

单词 储蓄

储蓄 noun ()

save n

储蓄 verb

save v



personal savings


savings rate

储蓄罐 n

piggy bank n

See also:

have in reserve
surname Chu

store up
grow (e.g. a beard)
entertain (ideas)


save v

External sources (not reviewed)

有必要制定和实施水资源综合 管理计划,包括提高水的保护储蓄。
There is the need to plan and implement integrated water resources management including enhanced
[...] water conservation and storage.
[...] 夫人,并对所有超过“退休”年龄者提供最低定额的金钱以减轻贫困,并协助正 在工作的人为退休储蓄。
It is intended to provide coverage to all Maldivians, and to provide a minimum amount of money to
all above the “pensionable” age, in order to alleviate poverty and to help working
[...] people to save money for [...]
人均收 入、国储蓄和投 资水平低以及税基较小限制了国内资源。
The low levels of per capita income, domestic savings and investment and a small tax base limits domestic resources.
政府养老基金的目的是推动必要的政 储蓄 , 以应对今后公共养老支出的迅 速增长,并为石油收入的长期管理提供支助。
The purpose of the Government Pension Fund is to facilitate Government savings necessary to meet the rapid rise in public pension expenditures in the coming years, and to support a long-term management of petroleum revenues.
[...] 力于倡导国家政策改革,来增进退 储蓄 项 目 的有效性,并面对所有 美国公民推广此项目。
The CEO-led Council is committed to advocating for
national policy reform to improve the effectiveness
[...] of retirement savings programs and [...]
extend these programs to all Americans.
17.25 本次级方案将注重下列工作领域:(a) 实现增长和优质就业;(b) 收入 重新分配;(c) 增加国储蓄,减少投资对外储蓄 的 依 赖;(d) 降低易受国际 商品和资本市场波动影响的程度;(e) 采取宏观经济激励措施,推动降低对商品 [...]
进一步减少债务负担和改善债务情况;(g) 制定一致、可持续 的框架,为社会政策筹措资金;(h) 宏观经济政策同加强出口与其他生产部门联 系之间的关系,以期尽可能增加国内附加值的比重。
17.25 The subprogramme will place emphasis on the following areas of work: (a) generation of growth and good quality employment; (b) income
redistribution; (c) the
[...] increase in domestic saving in order to reduce the dependence on external saving for investment; [...]
(d) reduction of the
vulnerability to fluctuations on international goods and capital markets; (e) macroeconomic incentives to foster reduction of the high dependence on commodities; (f) further lowering the debt burden and improving debt profiles; (g) the design of consistent and sustainable frameworks for financing social policies; and (h) the relation between macroeconomic policy and the increase of export linkages with the rest of the productive apparatus, with a view to maximizing their content of domestic value added.
(c) 通过增加国储蓄以及官方发展援助和私人资本流动,减少外债以及 [...]
(c) Strengthening the mobilization of resources through, for example,
[...] boosting domestic savings as well as official [...]
development assistance and private capital
flows, reducing external debt, and diversification of production and exports.
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国储蓄和 投 资的适当框架, 包括可限制资本外逃的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市场状况的可靠政府数据、健全 [...]
的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商业执照、招聘 工人、获取许可和交缴税赋等方面的非正规做法。
LDCs need to set the right framework to
[...] encourage domestic savings and investment, [...]
including stable macroeconomic policies
that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality, including getting a business licence, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes.
除了该区域国家用来阻止过多资本流入的工具外,在中长期内还有必要增加 国储蓄(特别 是加强中期财政收支并将公债降至不对当地市场造成过大压力的 适当水平),并促进强化国储蓄能力 的金融系统以支持投资。
Beyond the tools that the countries of the region use to discourage excessive capital inflows, over the medium to long term it will be necessary to increase national savings (by, among other things, enhancing the medium-term fiscal balance and
bringing public debt down to moderate levels
[...] that do not put excessive pressure on the local markets) and to promote financial systems that increase the capacity to generate domestic savings to support investment.
[...] 组织文化部门正在支持最不发达国家会员国的地方当局与法国银行、法 储蓄 及 信 托银行 (CDC)、法国开发署(AFD)、世界银行、欧洲联盟委员会以及也门社会发展基金合作, [...]
To follow up on this project, and to continue the development of new strategies for poverty reduction through cultural development, the Culture Sector of UNESCO is
supporting local authorities of LDC Member
[...] States in the design of new projects [...]
in cooperation with the French bank, the
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the World Bank, the European Commission, and the Social Fund for Development of Yemen, in close collaboration with European local authorities through the decentralized cooperation framework.
在泰国,《第十次国家经济和社会发展计划》和《政府行政战略》涉及了建 立长期保健体系的必要性和国储蓄 基 金 的问题,建立了地方当局就老龄方案采 [...]
In Thailand, the tenth national economic and social development plan, as well as the Government’s administrative strategy,
addressed the need for a long-term care system
[...] and a national savings fund, built the [...]
capacity of local authorities to implement
a multidimensional approach to ageing programmes and facilitated the development of age-friendly housing and supportive environments.
各执行机构于 2004 年建议,很多缔约方应该建立 CTC 储存或储蓄”, 以防 在 2005 年出现供应短缺,因为将在该年度把基准数削减 85%。
In 2004, IAs recommended that many Parties should build up stocks or “banks” of CTC as a safeguard against supply shortages in 2005, the year of 85% reduction versus the baseline.
应通过动储蓄来为 今后的投资提供资金,使 金融服务具有可持续性;金融服务应更注重小额保险和社会安全网,防止最穷的 人遭受风险和冲击,给予他们更多安全,以鼓 储蓄。
They should
[...] be made sustainable by mobilizing savings to fund future investment, should pay more attention to microinsurance and social safety nets to protect the poorest from risks and shocks, and give them more security so as to encourage savings.
另一个关键因素是选择何 种法律形式和投资策略,以确定基金 是否在欧储蓄指令(EUSD)的范围 内。
The choice of legal form and investment strategy is also a key factor for determining whether the fund may be in the scope or not of the EUSD.
置于其监管之下的机构,如:吉布提社会发展办事 处、女微型金融和小额信贷发展项目以 储蓄 和 信 贷银行系统应能使其充分履行 职责。
The bodies under its authority, such as the Djibouti Social Development Agency, the Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project and the Savings and Loans Fund System, enable it to fulfil its tasks.
委员会还商定,秘书处应当在资源允许的情 况下就下列议题进行研究供委员会审议:㈠过度抵押和使用无经济价值的抵押 品;㈡电子资金,包括其作储蓄的 地 位;电子资金“发行人”是否在从事银 行业务,因此应受哪一类监管;存款保险计划对这类资金的涵盖;㈢为解决小 额金融交易产生的争议提供公平、迅捷、透明和低成本程序;㈣促进对微型企 业和中小企业使用担保借贷并确保其透明度。
The Commission also agreed that the Secretariat should, resources permitting, undertake research for consideration by the Commission on the following items: (i) overcollateralization and the use of collateral with no economic value; (ii) e-money, including its status as savings; whether “issuers” of e-money were engaged in banking and hence what type of regulation they were subject to; and the coverage of such funds by deposit insurance schemes; (iii) provision for fair, rapid, transparent and inexpensive processes for the resolution of disputes arising from microfinance transactions; (iv) facilitating the use of, and ensuring transparency in, secured lending to microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.
对售房广告宣传必不可少的要求是必须注明开发商将调整其做法和签订合同,以 执行1968年7月 27 日通过的 57号法令中的规定,明确指出售房单位要保证在合同无 法执行时退款,以及指定退款入账的银行 储蓄 所 的 专用账户。
An essential requirement for the advertising of selling the houses is that it should be stated that the promoter will adjust his acting and hiring to the fulfilment of the requirements established on the Law 57/1968, from July 27th, mentioning expressly the body that guarantees the refund of such amounts in case of non fulfilment, as well as the banks in which the said amounts will be deposit in a special account.
[...] 货币政策和监管措施的情况下,这种做法比伪造货币好不了多少,往往对汇率和 公储蓄造成巨大影响。
But in the absence of effective monetary policy and regulatory
controls, the practice is little better than counterfeiting, often with dramatic impact on the
[...] exchange rate and public savings.
非洲 各国应更多地注意调动资源,并应通过下列途径加强资源调动,即增加国储 蓄,从 发展融资机构贷款,促进外国直接投资,利用潜在的南南合作作为发展融 [...]
资来源,以及鼓励传统的发展伙伴将更多官方发展援助转用于促进该地区工业发 展。
African countries should pay more attention to the mobilization of resources, and
should strengthen resource mobilization by
[...] boosting domestic savings, borrowing from [...]
development finance institutions, promoting
FDI, harnessing the potential of South–South cooperation as a source of development finance, and encouraging traditional development partners to direct more official development assistance towards promoting industrial development in the region.
提高的购买力和变化的消费模式提供了规模经济,提高了竞争力,促进了创新,提 高了教育水平,扩大了财政基础,增加了中 储蓄储 备。
Increasing purchasing power and changing consumption patterns ideally provide economies of scale, foster
competition, promote innovation, increase education levels, broaden the fiscal base and augment the
[...] stock of intermediated savings.
在 所有六个地区设立的政储蓄与小 额信贷方案是国 家最大储蓄与小额信贷方案,有 35 000 名客户, 其中 40%为妇女。
The Government savings and microcredit programme, operating in all six regions, [...]
was the largest in the country with 35,000
clients, of whom 40 per cent were women.
其他优先事项主要包括小型项目融 资、促储蓄和信贷、创造就业、加强职业培训和组 织妇女与新生儿疫苗接种运动。
Other priorities included the financing of small projects, the promotion of savings and credit, job creation, the promotion of vocational training and the organization of vaccination campaigns for women and newborns.
同样,各国之间发展水平的巨大差异也带来了机遇,例 如,把可提高生产能力储蓄和技 术专长引入最不发达国家。
Similarly, large differences in levels of development between countries give rise to opportunities, for instance, for channelling savings and technological expertise to the least developed countries, which could enhance their productive capacities.
增长模式变化正在挤压中国的经常项目顺差,而 土耳其政府在去年批准了一系列提 储蓄 率 和 开发战略投资的措施,以使该国降低对 某些产品的外部依赖性(包括能源)。
The change of growth model is pressing down Chinese current account surplus, while Turkish government approved last year a bunch of measures to increase the savings rate and to develop strategic investments that would allow the country to reduce external dependency on some products (including energy).
2006 年开展的社会经济影响研究说明,艾滋病毒对受影响家 庭的就业、收入储蓄和入 学情况造成了极大的不利影响。根据这项研究结果, [...]
开发署启动了一项多管齐下的宣传和技术支助战略,参与该战略的有国家艾滋 病控制组织、各邦办事处和民间社会组织,包括艾滋病毒感染者网络。
Based on a socio-economic impact study done in 2006 that showed
considerable negative impacts of HIV on
[...] employment, income, savings and school attendance [...]
in affected households, UNDP launched
a multi-pronged strategy of advocacy and technical support involving the National AIDS Control Organization, state offices and civil society organizations, including networks of people living with HIV.
在我们寻求增长、消除贫穷和可持续发展的共同努力中,一项至关重要的挑 战是为调集国内公储蓄和私人储蓄 创 造 必要的内部条件,维持生产性投资的足 够水平,增强人的能力,减少资本外流,遏制非法资金转移,为建立有利的国内 环境加强国际合作。
In our common pursuit of growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development, a critical challenge is to ensure the necessary internal conditions for mobilizing domestic savings, both public and private, sustaining adequate levels of productive investment, increasing human capacity, reducing capital flight, curbing the illicit transfer of funds and enhancing international cooperation for creating an enabling domestic environment.
项目的主要组成部分 包括由社区协调和管理的水和卫生服务、废物管理和幼儿园、生计培训、促进参 与城市规划,以及获得信贷储蓄计 划
The key components of the project are community-coordinated and managed water and sanitation services, waste management and childcare; livelihood training, facilitating engagement in the municipal planning process, and access to credit and savings schemes.
[...] 金支付强制性缴款方面,我高兴的是,伊拉克政府已 经从纽约联储蓄银行得到确认,将在 2010 年 12 月 [...]
31 日之后继续维持现有机制,而且我注意到,伊拉克 政府将在这家银行另设一个子账户,将石油出口收入 的 5%自动转入其中。
I turn now to the legal issues and options relating to the successor arrangements for the DFI. First, with respect to the obligatory payments to the United Nations Compensation Commission fund, I am pleased that the
Government of Iraq has received confirmation
[...] from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York [...]
of continuation of the existing mechanism
in place after 31 December 2010, and I note that the Government of Iraq will open a separate sub-account with the same bank, into which 5 per cent of revenues from oil exports will be transferred automatically.
(h) 敦促各有关双边和执行机构按照55/43(b)号决定的目标以及报告给附件四所 列每个项目的有关核准决定的要求,向基金秘书处提交关于此前与相关第5 条国家的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划分开核准的氟氯烃示范和投资项目的报告,并 在其中涉及收集与增支资本成本、增支经营成本 储蓄 相 关的准确数据及与 技术应用相关的数据的问题。
(h) To urge the relevant bilateral and implementing agencies to submit to the Fund Secretariat reports on the HCFC demonstration and investment projects that had previously been approved separately from the HCFC phase-out management plans of the relevant Article 5 countries, addressing the issues pertaining to the collection of accurate data on incremental capital cost, the incremental operating cost or savings, and data relevant to the application of the technologies, in line with the objectives of decision 55/43(b), and as requested in the relevant approval decision for each project, as reflected in Annex IV to the present report.




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