单词 | 先不先 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 先不先—in the first place, ...first of all
促进一地区的较先进国家向 《蒙特利尔议定书》的新缔 约方或较不先进国家提供援 助。 multilateralfund.org | Facilitating [...] involvement of themoreadvanced countries in the region in providing assistance to newcomers to the MP or tolessadvanced countries. multilateralfund.org |
基层和平建设行动的成功需要政府和国际机 [...] 构对反动力有非常详尽的理解,保证他们的干预:首先,不能造成任何伤害;其次,尽可能的有效。 crisisgroup.org | The success of peacebuilding activities on the ground requires that government and international agencies develop a fine-grained [...] understanding of the dynamics to ensure that [...] their interventionsfirst do no harm, and [...]secondly can be as effective as possible. crisisgroup.org |
如果没有以前检 查的结果,将对该运动员在三个月内至少进行三次事先不通知的检查。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If previous testsare not available, the Athlete [...] shall be tested unannounced at least three times within a three month period. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而内部监督工作的一项基本规则就是:如果事先不针对提供服务的事由及价格达成一致,不 能建立合同关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Yet the ground rule of internal control is that no business relations must be commenced unless prior agreement has been reached on the services to be rendered and the price thereof. unesdoc.unesco.org |
考虑到裁军谈判会议的议事规则,并鉴于议程涵盖的问题十分广泛,再考虑 到我们预期今年的工作计划可以再次让我们集中关注面前的优先事项,而不先下结论或为商议规定条件,我们认为确实存在适当的保证,足以保障本会议全体成 员的安全利益,并允许我们处理集体的安全关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the rules under which the Conference on Disarmament operates, the broad scope of issues covered by the agenda and our expectation that this year’s programme of work will again [...] allow for focused [...] attention on the priorities that confront us in a manner that will not prejudge orset [...]conditions for our deliberations, [...]we believe that adequate guarantees exist to safeguard the security interests of all members of the Conference, while allowing us to address our collective security concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,摩纳哥人就业优先不可视为对生活在摩纳哥的外国人的歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the [...] Monegasque employment priority could beregarded [...]as discriminatory against foreigners living in Monaco. daccess-ods.un.org |
他建议,首先,不应该使用未形成一致意见的指标将国 家列在不遵守情事潜在风险名单上,而且这些指标在秘书处评估完成之前应停止使用,第 二,秘书处在列入某一国家时,事先应与之协商。 multilateralfund.org | He proposed, firstly, that indicators that were non-consensual should not beused to [...] place countries on the list of those [...]at potential risk of non-compliance, and should be withdrawn from use until the Secretariat's evaluation had been completed, and, secondly, the Secretariat should consult a country before including it in the list. multilateralfund.org |
但在规划阶段,决定不先发制人地攻击面粉厂,以尽可 能防止破坏民用基础设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, in the planning stage, it [...] was decided not to pre-emptively attackthe flour [...]mill, in order to prevent damage [...]to civilian infrastructure as much as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于大多数技术含量较低的行业来说,一些技术较为不先进的发展中 国家很可能吸收这些行业,知识产权制度不太可能是投资决策的相关因素。 iprcommission.org | For most low technology industries, of the kind that less [...] technologically advanced developing countries [...]are likely to attract, IPRs are unlikely [...]to be a relevant factor in the investment decision. iprcommission.org |
2010 年 3 月和 4 月,专家组增加了对科国防军军事地点和设施进行的事先不通知的检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | In March and April 2010, the Group increased the frequency of its unannounced inspections of FDS-CI military sites and installations. daccess-ods.un.org |
此时先不要急着设置页眉,而是将光标分别定位于每个需要使用新页眉的位置,然后执行“插入”菜单→“分隔符”命令,如图2所示。 oapdf.com | At this point shouldnot hurryto set [...] up the header, but the cursor is positioned, respectively, need to use the new header [...]for each position, and then the implementation of the "Insert" menu → "delimiter" command, as shown in Figure 2. oapdf.com |
这项法律草案共 45 条,正在等 待完成宪法规定的程序,它取代 1980 年的法律,并在第 2 条中特别提到言论和意 见 自由,不论其形 式 是 书 面 、 口 头还是 其他,第 3 条提到 ,对于领有执照 的 媒 体,事先 不做任何 检 查 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 45-article draft law, which is awaiting constitutional clearance, replaces the 1980 law and specifically refers in Article 2 to the freedom of expression and opinion, whether written, verbal or by other means and, in Article 3, to the fact that there is no prior censorship of licensed media. daccess-ods.un.org |
在符合下列各条款的情况时,本公司可以在事先不通知的情况下对相应的学员停止提供本服务,或者注销学员的注册内容。 cafetalk.com | Our Company may suspend the Services to students or cancel student registration without prior notice under the following circumstances. cafetalk.com |
此外,一 [...] 个期权是嵌套在另一个之内,只有扩展到澳大利亚后才能继续扩展到日本,如果不 先处理澳大利亚,就无法执行后面这个。 crystalballservices.com | In addition, the options are nested within one another in [...] that the expansion into Japan must come only after Australia, and cannot be executed [...] without heading toAustraliafirst. crystalballservices.com |
在有以下需要时使 用实际受聘合同:(a) [...] 为断断续续的或不连续性的工作,(b) 为期限不确定的或事先不能明确确定时间的任务,或(c) 为确保具备本组织所需要的特殊技能的人 [...]员能临时通知就能报到。 daccess-ods.un.org | WAE contracts are used when there is a need (a) for work of an intermittent or discontinuous nature, (b) for assignments whose [...] duration is uncertain, or whose [...] timing is notclearly identifiablein advance, or(c) to [...]ensure the availability at short [...]notice of persons with special skills required by the Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
这使我们得以考虑原先 不可能选择的全方位预防战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | This makes it possible to consider multifaceted preventive strategies of a kind [...] that were previously notan option. daccess-ods.un.org |
聆听世界,我们既不盲目崇拜,也不先入为主,我们保持开放的心灵和耳朵 bang-olufsen.com | As far as sound goes, we have no [...] religion and no preconceptions, only an open [...]mind – and ear bang-olufsen.com |
在开展您在香港的旅程前,何不先於我们的「赏心堂」享受各样体贴的服务为旅途充电? dragonair.com | Before you start your activities in town, The Arrival provides you a relaxing area to get you refreshed and unwound from travel. dragonair.com |
来自法国电视台、法国国际广播电视集团、法国电视五台、法国Arte电视台、法国Canal +电视台、法国BFM电视台等的专家们的培训工作事先不设菜单和目录,一切依据当地实情,按实际需求灵活掌握。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | There are no ready-made formulas or training programmes, but rather interventions on demand, adapted with flexibility to the realities on the ground by experts from France Télévisions, the AEF, TV5 Monde, Arte France, Canal +, BFM and others. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
145. 市警察局长 Saud Aziz [...] 否认医生三次请求他批准进行尸检,他告诉委员会, 因为布托女士个人的重要性,他不可能不先征得其家人同意就进行尸检。 daccess-ods.un.org | While denying that the doctors requested his authority for a post-mortem three times, CPO Saud Aziz told the Commission that because of the importance [...] of the person of Ms. Bhutto, he couldnot just have a post-mortem [...] examination withoutfirst seeking her family’s [...]consent. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 如 果 法 庭 决 定原先 不应接纳 该 项 证 据 , 则 仍 可 运 用 第 8 2 ( 3 ) 条 所 保 留 的 酌 情 权 , 终 止 有 关 审 讯 , 或 采 取 其 他 所 需 步 骤 , 以 防 止 出 现 司 法 不 公 的 情 况 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Once evidence has been admitted, section 78 no longer operates, but if the court decides that it should nothave been admitted, the discretion to stop the trial or to take other steps necessary to prevent injustice is preserved by section 82(3). hkreform.gov.hk |
如果不先剥去贴膜就佩戴⼿表,汗⽔或⽔汽可能会进⼊保护贴膜和⼿表部件之间的缝 隙,导致⽪肤出现红疹和/或⾦属部件被腐蚀。 citizen.com.hk | Ifthe watchis worn withoutfirst removing these stickers, [...] perspiration or moisture may enter the gaps between the protective [...]stickers and the parts, which may result in a skin rash and/or corrosion of the metal parts. citizen.com.hk |
不过,先不谈任何这样的建议当前在政治上的可行性及其法律可执 行性问题,根据我们所已看到的情况,这样做对治理能力会产生不良效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | But doing so can have adverse effects on governance capacities, as we have seen, leaving aside the question of any such proposals’ current political feasibility and legal enforceability. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先, 不同宗教和文化的人民必须学会和平共处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Above all, people of different religions and cultures must learnto coexist peacefully. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果事先不明确提出各行为方的目标和理念,那么无论地方治理机构如何努力制订涵 [...] 盖所有行为方的控制概念,都无法取得成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | As much as local [...] governance tries to develop a control [...]concept that includes all actors, this will not succeed if the goals [...]and rationalities of the different parties are not clearly set out in advance. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了同时服务价廉物美的大众化市场与少量多样的客制化精品市场,MARWI集团分别在 德国的Hamm 与 台湾大甲 设立的两个研发中心,我们的目标是 – 把客户需要放在最优先!不断地针对 「材料研发」、「制程创新」、「产品设计」与「客户服务」的四个工作目标持续努力使我们生产的产品不但符合而且更超越了各国市场要求的安全规范。 marwi.com.tw | Marwi Group established Research & Development centers in Hamm, Germany and Taichung, Taiwan where headquarter is located in order to instantly meet request from mass market focusing on good value at competitive price and niche market focusing on various design with small quantity. marwi.com.tw |
减轻任何主要委员会工作的另一办法是:将主要委员会职权范围内 的一些问题直接在大会全体会议中审议,不先交委员会初议。 unachina.org | Another means of lightening the task of any given Main Committee would be to consider directly in plenary meeting, without preliminary reference to committee, certain questions which fall within the terms of reference of the Main Committee. unachina.org |