单词 | 像话 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:不像话—shocking outrageous unreasonable See also:像n—imagen portraitn 像—be like resemble look as if image under a mapping (math.)
本文的主要目的在於提出一种影音多媒体服务平台架构,同时提供 [...] SIP 与 Web 兩 种介面,藉以提供多款影像话机多种撷取管道。 chttl.com.tw | In this paper, an NGN Multimedia Middleware Adaptation System is introduced, which is equipped [...] with both SIP and Web domain signaling interfaces and aims to provide multi-channel [...] accesses by a variety ofvideophones. chttl.com.tw |
由於需求殷切,该系列加入全新的mi6879 Mini电话,配备特大彩色液晶显示屏,专为电话图像、电话壁纸或来电图像颢示而设。 vtech.com.hk | With demand high, the new mi6879 [...] “mini” joins the line-up with an extra-large color LCD, [...] perfect for icons andimages for wallpaper or Picture [...]Caller ID. vtech.com.hk |
水陆双栖的鬣蜥蜴倘佯在阳光遍洒的黑色火成岩上,看起来就像神话里的龙。 iwc.com | Basking in the sunshine on the igneous black rock, the iguanas – both terrestrial and marine [...] varieties – look more likefairy-tale dragons. iwc.com |
深受金融界客户赞赏,Servcorp拥有强大而稳定的全球互联网络糸统,提供Cisco IP视像电话,全天候监控及保证99.98%网络正常运行时间。 servcorp.com.hk | The stable internet connection with 99.98 per cent uptime and Cisco IP video phone, monitored around the clock by the global IT network, are appreciated by financial clients. servcorp.com.hk |
摄影机具备高质量影片效能,能清晰捕捉每一个画面细节,让您与家人或朋友的视像通话体验更生动逼真,犹如面对面交谈。 samsung.com | Bring your home entertainment system to life with Samsung’s [...] stylish yet easy-to-installvideo camera. samsung.com |
据 估计,长者、身体残障人士及妇女料理家务者可能是 3 類最不愿意学习使 用资讯及通讯科技器材的人;22 [...] 为了帮助他们打破數码隔膜,特区政府应与 电话营办商合作提供视像电话,让这些弱势群体利用电话的多媒体功能, [...]使他们较易於取得及使用政府服务。 procommons.org.hk | The elderly, the physically impaired and the female homemakers are the three categories of people who are most likely to be reluctant to learn and use “advanced” ICT tools like computers for the sake of using government services.22 In order to break the digital exclusion from these three groups of people, the Government may collaborate [...] with telecom providers for the provision [...] of video-screenphones,so that the underprivileged [...]could access information and [...]electronic services by the Government through the new type of phones. procommons.org.hk |
丽台科技自创业迄今,25年来创造Leadtek 及WinFast等品牌,以及专业绘图卡、电视卡、影像电话等产品奠定绘图产业领导者的基础,在同业竞争者中,Leadtek品牌一直都是名列前茅,在经济部国际贸易局主办「2008年台湾国际品牌价值调查」中,丽台获得「品牌潜力之星」奖项。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Based on the well experience team of manufacturing [...] professional graphics cards, TV [...] tunersand videophones, Leadtek creates WinFast brand for delivering a performance leader image of graphics [...]computing in global [...]markets. Concentrated our efforts on branding, Leadtek was awarded the "Potential Star" from "The 2008 Taiwan Global Brands Value Survey" organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
於合约固定期内,客户可免费打出或接收另一eye家居智能电话组合 / eye家居平板电脑通讯组合/ eye2通讯组合 / eye多媒睇服务 (「eye系列」) 及/或PCCW mobile服务(视像通话需配合指定月费计划及手机须支援该功能)之本地视像通话。 pccweye.com | The Customer can receive or make free local video calls from/to eye Home Smartphone Package / eye Home Tablet Communication Package / eye2 Communication Package / eye Multimedia Service (“eye Series”) and/or PCCW mobile service (video call is applicable to specific service plan subscription and handset models only) during the Fixed Term. pccweye.com |
1991 年诺贝尔奖得主、缅甸政治领袖昂山素姬女士, 今天(5 月 30 日)在缅甸仰光透过视像对话,与出席的港大成员及公众人士共同探讨当今世界的重大议题。 hku.hk | Burmese political leader, the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi was engaged in an afternoon's dialogue and interaction with members of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the public across a broad set of contemporary issues through a televised transmission from Burma. hku.hk |
视像对话须配备内置 FaceTime 镜头、iSight 镜头 (内置或外接)、USB 视频类别 (UVC) 镜头或 FireWire 摄录机,以及串流上传和下传速度达 128 Kbps 的互联网连线。 mammals.org | Video calls require a built-in FaceTime camera, an iSight camera (built in or external), a USB video class (UVC) camera, or a FireWire DV camcorder, and a 128-Kbps upstream and downstream Internet connection. mammals.org |
这些应用程式不仅可以让你浏览网络、进行 FaceTime 视像通话、传送讯息、管理联络资讯以及完成日常工作,它们还可以互相配合使用,在提升生产力之余,亦为你带来更多乐趣。 carbon.com | Not only do they let you surf the web, make FaceTime video calls, send messages, manage your contacts and accomplish other day-to-day tasks, they also work together to make you more productive — and let you have more fun. carbon.com |
除了大众传媒以外,传播渠道还包括人际传媒和小媒介,像传单、电话、网络等。 hkupop.hku.hk | Media, after all, refer not only to a specific group of organizations but also to spaces and channels for communication. hkupop.hku.hk |
那种感觉就像小时候在风扇前说话,然後话好像被吹走似的。 4tern.com | The experience is similar to talking in front of a fan. 4tern.com |
电话的显示屏提供影像,加上话音,即使是长者或低学歷人 士也会觉得这样的「高科技」资讯及通讯科技产品较易於亲近及操作的。 procommons.org.hk | Aided by visualimage fromthe screen and voice in those phones, eventhe elderly [...] or people of low education level will [...]find these “high-tech” ICT tools more user-friendly. procommons.org.hk |
隐藏您的影像,不让通话对象看到。 garminasus.com | hide yourimage from the other person on the call. garminasus.com |
有了 HQ 音质,我们的 DECT 电话为您带来一流的音质,就像是面对面对话般清晰。 philips.com.tw | With HQ Sound, ourDECT phonesoffersuperior sound quality: So good, itfeelslike talking face [...] to face. philips.com.my |
对於当地的联络人(与您在同一国家) 您只需要输入他们的电话号码,就像给他们打电话时一样。 whatsapp.com | For local contacts (inside of your country) all you have to do is [...] enter the phone number as if you were calling them onthe phone. whatsapp.com |
她虽然仍在昏迷中,但每次 当我们在她耳边说话时,她都有激动的反应,好像想跟我们说话一样。 mccc.org | Although she was unconscious, she reacted with emotion every time we spoke in her ear, as if she wanted to talkto us. mccc.org |
在食堂打一种食品,它表明,Lena是凶器的盟友,因为她给他发了强大的源作为blutonium称为和爱上了他,用他的话说联系时,她像猫王假发。 zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | After a food fight in the cafeteria, it is revealed that Lena is an ally of Shanker’s as she has sent him a [...] powerful source known as blutonium and is in love with him as he [...] puts on an Elvis Presley-likewig when contacting her. nl.seekcartoon.com |
民意网站》今日刊载的调查,属於访员执行的随机抽样电话访问,目标对像为18岁或以上操粤语的香港市民。 hkupop.hku.hk | The new poll released in the POP [...] Site today is a random telephone surveyconducted by interviewers, [...]targeting at Cantonese [...]speakers in Hong Kong of age 18 or above. hkupop.hku.hk |
这栋屋子如同一场恶梦,张坎蒂(音译,Candy [...] Chang)是艺术家兼平面设计师,住处距离这栋美国纽奥良的房屋仅几个街区,她表示,「自从卡翠娜飓风过後,房子积了许多灰尘与涂鸦,看来相当破败,好像格林童话里的场景」。 thisbigcity.net | It had been collecting dust and graffiti since Katrina and there was something very shabby and Brothers [...] Grimm about it,” says Candy Chang, an artist and graphic [...] designer who lives justa few blocks from the [...]place in New Orleans. thisbigcity.net |
请确认您的流动电话已启用流动数据服务并已安装浏览器,而且您的流动服务供应商并无堵截您的流动电话图像下载功能。 dragonair.com | Make sure that your mobile device is equipped with data [...] access functionality and a web browser, and that [...] your mobile service provider does not block imagedownloadsto your device. dragonair.com |
新世界电讯之商业宽频服务提供一系列频宽选择,覆盖逾95%商业地区的高速宽频互联网接驳,能让企业轻松连接伺服器、处理电邮、进行遥距局域网(LAN)连接、FTP传输、视像会议、网上电话(VoIP)及发展电子商贸等。 newworldtel.com | Through a suite of bandwidth selections, NWT covers over 95% of commercial areas, providing 'always-on' high-speed Internet access for all types of businesses and a reliable connection to access or host servers, [...] handle e-mail with voice/video, access remote LAN, deliver FTP [...] transfer, conduct videoconferencing,VoIPand e-Commerce. newworldtel.com |
3.6 委员会成员可透过电话或视像会议或电子或其它通讯设备參与会议,而该 委员和其它委员均能听对方說话,该委员以上述方式參与会议将等同出席 [...] 会议并计入第3.3条所述的法定出席人數内。 slogp.com | 3.6 Members of the Committee may participate in the [...] Committee meetings by telephone or videoconference [...]or electronic or other communications [...]facilities provided that each member can hear and be heard by all other members throughout the meeting and such participation shall constitute presence for purposes of the quorum provision of clause 3.3. slogp.com |
董 事会会议或董事会的任何委员会会议可以电话或视像会议或任何其他电 讯设备方式召开,惟所有与会者须能够透过声音与任何其他参与者同步沟 [...] 通,且根据本条文参加会议将构成亲身出席有关会议。 sitoy.com | A meeting of the Board or any committee of the Board may be [...] held by means ofa telephone ortele-conferencing [...]or any other telecommunications facility [...]provided that all participants are thereby able to communicate contemporaneously by voice with all other participants and participation in a meeting pursuant to this provision shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. sitoy.com |
由Denny起重机的电话突然响起,像“星际迷航传播者,咬评论Chraktere行业内的一系列变化或漫画的的蝨子威胁野生鲑鱼在美国克林组件被称为他们的鱼保持和说einzecken。 serientrends.de | Does the phonebyDenny Crane suddenly ringing like aStar Trekcommunicator, [...] biting comments Chraktere be made to changing [...]occupations within the series or the comic lice threaten wild salmon stocks in the U.S. Kling-ons are called as they fish on the hold and speak einzecken. serientrends.de |
Sniffer Technologies 提供至可信赖的系统监察、问题排解及网络报告方案,全面满足企业在商务网站、互联网应用、综合式话音、视像及数据网络、无线局域网、高速交换及光纤网络上极高的可用性及保安需求。 ipress.com.hk | As one of the most trusted providers of monitoring, troubleshooting, and network visualisation solutions, Sniffer Technologies' solution set is designed to meet the demanding availability and security requirements of organisations' Web sites; Internet applications; converged voice, video, and data networks; wireless local area networks (LANs); and high speed switched and optical networks. ipress.com.hk |