

单词 先进水平

See also:


advanced (technology)

进水 n

influent n

水平 adj

horizontal adj
vertical adj

External sources (not reviewed)

年海运述评》都接受了深入的同行审评。同行审评丰富了报告内 容,增加了区域和国家观点,有助于确保分析处 先进水平。
The peer review exercise enriched the reports, added regional and national perspectives, and helped ensure that the analysis was state-of-the-art.
在这方 面,粮食署已经达到了 IPSAS 准备就绪先进水平。
In this respect, WFP had
[...] already achieved an advanced level of readiness [...]
for IPSAS.
铝锰镁合金彩涂铝板是用合金状态为3004的铝锰镁合金铝为基材,经过脱酯、清洗、钝化层处理,再在此基础上涂装目前国际 先进水平 的 KANAR500和HYLAR5000系列氟碳(PVDF)树脂生产的涂料,墙煌牌铝锰镁合金彩涂板采用国际知名企业美国PPG公司、瑞典贝科公司和美国威仕伯公司涂料,其产品经美国佛罗里达州自然光曝晒检测,具有耐候性20年以上的质量保证。
Color coated aluminum magnesium alloy Al-Mn alloy is used for the 3004 state of the Al-Mn-Mg aluminum alloy substrate, after
de-ester, cleaning, passivation layer processing, and then painting on this basis, the
[...] international most advanced level of KANAR500 [...]
and HYLAR5000 Series Fluorocarbon
(PVDF) resin coating, the wall card Huang color coated aluminum manganese alloy known international companies use the U.S. PPG, Sweden and the United States Weishi Bo Beca companies paint company, its products by the natural light exposure, Florida testing, with more than 20 years of weathering quality assurance.
该公司目前主营具有核心竞争力的热洗类特车、钻修类特车、固井类特车、采油类特车、7000m及以下系列钻机等8大系列产品,累计开发新产品300余种,其中洗井清蜡车被评为国家级新产品,ZYT5550TZJ120型钻机车荣获中国汽车工业科技进步三等奖,SJD系列发电机组被认定为国家南极考察队指定使用产品,ZYT5190TXL20型洗井清蜡车等6种产品填补国内空白,钻机整体移运系统等9类产品达到国 先进水平 ; 50余项成果获省部级以上科技奖励,17种产品被评为省级高新技术产品,75项技术获国家专利。
ZYTPE mainly committed to the manufacturing of 8 series products owning the core competitiveness such as hot washing truck, drilling & repairing truck, well cementation truck and drilling rigs (≤7000m) and developed more than 300 kinds of new products, in which dewaxing truck is awarded as national new products, ZYT5550TZJ120 drilling rig won the third prize of scientific-technical progress of China's automotive industry, SJD series generator sets have been identified as the designated product by national Antarctic expedition team, six products including ZYT5190TXL20 dewaxing truck fill a number of national gaps, nine products including drilling
rig integrated moving system
[...] reached the international advanced level, more than 50 [...]
productions won provincial and ministerial
level scientific and technological awards, 17 products are awarded the provincial high-tech products and 75 technologies own national patents.
埃及特别强调,在核领域达先进水平的国 家有责任积极顺应发展中国家和平利 用核能的需要,允许它们尽最大可能积极参与设备、 [...]
材料、科学信息和核技术的转让,使它们能够在其可 持续发展战略中获得最大好处。
Egypt emphasizes especially the responsibility of those
[...] countries that are advanced in the nuclear field [...]
to respond positively to the needs
of developing countries with respect to peaceful uses of nuclear power, by allowing them to participate to the maximum extent possible in the transfer of equipment, materials, scientific information and nuclear technology and enabling them to derive the greatest benefits within their sustainable development strategies.
集团上海臻元船舶设计有限公司副总经理陈敬炜先生随船见证了本次试航,他介绍道:“CROWN 63系列船经过了长达1年的优化设计,在德国汉堡进行水池试验的次数就多达5次,各项试验指标均达到国 先进水平。
According to Mr. Chen Jingwei, Deputy General Manager of GreenSeas Marine Technology of Sinopacific Group, who witnessed this sea trial, CROWN 63 experienced one-year initial design optimization and went
through up to 5 times
[...] tank tests in HSVA (The Hamburg Ship Model Basin, Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH), reaching advanced international level.
我国四川成都LED显示屏产业的技术基础和水平应该说还是相当先进的,主要产品和关键技术与国际同行业 先进水平 能 够保持一致,但工艺水平比较落后,在产品规范化、整机系统设计、可靠性、制造工艺、检测测试手段等方面与国外有明显的差距。
LED display in China chengdu in sichuan province industrial technology base and
level, it should be said is quite
[...] advanced, the main products and key technology with the international advanced level of the [...]
industry to maintain
consistent, but the craft level is relatively backward, in product standardization, the whole system design, reliability, manufacturing, inspection test methods home and abroad have obvious difference.
一年前,为了迅速赶上发达国家在尼古丁替代疗法领域 先进水平 , 对 我国控烟事业的发展提供坚实的理论基础、安全有效的科学方法和广泛的科学知识普及,在国内许多长期从事相关领域研究的专家们的呼吁下,在卫生部相关主管部门的支持下,我国在该领域中第一个专业学术组织NRT控烟学组在北京成立。
A year ago, to quickly catch up with developed countries in the field
of nicotine
[...] replacement therapy in the advanced level, the development of tobacco control in China provide a solid theoretical [...]
foundation, safe and
effective scientific methods and a wide range of scientific literacy in the country engaged in a number of related experts in their field of study called for under the relevant competent departments of the Ministry of Health with support, our first in this field a professional academic organizations NRT Tobacco Control Section has set up in Beijing.
主要产品“KEEP”牌制动器衬片符合GB5763 — 2008
[...] 标准,性能达到日本JISD4411标准要求,具有国 先进水平 的 无 石棉刹车片已大批量投放市场,产品在生产和使用过程中减少了对环境和人体的危害,并具有性能稳定、使用寿命长,无噪音等特点。
Main Product  " KEEP " brake linings performance comply with GB5763
- 2008 standards and JISD4411 Japan,
[...] with international advanced level of non-asbestos [...]
brake pads have been put on the market in large quantities.
开展了两项关于大学当前的研究管理能力是否达到先进水平的地 区研究,举行了一次专家会议,为建立 教科文组织研究管理常设论坛奠定基础;为里约+10 进程制作了图象培训资料(关于参与式行动--研究方 法的录象、互动网站);在(巴西)里约热内卢联邦 大学设立了关于可持续发展的教科文组织教席。
Launch of two regional state-of-the art studies on research management capacities in universities and holding of an expert meeting to prepare the ground for establishing of a permanent UNESCO Forum on Research Management; Production of visual training materials (video on methodology for participative action-research, interactive website) with a view to the Rio+10 process; UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
公司拥有LED行业多年资深研发工程师,光学、结构、电子等技术团队,一流的全自动化生产设备和专业的生产队伍,历经对LED产品不断深入研究和创新,光亮成功开发出达到国 先进水平 的 LE D应用产品: LED显示屏(柔性彩幕、柔性屏、箱体屏),日光灯、灯杯、球泡灯、天花灯、投光灯、工矿灯、路灯等销售美国、韩国、澳大利亚、新加坡、英国、日本、西班牙等四十多个国家,并承接国内外大量,亮化、景观工程及照明工程项目,深受广大客户好评。
With the first –class fully automated production equipment and
[...] skillful production team, GL has successfully [...]
developed the international-leveled
LED application products (LED Display with flexible full-color curtain, flexible screen and cabinet screen; fluorescent lamps, cup lamp, bulb, ceiling light, spot light, led highbay light and street light) by the gradually deepened research and innovation.
目前该产线运行率维持在 90% 左右,产品稳定功率爬升至 132.5Wp(全面积转换效率达到 9.3%), 产品良品率高达 95%,达到了国先进水平。
Finally, it has established 45MW high-end production line of amorphous-crystalline/ microcrystalline silicon thin film solar energy cell to realize mass production in the production line.
其中,总经理是质量工作的第一责任人;各部门负责人是该部门质量工作的主要负责人;公司品管部主要具体负责确保公司质量管理体系的过程得到建立、实施和保持;产品的实物质量水平达到同 先进水平 ; 实 测数据超过国际标准和国外同类产品水平。
The main responsibilities of Quality Control Department are concluded to establish, implement and maintain the procedures of quality control system; to guarantee the product quality to achieve the advanced level in the same field; to ensure the actual measuring data to exceed the international standard and those of the same kinds made by overseas manufacturers and to create an active environment for staff, so as to encourage the staff to actively participate multitudinous public quality control activities such as QC group activities, rational proposals, 5S management and TPM group (Total Productive Maintenance), etc.
本公司与国内外科研机构建立了长期的科研协作关系,有较强的研制开发能力,技术水平达到国 先进水平 , 性能符合国标5763—98和美国SAE标准。
This company and the domestic and foreign scientific research institution have established the long-term scientific research cooperation relations, has the strong
development ability, the technical level
[...] achieves the domestic advanced level, the performance [...]
conforms to GB 5763-98 with the United States SAE standard.
公司自创办以来,不断吸收国内外先进技术,引进具有国 先进水平 的 数 控机床、压铸机及其它加工检测设备,保证了产品的稳定性和可靠性,先后通过ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系:CE欧盟安全认证等。
The company absorbed the domestic
[...] and international advanced technology constantly [...]
from established to now,introduced the
data lates,casting machines and other machining,inspection & test equipments with international advanced level,guarantee the stability and dependability of the products,successively past the ISO9001:2000 international quality management system authentication.
1月10日,由华北电科院组织,我公司参与的华北电网公司科技项目——华北电网电能质量数字化分析平台通过了专家组评审,专家们一致认为,该平台完成了华北电网电能质量数据的监测、存储、分析等功能,可兼容多种监测装置,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入PQView二次开发中,建立了基于GIS的电能质量Web系统,方便了电能质量监测,方便了电能质量数据应用,项目达到了国 先进水平 , 应 尽快推广。
On January 10, the North-China’s Power Grid Company’s scientific project “Power Supply Quality Digitalization Platform for North-China Power Grid”, which was organized by North-China Power Grid Company and participated by our company, passed the review by expert group.
拥有员工100余人,专用设备30余台套,主要设备从欧洲,美国,日本,新加坡等国家和地区引进,代表了当今LED照明行业的国 先进水平 , 具 备年产大功率LED集成模组系列产品20万套,室内外照明灯具30万套的生产能力。
The main equipments are imported from Europe, the United States, Japan, Singapore and other countries and regions,
represents the current LED lighting
[...] industry international advanced level and capable [...]
of producing high power LED integration
module series products of 200000, indoor and outdoor lighting lamps 300000 sets per year.
纳米技术专家Manoj Varma认为,纳米医学需要小心地发展,而不要想一下子就赶上世 先进水平。
Nanomedicine requires careful development, not a
[...] great rush to jump on the bandwagon, argues nanotech expert Manoj Varma.
在业内用户和社会各界的关心支持下,经过多年的潜心努力和不断发展,已成为中国包装界知名企业,生产的高精度印刷开槽模切机系列产品达到国内领先、国 先进水平。
By its own effort and continuous development for years, the Company, with the support from customers and people in the different fields, has become a well-known enterprise in China packaging industry. The series products of high-precision printing slotting die cutting machines produced by the Company are leading in the country.
智能电网建设的第三个阶段是2016年至2020年的“引领提升阶段”,将全面建成统一的坚强智能电网,技术和装备全面达到国 先进水平。
In the third phase from 2016 to 2020, the original system must
be optimized and upgraded to form a strong smart grid with technologies and
[...] devices reaching advanced level in the world.
另一方面,进一步加快研究和编制有关性能、测试、能效等我国LED产业发展急需、条件成熟的核心标准和规范,并加快建立具备国 先进水平 的 第 三方产品检测平台,在此基础上适当提高国外产品进入国内市场的门槛,达到与国外企业互换核心专利技术、降低专利费用的目的。
Further, on the other hand, speed up the research and formulation of relevant performance, testing and energy efficiency of China's LED industry development needs, the conditions are ripe core standards and norms, and accelerate
the establishment has
[...] the international advanced level of the third party testing platform, on the basis [...]
of appropriate increase
the threshold of the foreign products to enter the domestic market, with foreign enterprises to swap the core patented technology, and reduce the patent fee.
已在服务中的磨机换衬板机械手在逐步老化但是仍然运行良好,由于技术在不断进步,RME还为客户提供旧机械手整修翻新和升级服务,以确保这些机械手保持 先进水平 并 且 其使用寿命延长到与矿的寿命相同。
The fleet of installed Mill Relining Machines and Mill Liner Handlers is aging but still very much operational, and because technology is progressing, RME also offers customers a service to refurbish and update older machines to ensure that they remain current and that their life extends to the life of the mine.
OGFLEX-CI系列宽幅卫星式单/双面柔版印刷机,该系列机组引进欧洲先进技术/工艺生产制造,于2008年成功开发,其性能和技术含量,代表着当今中国柔印设备的领先地位,并接近欧美国家同类产 先进水平 , 采 用水性、醇溶性环保油墨,其印品精美,可与凹印机印出效果相媲美。
OGFLEX-CI series web CI type single/double side flexo
[...] printing machine. use water base/ alcoholic solvent [...]
based ink printing, The printing quality is exquisite.
目前我国万元工业增加值取水量是发达国家的 5-10 倍,我国灌溉水利 用率仅为 40%-45%,距世先进水平还有较大差距,节水潜力很大。
Currently, China's water consumption for every 10,000 yuan of industrial value-added is 5 to 10 times that of developed
countries. The utilization rate
[...] of irrigation water in China is only between 40 and 45 percent, leaving a relatively large gap when compared with the advanced levels in the world.
其中研制的ZZ5256GLQL4646F型橡胶沥青洒布车是国内第一台智能化洒布橡胶沥青的高科技产品,同步碎石封层车快通王是国内自主研发的首台同步碎石封层设备,大型智能化微表处摊铺机(稀浆封层车)被鉴定为国 先进水平 , 获 得河南省科技成果奖,同时获得中国用户满意度筑养路机械第一名殊荣。
Which developed ZZ5256GLQL4646F rubber asphalt distributor is the first intelligent high-tech Spraying asphalt rubber products, stone sealing layer synchronization through fast car is the king's first self-developed Sync gravel seal coat equipment, large intelligent
micro-surfacing paver (slurry seal truck) was
[...] identified as the advanced level, get Henan [...]
Science and Technology Achievement Award,
and user satisfaction by China Road Machinery first award.
由于国内阀门行业起步晚,目前还处于发展阶段、闸阀、截止阀、球阀、V型球阀、设计、制造、生产和试验能力低于国 先进水平 , 好 多关键阀门还依赖进口,许多阀门没有核心技术,加上自动化控制水平的限制,在高端阀门技术方面与发达国家与国外相比有一定差距,出现如此问题究竟原因何在?
Domestic valve industry started late in the development stage, the gate valve, globe valve, ball valve, V type ball valve design, manufacture, production and
testing capacity is
[...] lower than the foreign advanced level, a lot of critical valves are also dependent on imports, many of the [...]
valve is not the core
technology , coupled with automation and control the level of restrictions in the high-end valve technology there is some discrepancy compared with the developed countries and foreign, there is such a problem What are the reasons?
新风拥有一支一流的风机专业技术队伍,他们直指国际风机技术前沿,勇于创新,先后开发出了具有国 先进水平 的 DW 系列风机、KF系列后弯机翼型叶片风机、具有世 先进水平 的 DW Z系列外转子轴流风机、具有自主知识产权的FX系列箱型风机、KF系列外转子空调风机、DT系列双联风机、LKZ系列列车空调用轴流风机等。
Xinfeng company owns a top-ranking technical team and
they have exploited the fans of DW series
[...] which reach to advanced domestic level, sweepback airofoil fan of KF series, exterior rotor flow fan of DWZ series which comes up to advanced world standard, [...]
box fan of FX series
with independent intellectual property rights, exterior rotor fan of air conditioner of KF series, flow fan used for rail air-conditioning of LKZ series and so on.
我公司研制的XZPS30湿喷台车是国内第一台具有自主知识产权,采用全液压传动及全智能自动控制的混凝土喷射施工设备,先进的可视化操作模式,灵活的喷射机械手系统可实现9个自由度的操作动作,施工范围大,最大喷射高度为16m、水平喷射宽度为28m,其最大生产率达30m3/h,各项性能指标居国内领先、国 先进水平 , 打破国外设备在中国的垄断地位。
It features advanced visualized operation mode, and that the flexible shotcrete manipulator can allow arm support's movements of 9 degrees of freedom, max. spraying height of 16m, horizontal spraying width of 28m, and max. productivity of 30
m3/h. With technical indexes of leading
[...] level in China and advanced level in the world, [...]
it breaks the monopoly of overseas equipment in China.




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