

单词 充裕

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External sources (not reviewed)

本 集 团 继 续 毫 无 负 债, 财 充 裕 使 们 得 以 进 行 投 资 计 划 和 在 区 内 寻找收购机会。
The Group continues to be debt free, which positions us well financially to undertake our investment programme and to pursue acquisition opportunities in the Region.
凭着我们稳健的财务狀况充裕 金,我们将继续努力寻 找并充分把握各种发展和策略性合作的机遇,为新一輪的业务发展打下更加坚 [...]
By leveraging on our sound financial
[...] position and abundant capital resources, [...]
we will continue to explore and capture various
opportunities for development and strategic cooperation so as to lay a more solid foundation for a new round of business development in the future.
[...] 现有现金及银行结存,以及在无不可预见之情况下,董事信纳经扩大集团具 充裕 资金应付目前及由本通函刊发日期起计未来最少12个月之所需。
The Directors are satisfied after due and careful enquiry that after taking into account the Acquisition, existing banking and other borrowing facilities available, and the
existing cash and bank balances, the
[...] Enlarged Group has sufficient working capital [...]
for its present requirements, that is
for at least the next 12 months from the date of publication of this circular, in the absence of unforeseeable circumstances.
保留 2010 年地震后设立的 Léogane 分处及 2012/13
[...] 年度拟议裁撤的临时职位至关重要,因为这将使联海稳定团能够继续支持地方当 局向该国最弱势群体提供基本服务,并为在该地区实施速效项目方案分 充裕间。
The maintenance of the Léogane sub-office, which was established after the 2010 earthquake with temporary positions proposed for abolishment in 2012/13, is critical, as it will enable MINUSTAH to continue to support local authorities in providing basic services to the most vulnerable
populations of the country,
[...] and to allocate sufficient time for the implementation [...]
of the quick-impact projects programme in the area.
有些观测则不得不因存在可疑的误差而被放弃——如 果时间更充裕 ,这些误差是可以被订正的。
Thus, the attenuation of solar radiation is included in the list of common variables.
服务机构的确切配置取决于具体国情, 但在所有情况中都需要:充裕和共担风险;训练有素、薪酬适当的劳动力 队伍;作为政策和管理决策依据的资讯;把药品和疫苗送往受影响地区的物流; [...]
作为转诊网络一部分得到妥善维护的设施;能够指明方向并调动社区等所有利益 攸关方力量的领导层。
The exact configuration of services will depend on the country context, but
will in all cases
[...] require adequate financing with pooling of risk; a welltrained and adequately remunerated [...]
workforce; information
on which to base policy and management decisions; logistics that deliver medicines and vaccines to where they are needed; well-maintained facilities organized as part of a referral network; and leadership that provides clear direction and harnesses the energies of all stakeholders, including communities.
本集团将过剩的现金投资於计息的往来户口及定期存款,并选择合适到期日或具充足 流通性的工具,提充裕 以配合营运需要。
The Group invests surplus cash in interest bearing current accounts and time deposits, choosing instruments with appropriate maturities or sufficient liquidity to provide sufficient head-room to meet operation needs.
4.37 本行或任何资料供应商对任何市场资料或报告之次序、准确性、真确性、可靠性 充裕 、时间性或完整性,或其是否适宜作任何用途概不作出保证、声明或承担,亦毋须就阁 下、授权使用者或任何其他人士因依赖市场资料或报告而承担任何法律责任(不論为侵权 或合约或其他方面)。
4.37 Neither we nor any Information Provider warrant, represent or guarantee the sequence, accuracy, truth, reliability, adequacy, timeliness or completeness of any of the Market Information or the Reports or whether it is fit for any purpose.
此 外,申诉人提出的两个阿富汗当局会对他们感兴趣的理由,即第一申诉人被秘密 警察记录在案以及他们父亲的敌人在政府任职,并未得到证实,缺少细节,且从 未向瑞典当局说明,而申诉人本有多次机会 充裕 间作此说明。
Furthermore, two of the reasons given for why the Afghan authorities would take an interest in them – the registration with the secret police of the first complainant and the position within the Government of their father’s enemies – are unsubstantiated and lacking in detail and were never presented to the Swedish authorities despite the fact that the complainants had several opportunities and plenty of time to do so.
(b) 为家庭投充裕 的重要意义及好处、这类投入的成本和预期的社 [...]
(b) The importance and benefits of
[...] investing in sufficient time within [...]
the family, the costs of this investment and the expected social returns.
目前房地产市场整体上尚算稳健,但在全球资 充裕 形下,外来资金流入,推高了高价楼宇的价格,加上极低息环境以及按揭市场的激烈竞争,房地产市场存在泡沫风险。
However, in the light of the abundant liquidity in the global financial markets, the inflow of funds which has fuelled the prices of luxury flats, a very low-interest rate environment and the keen competition in the mortgage market, there is the potential risk of a property bubble.
债务局 势更加脆弱的国家可以通过积极的债务管理(延长偿还时限,降低成本等),抓住 全球市场充裕 金流动以降低本国的脆弱性。
Countries whose debt position is more fragile could seize the abundant liquidity on the global markets as an opportunity to reduce their vulnerability by means of active debt management (lengthening terms, lowering cost).
於二零一一年三月三十一日,Glencore可用的已承诺未提取信贷融通及现金为43亿美元(资 充裕 过了30亿美元的最低目标), 最近在再融资後大幅提升,增加了已承诺循环信贷通融及使得我们於二零一一年五月成功完成首次公开发售。
As at 31 March 2011, Glencore had available committed undrawn credit facilities and cash amounting to $ 4.3 billion (comfortably ahead of the $ 3 billion minimum target threshold) which has recently been significantly enhanced following the refinancing and increase of the committed revolving credit facilities and the successful IPO completion in May 2011.
[...] 工作人员分批到位,以尽量减少对调查工作的干扰,并为书记官长提供足 充裕 间,以便尽可能有效地吸纳大批工作人员。
The plan is intended to phase in staff gradually in order both to minimize disruption to
the investigation work and to provide the
[...] Registry with adequate time to absorb [...]
a large number of staff as efficiently as possible.
由於此将影响已列名或已认可的产品,UL 已在 2004 年 7 月 23 日的公告中,公开应变时程表,协助制造商拥有 充裕 间,让产品的设计有对应的修改或拟定受影响产品的停产计画。
Due to the impact on Listed or Recognized equipment as of this effective date, a compliance schedule was developed to give manufacturers time to integrate potential changes into their products or allow other products to go out of production.
由 於 本 集 团 经 营 业 务 的 多 样 性 质,故 本 集 团 确 保 维 持 足 够 经 营 产 生 的 现 金,以 保 持 资 金 充 裕
Due to the dynamic nature of its business, the Group the Company ensure that it maintains flexibility by keeping sufficient cash generated from operations to meet the liquidity requirements.
同样,只要自然生态系充裕 将不算是一个问题,但若要恢复已退化的生态系 统,费用将十分高昂。
Again, as long as natural ecosystems are abundant this is not an issue, but restoring degraded ecosystems can be expensive.
回到墨西哥后,我继续着该系列的创作,画的是大幅面,因此需 充裕 备时间,得先用一层又一层清漆涂刷纸面,随后用一支大画笔来作画,从而勾勒出这种与人类最接近的动物的简单而粗犷的姿态。
I continued with the series after returning to Mexico in a large format that requires preparation time, priming the sheets with varnish paint, layer after layer, and then using a broom to draw on them, with the simple and rough gestures of our closest relatives.
参与对话的组织数量可以根据当期会议主题减少至两三个,以避免议题过 多并为每次对话提充裕,尤其是考虑到应加强各组织同土着人民代表的直 [...]
The number of organizations involved in such dialogues could be reduced to two or three relevant to the
session’s current theme, to avoid
[...] overloading and provide ample time for each [...]
dialogue, especially in view of enhancing the
direct interaction of the organizations with indigenous peoples’ representatives.
亚洲企业盈利增 长前景正面,区内资充裕 上股票估值吸引,经过近期调整 後,或出现趁低吸纳机会。
With positive earnings growth prospects, abundant liquidity and attractive valuation, Asian stocks may see opportunities to buy on dips after recent pullback.
本公司於股东大会可随时及不时议决,将本公司所持之 任何盈余款项(相当於将本公司任何资本资产或其任何投资变现 後收到或收回款项所产生之资本利润,且该款项无需用以支付任
何固定优先股息或作有关拨备,以代替用作购买任何其他资本资 产或用作其他资本用途)按股东之股权及股息之分派比例分派予
[...] 各股东,犹如该利润已以股息之方式作出分派,惟除非本公司持 有其充裕 足以全數支付本公司当时之全部负债及实缴股 [...]
The Company in general meeting may at any time and from time to time resolve that any surplus moneys in the hands of the Company representing capital profits arising from moneys received or recovered in respect of or arising from the realisation of any capital assets of the Company or any investments representing the same and not required for the payment or provision of any fixed preferential dividend instead of being applied in the purchase of any other capital assets or for other capital purposes be distributed amongst the shareholders on the footing that they receive the same as capital and in the shares and proportions in which they would have been entitled to receive the same if it had been distributed by way of dividend, provided that no such profits as aforesaid shall be so distributed
unless there shall remain in the hands of
[...] the Company a sufficiency of other assets [...]
to answer in full the whole of the liabilities
and paid-up share capital of the Company for the time being.
所以您知道,这是中国[听不清]对美国的正式访问前吗,他说,浩瀚的太平洋 充裕 间既给中国也给美国。
So you know, or is this before Chinese [inaudible] paid official visit to the U.S., he
said that the vast
[...] Pacific Ocean has ample space for both China and the U.S.  China and the U.S. have small [inaudible] interest in [inaudible] [...]
region than anywhere else.
董事相信,本集团将 充裕汇以应付需求。
The Board believes that the
[...] Group will have sufficient foreign currency [...]
to meet its requirements.
信息发展及专业进修 董事会相当重视非执行董事是否(1)对本公司及其业务具备足够认 识及(2)分充裕 参与Glencore事务以有效履行有关职责。
It is considered of great importance that the Non-Executive Directors (1) attain a good knowledge of the Company and its business and (2) allocate sufficient time to Glencore to discharge those responsibilities effectively.
在《公约》下目前可用来执行适应的基金金额并 充裕 若以目前的补充趋势持续,基金的金 额可能不足以应付这些国家的需求。
Raising substantial additional funds for mitigation, adaptation, and technology cooperation will give rise to important governance and delivery issues that will need to be addressed if the funds are to be used effectively.
凭藉策略性拓展计划、全面的产品组合、众志成城的员工团队、优化的管理架构 充裕 ,达 芙妮对未來非常樂观,相信公司能把握机会扩充市场份额,并最终实现成为全球領先女鞋零售商 [...]
With a strategic expansion plan in place, a comprehensive product portfolio, a highly
committed workforce, an enhanced management
[...] structure and ample capital resources, [...]
Daphne is optimistic about its ability
to seize opportunities ahead for capturing larger market share and ultimately realise its goal of becoming a world-leading ladies footwear retailer.
2010年中国迎來了川气东送、西气东输二线的进口天然气,令城市燃气事业有 充裕 源发展下 游用气市场,亦为集团发展新项目提供了更广阔的平台,中国城市燃气行业的经营环境从2010年起 [...]
In 2010, China will embrace the Sichuan-to-East gas transmission and imports of natural gas from the Second West-to-East
Gas Pipeline, which provides the city gas
[...] industry with sufficient natural gas sources [...]
to develop the downstream gas consumption
markets, and create a more extensive platform for the Group in developing new markets.




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