

单词 兆电子伏

See also:


electron volt (unit of energy used in particle physics, approximately 10^-19 Joules)

电子 adj

electrical adj


electron (particle physics)

伏电 adj

photovoltaic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

该中心的主要设备是德国赠送的、于 1999 年 11 月彻底停止运行 的 0.8 千兆电子伏 BESS Y 储存环和注入极系统产生的同步加速器辅射 源。
It will have as its centrepiece a synchrotron radiation source based on a gift from Germany of the 0.8 GeV Bessy 1 storage ring and injector system which was shut down at the end of November 1999.
[...] 的一个选择方案是设计和修建所需数量的用户光束--线,并将贮存电子的能量增加到两兆 电子伏。
An option identified and favoured by the Interim Council envisages the design and
construction of the required number of beam-lines for users and an increase in the
[...] energy of stored electrons up to two GeV.
据认为,部署非洲子午线 B-场教育和研究仪器阵列的目的是:(a)监测由于
当地时间、季节和磁活动的作用,制约中、低纬度地区等离子体运动的电动力 学;(b)了解进入中、低纬度地区的超低频脉动强度及其与赤道电射流和极光电
[...] 喷流指数的关联;(c)支持对 Pc5 超低频波对范艾伦辐射带内 兆电子伏电 子总 数的影响的研究。
It was observed that the African Meridian B-field Education and Research (AMBER) instrument array was deployed to: (a) monitor the electrodynamics that governed the motion of plasma in the lower and middle latitudes as a function of local time, season and magnetic activity; (b) understand ultra-low-frequency pulsation strength into low- and mid-latitudes and its connection with equatorial electrojets and the auroral electrojet index; and (c) support studies about the effects of Pc5
ultra-low-frequency waves
[...] on the mega electron volt electron population [...]
in the inner parts of the Van Allen radiation belts.
德国政府热心捐赠了 0.8 千兆电子伏的 BESSY 一号储存环和注射系统,这是 SESAME [...]
的核心设备;约旦哈希姆王国慷慨提出作为该中心 的东道国;美国政府为这个项目提供了财政支助;而欧洲的科学机构则免费接纳了中东国家 和邻近国家的学员进入它们的实验室。
Tribute should also be paid to the
German authorities that so kindly
[...] donated the 0.8 GeV BESSY I storage ring and injector [...]
system that is to be at the heart
of SESAME, to the generous offer of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to host the Centre, to the United States authorities that have provided financial support for the project and to European scientific institutions that have gratuitously hosted trainees from the Middle-East and neighbouring countries in their laboratories.
虽然尚未对阿塔卡马进行开发,但智利的能源供应商和煤业公司也意识到这一点,他们规划中的大型 伏 发 电 厂 总 功率达 3 0 0 兆 瓦。
The fact that the Atacama is some kind of a solar sweetspot has not been lost on the region’s energy suppliers and mining
corporations, who are
[...] planning to build large photovoltaic power plants with a total power output of some 300 megawatts.
使用 DC 电压表,测量电容器子之间的电压 , 以确电压放电 10 伏以下
With a DC voltmeter, measure the voltage across the
[...] capacitor terminals to verify that the voltage has discharged to below 10 volts.
该命令是第七东芝已为兆瓦的光伏 项 目担保,且使该公司成为几乎一半的巨型太阳能 电 的 电 力 公 司在日本的工厂供应商订购。
The order is the seventh that Toshiba has secured
[...] for a multi-MW PV project, and positions the company as supplier of almost half the mega solar power plants ordered by electricity utilities [...]
in Japan.
电子材料 弗赖贝格生产基地通过调节拉晶设备的预备温度,在很大程度上降低了制冷机的使用,使弗赖贝格整个生产基地2010年 电 7 6 4 兆 瓦 时
Our Siltronic plant in Freiberg has come up with a way to adapt the supply temperature for crystal pullers so that the need for refrigeration machines has been largely eliminated.
在 Colomines 的 Kadey 上建设一个装机容量为 6 兆瓦可扩展至 12 兆瓦 的水电站,以及一条 30 千伏的电线向贝尔图阿传输能量。
Colomines-upon-Kadey hydroelectric plant with a capacity of 6 MW extensible to 12 MW and of a 30 kV power line for the transport of energy to Bertoua.
斯维奇光伏逆变器专为公用供电级的太阳能发电场的各类应用而设计,为使用中央逆变器控制 兆 瓦 级 光 伏 发 电 厂 优 化其发电量及度电成本。
The Switch photovoltaic inverters (PVI) are specifically designed for utility-grade solar applications to optimize
solar power harvesting and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in
[...] central inverter megawatt-scale photovoltaic power plants.
与伊朗 2009 年 9 月 22 日的申报相符的是,42 原子能机构通过卫星图像没 有观察到在达克霍温已规划的 360 兆瓦核电厂场 址启动建造活动的任何迹象。
Consistent with Iran’s declarations of 22 September 2009,42 the Agency, through satellite
imagery, has not observed any
[...] indications of construction activities having been initiated at the site of the planned 360 MW Nuclear Power Plant at Darkhovin.
ZMD AG (ZMDI),一家设在德累斯顿、专长于推出各种高效节能解决方案的半导体公司,今天宣布推出可用 伏电 源 进 行充电的ZSPM4521高效锂 子电 池 充 电器和ZSPM4523超级电容器充电器。
ZMD AG (ZMDI), a Dresden-based semiconductor company that specializes in enabling energy efficient solutions, today announces the release of the ZSPM4521 high-efficiency lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery charger and the ZSPM4523 super capacitor charger for managing charging with photovoltaic sources.
[...] [...] 的技术资源、软件和程序同处理若干具体预报任务这一目标之间在功能上的联 系;合并从空间和地面数据传输系统收到的预报数据和监测数据;研究地震事 件电离层前兆;以及设立一子系 统 ,向用户提供俄罗斯联邦有可能发生的 自然灾害和人为灾害(包括地震、火山喷发、洪水、森林火灾以及管道故障、 [...]
4. In the medium term, it is planned to undertake a preliminary design of IGMASS, with emphasis on the functional linking of existing technical resources, software and procedures with the aim of addressing a number of specific forecasting tasks; the integration of forecast and monitoring data received from space and from ground-based data
transmission systems; research on
[...] ionospheric precursors of seismic events; and the creation of a subsystem providing users with [...]
forecast and monitoring
information relating to natural and man-made disasters likely to occur in the Russian Federation (including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, forest fires and emergencies caused by pipeline failures, leaks or explosions).
基于ZMDI公司ZSPM4551产品的成功,ZSPM4521和ZSPM4523将为我们的客户提供跨越更大广度的各类产品,支持锂 子电 池 、 光 伏电 源 和 超级电容器的多种应用。
Building on the success of ZMDI''s ZSPM4551
[...] product, the ZSPM4521 and ZSPM4523 will provide our customers with a wider breadth of products to support Li-ion batteries, photovoltaic sources and super [...]
capacitor applications.
最后,到 2013 年初,Siemens 和 Seajacks 将安装和调试 80 个风力电机组 (SWT-3.6-120),每个机组的功率达 3.6 兆瓦,转子直径为 120 米。
Finally, in early 2013, Siemens and
Seajacks will install and
[...] commission the 80 WTGs (SWT-3.6-120) with a capacity of 3.6 MW and a rotor diameter of 120 meters each.
它将显著提高苏威的全球生产能力,满足亚洲地区终端市场对这些高附加值特种聚合物日益增长的需求,如汽车、太阳能 伏 ( PV )、锂 子电 池 、水净化膜、石油和天然气等应用。
It will significantly boost Solvay's global production capacity and meet the growing demand for these high value-added specialty polymers in
Asia for enduse markets such
[...] as automotive, photovoltaic (PV), Li-Ion batteries, membranes for [...]
water purification and oil & gas applications.
The energy
[...] acquired by an electron passing through a potential of one volt.
糯扎渡—广东高压直流输电项目输电电压为±8 00 千 伏 , 输 电 容 量 5 0 0 0 兆 瓦 ;溪洛渡—广东高压直流输电项目输电电压为±5 00 千 伏 , 输 电 容 量 6 4 0 0 兆 瓦 , 这两个项目建成后将为广东地区的大城市提供电力。
Nuozhadu-Guangdong will have a transmission
[...] capacity of 5000 megawatts (MW) at a DC voltage of ± 800 kilovolts (kV) and provide electricity to the megacities in the Guangdong region, Xiluodu-Guangdong an overall capacity of 6400 MW at ± 500 kV.
闭环式生产工艺被广泛应用于金属硅、 伏 产 业 和 电子 工 业 用超纯硅、有机硅及气相二氧化硅等产品的生产过程。
Our aim is to improve our silicon deposition process and to enhance our closed production loop,
which ranges from silicon metal through
[...] hyperpure solar and electronics-grade silicon to [...]
silicones and pyrogenic silica.
2007年4月,为扶持LED和太阳能光伏行业发展壮大,福建省出台了《福建省促进LED和太阳能光伏产业发展的实施意见(2007-2010年)》,是中国首个出台此类政策的省,福建省也相继启动LED和 伏电子 测 试 平台、LED和光伏应用产品设计平台等多个LED和光伏产业公共技术服务平台的建设。
In April 2007, to support LED and solar photovoltaic industry development and growth, Fujian Province promulgated the "Fujian Province to promote the development of LED and solar photovoltaic industry views the implementation (2007-2010)" is China's first introduction of such policies provinces, Fujian
Province have also
[...] launched LED and photovoltaic electronic test platform, LED [...]
and photovoltaic applications, platforms and other
LED product design and photovoltaic industry, the construction of public technical service platform.
全新MacBook Pro系列将是家庭在市场上第一台计算机,包括Thunderbolt的I / O技术,英特尔开发与合作;
Thunderbolt允许扩展前所未有的速度在笔记本上,定向通过这一手段两个双通道,转让注册每到10Gbps, Thunderbolt将确保PCI
[...] Express阵列直接连接到外部,如RAID高性能外围设备,并能支持FireWire消 电子 设 备和 千 兆 以 太网网络适配器,通过USB接口。
The new MacBook Pro series will be the first computer family on the market to include Thunderbolt I/O technology, developed in cooperation with Intel; Thunderbolt allows expandability never seen before on a laptop,  by means of two bi-directional channels with transfer speeds up to 10Gbps each, Thunderbolt will ensure PCI Express connections directly to external high performance
peripherals such as RAID arrays, and can support FireWire and USB
[...] consumer devices and Gigabit Ethernet networks via adapters.
(i) 若不調整因自然電力需求增長所需的網絡加強工 程,則正如先前研究指出,選擇以兩組新的 500 兆 瓦╱275 千伏聯網 線路連接㆗電油麻㆞電力分站及 港燈新的灣仔 電力分站是正確 的。
(i) two new interconnectors (500MW/275kV) connecting the Yau Ma Tei Substation in the CLPP network and a new Wan Chai Substation in the HEC network, as identified in the previous study, was a correct choice if there were no adjustment to any of the network reinforcement, projected to be necessary in the Technical Study, for meeting natural load growth of the two respective systems
海上风力电机可以达到 5 兆瓦或更高,子直径 达到 120 米,比足球场还大,其产生的电力平均可供大约 3000 户家庭使用。
[...] turbines can reach up to 5 MW or more with a rotor diameter of 120m – longer [...]
than a football field – with the potential
to power around 3000 average households.
一种观点认为,通过适用新的方法可以改进地球静止轨道频率资源的分 配,该拟议新方法将能允许未登记申请 21.4-22 千兆赫范围内的无线电广播卫星 系统的国家享有国际电联无线电电信局的特别登记保障程序,并且由于适用该 方法,在上述范围内兼容系统中所占份额将从 9.3%上升至 76.7%。
The view was expressed that the allocation of frequency resources in the geostationary orbit could be improved by applying a new method, that the proposed new method would allow a State that did not have registered applications for radiobroadcasting satellite systems in the range of 21.4-22 GHz to enjoy a special registration-guaranteed procedure with the Radiocommunications Bureau of ITU and that, as a result of the application of that method, the share of compatible systems in the above-mentioned range would increase from 9.3 per cent to 76.7 per cent.
(i) 建議採用兩條 新的 700 兆瓦╱400 千伏的聯網線 路,將現有的㆔條 聯網線路維持開路 ( 不輸電) 狀 態,只作緊急後 備 用 途,並提前進行兩電㆒些網絡 加強工程。
(i) the recommended option is to use the two new 700MW/ 400kV interconnectors, keeping the three existing interconnectors open circuited and only to be used as emergency standby, and advancing a number of reinforcements in the CLPP network and the HEC network.
已经核定和正在审批的项目包括:西非电力联营(第 二阶段),以修建将连接联营网的 60 兆瓦的水力电站;中部非洲主干项目,以 便为喀麦隆、中非共和国和乍得的实际基础设施投资做准备;中部非洲经济和货 [...]
Projects approved and under consideration include the West
Africa Power Pool (phase II), for the
[...] construction of a 60 mw hydroelectric generation [...]
facility that will be connected to
the Pool grid, the Central Africa Backbone Project, for preparation of physical infrastructure investments in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad, and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community Transport and Transit Facilitation Project, for the rehabilitation and the construction of additional road, rail and bridge segments in Cameroon and the Central African Republic.
四、投资:公司出资 1.22 亿在国内投资设立了正泰新能源开发有限公司,专门负责国内光伏电站 项目的投资、开发、建设,目前已在宁夏、甘肃、青海等地投资设立太阳能 伏电 站 ; 分别在韩国、 美国、德国、西班牙设子公司 ,负责国外 伏电 站 项 目的投资、开发、建设。
Ltd. in the country with in vestment of 122,000,000 Yuan, specially responsible for investing, developing and constructing domestic PV power station project.
Currently, it has set up
[...] solar energy PV power stations in Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai, etc.; established subsidiaries in Korea, America, Germany and Spain responsible for investing, developing and constructing foreign PV power station project.
本规范中的第一条“适用范围”指出“本规范所指 电子电 气 产 品是指依靠电流或 电磁场工作或者以产生、传输和测量电流和电磁场为目的,额定工作电压在直电 1500 伏特、交流电 1000 伏特以下的设备及配套产品”。
It is stated in article 1 of the “Normative Document”:
“I. Application
[...] Scope: Electrical & electronics product: refers to equipment and auxiliary products dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields, and equipment designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 Volt for alternating [...]
current and 1 500 Volt for direct current.
9,719,620 中 興 通 訊 股 份 有 限 公 司(「本 公 司」)由 深 圳 市 中 興
新 通 訊 設 備 有 限 公 司 與 中 國 精 密 機 械
[...] 進 出 口 深 圳 公 司、驪 山 微子 公 司、深 圳兆 科 投 資 發 展 有 限 公 司、湖 南 [...]
南 天 集 團 有 限 公 司、吉 林 省 郵 電 器 材 總
公 司 及 河 北 郵 電 器 材 公 司 共 同 發 起,並 向 社 會 公 眾 公 開 募 集 股 份 而 設 立 的 股 份 有 限 公 司。
9,719,620 ZTE Corporation (the “Company”) was a limited liability company jointly founded by Shenzhen Zhongxingxin Telecommunications Equipment Company Limited, China Precision Machinery
Import & Export
[...] Shenzhen Company, Lishan Microelectronics Corporation, Shenzhen [...]
Zhaoke Investment Development Company Limited,
Hunan Nantian (Group) Company Limited, Jilin Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Company and Hebei Telecommunications Equipment Company Limited and incorporated in People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) through a public offering of shares to the general public.




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