单词 | 兆瓦特 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 兆瓦特—megawattSee also:兆瓦—megawatt 兆n—billionn omenn 兆—mega- tera- billion (old) surname Zhao foretell 瓦特—watt (loan)
意大利三个项目从炼油厂残渣发电 1 500多兆瓦特。 daccess-ods.un.org | The three Italian projects produce [...] more than 1,500megawatts electrical of electricity [...]from refinery residuals. daccess-ods.un.org |
福伊特拓展印度市场,在瓦尔道拉建造了一座生产30兆瓦以下小型水电部件和转子的新工厂。 voith.com | Voithexpands in India and opens a new plant for small hydro components and runners rated up to30 megawatt in Vadodara. voith.com |
现行的西班牙皇家法令,提倡500兆瓦的聚光式太阳能电力(CSP),在很大程度上带来了自 2008 年以来西班牙 CSP 开发活动的快速增长。 emerson.com | The current Spanish Royal Decree, which calls for 500 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP), has been largely responsible for a dramatic increase in CSP development activity in Spain since 2008. emerson.com |
TRIGA 研究反应堆(如位于罗马尼亚皮特什蒂的14兆瓦热能发电厂)的与众不同之处在于它们拥 有真正的固有安全,而不是依靠“工程化的安全”。 daccess-ods.un.org | TRIGA research reactors, such as [...] the Romanian plant at Pitesti [...] running at 14megawatts of thermal power,were unique in that they [...]offered true inherent safety [...]rather than relying on “engineered safety”. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据核能政策,为了保障波兰的能源需求,波兰应在 2030 [...] 年之前建造三座 核电厂,总发电能力大约为 10000兆瓦。daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Polish energy policy, in order to secure its [...] energy demand, Poland should construct three nuclear power plants, with a total capacity of [...] approximately 10,000 MWs by2030. daccess-ods.un.org |
於二零一五年项目完成时,第一期废热发电厂最终能向电网供应200,000兆瓦时剩余电力,并将於二零一 三 [...] 年 下 半 年 开 始 营 运。 glencore.com | The first phase of the cogeneration plant, eventually capable of [...] supplying 200,000 megawatthours per annum [...]of surplus electricity to the power grid [...]at maturity of the project in 2015, will become operational during H2 2013. glencore.com |
联合委员会商定提出一个有规定时限的路线图,以加强双 边合作,特别是确保经阿富汗从中亚各共和国向巴基斯坦进口 1000兆瓦电力(CASA 1000 项目)和天然气,以及通过阿富汗建立巴基斯坦和塔吉克斯坦之间的 道路联系两方面的双边合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Joint Commission agreed to set forth a time-bound [...] road map to enhance [...] bilateral cooperation,particularly with regard to ensuring the import of 1,000megawatts of electrical power (the [...]CASA-1000 project) [...]and gas from the Central Asian republics to Pakistan via Afghanistan, as well as a road link between Pakistan and Tajikistan via Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
低功率处理器: [...] 目前所用处理器的典型热设计功率(TDP)平均为91瓦特。emerson.com | High-Efficiency Processors: The typical Thermal Design Power (TDP) of processors in use when the model was [...] created averaged 91Watts. emerson.com |
KSZ9692PB是高度集成的10/100/100Base-T千兆片上系统(SoC),其功能组件包括ARM 922T 32比特处理器、IP安全引擎以及一整套外围设备,可满足各种网络和通信应用对低成本、高性能的需求,这些应用包括增强型住宅网关、高端打印服务器、VoIP系统、基于IP的多媒体系统、无线接入点/网状网节点、USB设备服务器、工业控制、视频监控系统以及包括VPN路由器在内的SMB/SME网络安全。 tipschina.gov.cn | The KSZ9692PB is a [...] highly integrated 10/100/100Base-T Gigabit System-on-a-Chip (SoC) featuringan ARM 922T 32-bit processor, [...]IP security engine [...]and a comprehensive set of peripherals that address the cost-sensitive, high-performance needs of a wide variety of networking and communications applications including enhanced residential gateways high-end printer servers, VOIP systems, IP-based multimedia systems, wireless Access Points/Mesh Nodes, USB device servers, Industrial Control, video surveillance systems and SMB/SME network security, including VPN routers. tipschina.gov.cn |
目前公司的产品产自其自主研发建造的25兆瓦卷对卷薄膜太阳能电池生产线,产品已通过UL 1703和IEC 61646/EN 61730国际标准认证。 tipschina.gov.cn | These modules, produced in Xunlight's 25 MW roll-to-roll production line, are certified to UL 1703 and IEC 61646/EN 61730 standards. tipschina.gov.cn |
一种观点认为,通过适用新的方法可以改进地球静止轨道频率资源的分 配,该拟议新方法将能允许未登记申请 21.4-22 千兆赫范围内的无线电广播卫星 系统的国家享有国际电联无线电电信局的特别登记保障程序,并且由于适用该 方法,在上述范围内兼容系统中所占份额将从 9.3%上升至 [...] 76.7%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that the allocation of frequency resources in the geostationary orbit could be improved by applying a new method, that the proposed new method would allow a State that did not have registered applications [...] for [...] radiobroadcasting satellite systems in the range of 21.4-22 GHz to enjoy aspecial registration-guaranteed procedure with the Radiocommunications [...]Bureau of ITU and [...]that, as a result of the application of that method, the share of compatible systems in the above-mentioned range would increase from 9.3 per cent to 76.7 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
它将于今年下半年开始投入商业运营,届时,240兆瓦的联合循环电站将为它附近的电网提供电力,以及为 Engro 化学有限公司的化肥厂提供蒸汽,该公司是巴基斯坦最大的尿素肥料生产商之一。 emerson.com | When it begins commercial operation later this year, the 240-MW combined-cycle plant will provide electricity to the grid and steam for a nearby fertilizer plant owned by Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited, one of the largest producers of urea fertilizer in Pakistan. emerson.com |
目前,在缅甸还有几处大坝正在修建,主要由中国公司出资,包括缅甸中部的装机 容量为790兆瓦的耶涯 (Yeywa) 大坝和280兆瓦的邦朗 (Paunglaung) 大坝。 banktrack.org | Several dams in Burma are currently underway with major support from Chinese companies, including the 790 MWYeywa Dam in central Burma and the 280 MW Paunglaung Dam. banktrack.org |
此外,媒体,特别是国家广播公司科特迪瓦广播电视局目前被用于煽动针对科特迪瓦特定民族、宗教、政治团体以及针对特派团的敌对和暴力行为,包括宣 传仇恨言论,散播错误信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, [...] the media, particularly the State broadcasting corporation Radiodiffusion télévision ivoirienne (RTI), are being used to incite hostility and violence againstparticular Ivorian ethnic, religious [...]and political [...]groups and against the mission, including by propagating hate messages and disseminating false information. daccess-ods.un.org |
已经核定和正在审批的项目包括:西非电力联营(第 二阶段),以修建将连接联营网的60兆瓦的水力发电站;中部非洲主干项目,以 便为喀麦隆、中非共和国和乍得的实际基础设施投资做准备;中部非洲经济和货 币共同体运输和过境手续简化项目,以便在喀麦隆和中非共和国改造和修建更多 的公路、铁路和桥梁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Projects approved and under consideration include the West Africa Power Pool (phase II), for the construction of a 60 mw hydroelectric generation facility that will be connected to the Pool grid, the Central Africa Backbone Project, for preparation of physical infrastructure investments in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad, and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community Transport and Transit Facilitation Project, for the rehabilitation and the construction of additional road, rail and bridge segments in Cameroon and the Central African Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
联科行动的任务是帮助安全理事会实现一个总体目标,即重建科特迪瓦特和平、安全和长期稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Operation is mandated to help the Security Council achieve an overall objective, namely, re-establishing peace, security and long-term stability in Côted’Ivoire. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次会议最后由一家哈萨克的电力公司――阿拉木图电力联合公司作总结 性陈述发言,随后与会人员参观了这家公司位于阿拉木图市郊的 Kapchegai 水力发电厂(360兆瓦)。 carecinstitute.org | The Meeting concluded with a presentation by the Almaty Power Consolidated, a Kazakh power company, and a tour of its Kapchegai Hydropower Plant (360MW) located outside Almaty. carecinstitute.org |
这一重大资本开支项目将增加21,000公顷自有甘蔗种植园及租赁土地,使粉碎能力由1百万吨提高至2.6百万吨,增加一个产能 [...] 260,000吨的VHP糖厂,将无水乙醇产能增加最多80,000立方米,并建造一个能向电网供应200,000兆瓦时电力的热电厂。 glencore.com | This major capex project will add 21,000 hectares of own sugar cane plantations and leased land, increased crush capacity from 1 million to 2.6 million tonnes, a VHP sugar plant with a capacity of 260,000 tonnes, the addition of anhydrous ethanol capability up to 80,000 [...] cubic metres, and the construction of a cogeneration plant [...] capable ofsupplying 200,000MW hours of electricity [...]to the grid. glencore.com |
该团队负责在欧洲和拉美进行的近 3,000兆瓦风力发电项目的收购;全球超过 5,000兆瓦天然气联合循环发电厂及逾 3,000 公里高压线路以及变电站的立项、施工和运营,以及欧洲、美国及拉美地区超过 1,500兆瓦风力发电项目的开发和建设。 china.blackstone.com | The team was responsible for the acquisition of approximately 3,000 MW of wind power in Europe and Latin America; the award, construction and operation of more than 5,000 MW in combined cycle gas plants and over 3,000 km of high voltage lines and substations throughout the world and the development and construction of over 1,500 MW of wind projects all over Europe, the U.S. and Latin America. blackstone.com |
一个具有与舒适的客厅与图书馆,桌上游戏,在该中心,电视和DVD,为人人,表瓦特/椅,2个网络连接(慢速连接)的计算机用厨房台球桌接待处,无线网络在该地区。 instantworldbooking.com | One has the reception area with confortable living room with a library, table games, a pool table in the center, tv and dvd , a kitchen for the use of everyone, tables w/ chairs, 2 computers with Internet Access (slow connection), WIFI within that area. instantworldbooking.com |
在其 2007 年 7 月 16 [...] 日第 1765(2007)号决议中,安全理事会根据《宪章》第七章采取行动, “决定秘书长驻科特迪瓦特别代表应核证选举进程的所有阶段均具备按国际标 准举行公开、自由、公正和透明的总统及立法选举所需的一切保证”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution 1765 (2007) of 16 July 2007, the Security Council, acting under Chapter VII [...] of the Charter, decided [...] “that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Côte d’Ivoireshall certify [...]that all stages of [...]the electoral process provide all the necessary guarantees for the holding of open, free, fair and transparent presidential and legislative elections in accordance with international standards”. daccess-ods.un.org |
独立 专家特别要对秘书长驻科特迪瓦特别代表和联科行动负责人,其负责依法治国的 副手,联科行动人权处代理主任及在阿比让、奥蒂耶内、科霍戈、布瓦凯、达洛 [...] 亚和杜埃奎的工作人员对其考察所予以的通力合作表示感谢。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expert would particularly like to thank the Special Representative [...] of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and [...]Head of UNOCI and his deputy, as well as the Acting Director of the UNOCI Human Rights Division and his staff in Abidjan, Odiénné, Korhogo, Bouaké, Daloa and Duékoué, for their full cooperation in organizing his visits. daccess-ods.un.org |