单词 | 像样的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 像样的 adjective—decent adjSee also:像样 v—suit you v 像样—up par
需 要提供基础设施服务来促进经济活动,由于缺乏投资和受到忽略 , 像样的 生 活质 量和区域一体化方面情况也恶化了。 daccess-ods.un.org | Infrastructure services required to facilitate economic activity, a decent quality of life and regional integration have also deteriorated, owing to disinvestment and neglect. daccess-ods.un.org |
(一) 对囚室和床位的分派进行监督,确保所有囚犯都可免费分得一 个 像样 的床位 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Monitoring the assignment of cells and beds to ensure that all inmates have a decent place to sleep without being obliged to pay for it daccess-ods.un.org |
青年是世界上人数最多的群体,受到世 [...] 界上经济、社会和环境挑战的最大影响,并在教育、 健康、像样的工作及最低生活标准等方面面临极大困 难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Young people represent the most numerous group in the world and are the most affected by the world’s economic, social and environmental [...] challenges and face great difficulties in the areas of access to [...] education, health, decent work and minimum [...]living standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,迫切 需要找出新的发展道路,要能够确保环境可持续性,扭转对生态的破坏,并且让 全人类今天和明天都能过上像样的生 活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, there is an urgent need to find new development pathways which would ensure environmental sustainability and reverse ecological destruction, while managing to provide, now and in the future, a decent livelihood for all of humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
该领土财富的不均衡 分配非常令人关切,因为有超过四分之一人口生活在贫困线以下,很多人没 有像 样的住房。 daccess-ods.un.org | The uneven distribution of wealth in the Territory was of great concern, as over a quarter of the population lived below the poverty line and many did not have decent housing. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,在较富裕的国家,虽然有现成的资源,但许多青 年却在离开学校时无法取得像样的资 格 ,其他一些人被安排在远离主流教育的 各类特殊教育机构中,还有一些人干脆选择辍学,因为学校所教的与他们的生 活似乎毫无关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Meanwhile, in wealthier countries— despite the resources that are available—many young people leave school with no worthwhile qualifications, others are placed in various forms of special provision away from mainstream educational experiences, and some simply choose to drop out since what is taught at school seems irrelevant to their lives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
食品价格太高了,”诺特尔女士说,“即使加上补贴和我每月的政府养老金也没法让孩子们吃一 顿 像样的 饭。 unicef.org | Food is now too expensive,” says [...] Ms. Ntlale. unicef.org |
然而,为了使发展中国 家的人口,特别是当前还生活在赤贫之中的几十亿人,以及到本世纪中叶全球还 会再增加的 20 亿人,都能过上像样的生活 ,还需要有更大得多的经济进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order for populations in developing countries to achieve a decent living standard — especially the billions who currently still live in conditions of abject poverty, and the additional 2 billion people who will have been added to the world’s population by mid-century — much greater economic progress will be needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
继续努力提高所有利比里亚人的生活水平,为其提 供 像样的 住 房 、更 好的医疗照顾、改善的教育机会、电力、饮用水、公路网络等 daccess-ods.un.org | Continue efforts to improve the standard of living for all Liberians by providing decent housing, better health care, improved educational opportunities, electricity, potable water, road networks, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有在司法部有人来视察时才能吃到 像样的 食 物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Decent food is served only when there is a visit by a commission of the Ministry of Justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们没有安全的游乐区,没有计算机房,甚至没 有 像样的 浴 室。 unicef.org | We don’t have a safe play area, a [...] computer lab or even proper bathrooms”, [...]she added. unicef.org |
在制定艾滋病毒预防、 治疗、护理和管理的全面战略时,必须考虑到营养、 饮水供应、教育、像样的生活 条件等因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certain factors, such as nutrition, access to drinking water, education, decent living conditions and others, must be taken into consideration in developing a comprehensive strategy for HIV prevention, treatment, care and management. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外一方面而言,.NET具有很好且文档齐备的函数库,很 多 像样的 项 目 在各处都冒了出来。 infoq.com | NET on the other hand, had it's great and documented library, with decent projects popping up everywhere. infoq.com |
( 组织结构图和责任手册) ;编写监狱体系内的职位说明;制定、提出 并实施监狱系统选拔程序;制定、提出并实施监狱系统升职程序;为重新设计这 些程序制定计划并实施;禁止工作人员在监狱区域内携带现金,并监督禁令的执 行;由最高主管人员负责监督牢房及床位分配,以确保每名囚犯都 有 像样的住 宿,且不必为此支付费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of corruption, the proposed measures include: establishing a policy for re-engineering the prison administration system and a new organizational structure (organization chart and handbook of responsibilities); formulating job description profiles in the prison system; designing, proposing and implementing a selection process for the prison service; designing, proposing and implementing a promotion process for the prison service; designing and implementing a plan for re-engineering these processes; prohibiting staff from carrying money within prison premises and overseeing enforcement of the ban; making the most senior authority responsible for monitoring the assignment of cells and beds in order to ensure that each prisoner has a decent place to sleep without having to pay for it. daccess-ods.un.org |
外地各级工作人员告诉小组,缺乏 像样的 卫 生 条件、 适合居住的住所和基本娱乐设施如何影响到人员、特别是妇女的留用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Field staff at all levels told the Group how the lack of decent sanitary [...] conditions, livable accommodation and basic recreational [...]facilities negatively affected retention rates, particularly for women. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果不解决青年面临的发展挑战,包括社会排 斥、失业、就业不足、缺乏像样的工 作机会、贫困和 缺乏技能,青年就不可能进行充分的参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | The full participation of youth will [...] not be possible if the development challenges that youth face — including social exclusion, unemployment, underemployment, lack of decent work [...]opportunities, poverty, [...]and the lack of skills — are not addressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
全世界大约有 30 亿人每日生活费不到 2.50 美 元,有2亿多人每天甚至连一顿像样的 饭 菜 都吃不上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Approximately, 3 billion of the world’s people live on less than $2.50 a day, and over 200 million people live without even having one proper meal per day. daccess-ods.un.org |
吉尔吉斯斯坦提请联合国会员国和国际社 会注意吉尔吉斯监狱的恶劣状况,呼吁捐助方帮助该 国为囚犯,特别是服无期徒刑者提供 像样的 条 件 ,并 为获释囚犯重新融入社会提供便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | He drew attention to the substandard conditions of prisons in Kyrgyzstan and called on donor countries to help it create decent conditions for prisoners — including those serving life sentences — and to facilitate their social reinsertion upon release from prison. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为其新规划方 [...] 法的一部分,工程处定出了三个人类发展目标:健康长寿;获得知识和技能 ;像 样的生活水准。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of its new planning approach, the Agency has identified [...] three human development goals: a long and healthy life; acquired knowledge and [...] skills; and a decent standard of living. daccess-ods.un.org |
议员们应该提倡那些旨在为尽可能多的人提供教育 和 像样的 就 业 机会 的政策,认识到教育和就业是增强人们的能力的工具,使他们能够维持 生计。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parliamentarians should promote policies designed to provide education and decent employment for the greatest possible number of people, recognizing that education and employment are the means of empowering people and enabling them to secure their livelihood. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,消除绝对贫穷方案确保所有学龄前的贫 困儿童能上学,并得到一顿像样的午 餐 ,并对其父母进行培训,使他们能找到一 份具有可持续收入的体面工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the eradication of absolute poverty programme ensures that all poor children of pre-primary schoolgoing age attend school and are provided with a decent lunch, and their parents are trained to find a decent job with sustainable income. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们仍然有以下的企业,他们可能会在未来找到一个可靠的收入来源, 12 个月,但它也产生至少一个半像样的 量 的 牵引与消费者的关键。 igo2fix.co.uk | They still have a following in enterprise where they will probably find a reliable source of revenue for [...] the next 12 months but it’s also crucial for them to generate [...] at least a half-decent amount of traction [...]with consumers. igo2fix.co.uk |
宏碁渴望 9410 提供电影品质图形和像样的声音。 driver-download.ru | Acer Aspire 9410 delivers cinematic [...] quality graphics and decent sound. driver-download.ru |
宪法法庭总结说,安全部应当在一年之内采取必要的措施,至少 让该监狱常年提供饮用水;修建卫生设施;安装电力设施、照明灯具以及自然通 风装置;将在审人员与被判刑的人分开关押;提供健康的伙食以 及 像样的 床 铺; 聘请专业人员提供医疗服务和心理卫生服务;建立有效机制,避免各类武器的流 入或制造,确保囚犯的生命和人身安全;立即着手查明监狱内部的暴力死亡事 件,然后将案件移送法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitutional Chamber concluded that the Ministry of Security should, within one year, take the necessary measures to ensure a regular supply of drinking water for the prison and sufficient sanitary facilities for personal hygiene; adequate electricity, light and natural ventilation; separation of convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial; healthy food; decent beds; medical and psychological treatment by qualified staff; and effective mechanisms to prevent weapons of any kind from being brought into the prison or fabricated there, in order to protect the inmates from injury or loss of life. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国 确保在足够高的级别定期审查和确定全国最低工资,以便为所有工人及其家庭成 员提供像样的生活水准。 daccess-ods.un.org | It recommends that the State party ensure that the national minimum wage is periodically reviewed and set at a level sufficient to provide all workers and their families with a decent standard of living. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009-2014 中期战略框架时 期的五个优先事项,即教育、卫生、经济增长和创 造 像样的 就 业机会、反腐和打 击犯罪、以及农村发展和土地改革。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new government identified the need to improve its ability to implement its policies and programmes and identified five priorities for the Medium Term Strategic Framework period 2009–2014 in accordance with the electoral mandate, being education, health, growing the economy and creation of decent jobs, fighting corruption and crime, and rural development and land reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 通过使职业和技术训练课程更好地满足劳工市场的需求和更有效地使 用现有设施来改进这些课程,从而帮助农民获得富有成果 和 像样的 工作 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Improving vocational and technical training to help refugees access productive and decent jobs through adaptation of courses to better meet labour market demands and more effective use of existing facilities daccess-ods.un.org |
像上述这样的情况 今后不应再次发生,以便能够维护委员会的原则 以及《蒙特利尔议定书》的精神。 multilateralfund.org | Situations such as that described should not be repeated in the future, in order to maintain the principles of the Committee and also the spirit of the Montreal Protocol. multilateralfund.org |
这也 反映出,在多数情况下,本组织对发展和平解决冲突 的各个层面缺乏兴趣,亦即通过与联合国各机关和其 他实体的合作,建造为交战力量提供 像样 生 活 的 城市社区,说服他们放下武器和投身国家建设,防止国家 再次陷于冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also reflects in most instances a lack of interest in developing the dimensions of peace settlements, through cooperation with United Nations organs and other entities, to create urban communities that provide decent lives for belligerent forces and persuade them to lay down arms and devote themselves to building their country and to preventing it from descending yet again into conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如所预计 的那样,像联塞 部队这样存在已久的稳定的特派任务 的人事所需经费将因为提高效率而减少,咨询委员会 建议不同意关于设立一个民政干事一般临时助理员 [...] 额和设立一个联合国志愿人员的职位的请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | As it expected that a long-standing, stable mission like UNFICYP would [...] find personnel requirements reduced by efficiency [...]gains, the Advisory Committee recommended against the request for general temporary assistance for a civil affairs officer and the establishment of a United Nations Volunteer position. daccess-ods.un.org |