

单词 儿媳妇

媳妇儿 ()

young married woman



young married woman
young girl engaged sb by her parents [idiom.]

See also:




young woman
young married woman
wife (of a younger man)



woman n

External sources (not reviewed)

阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其 儿 童 和 妇 女 的 权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the
rights of vulnerable groups,
[...] especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
虽然她自己以往是在家分娩,但她鼓 儿媳 K a r amjeet在卫生保健中心分娩。
Although she herself had given birth at home, she
[...] encouraged her daughter-in-law Karamjeet to [...]
give birth at a health centre.
一些与会者支持在 33C/5 中继续妇女、儿童和 弱势群体的权利纳入教科文组织的所 [...]
Several participants supported that the mainstreaming
[...] of the rights of women, youth and marginalized [...]
groups in all activities of the Organization
be maintained for document 33 C/5.
外面的条件极其恶劣和不卫生,对带 有儿的妇女或孕妇尤其如此。
The conditions outside were extremely harsh and unhygienic, particularly
[...] for those women with young babies or for pregnant women.
此外,第21A條又訂明,已婚婦人(除非 已與丈夫離婚)須當作與丈夫同姓,因此 媳 可 包括在內,但外嫁女 則不合規定。
Besides, Rule 21A also provides that a married woman (unless divorced from her husband) shall be deemed to have her husband's family surname.
在 2005 年的世界首脑会议上,世界各国领导人承诺“到 2015 年时实现国际人口与发展
[...] [...] 会议提出的普遍获得生殖保健服务的目标,并把这项目标纳入各项战略,以实现 国际商定发展目标,包括《千年宣言》所载旨在降低孕 妇 死 亡 率、改善 妇保 健、降低儿死亡 率、促进两性平等、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和消除贫困的目标” [...]
(大会第 60/1 号决议,第 57(g)段)。
At the 2005 World Summit, world leaders committed themselves to achieving “universal access to reproductive health by 2015, as set out at the International Conference on Population and Development, integrating this goal in strategies to attain the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium
Declaration, aimed at
[...] reducing maternal mortality, improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, promoting [...]
gender equality,
combating HIV/AIDS and eradicating poverty” (General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 57 (g)).
(g) 与暴力侵害妇女行为及其因果问题特别报告员和贩运人口特别 妇女 和儿童问 题特别报告员合作并协助其履行法定任务和职责,为此按要求提供一切 [...]
(g) To cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences and the Special
Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,
[...] especially in women and children, in performing [...]
their mandated tasks and duties by
supplying all information requested and responding to the Special Rapporteurs’ visits and communications.
克林顿全球倡议在 2011 年继续鼓 励对这一领域的投资和解决方法进行讨论,长老会发起了“女孩不是新娘”运动, 这是一个由非政府组织组成的全球伙伴关系,目的是终结童婚、支助童 媳 ,以 及提高对这个被忽视问题的认识。
In 2011, the Clinton Global Initiative continued to encourage discussion on investments and solutions in this area, and The Elders launched Girls Not Brides, a global partnership of non-governmental organizations to end child marriage, support child brides and raise the profile of this neglected problem.
不過,我不 知道跨部門商議家庭暴力問題時,房署有否知道現時家庭暴力事件中,涉及 的不單止是受虐的配偶,還包括兒童、兄長、兄弟 媳 婦 、 父親等。
But I do not know whether the HD has ever learnt from the inter-departmental discussions on domestic violence that those involved in such cases are not restricted to battered spouses but also include children, brothers, daughter-in-laws, fathers, and so on.
女性囚犯的囚所应具备满足妇女特殊卫生需要所要求的设施和物品,包括免 费提供卫生巾和正常供水以儿童和 妇 女 个 人护理之用,尤其是对烹制食品的妇 [...]
The accommodation of women prisoners shall have facilities and materials required to meet women’s specific hygiene needs, including sanitary towels provided free of charge and a regular supply of
water to be made available for the
[...] personal care of children and women, in particular [...]
women involved in cooking and those
who are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀
[...] 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀儿童和 妇 女 — —所有这 一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 [...]
来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out
violations of human rights, including
[...] the killing of children and women — all of this should [...]
be reason enough for the international
community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
田北俊議員:主席,我是不吸煙的,我從小至大也不吸煙,而在我家中,我 的太太不吸煙,我的兒子和女兒 ─ 而我更很高興知道 ─ 我的女婿媳婦也是不吸煙的。
MR JAMES TIEN (in Cantonese): President, I have never smoked, be it when I was young or as a grown-up, and in my family, my wife does not smoke, nor does my son or daughter, and I am also pleased to know that my son-in-law and daughter-in-law do not smoke either.
我領獎時感到孝賢這種 品德,特別是孝媳婦和 孝順女婿,對於整個社會上的家庭和諧是非常重要 的。
When I accepted the award, I had a feeling that filial piety, especially when it was extended to include sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, is crucial to harmony in the family.
(a) 把《條例》的適用範圍擴大至涵蓋前配偶/同居者及 其子女;父母和子女、配偶父母媳 婿 、及祖父母╱ 外祖父母和孫╱外孫關係;以及其他延伸的家庭關 係,包括兄弟姊妹、兄弟姊妹的配偶、配偶的兄弟姊 妹、叔伯舅姑姨、甥侄、堂兄弟姊妹或表兄弟姊妹
(a) extending its coverage to include persons formerly in spousal/cohabitation relationships and their children; to parent-son/daughter, parent-son/daughter-in-law, and grandparent-grandson/granddaughter relationships; and to other extended familial relationships including between a person and his/her brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece and cousin
此外, 有 些個案是 戶 主的兒子媳婦離婚, 而戶主 孫 兒 的 撫養權則 判 歸媳 婦;這些 個案一般也 是 無 法 處 理的。
In some cases, the son of the head of household has divorced but the custody of the grandchildren of the head of household is awarded to the daughter-in-law of the head of household.
或者设想这样的旅程,我想去看在意大利的孙子,首先由一个快递员把我从家接走,然后通过“快速通道”把我送上飞机,而另外一些人则在航程终点等我,并且把我送上火车,火车到站时我儿子 儿媳 又 来 接我?
Or imagine a trip to visit my grandchildren in Italy beginning with a courier collecting me from home and delivering me ‘fast track’ to my plane, with someone
else to meet me at the other end and put me on a train to the station where
[...] my son and daughter-in-law would collect me?
在志愿者造访了几次之后,Sein女士决定支持她 儿媳 采 取纯母乳喂养的方式抚养她的第八个、也是年龄最小的孙子Yar Pyate Oo。
After several visits by the volunteers, Ms. Sein decided to support her daughter-in-law in practicing exclusive breastfeeding for her eighth and youngest grandchild, Yar Pyate Oo.
三分之一的项目是由非政府组织实施 的,其中 15
[...] 个项目与家庭暴力有关(2003 至 2005 年由基金资助):妇女和儿童 家 庭暴力受害者开办收容所、SOS 电话,对与暴力受害者和犯罪者工作的专家进 [...]
行培训,实施赋予贫困农村妇女经济权力方案,赋予妇女暴力受害者的附加资 格。
One third of the projects were implemented by non-governmental organizations, 15 of which related to domestic violence (funded by the
Fund from 2003 to 2005): opening
[...] shelter houses for women and children who are victims [...]
of violence, SOS telephones, training
of experts for working with victims of violence and offenders, programmes of economic empowerment of impoverished rural women, additional qualifications for women who are victims of violence.
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯卫生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要
[...] 性,办法是发展和提高医疗单位档次,实行家庭保健制度,特别是在农村、边缘 化和贫穷地区,改善提供妇女、儿 童 和 老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设卫 生队的技术能力。
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to improve health care standards by developing and upgrading health care units and applying a family health regime, particularly in rural, marginalized and
deprived areas, improving the health
[...] services provided to women, children and ageing persons, [...]
and focusing on building the technical capacities of health teams.
[...] 域开展合作:(a)加强并监测关于贫困和弱 儿 童 和 妇 女 获 得并使用卫生服务的 政策、标准和战略;(b)降低穷人的保健成本,制订较少依赖自付费用的支付机 [...]
信息系统,以加强管理、服务提供和资源分配;(e)扩大妇幼保健和营养服务的 可得性、范围和质量,特别是对贫困人口;以及(f)提高保健品和营养品、药物 和疫苗的可靠性和可得性。
UNICEF will cooperate in the following areas: (a) improving and monitoring policies, standards and strategies for access to and
uptake of health services for poor
[...] and vulnerable children and women; (b) reducing [...]
health care costs for the poor and developing
payment mechanisms less reliant on out-of-pocket expenses; (c) assuring adequate capacity in health human resources, particularly in remote poor areas; (d) improving health information systems to enable improved governance and performance of services and allocation of resources; (e) increasing the availability, range and quality of maternal and child health care and nutrition services, especially for the poor; and (f) increasing the reliability and availability of health and nutrition commodities, drugs and vaccines.
[...] 国内可能在不同程度上受到排斥的特定残疾人群的情况,特别是残疾土著人、残妇女和儿童及 农村残疾人的情况,制定适应他们情况的法律、政策和方案,和 [...]
The Committee recalls that such information is indispensable to: understanding the situations of specific groups of persons with disabilities in the State party who may be subject to varying
degrees of exclusion, especially
[...] indigenous people, women and children with disabilities [...]
and persons who live in rural areas;
developing laws, policies and programmes adapted to their situations; and assessing the implementation of the Convention.
最近当选的 巴基斯坦民主政府,其表现与《宪法》和人民对一
[...] 个现代化、温和的民主政体的意愿相符,它将捍卫 一切人权并促进尊重人权,尤其妇 女 、 儿 童 和少 数民族的权利。
The vision of the recently elected democratic Government in Pakistan was consistent with the aspiration of the Constitution and the desire of the people for a modern, moderate and democratic
polity that would uphold all human rights and foster respect, especially
[...] for the rights of women, children and minorities.
(q) 还欢迎关于所有千年发展目标的各种不同的国家、区域和国际举措,包 括双边举措和通过南南合作实施的举措,以支持卫生、教育、两性平等、能源、
[...] 水和卫生、减贫和营养等部门的国家计划和战略,从而减少 妇 、 新 生 儿 和 五岁 以下儿童死亡人数。
(q) Welcoming also the various national, regional and international initiatives on all the Millennium Development Goals, including those undertaken bilaterally and through South-South cooperation, in support of national plans and strategies in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, energy, water and
sanitation, poverty reduction and nutrition as a way to
[...] reduce the number of maternal, newborn and under-five [...]
child deaths.
換言之,社會的轉變是,人們在結婚後便離開父母,因 媳 婦 、 子女 之間也會發生很多問題。
In other words, the change that has taken place is: Children would leave their parents after getting married because there would be many problems involving their relationship with their daughter-in-law, children, and so on.




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