

单词 儿媳





young married woman

媳妇儿 n

wife n


young married woman
young girl engaged sb by her parents [idiom.]

See also:


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

2.1 2000年7月11 日,儿媳妇的 一个妹妹在她儿子临时居住的岳父母的单元 房里被谋杀。
2.1 On 11 July 2000, a
[...] sister of her son's wife was murdered in the apartment of her son's parents-in-law, [...]
where he was temporarily living.
在志愿者造访了几次之后,Sein女士决定支持她 儿媳 采 取纯母乳喂养的方式抚养她的第八个、也是年龄最小的孙子Yar Pyate Oo。
After several visits by the volunteers, Ms. Sein decided to support her daughter-in-law in practicing exclusive breastfeeding for her eighth and youngest grandchild, Yar Pyate Oo.
虽然她自己以往是在家分娩,但她鼓 儿媳 K a r amjeet在卫生保健中心分娩。
Although she herself had given birth at home, she
[...] encouraged her daughter-in-law Karamjeet to [...]
give birth at a health centre.
或者设想这样的旅程,我想去看在意大利的孙子,首先由一个快递员把我从家接走,然后通过“快速通道”把我送上飞机,而另外一些人则在航程终点等我,并且把我送上火车,火车到站时我儿子 儿媳 又 来 接我?
Or imagine a trip to visit my grandchildren in Italy beginning with a courier collecting me from home and delivering me ‘fast track’ to my plane, with someone
else to meet me at the other end and put me on a train to the station where
[...] my son and daughter-in-law would collect me?
[...] 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其 儿 童 和 妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way
to promote the rights of vulnerable groups,
[...] especially children and women, [...]
and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
阿富汗还强调,该国的法律制度重视两性平等以及所 儿 童获 得平等的教育机会。
As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to
[...] education for all children, embodied in [...]
its legal system.
此外,第21A條又訂明,已婚婦人(除非 已與丈夫離婚)須當作與丈夫同姓,因此 媳 可 包括在內,但外嫁女 則不合規定。
Besides, Rule 21A also provides that a married woman (unless divorced from her husband) shall be deemed to have her husband's family surname.
论坛对持续不断的暴力侵害妇女行为表示关切,并鉴于情况的严重性,重申 其先前关于下列问题的建议:人口和色情贩卖;卖淫和跨边界问题;土著妇女失 踪或被谋杀;身份证和出生证问题;环境暴力;代代相传的创伤;青少年自杀; 和平与安全;冲突的预防和解决;女性生殖器残割或切割、彩礼和童 媳 等 文 化 习俗;种族主义和歧视;以及数据分类。
The Forum expresses its concerns regarding continued violence against women and, owing to the seriousness of these conditions, reiterates its previous recommendations regarding: human and sex trafficking; prostitution and trans-border issues; the disappearance, or murder, of aboriginal women; issues related to identification and birth certificates; environmental violence; intergenerational trauma; youth suicide; peace and security; conflict prevention and resolution; cultural practices such as female genital mutilation or cutting; bride price and promised brides; racism and discrimination; and data disaggregation.
它还注意到举报侵儿童的暴力案件的程序极其耗费时间,缺 乏作出反应和为受影响者提供照顾的全面措施。
It also noted that procedures for reporting cases of
[...] violence against children were extremely [...]
long and lacked comprehensive measures to
respond and provide care to those affected.
克林顿全球倡议在 2011 年继续鼓 励对这一领域的投资和解决方法进行讨论,长老会发起了“女孩不是新娘”运动, 这是一个由非政府组织组成的全球伙伴关系,目的是终结童婚、支助童 媳 ,以 及提高对这个被忽视问题的认识。
In 2011, the Clinton Global Initiative continued to encourage discussion on investments and solutions in this area, and The Elders launched Girls Not Brides, a global partnership of non-governmental organizations to end child marriage, support child brides and raise the profile of this neglected problem.
不過,我不 知道跨部門商議家庭暴力問題時,房署有否知道現時家庭暴力事件中,涉及 的不單止是受虐的配偶,還包括兒童、兄長、兄弟 媳 婦 、 父親等。
But I do not know whether the HD has ever learnt from the inter-departmental discussions on domestic violence that those involved in such cases are not restricted to battered spouses but also include children, brothers, daughter-in-laws, fathers, and so on.
我領獎時感到孝賢這種 品德,特別是孝媳婦和 孝順女婿,對於整個社會上的家庭和諧是非常重要 的。
When I accepted the award, I had a feeling that filial piety, especially when it was extended to include sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, is crucial to harmony in the family.
許多㆟都知道有關㆒個姓李的老婆婆的個案:她的兒子 媳 婦 帶 她到 澳門,蓄意將他遺棄,在水翼船碼頭被發現時幾成餓殍。
Like the well publicized case of Mrs LEE HO Min-ching, who was taken to Macau by her son and daughter-in-law and deliberately abandoned there.
在 2010/11 年度期间,稳定团与海地政府、国家机构、非政府组织以及联合 国一道,致力于:(a) 提升民间社会团体通过参与重建工作倡导社会和经济权利的 能力;(b) 协助政府报告、预防和应对侵犯人权,特别是侵 儿 童 和妇女权利的行 为:(c) 确保在向受地震影响的脆弱人群提供人道主义援助时采用保护的原则和标 准,并在提供援助过程中与地方当局密切协调;以及(d) 向国家警察提供临时的后 勤和技术专家支持,以便向暴力行为和虐待行为的受害者,包括主要发生在流离失 所者营地的性暴力和性别暴力儿童 和 妇女受害者提供援助。
During the 2010/11 period, the Mission worked with the Government of Haiti, State institutions, NGOs and the United Nations country team to: (a) promote the capacity of civil society groups to advocate social and economic rights through participation in the reconstruction process; (b) assist the Government to report, prevent
and respond to
[...] human rights violations, with particular regard to the rights of children and women; (c) ensure that humanitarian assistance to vulnerable persons affected by the earthquake incorporated the principles and standards on protection and was provided in close coordination with local authorities; and (d) provide temporary logistical and technical expert support to the national police to assist children and women victims of abuse [...]
and violence, including
sexual and genderbased violence mainly in camps of displaced persons.
此外, 有 些個案是 戶 主的兒子媳婦離婚, 而戶主 孫 兒 的 撫養權則 判 歸媳 婦;這些 個案一般也 是 無 法 處 理的。
In some cases, the son of the head of household has divorced but the custody of the grandchildren of the head of household is awarded to the daughter-in-law of the head of household.
在 125 000名居於住戶內而須獲別人照顧的殘疾人士中,有82.9%是與照顧 者同住,在這些照顧者中有三成是他們的配偶,有兩成九是子女、女婿媳婦。
Among the 125 000 persons with disability living at home and have to be taken care of by others, 82.9% of them live with their carers, while 30% of these carers are their spouses, 29% are their children, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law.
當父母媳之間產生磨擦的時候, 老㆟多半因為生活㆖需依賴媳而忍氣吞聲,完全沒有個㆟自尊可言。
Moreover, whenever there are quarrels between the old and the younger generations, the aged ones will mostly have to swallow their grievances because of their reliance on the young ones, and this hurts their self-respect.
田北俊議員:主席,我是不吸煙的,我從小至大也不吸煙,而在我家中,我 的太太不吸煙,我的兒子和女兒 ─ 而我更很高興知道 ─ 我的女婿媳婦也是不吸煙的。
MR JAMES TIEN (in Cantonese): President, I have never smoked, be it when I was young or as a grown-up, and in my family, my wife does not smoke, nor does my son or daughter, and I am also pleased to know that my son-in-law and daughter-in-law do not smoke either.
然而,根據經驗 , 大多數個案 都 以 虐 待 配 偶 為 主,少 數 則 涉 及家庭糾紛 ,例如媳糾 紛 、 或 父 母 與 未 成年子 女的爭 執 。
A small portion were other types of family dispute, for example, in-law conflicts and conflicts between parents and their adult children.
主席,如果是兄 弟或媳同住 ,而申請人不想告訴另一人,那又怎樣呢?
President, if one lives with one's brother or if a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live together but one does not want to let other people know, what then?
(a) 把《條例》的適用範圍擴大至涵蓋前配偶/同居者及 其子女;父母和子女、配偶父母媳 婿 、及祖父母╱ 外祖父母和孫╱外孫關係;以及其他延伸的家庭關 係,包括兄弟姊妹、兄弟姊妹的配偶、配偶的兄弟姊 妹、叔伯舅姑姨、甥侄、堂兄弟姊妹或表兄弟姊妹
(a) extending its coverage to include persons formerly in spousal/cohabitation relationships and their children; to parent-son/daughter, parent-son/daughter-in-law, and grandparent-grandson/granddaughter relationships; and to other extended familial relationships including between a person and his/her brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece and cousin
我每星 期接見市民時,也經常會接見很多前來求助的長者,他們求助是因為兒女媳婦對 他們不好,令他們面對很多困難。
They come because their children or daughters-in-law are not nice to them and so they run into a lot of difficulties.
這是劉曉波先 生的弟弟寫給死去的父親和繫獄的哥哥的,一家三口,還 媳 婦 劉 霞 人海失蹤1年,只因為她的丈夫獲諾貝爾和平獎。
This was written by the younger brother of Mr LIU Xiao-bo for his deceased father and imprisoned elder brother. There were three persons in the family and also the daughter-in-law, LIU Xia, who vanished merely because her husband was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
因此,在公民教育方面,我們希望局長多推 廣孝順兒女、孝媳婦和孝順女婿,這是更重要的。
Therefore, with respect to civic education, we hope that the Secretary can promote filial piety among the sons and daughters, and the daughters-in-law and the sons-in-law.
这方面的例子从古到今数不胜数,包括性贩运、卖淫、抵押劳工、剥削海 外合同工、妇女在境内流离失所、土著妇女失踪或被害、政治迫害或责难、环境 暴力;残割或切割女性生殖器、聘金和童 媳 等 文 化习俗以及种族主义和歧视。
There are numerous historical and contemporary examples, including sex trafficking, prostitution, bonded labour, the exploitation of overseas contract workers, the internal displacement of women, the disappearance or murder of aboriginal women, witch-hunting or witch-blaming and environmental violence, and cultural practices such as female genital mutilation or cutting, bride price and promised brides as well as racism and discrimination.
換言之,社會的轉變是,人們在結婚後便離開父母,因 媳 婦 、 子女 之間也會發生很多問題。
In other words, the change that has taken place is: Children would leave their parents after getting married because there would be many problems involving their relationship with their daughter-in-law, children, and so on.
這裏包括(a)至 (o)款 ─ 大家聽一聽 ─ 包括父親、母 親、繼父、繼母、配偶、配偶的母親、配偶的父親、領養父母、繼父母、孫、 孫女、外孫女、繼孫、繼孫女、媳 婦 、 外孫女婿,還要說明不論全血親、 半血親或憑藉領養關係,還有其他甚麼繼父母、繼子女、甥女、表兄弟、表 姐妹、堂兄弟或堂姐妹,這裏寫滿一整頁紙。
There is a long list set out from subclauses (a) to (o). Members can just listen to this: It includes father, mother, step-father, step-mother, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, adoptive parent, step-parent, grandson, granddaughter, step-grandson, step-granddaughter, granddaughter-in-law, grandson-in-law, and there is even the specification of "full blood or half blood or by virtue of adoption", and there are step-parent, step children, niece, nephew or cousin; all these are written on one full page.
另 一方面, 我們也可見現時香港家 庭 中的老 人家,當 其 子 女媳婦或 女 婿 等失業 或入息減少時,境況也是 很 淒 涼 的 。
On the other hand, we can also see that the elderly of some Hong Kong families are also in very pitiable circumstances because their children, daughters-in-law or sons-in-law, and so on, have lost their jobs or are earning less income.




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