | At that time, there was a war going on and the Kuomintang was also at war with him, so he was being attacked on two sides. legco.gov.hk |
黄祖耀先生是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具有威望的华社领袖;丹斯里拿督李深静局绅是马来西亚举足轻重的着名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白手起家,拥有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈启宗先生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | TanSri DatoLee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung Chun-ying is a respected professional distinguished by his involvement in a global property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate [...] industry and well-known [...]for his involvement in the world of academia. english.sccci.org.sg |
因此,谭耀宗议员指我们宁为玉碎、不为瓦全, 其实是“鬼拍後尾枕” ─ 多谢他,我们正是宁为玉碎、不为瓦全,如果 用英文说,便会译成是不自由、毋宁死,就是如此简单而已,又或是宁鸣而 生、不默而死,这些全部均是老祖宗的教诲。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, MrTAM Yiu-chung's remark that we would ratherbe a broken piece of jade than an intact tile was actually a Freudian slip. legco.gov.hk |
叶国谦议员、吴霭仪议员、张文光议员、谭耀宗议员、梁国雄议员、陈监林议员、李卓人议 员、石礼谦议员、林健锋议员及甘乃威议员就进一 [...] 步缩短委员的发言时间及於2012年 6月 25日及26日 加开财委会会议的建议发表意见。 legco.gov.hk | Mr IP Kwok-him, Dr Margaret NG, [...] Mr CHEUNGMan-kwong, Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, [...]Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Mr LEE Cheuk-yan, [...]Mr Abraham SHEK, Mr Jeffrey LAM and Mr KAM Nai-wai expressed views on the suggestion of further shortening members' speaking time and the holding of additional FC meetings on 25 and 26 June 2012. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,正因 如此,我今㆝动议修订由谭耀宗议员提出的动议,修订内容㆒如送交各位议员传阅的 [...] 议事程序表内以我名义提出者所载。 legco.gov.hk | It is on this basis, Mr President, that I stand [...] today to amend the motion moved by the [...] Honourable TAM Yiu-chung under my name [...]as circulated to Members in the Order Paper. legco.gov.hk |
我们对“祖国之光”党的党员寄予厚望,你们应调动整个社会和所有党员, 解释并执行未来十年的任务,并从根本上领导这项工作,使该计划成为你们的计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | We place high hopes on [...] members of theNur Otanparty,who should [...]mobilize all the society, all members of the party, in [...]order to explain and implement the tasks of the forthcoming decade, basically leading this work and making it their own programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
丁午寿议员、 田北俊议员、 何世柱议员、 何承天议员、 何俊仁议员、 何敏嘉 议员、 何锺泰议员、 李永达议员、 李柱铭议员、 李家祥议员、 李启明议员、 李华明议员、 吕明华议员、 吴亮星议员、 吴清辉议员、 吴霭仪议员、 周梁淑 怡议员、马逢国议员、涂谨申议员、张文光议员、许长青议员、陆恭蕙议员、 陈国强议员、 陈婉娴议员、 陈智思议员、 陈荣灿议员、 陈监林议员、 梁智鸿 [...] 议员、梁刘柔芬议员、程介南议员、黄宏发议员、黄宜弘议员、黄容根议员、 曾钰成议员、 杨孝华议员、 杨森议员、 杨耀忠议员、 刘千石议员、 刘江华议 员 、 刘皇发议员、 刘健仪议员、 [...] 刘汉铨议员、 蔡素玉议员、 郑家富议员、 司 徒华议员、 罗致光议员、谭耀宗议员及 邓兆棠议员赞 成 。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Kenneth TING, Mr James TIEN, Mr HO Sai-chu, Mr Edward HO, Mr Albert HO, Mr Michael HO, Dr Raymond HO, Mr LEE Wing-tat, Mr Martin LEE, Mr Eric LI, Mr LEE Kai-ming, Mr Fred LI, Dr LUI Ming-wah, Mr NG Leung-sing, Prof NG Ching-fai, Miss Margaret NG, Mrs Selina CHOW, Mr MA Fung-kwok, Mr James TO, Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong, Mr HUI Cheungching, Miss Christine LOH, Mr CHAN Kwok-keung, Miss CHAN Yuen-han, Mr Bernard CHAN, Mr CHAN Wing-chan, Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Dr LEONG Che-hung, Mrs Sophie LEUNG, Mr Gary CHENG, Mr Andrew WONG, Dr Philip WONG, Mr WONG Yung-kan, Mr Jasper TSANG, Mr Howard YOUNG, Dr YEUNG Sum, Mr YEUNG Yiu-chung, Mr LAU Chin-shek, Mr LAU Kong-wah, Mr LAU Wong-fat, Mrs Miriam LAU, Mr Ambrose LAU, [...] Miss CHOY So-yuk, Mr Andrew CHENG, Mr SZETO [...] Wah, Mr LAW Chi-kwong, MrTAM Yiu-chungand DrTANG Siu-tong [...]voted for motion. legco.gov.hk |
很多㆟由於缺乏了解,以为新界传统习俗只是㆒些追不㆖潮流的古老祖宗家法, 再不适合现今的香港社会。 legco.gov.hk | Owing to a lack of understanding, many people think that the traditional [...] custom of the New Territories is a kind [...] of old-fashioned ancestralanddomestic discipline, [...]which is no longer suitable to [...]the present-day Hong Kong society. legco.gov.hk |
谭耀宗议员表示,内务委员会主席下 次 在 星 期一与政务 [...] 司司长会面 时 , 可询问 司 长 是否有任 何 事 情 须向议员汇 报 。 legco.gov.hk | Mr TAM Yiu-chung saidthat [...] the Chairman could ask CS, at their next meeting on Monday, whether he had anything to brief Members. legco.gov.hk |
我对於宪报刊登後五个多月才通过法例表示非常不满,在这些敏感问题㆖,政府 应考虑到如谭耀宗议员所说的部分无良雇主逃避责任的可能性,将来应设法避免类似 [...] 事情发生。 legco.gov.hk | Concerning such sensitive [...] issues, asMr TAMYiu-chung haspointed [...]out, the Government should give consideration to the possibility [...]of shirking responsibility by some vicious employers, and try to avoid having similar arrangements in future. legco.gov.hk |
马术项目的筹备工作进行得如 火如荼。我们会继续与各工作夥伴紧密合作,充分汲取去年八 月马术预赛的经验,务求把2008年奥运会及残疾人奥运会马术 项目办得有声有色,为香港和祖国增光。 legco.gov.hk | The preparatory work is in full swing and we will continue to work closely with all parties concerned and consolidate experience from the trial run in August last year, in order to ensure the Equestrian Events a resounding success to bring pride to our nation and our city. legco.gov.hk |
执行 2020 年计划应成为“祖国之光”党的工作基石。 daccess-ods.un.org | The implementation of the 2020 programme should become the [...] cornerstone of the work for the Nur Otan party. daccess-ods.un.org |
我坚信,正义与真理的光芒必将照耀我们这个国度的每个角 落,而我所能做的也只能是倔强的坚持,不为别的,仅仅是为我自己 [...] 良心与灵魂的安稳,以及为了我们的後代们能生活在一个具有优良品 质的社会里,更为了我们这个民族,我们这个国度能以健康的体魄继 续存在於世界。 legco.gov.hk | I firmly believe that [...] justice and truth willshine in everycorner of our [...]country. What I can do now is to hang on persistently, [...]not for any special cause, but for peace of my own conscience and soul, as well as for a quality society where our children will live; and, more importantly, for our nation, so that our country can continue to exist in this world in good health. legco.gov.hk |
根据祖国之光党的人民纲领,到 2012 年,编列预算的组织的养恤金、工资 [...] 以及奖学金的平均数额比 2008 年增加两倍。 daccess-ods.un.org | As planned in the people’s [...] platform of the NurOtan party, by 2012 [...]the average size of pensions, salaries in the budgetary [...]organizations and scholarships will increase twofold compared to 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
表一显示,撇除得票只得3%的民协严天生名单,三大阵营的7张得胜名单,其实在政治光谱中的位置都非常清晰,即谭耀宗名单占据一极,周梁淑怡名单占中间位置,而5张民主派名单则非常接近,位处另外一极,当中又以陈伟业最为极端。 hkupop.hku.hk | Table 1 reveals that, excluding the ADPL's Yim Tin-Sang who had only obtained 3% of vote shares, the positions of the 7 winning lists from the 3 major camps in the political spectrum were very clear. hkupop.hku.hk |
祖国之光”党应在这一努 力中发挥凝聚作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Nur Otan partyshould [...] play a unifying role in that effort. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些听起来是很好的,大家会就着退税鼓掌,但问题在於谭香文议员今 [...] 天这项议案的中心,是要关注扶贫和人口老化问题,单仲偕议员所说的是医 疗问题,郭家麒议员也是这麽说,而谭耀宗议员也谈及人口老化等问题。 legco.gov.hk | All these sound very appealing, and everyone will give an applause to the tax rebates, but the point is that the thrust of this motion proposed by Miss TAM Heung-man today is to help the poor and address the problem of an ageing population; Mr SIN Chung-kai talked about problems in the health [...] care aspect, which are echoed by Dr KWOK [...] Ka-ki, and MrTAM Yiu-chung also spoke of [...]such issues as the ageing population. legco.gov.hk |
李光耀先生本来是这法例㆘的被害者, 但当他执政时,就非常欣赏这条法例,因为他可以将所有异己份子毋须经过审讯而关起 来。 legco.gov.hk | MrLEE Kwan-yewwas himselfa victim [...] of this Act. But when he came to power, he found this Act very useful because he could [...]invoke it to have all the dissidents locked up behind bars without going through a trial. legco.gov.hk |
展览内容对於描述国民党1945年占领台湾一事,使用国民党传统上用的"光复"("glorious restoration")和"祖国"("motherland"–意指中国) 字眼。 taiwancorner.org | The exhibition uses traditional KMT [...] terms such as 「光复」 (‘glorious restoration’) for the [...] takeover of Taiwan by the KMT in 1945 and「祖国」(‘motherland’,ie China). taiwancorner.org |
这一条 古 法,至 今 仍 具 高度的 现 实 和 实 用 意 义 , 香港特 别行政 区(“特 区”)政 府 遭 逢 逆 境,多 年 来 吃 尽 苦 头 , 兜兜转转, 才 又 搬 出老祖 宗的大智 慧 来 使 用。 legco.gov.hk | Today, this ancient formula is still considered to be highly realistic and practical. In the face of the downturn, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has suffered tremendously in finding the right way out over the years. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,“一国两制”是希望将香港的文化、制度、历史等社会发 展重要元素得以保留,让东方之珠在回归後继续发热发光,从而贡献祖国,提升国力。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, with "One Country, Two Systems", it is hoped that the major elements for social development of Hong Kong such as culture, system and history and so on can be retained to ensure that the [...] "Pearl of the Orient" can [...] maintain itsradiance afterthe reunification, with a view to contributing to the Motherland and elevating [...]the power of the nation. legco.gov.hk |
主席:我现在向各位提出的待议议题是:杨森议员就谭耀宗议员议案动议的 修正案,予以通过。 legco.gov.hk | PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): I now [...] propose the question to you and that is: That the amendment, moved by Dr [...] YEUNG Sum toMr TAMYiu-chung'smotion, [...]be passed. legco.gov.hk |
今晚,本会将向张泗川名誉会长、林继民名誉会长、黄祖耀名誉会长、陈共存名誉会长、陈永裕名誉会长、郑民川名誉会长和郭令裕前任会长颁赠褒扬奖,以赞扬他们在不同的年代,深谋远虑、鞠躬尽粹,为总商会的日常运作和蓬勃发展奠定了坚实的基础。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Tonight, our Chamber will be presenting meritorious awards to our honorary presidents and immediate past president, to pay tribute to their outstanding leadership, wisdom and foresight in laying the firm foundations of the Chamber throughout the different generations. english.sccci.org.sg |
我 非 常同意谭耀宗议员所说,专责小组应 “ 尽 快 和 中 央 政 [...] 府 厘清政制发 展 的 原 则及程序, 促 进 社 会 各界理 性讨论, 并 与中央 政 府进行良 性 互动的 商 讨 ,务求 在 尊 重 及 严 格 遵 守 《基本 [...]法》所 订定的原 则的基础 上 , 达 致一个 全 面 贯 彻 一国两 制 、 港 人 治港及 高 度 自 治 的政制发展方案, 为香港开 创 一 个 民 主及稳 定的局面"。 legco.gov.hk | I agree very much [...] with MrTAM Yiu-chung that the Task [...]Force should "expeditiously clarify with the Central Government the [...]principles and procedure relating to constitutional development, and promote rational discussions among various sectors of the community, and establish positive and interactive discussions with the Central Government, with a view to formulating, on the basis of respecting and strictly complying with the principles prescribed in the Basic Law, a constitutional development proposal that fully implements the concept of "one country, two systems" whereby Hong Kong people rule Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy, so as to develop a democratic and stable situation in Hong Kong". legco.gov.hk |
谭耀宗议员问:副主席先生,教育统筹司可否告知本局,这项检讨会於何时完成及是 [...] 否会向本局㆟力统筹小组提交报告或谘询本局议员与公众㆟士的意见? legco.gov.hk | MRTAM YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): [...] Mr Deputy President, will the Secretary inform this Council when the review will be completed, [...]whether a report will be submitted to the Manpower Panel of this Council and whether Members of this Council and the public will be consulted? legco.gov.hk |
法案委员会主席谭耀宗议员汇报,法案 委员会已同意,鉴於政府当局决定提交一项新的 [...] 法案以实施有关填补立法会议席空缺的最新建 议方案,并同时会撤回该条例草案,法案委员会 无需继续其工作。 legco.gov.hk | Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Chairman of the [...] Bills Committee, reported that the Bills Committee had agreed that in view of the Administration's [...]decision to introduce a new bill to implement the latest proposal for filling vacancies in LegCo and to withdraw the Bill, there would be no need for it to continue its work. legco.gov.hk |