

单词 儿化韵

See also:


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant)
beautiful sound

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 需要制定公共政策并启动各项方案,通过短期、中期和长期办 化 解 儿 童 的 困境。
The plight of children directly affects the social well-being and development of all societies, and there is an urgent need to
develop public policies and launch programmes aimed at addressing
[...] the plight of children in the short, [...]
medium and long terms.
化妆品方面,韵诗实 验室已经证实了猴面包树叶的功效,富含抗自由基类黄酮,可以让细胞交流免受紫外线的有害影响。
In cosmetics, Clarins Laboratories have demonstrated [...]
the capacity of baobab leaves, which are rich in anti-free radical
flavonoids, to protect cellular communication against the harmful effects of UV.
政府通过履行这些国际承诺,致力于促进公民权利和政治权利、经济、社 会和化权利及儿童权 利,消除酷刑和一切形式的歧视。
Through these international commitments, the Government has undertaken to promote civil and
political rights as well as
[...] economic, social and cultural rights, and children rights, and [...]
eliminate torture and all forms of discrimination.
他曾先后在墨西哥韵诗(Clarins)化妆 品 公司从事营销,并在一家化妆品品牌和一家软件开发公司从事客户关系管理。
Christophe's expertise goes from marketing at CLARINS in Mexico to CRM for a major cosmetic brand and a CRM software specialist.
购买韵诗FEED 25系化妆包
With the purchase of a Clarins FEED 25 bag, 25 meals will be provided through the WFP.
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在 韵 诗 专 利 化 合 物 锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing
properties thanks to its high
[...] content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined [...]
it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside,
a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
从教学的角度来说,该介绍者指出,气候 化教 育儿童为 中心,应具有参与性,促进批判性思考和解决问题的能力,并发展 [...]
From a pedagogical perspective, the presenter stated
[...] that climate change education needs to be child-centered and [...]
participatory, promote critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, and develop adaptive capacities and resilience.
有些人表示,有必要列入一项关于保护弱势者的条款,如儿童、老人、残疾 人和孕妇,并建议重申驱逐中儿童 利 益最 化 原 则
A view was expressed supporting the inclusion of a provision on the protection of vulnerable persons, such as children, the elderly, persons with disabilities and pregnant women.
在这方面,鼓励安全理事会考虑将招募和利用儿童列入所 有制裁委员会包括反恐委员会的任务范围内,以 化儿 童 与 武装冲突问题工作组 与各制裁委员会之间的资料共享,并确保更经常地邀请我的特别代表将列载在我 的报告内的按照安全理事会的第 [...]
1612(2005)号决议的框架编制的具体资料向他 们简报,以及说明必要的行动。
In that regard, the Council is encouraged to consider including child recruitment and use in the mandate of all its sanction committees,
including counter-terrorism
[...] committees, to streamline the sharing of information between its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict [...]
and its sanctions
committees, and to ensure that my Special Representative is invited to brief them on a more regular basis on specific information contained in my reports prepared in the framework of Council resolution 1612 (2005) and necessary actions.
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合, 韵 诗 实 验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。
By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions.
This professional brush was designed by Clarins make-up team.
这里有着丰富的Catalan 历史与化韵味,是Cote d’Azur 外围滨临地中海的最热门地区,而价格很具竞争力。
It is buzzing with culture and Catalan history [...]
and is the most sought after area on the Mediterranean outside of the Côte
d’Azur and prices here are actually almost on a par with them.
以下联合国机构派代表出席了会议:联合国防治荒 化 公 约 、联 合儿童基 金会、联合国开发计划署、联合国环境规划署、联合国人 类住区规划署、国际减灾战略机构间秘书处、人道主义事务协调厅、 [...]
Representatives of the following United Nations bodies
attended: United Nations
[...] Convention to Combat Desertification; United Nations Children’s Fund; United [...]
Nations Development Programme;
United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Human Settlements Programme; Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction; Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; Office for Outer Space Affairs; and United Nations Population Fund.
这一举措包括推动态度改变的全国性运动,审查现行有关儿 童的立法,争取进一步化儿童和 青年的权利。
This initiative includes a nationwide campaign to promote a change of attitude and a review of existing legislation on children aimed at further strengthening the rights of children and youth.
茶包装的文字也是设计的重要部分,一个包装可以没有任何装饰,但不能没有文字,正如同一个人一样,他一定有名字,茶包装的文字一定要简洁、明了,充分体现商品属性,不易用过于繁锁的字体和不易辨认的字,太生硬有尖角的字体出不太适合,茶是传统性和民族性较强的商品,中国的书法艺术又有着悠久的历史,而且有根强的艺术性和观赏性,能适当地运用书法来体现茶 化 主 厚的 底 韵 , 体 现中华民族悠久的 化 历 史 ,那是最好的,但要用易懂、易读,易辨认的字体,太草或不清楚的字体要少用,一定要考虑到消费者的辨识力,要使人一目了然。
Design tea packaging text is an important part of a package without any decoration, but not without a text, like the same person, he must have a name, the tea packaging the text must be simple, clear, fully embodies the product attributes, not easy to use too cumbersome font and not easy to identify the word, too stiff, pointed fonts out less suitable tea is a tradition and a strong national character of the commodity, and has a long history in the Chinese art of calligraphy, and strong root artistry and ornamental use
calligraphy to reflect the
[...] main thick end rhyme tea culture, reflecting the long cultural history of the Chinese nation, it [...]
is the best, but to
use and easy to understand, easy to read, legible font, too grass or the unclear font to use less discerning consumers, we must take into account to make a glance.
富有优雅精韵味的 意大利厨具,新的厨房生活方式的设计灵感激发了高水准的技术创新。
An Italian kitchen with a sophisticated appeal, where design inspired by the new live-in kitchen concept also provides a high degree of technological innovation.
联合国儿童基金会的因诺琴蒂研究中心最近进行的研究关注工 化 世 界 中弱 儿 童 的 成长问题。
Disadvantaged children
[...] growing up in the industrialized world are the focus of the latest study by UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Centre.
应特别 注意确保将边化儿童和 弱势儿童,如受剥削儿童、流浪儿童或难民儿童,纳入 旨在征求相关立法和政策程序意见的协商进程。
Particular attention needs to be paid to ensuring that marginalized and disadvantaged children, such as exploited children, street children or refugee children, are not excluded from consultative processes designed to elicit views on relevant legislation and policy processes.
对于边化儿童而 言,这个特点特别令 人担忧,因为更大的同伴压力和家庭压力会迫使他们辍学,在完成学业之前进入 [...]
This feature is particularly
[...] alarming for marginalized children, as it exacerbates [...]
peer and household pressure for non-completion
and entry into the labour market prior to completion.
宣传工作以促进公平为重心,强调尊重和保护儿童权利,特别是最脆 弱、贫困和边化儿童的权利。
Advocacy efforts emphasize respect for and
[...] protection of children’s rights, especially for the most vulnerable, poor and marginalized, focusing on equity.
敬请期待每晚两场风格迥异的演出,满足您对怀旧经典、流行歌剧、特技表演、经典流行 韵 味 舞蹈的所有偏好。
Look forward to two different shows every
[...] night to suit every taste from old-style [...]
variety, popular opera and circus acrobatics
to classic pop and sensual dance performances.
(v) 帮助会员国发展全纳式教育的政策和机制,为边 化儿 童 提供基础教育; (vi) 遵照并实施 77 国集团和中国第二次南方首脑会议提出的《多哈行动计划》 第 55(b)段的内容,该段呼吁建立促进实施教育合作计划的南南教育合作 基金,目的在于使发展中国家能够实现《达喀尔行动纲领》的全民教育目标 和关于扫盲的《千年发展目标》,包括在发展中国家之间和在发展中国家内 部交流开展试点教育项目的经验,并在执行局第一七四届会议上讨论设立这 一计划的财务影响。
(vi) act upon and implement paragraph 55(b) of the Doha Plan of Action, issued at the Second South Summit of the Group of 77 and China, calling for the establishment of a South-South cooperation fund for education that facilitates the implementation of a cooperation programme in education, with the objectives of enabling developing countries to meet the objectives of the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All and the Millennium Development Goals related to literacy, including through the exchange of experiences in the conduct of pilot projects in education among and within developing countries, and discuss the financial implications of creating such a programme at the 174th session of the Executive Board
问题的报告(S/2010/181)所载的建议,特别是鼓励安 全理事会化在其儿童与 武装冲突问题工作组同各 制裁委员会之间交流信息的手续,并邀请特别代表就 其职权范围以内的具体信息更加定期地向这些机构 进行通报。
We have read with interest the recommendations contained in the
report of the
[...] Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2010/181), in particular that encouraging the Security Council to streamline the sharing of [...]
information between its
Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and its sanctions committees and to invite the Special Representative to brief those bodies on a more regular basis on specific information that comes under her remit.
决定列入第六次会议议程的事项还有无歧视平等的享有教育机会的权 利(为弱势边化儿童和 他们的家庭采取的特别临时措施、少数人群体语言教育、性别问 [...]
It also decided to include the non-discrimination and equality of educational opportunities dimension of that right
(temporary special measures for
[...] disadvantaged and marginalized children and their families; [...]
minority language education; gender
dimension) on the agenda for its sixth meeting.
规划提供照料及确保永久性的工作应特别基于下列几点,从而避免分离:儿 童对其家庭属何种依恋关系,程度如何;家庭保障儿童福祉和协调发展的能力; 儿童感受身为家庭一员的需要或愿望;儿童留在所处社区和国家的必要性 儿童 的文化、语言和宗教背景儿童与兄弟姐妹的关系等。
Planning for care provision and permanency should be based on, notably, the nature and quality of the child’s attachment to his/her family, the family’s capacity to safeguard the child’s well-being and harmonious development, the child’s need or desire to feel part of a family, the desirability of the child remaining within
his/her community and
[...] country, the child’s cultural, linguistic and religious background, and the child’s relationships with siblings, with a view to avoiding their separation.
为了使儿童保护工作主化,儿童保 护股培训了联海稳定团人员,包括 173 名联合国警察、654 名军事人员和 15 名文职人员、43 名保护未成年人特警队成 员和海地国家警察 978 名学员,内容是促进和保护儿童权利,重点强调易受害儿 童和需要特殊保护的儿童。
In an effort to mainstream child protection work, the Child Protection Unit trained MINUSTAH personnel, including 173 United Nations police, 654 military personnel, and 15 civilian staff, as well as 43 officers of the Brigade de protection des mineurs and 978 cadets of the Haitian National Police, on the promotion and protection of child rights, with a particular focus on vulnerable children and those in need of special protection.
厄里斯给了他们所有的最糟糕的噩梦:Calissa不能游泳,沉入海洋底部的Kattrin在一切变得缓慢;雷纳塔成为害怕和胆怯;李 韵 成 了 一个丑陋的鱼;米拉贝拉被封闭在一个狭小的空间。
Eris gave them all their worst nightmares: Calissa was unable to swim and sunk to the bottom of the ocean; Kattrin became slow at everything; Renata became scared and timid; Selena became an ugly fish; and Mirabella became enclosed in a tight space.
香传”系列月饼礼盒设计雅致简约,分红金两色,寓意吉祥富贵,而缎面玉兰花刺绣的巧妙运用不仅具有锦上添花的效果,更完美诠释了中国传统 化 的 独 特艺 韵 味 , 具有很高的观赏价值,让礼盒可以循环利用。
This year’s selection of themed packaging has a more natural style that is simple, noble and elegant.




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