

单词 先礼后兵

See also:


one after another
in succession
early or late

External sources (not reviewed)

先知提供晌,礼,昏礼和宵礼“的 祈祷和睡一段时间称为Al - Mahassab一个地方,后他骑 上朝向天房克尔白​​和执行Tawaf(AL -和田”)。
The Prophet offered the Zuhr, 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers and slept for a while at a place called Al-Mahassab and then he rode towards [...]
the Ka'ba and performed Tawaf (al-Wada').
有时出现先部署工兵连建造部队营地, 还是先部署保安部队以保护工兵的 先后 顺 序 问题 等各种问题层出不穷。
At other times, sequencing questions arise over whether an
engineering company should
[...] deploy first to establish a battalion campsite or whether security elements move in first to protect the engineers and the list [...]
of challenges goes on.
16 时 45 分,在应征兵 Yusuf al-Qawarit 的礼上,一个武装恐怖团伙混 入治丧者中间并进行射击。
At 1645 hours, at the funeral of the conscript Yusuf al-Qawarit, an armed [...]
terrorist group infiltrated among the mourners opened fire.
但是,仍然和所有精彩的赞美诗/张的一名 兵 的 葬 礼。
But, still and all a wonderful hymn/piece
[...] for the funeral of a soldier.
先是被宪兵拘留,后来于 2011 年 1 月获释,被移交给乍得社会行动、国家 团结和家庭部,作为与武装部队和武装团体有联系的儿童撤离、护理和复员国家 [...]
They were first detained by the gendarmerie, then released in [...]
January and handed over to the Chadian Ministry of Social
Action, National Solidarity and Family to be taken care of as part of the national programme of withdrawal, care and rehabilitation of children associated with armed forces and armed groups.
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编 先 决 条 件而提出的各项基 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及 兵 的 解 散;成功完 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的民主管理和监督,统一军队并建立能够发挥作用和属于共和国的科特 迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国各地的权力。
The Security Council also endorsed the
following benchmarks
[...] introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants and dismantling of militias; successful [...]
completion of the elections;
commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.
其实形式和传统的交换礼物差不多,分别是送礼人要 先 抽 出 收 礼 人 是 谁, 后 就 要秘密地为他/她准备礼物,到礼物都交换完毕收礼人就要猜谁是他的SECRET SANTA了。
The fun really begins when you receive and unwrap your gift at the party, whereupon you then have to guess who your Secret Santa is!
[...] 作用的讨论中阐述的那样,例如一方非法利用平民做人盾,并不影响另一方有义 务确保空袭中伤害平民不超过军方 先 杀 害 目标 兵 的 数 量。
As the discussions on reciprocity explained, one side’s unlawful use of civilian shields, for example, does not affect the other side’s
obligation to ensure that airstrikes do not kill civilians in
[...] excess of the military advantage of killing the targeted [...]
陸教授說,當他聽到李教授提出要中大兼併教院的構想和他 “權在我手先禮後兵”的言論後,他對於竟有“政府官員對兩所理 [...]
Professor Luk said when he heard Professor Li’s idea of CUHK taking over
HKIEd, and his comments that “the
[...] authority is in my hand” and “starting with diplomacy [...]
and following up with the deployment
of a troop”, he was shocked at the “high-handedness of a Government official towards two supposedly autonomous universities enjoying full autonomy and freedom”.
您会看到许多城镇都举行澳新军团日游行和 礼 , 最 后 还 将 在纪念馆和战争纪念碑前献上花圈。
You’ll find many towns have an ANZAC Day parade and ceremony culminating in the laying of memorial wreaths at a monument or war memorial.
在经过两天的培训,比赛,和颁奖 礼后 , MA RCO现身并进行了二十分钟真正的“下一 先 锋 ”的魔术表演,其中包括最受欢迎的“神奇接触”,“魔方”,“思维成像”, “魔幻拼图”,“奇妙信封”,“下一维空间”,以及充满灵感的“魔翼”。
After two days of training, competition, and awards ceremonies, Marco appeared to perform twenty [...]
minutes of true “Next Frontier” magic,
including such favorites as The Magic Touch, Cubed, Mind cam, Puzzled, Coverage, The Next Dimension -- and the inspirational Wings, each specially tailored to support the theme of the event.
邵逸夫奖于今天(2004年9月7日星期二)假香港会议展览中心举行颁奖典礼,由香港特别行政区行政长官董建 先 生 主 礼 , 并 由邵逸夫奖的创办人邵逸夫爵士陪同颁奖予三个奖共六位得奖人(资料详 后 页 )
At today's presentation ceremony of The Shaw Prize at the Hong Kong
Convention and
[...] Exhibition Centre, Mr Chee-Hwa Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, accompanied by Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of the Prize, presented the awards to the six laureates of the [...]
three prizes.
礼廉先生会 向您阐释试点内容并就新税法改革可能引发的问题给予建议,以帮助您适应新法。
To lead you
[...] through that change Mr. Peter Law will [...]
explain the contents of the reform and advise you on the problems and
possibilities arising from this tax reform.
委员会促请缔约国确保不歧视原则适用于正在进行的宪法改革以及有关收养、结 婚、离婚、礼或死后财产 转移的所有属人法,废除可能造成对妇女的歧视的所 有法规。
The Committee urges the State party to ensure that the ongoing constitutional reform and all personal laws
relating to adoption, marriage,
[...] divorce, burial or devolution of property on death are governed [...]
by the principle of non-discrimination,
and that it eliminate all legislation that may result in discrimination against women.
7.20 2006 年,申诉人开始奉行伊斯兰教并于2009 年以宗教仪式举行礼,此 后,他 被当作潜在的极端主义分子而受到监控。
7.20 In 2006, the complainant started practising Islam and in 2009, he got married in a religious service, following which he was placed under surveillance as a potential extremist.
该战略文件的重点将是警察、法 治、解除武装、复员和重返社会、安全部门改革和地雷行动活动,并将力求协助外 地行动建立执行复杂任务的优先事项,并排定这些关键领域活动 先后 顺 序 ;协助 外地行动有关法治和安全的部门更好地分配其资源并确定其能力和资源差距。
The strategy document will focus on police, rule of law, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, security sector reform and mine action activities and will seek to assist field operations to establish priorities for implementing complex mandates and sequencing their activities in these critical areas; and assist with the rule of law and security-related components of field operations to better allocate their resources and define their capability and resource gaps.
随着Oogie走了,圣诞老人谴责插孔, 后 提 供 合适 礼 物 给全世界的儿童。
With Oogie gone, Santa reprimands Jack before setting off to deliver the right presents to the world’s children.
人权观察社欢迎乍得政府支持关于解决招募儿童兵问题的建议,敦促乍得 随时向理事会通报采取了哪些步骤,确保所有儿童兵迅速和彻底复员和回归社 会,并防止后再招募儿兵。
Human Rights Watch welcomed the Government’s support for the recommendations addressing the recruitment of child soldiers, and urged Chad to keep the Council informed on the steps taken to ensure
the prompt and complete demobilization and
[...] reintegration of all child soldiers, and to prevent any further recruitment.
我们正迈进亚洲企业融资活动令人兴奋的阶段, 礼 轩 先 生 和其团队的加盟将令玛泽稳占先机。
We are moving into a very exciting period for corporate finance activity in Asia and Mazars is well placed with Jack and his team to take advantage of it.
承董事會命 中國基建港口有限公司 公司秘書 黎碧芝
[...] 於本公佈日期,董事會包括二名執行董事劉琴女士及段岩先生;二名非執行董事 閻志先生及方兵先生; 以及三名獨立非執行董事李鏡波先生、黃天祐博士及范 [...]
Lai Pik Chi, Peggy Company Secretary As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises two executive directors namely Ms. Liu Qin and Mr. Duan Yan; two
non-executive directors namely Mr. Yan
[...] Zhi and Mr. Fang Yibing and three independent [...]
non-executive directors namely Mr.
Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Dr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin and Mr. Fan Chun Wah, Andrew.
有一 种做法似乎是在事件发生数后还以 逃 兵 罪 逮 捕前儿童兵。
There appears to be a practice of
[...] arresting former child soldiers for desertion some years after the fact.
在前全国保卫人民大会人兵变开始 后 , 刚 果(金)武装部队第 803 团的 100 多名逃兵为恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织提供增援,以袭击并抢掠 Mpofi-Kibua 轴线 的沿线村庄,杀害了很多刚果(金)武装部队士兵。
Following the beginning of the ex-CNDP mutiny, over 100 FARDC deserters of the 803rd regiment reinforced NDC in order to attack and pillage the villages along the Mpofi-Kibua axis, killing dozens of FARDC soldiers.
Ntibaturana 先生的另一个儿子、前全国保卫人民大会 第 811 营指挥官 Gacheri Musanga 中校指挥的部队以及 Ntibaturana 先生的民 兵被部 署在投票中心附近,以确保民众投票给 Musanga 中校。
Troops commanded by Mr. Ntibaturana’s
other son, ex-CNDP
[...] Lieutenant Colonel Gacheri Musanga, the 811th battalion Commander, as well as Mr. Ntibaturana’s militia, deployed [...]
around voting centres
to ensure that the population cast ballots for Lt Col.
预计这次会议将有助于开展兵库行动 框架后行动 ,将于 2015 年由日本主持的第三次世界减灾大会预计将商定 [...]
The conference was expected
[...] to contribute to a post-Hyogo Framework for Action, [...]
which was expected to be agreed at the Third
World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, which Japan would host in 2015.
后这些士兵 被指控牵涉亚齐大屠杀,并使用美孚提供的设备挖掘大 规模墓地。
The soldiers were later implicated [...]
in massacres in Aceh and reportedly used Mobil’s equipment to dig mass graves.
我们还感到吃惊的是,当行政管理部门为了应对教育部门订立合同的丑闻而组织的强制性培 训时,居然向工作人员传授不能以合同为交易而收受超过某一价值的 礼 物 ” …… 后 ,制 定该伦理计划的一个不可或缺的前提就是对“滥用”一词作出严格和准确的界定,否则,举 报不准的情况将难以避免。
We are also surprised that at a compulsory training session conducted by the Administration in reaction to the Education Sector scandal concerning the awarding of contracts, members
of staff were
[...] instructed not to accept “gifts” beyond a certain value in exchange for a particular contract … Lastly, a prerequisite [...]
for the establishment
of the Ethics Programme is the strict and rigorous definition of the term “abuse”.
礼信先生在 诉讼支持服务方面具丰富经验 ─ 与律师合作处理民事和刑事案件、在高等法院上或各类涉及财务和会计问题的法律仲裁案中提供专家鉴证、进行股本估值、企业重整、清盘及接管。
Ken has extensive experience in litigation support - working with lawyers on both civil and criminal cases; acting as expert witness in both the High Court and arbitrations on a variety of legal matters involving a wide range of financial and accounting issues; undertaking share valuations, company reconstructions, liquidations and receiverships.
尽管去年对联合国减灾信托基金提供的自愿捐 助有所增加,但减灾战略秘书处关于支助 兵 库框 架》有后续行 动的日益增长的要求,需要在这几 年获得更稳健和及时的捐款。
While the voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for Disaster Reduction had increased over the past year, the growing
demands on the ISDR secretariat to
[...] support effective follow-up to the Hyogo Framework would [...]
require more stable and timely contributions covering several years.




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