单词 | 先後顺序 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 先后顺序—sequential orderorder of prioritySee also:先后—priority one after another in succession early or late 顺序n—ordern 顺序pl—sequencespl 顺序adj—sequentialadj 先后adv—successivelyadv
Visa将根据交易笔数、潜在风险及引入其他付款系统之衍伸风险,确定合规认证之先後顺序。 visa-asia.com | Visa has prioritized the compliance validation based on the volume of transactions, the potential risk, and exposure introduced into the payment system. visa-asia.com |
用来描述装置,每一种装置在资料移位暂存器中资讯与控制单元的先後顺序与特性都有 独特之处,需要由装置的研发厂商提供,JTAG [...] 介面不仅用来测试装置,也可以用於编译不同 的装置。 zeroplus.com.tw | Therein,the sequence and thecharacteristics [...] between the information of every device in the Data Shift Register and the [...]control cell have the unique feature, which needs to be supplied by the research and development manufacturer. zeroplus.com.tw |
如果存档位於 CD 等卸除式媒体上,请先插入最後一张CD,并於「复原精灵」提示时依相反顺序插入其 他 CD。 seagate.com | If the archive is located on [...] removable media,e.g. CD, firstinsert the last CD and then insert discs in reverse order when the Recovery [...]Wizard prompts you. seagate.com |
确定系统作业正常後,还原原始开机顺序。 seagate.com | After making sure that the system operates normally, restore the original boot sequence. seagate.com |
取消选择覆写现有档案核取方块,将爲硬碟档案赋予超越已存档档案的绝对优先顺序。 seagate.com | Unselecting the Overwrite existing files checkbox will give the files on the hard [...] disc unconditional priority overthe archived files. seagate.com |
6.13 在受适用法律及规例制约的前提下,敦沛会恰当地考虑收到客户们指令的顺序之後,可以全权决定执行指 令的先後次序,就敦沛执行收到的任何指令而言,阁下不得要求先於另一客户的优先权。 tanrich.com | 6.13 Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, Tanrich may in its absolute discretion determine the priority in the executions of the orders received from [...] its clients, having due [...] regardto thesequence in which such orders were received and you shall not have any claim of priorityto another client [...]in relation to the [...]execution of any orders received by Tanrich. tanrich.com |
标示为高优先顺序的工作的前 面会加上惊叹号,而低优先顺序的工作则会标示向下箭头。 garminasus.com | Atask that has been [...] marked ashighpriority is preceded by an exclamation mark, and a lowpriority task ismarked [...]by a downwardpointing arrow. garminasus.com |
最後失败的阿巴斯王朝又是来自境外穆斯林世界的时候,基地穆斯塔西姆被置於死亡的,由蒙古人入侵时的顺序hulagu ,孙子的成吉思汗。 mb-soft.com | The final defeat of the Abbasid dynasty came from outside the Muslim world, when al-Mustasim was put to death by the invading Mongols at the order of Hulagu, the [...] grandson of Genghis Khan. mb-soft.com |
如果同时启用这两个 「选取矩形」萤幕上的选项,则会按顺序处理这些选项,即先处理从影像选择的 「进阶内容 - 选取矩形」 萤幕上的选项,然後再处理从第一个萤幕结果撷取的 VRS 後期「选取矩 形」萤幕上的选项。 graphics.kodak.com | If options on both Picking Rectangle [...] screens are enabled, [...] they are processedsequentially with options from the Advanced Properties Picking Rectangle screen being selected from theimage firstand then the [...]options from the post [...]VRS Picking Rectangle screen being pulled from the results of the first one. graphics.kodak.com |
有些老师 可能会采用特定顺序來教授各套课程标准(例如,先教授完地球科学与物理科学单元之後才会教授生命科学单元);其他老师可能较喜欢同时教授好几套的课程标准,这是一 种称为综合科学( integrated science)的教学法。 sfusd.edu | Some teachers may choose to teach each set of standards in a particular order (for example, a unit on life science, followed by units on earth science and physical science); others may prefer to teach certain sets of standards together, an approach called integrated science. sfusd.edu |
统计结果後,认知度最低的两名政治人物再被剔除,之後再按十名政治人物所得的支持度由高至低顺序排列,得出十大政治人物。 hkupop.hku.hk | After calculation, the bottom 2 political figures in terms of recognition rate were dropped; the remaining 10 were then ranked [...] according to their [...]support ratings attained to become the top 10 political figures. hkupop.hku.hk |
达到新的级别将为您带来更多收益,例如更低的折扣,优先顺序更高的技术支援,更多的非零售版软体授权,更充分的市场行销活动支援等。 acronis.com.tw | Progressing to a new level gives you an increase in benefits, such as bigger discounts, more technical support, more NFR software licenses, lead generations and marketing support. acronis.eu |
另外还能消除区分资料加密优先顺序的需要,藉由增加操作者与技术本身的效率来进一步降低 TCO。 seagate.com | This also [...] eliminates theneedtoprioritize data forencryption, [...]further reducing TCO by increasing efficiency for the operator [...]as well as the technology itself. seagate.com |
为了顾及部分应约巿民可能改变主意,民意计划会把每个配额的正选加候选名单初步设定为配额的150%,再在论坛前夕按照有关巿民应约的先後次序逐个确认,把正选及候选名单减至配额的120%。 hkupop.hku.hk | In case some invited citizens might change their minds, HKUPOP would set the combined first and reserve lists for each quota group to be 150% of the quota. Then, we would confirm each invited citizen and reduce the quota list to 120% before the debate. hkupop.hku.hk |
倘本公司未能获得有关资本,其将须按优先顺序处理业务, 这可能导致延误并可能失去商机及可能造成在册资产减值。 sunshineoilsands.com | In the event that such capital is not [...] available to the Corporation, it will [...] be necessarytoprioritize activities, which [...]may result in delaying and potentially [...]losing business opportunities and cause potential impairment to recorded assets. sunshineoilsands.com |
(3) 就股份之联名持有人而言,倘超过一名联名持有人出席任何大会,则排名首位之人士 作出之投票(不论亲身或透过代表)方获接纳,而其他联名持有人作出之投票将不予接 纳,而就此而言,排名首位人士之先後次序乃根据联名持有人於登记册上之排名先後次序而定。 cre8ir.com | (3) In the case of joint holders of a share if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the [...] other joint holders, and [...] for this purpose seniorityshall be determined by the order in which the names stand in the register [...]in respect of the joint holding. cre8ir.com |
智慧 — Killer Wireless-N 内含 Advanced Stream Detect™ 技术,专门自动侦测游戏及语音交谈等高优先顺序流量并「自动」优先处理,将重要性较低的「网路杂讯」排在後面。 content.dell.com | Intelligence — Killer Wireless-N includes AdvancedStream Detect™ designed to automatically detect high-priority traffic like games and voice chat and automatically prioritize it over less important “network noise content.dell.com |
为了顺利完成任务,工程师将可能需要彼此合作以执行作业,存取模式优先顺序可让工程师对系统独占控 管,或与其他工程师分享控制;且为了避免冲突并促进合作,便利的讯息板功能可让工程师彼此之间即时 [...] 进行沟通。 aten.com.tw | Access Modeprioritizing enables anengineer [...] to take exclusive control of a system or share access to it with the collaborating [...]engineers. To avoid conflicts and facilitate cooperation, a convenient Message Board function allows them to communicate with each other in real time. aten.com |
例题 38 第一行公式 ~A∧~B∨~C→~D∨E∧F↔G∨~H∧I ---公式.38a 这个公式有九个自变数 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I 五个优先序为 0 的运算符号 '~' 六个优先序为 1 的运算符号 '∨,∧' 两个优先序为 2 的运算符号 '→,↔' 当然,这个公式是编造的例题公式,测试 logictt1.htm 处理优先顺序的能力。 freeman2.com | This equation has nine logic variable A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I five priority 0 negation '~' operator six priority 1 AND/OR '∨,∧' operator two priority 2 ift/iff '→,↔' operator Certainly, this equation is fabricated for testing logictt2.htm order of operation code. freeman2.com |
范例: 如果 [...] Wi-Fi 存取点在网路连线方式清单中的优先顺序排名在行动数据存 取点之上,手机就会先尝试连线至 [...]Wi-Fi 存取点,只有在 Wi-Fi 无法使用时才会连 线至行动数据连线存取点。 vertu.com | Example: If a Wi-Fi access point is ranked above a mobile data access [...] point in a destination list, the phone will [...] alwaystry to firstconnect tothe Wi-Fi [...]access point, only connecting to the [...]mobile data access point if the Wi-Fi network is not available. vertu.com |
透过此研习与实验标准,学生 [...] 可学习到形成假设,利用适当工具和技术,运用资料,沟通研习步骤,评估证据,按时间顺序解释图表与事件以及指明自然现象的变化。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn to develop hypotheses, use appropriate tools and technology, manipulate data, communicate the steps of an [...] investigation, evaluate evidence, interpret [...] maps and events by sequence and time,and identify [...]changes in natural phenomena. sfusd.edu |
港乐「社群和谐」筹款音乐会演出乐友及出席嘉宾尚包括(以出场先後序):保良局蔡继有学校、右思维幼稚园、KinderU铃木音乐学院、李轩先生、甘颖昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、汤珍妮小姐、刘元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生医生及汪明欣小姐、陈庆丽小姐、何光鸿先生、Mr [...][...] Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘书长甄美薇女士JP、刘懿翎女士、邱咏筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。 hkphil.org | The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The [...] Community in Harmony” Fundraising [...] Concert includes (in chronologicalorder): PoLeung Kuk [...]Choi Kai Yau School, Rightmind Kindergarten, [...]KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera. hkphil.org |
据 董 事 确 认 以 及 仅 基 於 彼 等 的 陈 述 , 彼 等 并 无 发 现 自 评 估 日 起 发 生 的 任 何其後事件将对抚顺上马股 权 估 值 有 任 何 潜 在 减 值 影 响 及 因 而 对 贵 集 团 截 至 最 後 实 际 可 行 日 期 [...] 的 收 益 构 成 负 面 影 响 。 cre8ir.com | As confirmed by the Directors and solely based on their [...] representations, they are not [...] awareof anysubsequent events that will have any potential impairment on the valuation of the equity interestin Fushun Shangma andhence [...]negatively affect the [...]Group’s earning up to the Latest Practicable Date since the Valuation Date. cre8ir.com |
若属任何股份的联名持有人,联名持有人中的任一人可就该股份亲自或委任代表 [...] 进行表决,犹如其单独享有该股份一样,若在任何会议中有超过一名的该等联名持有人出席, [...] 由较优先的联名持有人所作出的表决,不论是亲自或由代表作出,须予接纳以排除其他联名持 有人的表决,而就此目的而言,优先次序须按联名持有人於登记册内的排名先後次序厘定。 ntpharma.com | Where there are joint holders of any share any one of such joint holders may vote, either in person or by proxy, in respect of such share as if he were solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting the vote of the senior holder who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders, and for this [...] purpose seniority shall be [...] determinedby the order in which thenames stand intheRegister [...]in respect of the joint holding. ntpharma.com |