

单词 元元本本

External sources (not reviewed)

於今年首六个月内 ,天浪卫视录得港币二百四十万元之亏损(二零零六年:港币二百所 摊占约为港币一百九十万元 。
In the first half of this year, Skywave incurred a loss of HK$2.4 million (2006: HK$2 million), of which our share was approximately HK$1.9 million.
[...] 消息允许为其定义专用背景色,而各种状态特定的颜色则使用元本背景色。
The No Alarms message allows a dedicated
background color to be defined, while the various state-specific colors always use the
[...] background ofthe primitive itself.
(v) 推动学校作为安全区(42 万旨在提高教师对学校作为安全区这一 概念及其在加沙具体环境中的应用的认识。
(v) promotion of schools as safe zones ($420,000): the project aims at raising awareness among teachers on the concept of schools as safe zones and its application in the specific context of Gaza.
预测依据的是 36 C/5
[...] 工作计划的最高限额 4.65 亿元+本度期间 空缺/成为空缺的职位 [...]
100%冻结而节省出的 4100 万美元。
The forecast are based on the 36 C/5 work plan
[...] ceiling of US$465 million + US $41 million [...]
corresponding to 100% freeze of vacant/to-become-vacant posts during the biennium.
目前,医药公司的注册资本合共为人民币 222,000,000、敬修堂、潘高寿及个人卖方分别出资约90.090%、3.919%、3.919%及 [...]
At present, the registered capital of GP Corp. in the
[...] total amountof RMB222,000,000 is contributed [...]
as to approximately 90.090%, 3.919%,
3.919% and 2.072% by the Company, Jingxiutang, Pangaoshou and the Individual Vendors respectively.
工作计 划的要素包括扩展信通技术培训中心名为《政府领导人信通技术基本 知识教程方案》的信通技术促发展能力建设旗舰方案、开发和更新学 院的培训单元、将培训单元优先排序和支持培训元本、加强学 院的专业人员队伍建设、扩大方案的受益人群、开展有关信通技术促 发展的专题培训、通过信通培训中心虚拟学院促进远程学习、不断加 强面向青年的信通技术促发展能力建设、通过各种新型信通技术促发 展知识产品和利用在线平台进一步促进研究和知识共享、推动为成员 国和伙伴提供咨询服务、促进有关信通技术促发展人员能力建设的多 边合作。
The key elements of the work plan included expansion of the APCICT flagship ICTD capacity-building programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders, development and updating of Academy training modules, prioritization of the modules for training and supporting their localization, enhancing the pool of Academy resource persons, widening the beneficiary group of the programme, conducting thematic training on ICTD, promoting distance learning through the APCICT Virtual Academy, strengthening ongoing efforts for ICTD capacity-building for youth, furthering research and knowledge sharing through new ICTD knowledge products and leveraging online platforms, enabling the provision of advisory services for member States and partners, and the facilitation of multilateral cooperation on ICTD human capacity-building.
於 二 零 零 七 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日, 本公 司之 注册 资 本 约达 人 民 币123,300,000之 总资产 约达 人民币23亿 元。
As at 31 December 2007, the registered capital of the company amounted to approximately RMB123.3 million with the Group’s total assets to approximately RMB2.3 billion.
注:所列价格为落槌价未计入税费、手续费等的成交价格;所有含dollar的价格 单位为分析的拍卖艺术品只涉及纯艺术(Fine Art)作品,即油画、雕 塑、装置、素描、摄影、版画、水彩画,不包括古董、匿名文化财产以及家具。
NB: all given prices refer to hammer prices
before fees; all
[...] references to the dollar ($)relate to theUS dollar; all sales of art works mentioned inthis report relate [...]
only to Fine Art
sales, i.e. paintings, sculptures, installations, drawings, photographs, prints, watercolours and exclude antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture.
还有人认为,特别法庭花费的 1 亿多元本更好地用于建设国内法律体 系。
It has also been argued that
[...] the over $100 million spent onthe Special [...]
Court would have been better spent on the domestic legal system.
[...] 购股权後将收取之所得款项净额估计约为5,900,000拟将该等款项用作一般营运 [...]
The net proceeds to be received by the Company upon the exercise of the
Service Option in full are estimated to
[...] be about HK$5.9 million andare intended [...]
to be used by the Company as general working capital.
[...] 贷款的利息收入增加约人民币4,447,000元以及以权益结算之股份支出减少约人民币 22,605,000於本年度的经营溢利上升13.1%。
Together with the increase in interest income on short-term loan to a shareholder of approximately RMB4,447,000 and the decrease in
equity-settled share-based payment expenses of
[...] approximately RMB22,605,000, the Group’s [...]
profit from operations increased by 13.1% for the Year.
15 然而,撇除非现金股份奖励开支(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六个月: 8,600,000港元 及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六个月: 245,900,000港元)及广州美嘉伟华及广州美维 电子两家厂房的成立初期的营运亏损(截至二零零八年六月三十日止六个月: 62,000,000 港元及截至二零零七年六月三十日止六个月: 7,000,000於回顾期内的营运 溢利及期内溢利应为467,000,000港元及398,000,000港元(二零零七年上半年则分别为 325,000,000港元及302,000,000港元),而期内相关营运毛利率已进一步由扩大至17.6% (二零零七年上半年为16.3%),纯利率於回顾期内维持於15.0%(二零零七年上半年则为 15.2%)。
However, by excluding the effects of non-cash share award expenses (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$8.6 million and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$245.9 million) and the initial start-up operating losses of the MAGL and GME plants (for the six months ended 30 June 2008: HK$62 million and for the six months ended 30 June 2007: HK$7 million), the Group’s operating profit and profit for the period under review would have been HK$467 million and HK$398 million (HK$325 million and HK$302 million respectively in the first half year of 2007) while the relevant operating profit margin would have further expanded to 17.6% (16.3% for the first half year in 2007) and net profit margin would have been stagnated at 15.0% (15.2% for the first half year in 2007).
董事局已宣布二零一一年度的第二次中期股息为‘A’股每股港币2.35元及‘B’股每股港币0.47元,连同於二零一一年十月四日派发的第一次中期股息‘A’股每股港币1.15元及‘B’股每股港币0.23元以及特别中期股息‘A’股每股港币3.00 元及‘B’股每股港币0.60共派现金股息‘A’股每股港币6.50元及‘B’股每股港币1.30元。
The Directors have declared second interim dividends for 2011 of HK$2.35 per 'A' share and HK$0.47 per 'B' share which, together with the first interim dividends of HK$1.15 per 'A' share and
HK$0.23 per 'B' share and the special
[...] interim dividends of HK$3.00 per 'A' share [...]
and HK$0.60 per 'B' share paid on 4th October
2011, make total cash dividends for the year of HK$6.50 per 'A' share and HK$1.30 per 'B' share.
文职人员净支出节余,原因 是,联合国志愿人员支出节余(1 956 200 美元),一般临时助理人员支出节余(827 700 美元),这是因为联合国志愿人员和临时职位的实际空缺率高;国际工作人员超 支(2 746 000 )作人员超支(22 800 美元),原因是,薪金表修改增 加了经费需求,危险工作地点津贴增加,一些工作人员从 300 系列转为 100 系列, 一般工作人员费用增加,这部分抵消了国际工作人员出差生活津贴支出的减少。
Net underexpenditures under civilian personnel are the result of underexpenditures under United Nations Volunteers ($1,956,200) and under general temporary assistance ($827,700) due to higher actual vacancy rates for United Nations Volunteers and temporary positions; and of overexpenditures under international staff ($2,746,000) and under national staff ($22,800), resulting from additional requirements due to the revision ofsalary scales, an increase of hazardous duty station allowance, increased requirements for common staff costs due to the conversion of some staff from the 300 series to the 100 series; partly offset by reduced payments for mission subsistence allowance for international staff.
在HRO世界高峰会欧洲大会的发言中,Avery Dennison展示了公司是如何依仗与值得信赖的HRO服务提供商ADP的十多年的关系,将公司的元本薪酬外包改造成全球统一规范的。
In a presentation at the HRO World Europe Conference, Avery Dennison demonstrated how the company was able to leverage its 10+ year
relationship with trusted
[...] HRO service-provider ADP to move the company from multi-local payroll outsourcing [...]
to a global model.
於 2012 年 12 月 31 日,未到期的利率
[...] 掉期合约为合约名义本金总值 200,000,000 美元 (2011 年 12 月 31 日:200,000,000 )同意支付按照六个月伦敦银行同业拆息加介乎 105 基点至 116 基点 (2011 [...]
年 12 月 31 日:105 基点 至 116
基点) 的浮动利率予银行从而收取银行年息 5.875% (2011 年 12 月 31 日:5.875%) 的固定利 率。
As at 31st December 2012, outstanding interest rate swap
contracts comprised nominal
[...] principal amounting toUS$200,000,000 (31st December 2011: US$200,000,000) in total wherebythe Group agreed [...]
to pay the banks
interest at floating rates ranging from 105 basis points to 116 basis points (31st December 2011: 105 basis points to 116 basis points) above 6-month LIBOR in return for receiving interests from the banks at a fixed interest rate of 5.875% per annum (31st December 2011: 5.875%).
(b) 於二零零五年十二月三十一日,预付款项、按金及其他应收款总额包括一笔应
[...] 收一家有关连公司之经常账目结余335,443一家附属公司若干董 事为该公司董事。
(b) As at 31 December 2005, the aggregate amount of prepayments, deposits and other
receivables includes the balance of a
[...] current accountsof HK$335,443 due from [...]
a related companies of which certain directors
of a subsidiary of the Company are directors.
市场需求而作出之订单预测;及(iv)上述新合作及商机,举例說根据TCSM Co的经销商协
[...] 议,估计该区的年销售额为4,000,000马币(9,002,800港元)至7,000,000马币(15,754,900 预计於截至二零零八年十二月三十一日、二零零九年十二月三十一日及 [...]
Basing on (i) the amount of the Transactions in the previous years; (ii) the amount of the Transactions in the first six months of year 2007; (iii) projections in anticipation of orders due to market demand for motor vehicles and equipments; and (iv) new collaborations and business
opportunities described
[...] above where,for instance, under the dealership arrangement for TCSM Co, the estimated quantum is [...]
in the region of RM4,000,000
(HK$9,002,800) to RM7,000,000 (HK$15,754,900) annually, the Company estimated that the proposed annual caps for all such Transactions to be annually capped at HK$25,000,000, HK$29,000,000 and HK$33,000,000 for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2010 respectively.
秘书处代表介绍了 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/67/4 号文件,并指出,可供使用的总资源 为 4,485 万议上所申请资金总额为 9,160 万美元,包括化工生产行业,可供使 用的总资源不足以支付核准本次会议所审议的项目款项以及其他费用。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/67/4 and indicated that, as the total resources available amounted to US $44.85 million and the total amount of funding requested at the meeting, including the production sector, was US $91.6 million, the total resources available would be insufficient to cover the project approvals and other costs being considered at the present meeting.
一是银行金融业务的迅速扩展,部份储备 (fractional
[...] reserves)和杠杆(leveraging)机制令货币供应、头寸及债务史无前例地膨 胀;二是国际金融制度在跟黄金间接挂钩的元本(Dollar Standard)於 70 年 代初崩溃之後,从未稳定下來。
Two of new developments have been: (1) the rapid growth of banking and financial institutions based on fractional reserves and leveraging, which results in the phenomenal expansion of the money supply, liquidity and debt; and (2) the instability of the
international financial order after the
[...] collapse ofthe Dollar Standard under which the greenback wasconvertible [...]
into gold.
预期能全数收回其余之应收贸易及其它应收款项,因此并无就应收贸易及其它 应收款项确认额外亏损拨备。
The Company anticipates full recoveryof its remaining outstanding trade and other receivables; therefore, no further loss provisions have been recorded in respect of the Company’s trade and other receivables.
因此,对比於二零零九年十二月三十一日本集 团的现金及现金等价物为港币六亿八千四百四十的现金及现 金等价物减少港币三亿五千八百九十万元至二零一零年十二月三十一日的 港币三亿二千五百五十万元。
As a result, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents decreased by HK$358.9 million to HK$325.5 million at 31 December 2010 compared to HK$684.4 million at 31 December 2009.
[...] 48 条,“家庭”是社会的自然和本元有权获得社会和国家的保护。
According to article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic
of Moldova “the family” is the natural
[...] and fundamental element of the society [...]
and has the right to protection from the society and the state.
Simplified dynamic content: Expressions and data-fields are now embedded
[...] directly intotextelements with placeholders.
[...] formatting: thetext elementis now able to [...]
mix arbitrary fonts, colors and styles within one element.
维生素(英文字中 vita 指的是生命,而 amin 代表蛋白质)这个名字來自於最早的 错误印象,认为蛋白质的构成元素胺基酸是维持生命的本元
Vitamins (―vita‖ meaning life and ―amin‖ meaning protein) got their name from the misimpression that amino acids, the building blocks of protein, were the essential components for maintaining life.
因此,明确整体渔业管理和生物多样性养护目的是规划过程、MPA或MPA网络 的本元如果认为适合这些目的,则必须纳入更广泛政策和空间管理框架中。
Therefore, defining the overall fishery management
and biodiversity conservation objectives is
[...] a fundamental element of the planning [...]
process, and the MPA or MPA network, if
found to be suitable for these objectives, must be embedded within broader policy and spatial management frameworks.




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