

单词 先後





sequential order
order of priority


first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later

External sources (not reviewed)

先後间设於香港之大型国际证券行任职,在 行政及证券经纪方面积逾25年经验。
He has over 25 years of experience in administration and securities broking with two leading securities houses.
Prior to joining GE, she held a number of key positions at HSBC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Citibank and IBM.
Since then, he acted as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Company on a rotational basis.
友邦保险先後入多个指數,包括富时环球指數、富时跨国企业指數、富时环球风格指 數、富时香港指數及富时香港除 H 股指數、摩根士丹利资本国际 (「MSCI」)香港指數、恒 生综合指數 (「HSCI」)、恒生综合大型股指數及恒生综合行业指數 - 金融业。
AIA is also included in the FTSE All-World, FTSE Multinationals, FTSE Global Style, FTSE Hong Kong and FTSE Hong Kong (excluding H Shares), the Morgan Stanley Capital International (“MSCI”) Hong Kong, Hang Seng Composite (“HSCI”), Hang Seng Composite Large Cap and Hang Seng Composite Industry – Financials.
加入 SGS 之前,Anthony 先後SSL 集团营运经理,Gearhart [...]
集团总经理和三家 SSL 子公司的总监。
Before joining SGS Anthony was Group Operations Manager of SSL as well as Managing
[...] Directorof Gearhart Group and Director [...]
of three SSL subsidiaries.
(iii) 如 属 联 名 持 有 人 , 则 任 何 一 名 该 等 联 名 持 有 人 可 於 大 会 上 就 有 关 股 份 投 票( 无 论 亲 身 或 透过委 任代 表 ), 犹 如 其 为 唯 一 有 权 投 票 人 , 惟 倘 超 过 一 名 该 等 联 名 持 有 人 出 席 大 会 , 则 排 名 首 位 的 持 有 人 的 投 票
( 无 论 亲 身 或 透过委 任代表
[...] )将 获 接 纳 , 而 其 他 联 名 持 有 人 的 投 票 将 不 获 接 纳 ; 就 此 而 言 , 排先 後上 述 出 席 人 士 中 在 本 公 司 有 关 股 份 的 股 东 名 册 排 名 首 位 者 为 唯 [...]
一 有 权 就 有 关 股 份 投 票 的 人 士 而 厘 定 。
(iii) In the case of joint holders, any one of such joint holders may vote at the Meeting, either in person or by proxy, in respect of such share as if he/she were solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at the Meeting, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, will be accepted to the exclusion of the vote(s) of the other joint
holder(s) and for
[...] this purpose seniority shall be determined as that one of the said persons so present whose name stands firston the register [...]
of members of the
Company in respect of such share shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
彼於一九九一年七月加入维达纸业集团,先後分公司财务、采购物流、 质 量管 理 以及行 政部 门的经 理职务。
She joined Vinda Paper Group in July of the same year and has served as the manager of finance, purchasing logistics, quality control, and administration department of the Company’s subsidiaries.
6.13 在受适用法律及规例制约的前提下,敦沛会恰当地考虑收到客户们指令的顺序之後,可以全权决定执行指 令先後,就敦沛执行收到的任何指令而言,阁下不得要求先於另一客户的优先权。
6.13 Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, Tanrich may in its absolute discretion determine the priority in the executions of the orders received from its clients, having due regard to the sequence in which such
orders were received and you shall not have
[...] any claim of priorityto another client [...]
in relation to the execution of any orders received by Tanrich.
As regards sequencing, we will to some extent be guided by the response of the individual estates.
继 2010 年及 2011 先後首 只中国平安 CSI RAFI A 股 50 ETF*(* 本基金为一项合成交易所买卖基金)(「A [...]
股 50 ETF」) (股份代号: 2818.HK)及离岸人民币债券基金後,平安资产管理(香港)是次在渐趋成熟的金融市
场中一连推出三只全新 ETF,令其在香港发展交易所买卖基金的领先地位得以巩固。
AfterPAAMC HK launched the company‟sfirst Ping An ofChina CSI [...]
RAFI A-Share 50 ETF* (*This is a synthetic ETF)(“A-Share
50 ETF”) (stock code: 2818) in 2010 and offshore RMB Bond Fund in 2011, the company is launching a series of 3 new ETFs, strengthening Ping An Group‟s leading position in the growing Hong Kong ETF market.
获得凯斯西储大学的工程学士学位後,Keith 加入了通用电气 (GE)
[...] 公司,在 GE 的 23 年职业生涯中,先後全球商务管理、全球物流、行销等职务。
Subsequent to earning a Bachelor of [...]
Science in engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Keith joined General Electric Co.
陈先生於二零零五年九月加入陕西尧柏先後本公司 多个职务,包括陕西尧柏的总经理助理、副总经理、分公 司总经理及安康尧柏的总经理。
Mr. Chen joined Shaanxi Yaobai in September 2005 and has held several positions in our Group including assistant to the general manager of Shaanxi Yaobai, vice general manager of Shaanxi Yaobai, general manager of a branch office of Shaanxi Yaobai and general manager of Ankang Yaobai.
In our survey, demonstrators who came with friends or colleagues were
asked if they raised the idea of joining
[...] the demonstration first or if theirfriends [...]
or colleagues raised the idea first.
(b) 为了让公众參与讨論在私人发展项目内提供公众休憩空间的议题,我们先 後2008 年 4 月 22 日及 12 月 8 日谘询立法会发展事务委员会的意見,并在 2008 年 5 月 31 日及 2009 年 2 月 16 日举行的立法会发展事务委员会特别会议上 蒐集代表团体的意見。
(b) To engage the public in the discussion of the provision of public facilities in private developments, we have consulted the Legislative Council Panel on Development on 22 April 2008 and 8 December 2008 and collected views from deputations at the Panel on Development Special Meetings on 31 May 2008 and 16 February 2009.
本 文先 後培 里 叩 关 及 继 承 危 机 之 角 色 , 其 後 的 其 他 问 题 也 会 论 及 , 包 括 社 会 经 济 问 题 及 学 术 的 转 变 。
Then, I will examine the importance of Succession Crisis andfinally the other factors such as the socio-economic problems and intellectual changes will be discussed.
In case some invited citizens might change their minds, HKUPOP would set the combined first and reserve lists for each quota group to be 150% of the quota. Then, we would confirm each invited citizen and reduce the quota list to 120% before the debate.
先後间国际财团出 任财务总监,积逾20年工作经验。
Mr. Luk hasover 20 years [...]
of working experience with a number of international conglomerates performing functions of chief financial officer.
自从发现食物中含有丙烯酰胺,许多食物安全机构,包括食物安全 中心( 中)先後同食物的丙烯酰胺含量作出分析。
Following to the discovery of acrylamide in food, many food authorities including the Centre forFood Safety (CFS) have analysed the acrylamide level in different foods.
港乐「社群和谐」筹款音乐会演出乐友及出席嘉宾尚包括(以出先後:保良局蔡继有学校、右思维幼稚园、KinderU铃木音乐学院、李轩先生、甘颖昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、汤珍妮小姐、刘元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生医生及汪明欣小姐、陈庆丽小姐、何光鸿先生、Mr [...][...]
Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘书长甄美薇女士JP、刘懿翎女士、邱咏筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。
The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in
Harmony” Fundraising Concert
[...] includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, [...]
Rightmind Kindergarten,
KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera.
一九九八年十月彼加入维达纸业集团,先後分公司经理、公司副总经理、 总 经 理 及 集 团 执 行副 总 裁(华南 营 销)等职 务。
He joined Vinda Paper Group in October 1998 and served sequentially as manager and deputy general manager as well as general manager of Company’s subsidiary, and EVP (sales of southern region).
(b) 时 间 表 ─ 提 交 时 间 表,列 明 项 目 所 包 括 的 各 项 活 动 为 期 多 久 , 以 及 举 行先 後
(b) Timetable - Give a timetable showing the length and sequence of the various activities in the project.
陈荣声先生的事业与友邦保险一起成长,他於1988年加入友邦香港,过去先後港、中国及 台湾历任多个高级管理要职,包括友邦资深副总裁暨亚太区 (日本和韩国除外) 寿险企划部主 管、友邦香港副总裁及助理总经理、台湾南山人寿执行副总经理、以及中国友邦资深副总裁及中 国寿险业务负责人。
He joined AIA Hong Kong in 1988 and has held various senior management positions in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. These included Senior Vice President&Head of Life Profit Centre of AIA - Asia (ex-Japan/Korea), Vice President and Assistant General Manager of AIA Hong Kong, Executive Vice President of Taiwan Nan Shan Life Insurance Company, Ltd. and Country Head of AIA China.
The test stand is part of a comprehensive
development and manufacturing facility for compressors, the company has implemented at the European
[...] ResearchRastatt successively.
会 议 纪 录 之 草 稿 及 最 终 定 稿 应 在 会 议 结14先後委 员 会 全 体 成 员 , 初 稿 供 成 员 表 达 意 见 , 最 终 稿 作 其 纪 录 之 用 。
Draft and final versions of minutes of the meeting should be sent to all committee members for their comment and record, within 14 days after a meeting.
(3) 就股份之联名持有人而言,倘超过一名联名持有人出席任何大会,则排名首位之人士 作出之投票(不论亲身或透过代表)方获接纳,而其他联名持有人作出之投票将不予接 纳,而就此而言,排名首位人士先後乃根据联名持有人於登记册上之排先後而定。
(3) In the case of joint holders of a share if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the
other joint holders, and
[...] for this purpose seniorityshall be determined by the order in which the names stand in the register [...]
in respect of the joint holding.
进行表决,犹如其单独享有该股份一样,若在任何会议中有超过一名的该等联名持有人出席, 由较优先的联名持有人所作出的表决,不论是亲自或由代表作出,须予接纳以排除其他联名持
[...] 有人的表决,而就此目的而言,优先次序须按联名持有人於登记册内的排先後厘定。
Where there are joint holders of any share any one of such joint holders may vote, either in person or by proxy, in respect of such share as if he were solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting the vote of the senior holder who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders, and for this
purpose seniority shall be determined by the order in
[...] which thenames stand intheRegister [...]
in respect of the joint holding.
Global warming has also given impetus to the development of other less carbon intensive transportation forms, such as Bus Rapid Transit, which has seen developments in Colombia, Mexico, China, and Brazil, where it was created.




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