单词 | 元青 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 元青 —deep blackSee also:青 n—youth n • cyan n 青—young (of people) • green or blue • nature's color • greenish black
2009 年至 2011 年期间,该机构在下列领域 [...] 向该领土提供合作,数额 31 098.00 美元:青年; 防治艾滋病毒;性别平等;人 [...]口与发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the period from 2009 to 2011, the Agency provided cooperation to the [...] Territory in the amount of $31,098.00 in the [...] following areas: youth; HIV prevention; [...]gender equality; and population and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
位於美 孚的八號碼頭的 4 個泊位,成本只是需要 40 億元;青衣九號碼頭,同樣是 4 個泊位, 成本估計是 110 億元,大概是八號碼頭的 3 倍。 legco.gov.hk | The development [...] cost of CT9 at Tsing Yi, also with four berths, is now estimated at $11 billion, about three [...]times as high. legco.gov.hk |
例 如在未 來 6 個 月開始 動 工的主要 工 程包括: 竹 篙 灣 道路及基建 設施工 程 , 估 計 開支為 20 億 元 、 青 山道改 善 工 程 17 億 元 、昂船 洲 高 架 路 20 億 元 、 沙 田 污 水 處 理 廠 第 三期擴 建 工 程 的第二 階 段 土 木 工 程 3 億 元 、 西九龍 渠 務 改 善 工 程 ─ 南 昌 街 及 通 洲 街 部 分 2 億 元 等。 legco.gov.hk | For example, the major projects that can commence in the next six months are the road and infrastructure works at Penny's Bay (with an estimated expenditure of $2 billion), the $1.7 billion improvement project for Castle Peak Road, the $2 billion elevated road project for Stonecutters' Island, the $300 million civil engineering project under Stage II of the Phase III extension of the Shatin Sewage Treatment Works and the $200 million West Kowloon drainage improvement project (Nam Cheong Street — Tung Chau Street section). legco.gov.hk |
根據上列資料,青海投資之20% 權益應佔截至二零零六年十二月三十一日止年度之資產淨值為人民幣231,43 4, 2 0 0 元 ,青 海投 資之20%權益應佔截至二零零五年及二零零六年十二月三十一日止各年度之除稅及 少數股東權益前溢利分別為人民幣66,123,200元及人民幣81,64 5, 8 0 0 元 ; 而 青 海 投 資之20% 權益應佔截至二零零五年及二零零六年十二月三十一日止各年度之除稅及少數股東權 益後溢利分別為人民幣18,871,600元及人民幣24,099,400元。 mmg.com | Based on the above, the net asset value for the year [...] ended 31 December 2006 [...] attributable to a 20% interest in Qinghai Investment is RMB231,434,200; the profit before taxation and minority interest for the years ended 31 December 2005 and 2006 attributable to a 20% interest in Qinghai Investment are RMB66,123,200 and RMB81,645,800 [...]respectively; [...]and the profit after taxation and minority interest for the years ended 31 December 2005 and 2006 attributable to a 20% interest in Qinghai Investment are RMB18,871,600 and RMB24,099,400 respectively. mmg.com |
政府还打算更加协调一致地支持对妇女和青年 的经济举措,包括设立妇女团结基金(目前为 1 000 亿几内亚法郎,合 1 436 万 美元)和青年团结基金(目前为 200 亿几内亚法郎,合 287 万美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also trying to make support for women’s and young people’s economic initiatives more coherent by setting up a women’s solidarity fund, currently [...] totalling GF 100 billion (14.36 [...] million dollars) and a youth solidarity fund amounting to GF 20 billion (2.87 million dollars). daccess-ods.un.org |
传统华南饮食中海产品的不可或缺加上这个地区对异国饮食文化 新 元 素 的 青 睐 使得挪威三文鱼在广州广受欢迎。 norway.org.cn | The combination of the traditional importance of sea food in southern Chinese [...] cuisine, as well as South China’s great [...] interest in new impulses and ideas from [...]abroad, add to the popularity of Norwegian salmon in the Guangzhou area. norway.cn |
此外,格力通过珠海市红十字会捐款 1000 万元支援青海省 玉树灾区重建家园,也赞助 民间艺术大巡游、龙舟赛等传统活动。 innocsr.com | Gree’s philanthropy initiative includes a donation of 10 million RMB to support the reconstruction of Yushu. innocsr.com |
设计 灵感来源于元朝的青花瓷器,并且还将 Sunbrella 织物融合 于此。 glenraven.com | The design was inspired by the bluewhite porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, and Sunbrella fabrics were incorporated into the offering. glenraven.com |
该项目包括西班牙促进青年融入社会基金的行动,这是一项小额信贷 举措,用 50 万美元帮助 2 500 名青年首次创业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project includes the operation of the [...] Spanish fund for youth integration, a $500,000 microcredit initiative through which 2,500 young people [...]have set up their first business. daccess-ods.un.org |
在利比亚,自青年司法改革开始以来,刚刚与利比亚政府签署了一项价值 360 万美元注重青年司 法改革的国家供资方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Libya, a nationally funded programme [...] worth $3.6 million, focusing on juvenile justice [...]reform, had just been signed with [...]the Government when the revolution began. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国政府向中国的红十字组织捐赠100,0 00 美 元 用 于应 对 青 海 的 紧急需求。 embassyusa.cn | The U.S. government has donated [...] $100,000 U.S. dollars to Red Cross organizations in China to respond to the urgent needs in Qinghai. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这包括降低最低工资 20%至每月 560 欧元,25 岁以下青年的 最低工资下 调 32%,减少医疗保健开支和其他社会福利支出,在 [...] 2012 年底或以前裁撤 15 000 个公共部门职位,在 2015 年或以前再裁减 13.5 万个职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | This included reducing the minimum wage [...] by 20 per cent to €560 per month [...] and by 32 per cent for youth under 25, reductions [...]in health-care spending and other social [...]welfare payments, and the elimination of 15,000 public sector jobs by the end of 2012 and 135,000 more by 2015. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们对一件预估价格在1,000万至1,500万 美 元 之 间 的青 铜 雕 塑《 Coq》反应尤其冷淡。 imgpublic.artprice.com | They notably rejected a bronze [...] sculpture of a young rooster (Coq) estimated at between $10 million and 15 million. imgpublic.artprice.com |
建议59、60、61、62、63、64、65 接受:澳大利亚新的多元文化政策包括:国家反种族主义伙伴关系和战略、 [...] 澳大利亚多元文化委员会的成立、“多元文化大使”方案、以及 多 元 文 化青 年体育伙伴关系方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accepted: Australia’s new multicultural policy includes a National Anti-Racism Partnership and Strategy, establishment of the [...] Australian Multicultural Council, a ‘multicultural ambassadors’ program [...] and a Multicultural Youth Sports Partnership [...]Program. daccess-ods.un.org |
我今天在此宣布美国已决定向中国红十字机构捐赠10万 美 元 以 应 对 青 海 的紧急救援需要。 embassyusa.cn | I am pleased to announce today that the United States has authorized the donation of a total of $100,000 to be used by Red Cross organizations in China to respond to the urgent needs there. eng.embassyusa.cn |
仔細地看就能瞭解,白跟周樂元一樣 是用 淡 青 或 淡 綠色彩渲點出楊柳的葉子。 e-yaji.com | Close inspection reveals that Bai has added pale washes of grey ink to indicate [...] the foliage in much the same way [...] that Zhou Leyuan added washes of pale green or blue to his willow [...]branches to indicate the foliage. e-yaji.com |
这一全球性活动旨在为下列领域的决策和制定政策提供资料:课 程;对孤儿和易受伤害的儿童;师资培训 单 元 ; 针 对辍 学 青 年 的 非正规方法,和提高规划和 管理能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The global initiative is designed to provide a resource for decision-making and policy development in the following areas: curriculum; support for orphans and vulnerable children; [...] teacher-training modules; non-formal approaches [...] targeting out-of-school youth; and enhancement of planning [...]and management capacities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
增加 的開支主要用於收回及清理位於東區、離島、北區、西貢、沙田、大埔 、 元 朗、 荃灣及葵青各區的土地。 devb.gov.hk | The additional expenditure will be mainly [...] spent on sites in the Eastern, Islands, North, Sai Kung, Sha [...] Tin, Tai Po, Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing districts. devb.gov.hk |
消费者还可以播放格式,穿着后捕捉到的内容定期二维电脑或笔记本电脑通过选择 红 / 青 色 的 管理 单 元 的 包 括 红 / 青 色 眼 镜。 technologeeko.com | Consumers can also play back captured content on a regular 2D PC or notebook by selecting the red/cyan format and wearing the Snap’s included red/cyan glasses. technologeeko.com |
新批准的国际交流发展计划(IPDC)项目--“与希伯来和纳布卢 斯 青 年 建 立联系” (2.5 万美元)--将培养西岸青年以 下方面的能力:在因特网中利用媒体制作和社会联网工 具,增强青年的权力,实现青年对话,克服孤独与流动性限制。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A newly approved IPDC [...] project “Connecting Youth in Hebron and Nablus” (US $25,000) will build the capacity of youth in the West Bank in [...]the use of media production [...]and social networking tools in Internet in youth empowerment, dialogue and overcoming isolation and mobility restrictions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从1980年开始, 我们就已经在插装阀和阀组的设计、应用和 生产上掌握了专业知识,成为了全球超过 1800家公司和分销商青睐的元件供应商。 comatrol.net | Since 1980, we have built upon the knowledge and expertise within the design, application and manufacturing of cartridge [...] valves and HICs to become the [...] preferred component provider for over 1800 companies and distributors throughout the world. comatrol.net |
工作组鼓励各国政府研制创建性的教育手法,增 强 青 年 人对 多 元化 的理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group encourages Governments to develop creative educational tools to [...] promote appreciation of diversity among youth. daccess-ods.un.org |
她們所居住的地區,主要分布在觀塘(佔 10%)、葵青(10%)、 元 朗 (8%)、 屯 門 (8%)、 沙 田 (8%)、 黃 大 仙 (7%)及 [...] 東 區(7%)。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of districts of residence, [...] they mainly lived in Kwun Tong [...] (representing 10% of the total), Kwai Tsing (10%), Yuen Long (8%), Tuen [...]Mun (8%), Sha Tin (8%), [...]Wong Tai Sin (7%) and Eastern (7%). legco.gov.hk |
国誉一直以来站在客户立场出发、尊重地方文化,重视本地需求的企业理念,遵循此理念Presentation Room以及VIP Room都大量采用中国元素,比如:上海 青 砖 的 地面,铺满于玻璃墙内的苏州桑蚕丝等。 kokuyo.cn | As a global group KOKUYO is always thinking in the position as customer, also respect the local culture. [...] That's why there are a [...] lot of Chinese elements were used in Presentation Room and VIP Room, such as Shanghai black bricks are using [...]as floor materials, Suzhou [...]mulberry silk that filled inside the glass wall. kokuyo.cn |
b. 經元老欽點的追隨者:他們在 1900 年代替元老掌管著帝國議會,但是他們是具有野 心的,對元老的壟斷感到不滿;及 c. 財閥中的工商業家:他們不再像往日一樣的被動及服從 於 元 老 , 這些 年 青 的 日 本領 hkahe.com | examinations rather than the genro’s personal selection. b. the genro’s own chosen followers who headed the cabinet for the genro in the 1900s but who were ambitious and dissatisfied with the genro’s domination, and c. zaibatsu business-industrialists who no longer remained passive and obedient to the genro as they used to be. hkahe.com |
於 2011 年 3 月 10 日,本集團與青島遠港碼頭餘下的股東方青島港(集團)有限公司簽訂一項協 議,以代價人民幣 184,000,000 元 (折合約 28,000,000 美元) 出售其於青島遠港碼頭的 50%股權, 該出售已於 2011 年 4 月 28 日完成,於 2011 年錄得出售之稅後溢利為 12,557,000 美元。 coscopac.com.hk | Ltd., the remaining shareholder of Qingdao Cosport Terminal, to dispose of its 50% equity interest in Qingdao Cosport Terminal at a consideration of RMB184,000,000 (equivalent to approximately US$28,000,000). coscopac.com.hk |
在這段期間,我在日間出席立法會的會議,晚上則馬不 停蹄地出席居民大會,接連出席了9個居民大會,計有荃灣、 葵 青 、元 朗和屯門,而昨晚則是離島的東涌。 legco.gov.hk | During this period of time, I have attended meetings of this Council during the day and residents' meetings in the evenings without respite. legco.gov.hk |
委員進而獲告知,醫管局已於2010年以先導計劃的方式 [...] 推行個案管理計劃,培訓醫護人員為個案經理,為居住在 葵 青、 元朗及觀塘區等地區5 000名較高風險的嚴重精神病患者提供深 [...]入、持續及個人化的支援。 legco.gov.hk | Members were further advised that in 2010, HA had piloted the Case Management Programme for around 5 000 higher-risk [...] patients with severe mental illness [...] residing in Kwai Tsing, Kwun Tong and Yuen Long districts [...]with healthcare personnel taking [...]up the role as case managers to provide these patients with intensive, continuous and personalized support. legco.gov.hk |
在 2003-04 年度,我們完成改善沿青山公路(元 朗 段) 及 元 朗 安寧 路的行人過路設施、屯門鄉事會路/海珠路及教育路/元朗體育路 的交界處以及天水圍的兩個巴士站的工程。 devb.gov.hk | In 2003-04, we completed the improvements of pedestrian crossing facilities along Castle Peak Road (Yuen Long section) and Yuen Long On Ning Road, the junctions of Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road/Hoi Chu Road and Kau Yuk Road/Yuen Long Tai Yuk Road and two bus bays in Tin Shui Wai. devb.gov.hk |