

单词 偷梁换柱

See also:

柱梁 n

pillar n

External sources (not reviewed)

来源地的腐败使武器贩子可以采用所谓偷梁换柱”的手法使用伪造的最终用户证书进行合 法出口。
Corruption at the source — known as “point of departure diversion” — enables traffickers to use fake end user certificates for legal exports.
2012 年为此目的举行的会议将为谈判建立 中东无核武器区提供一个启动平台,而且不会 偷梁换柱 战 术 而脱轨。
We trust that the Conference scheduled for this purpose in 2012 will provide the launch pad for negotiations towards establishing a nuclearweapon-free zone in the Middle East and will not be derailed by diversionary tactics.
大家應該還記得,在2003年時,前任財政司司長 梁 錦 松 先生偷 步 ”買車。
Members may recall the incident of former
[...] Financial Secretary Mr Antony LEUNG "jumping the gun" in [...]
buying a car in 2003.
下列議員同意加入該 小組委員會:李卓人議員、柱銘 議員 及 梁 君 彥議 員。
The following Members agreed to join: Mr LEE
[...] Cheuk-yan, Mr Martin LEE and Mr Andrew LEUNG.
柱銘議梁國雄議員、 李卓人議員及 何俊仁議員均 支持李永達議員的要求,在 [...]
2005年 4月 20日 立法會會議上就其議 案進行辯 論 。
Mr Martin LEE, Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, Mr LEE [...]
Cheuk-yan and Mr Albert HO supported Mr LEE Wing-tat’s request for a debate on
his motion be held at the Council meeting of 20 April 2005.
对产 品运输和储存也进行控制,防偷换 产 品 或伪造产品。
Controls are also placed on the movement of products as well as storage to prevent the substitution of products or counterfeiting.
在广告、商标和设计的策划、运用和选择上,我们遵循商业公平标准,让产品以质量优势和信誉 取胜,而非模仿偷换竞争 对手的创意。
We observe standards of commercial fairness in devising, using and selecting advertising, trademarks and designs so that our products succeed on
the strength of their own quality and our reputation, rather than by
[...] imitation or trading on the goodwill [...]
of competitors.
通过换柱塞泵、轴承并更改发动机控制点拨式设置为 E-30 [...]
的设置,转换和相 E-XP2 和加热功率为 15.3 千瓦 的 E-30。
Convert and phase E-XP2 to and [...]
E-30 with 15.3 kW of heat by changing displacement pumps, bearings, and changing the Motor
Control DIP settings to that of an E-30.
这在理论上听起来容易,但粗大的 M95
[...] 螺柱插在破旧不堪且已腐蚀的金属中,五位高级技师和两名工人花了 10 天时间才使四个螺栓变钝,却未能成功地换 14 根损坏的柱。
It sounds easy on paper, but these were big, M95 studs in old, corroded metal, and five senior technicians
and two labourers had spent 10 days and blunted four taps, but had
[...] succeeded in replacing none of the 14 damaged studs.
甚至梁錦松因為偷步買 車而受到譴責時,不是說這是政治陰謀嗎?
Even when he was denounced for his skipping a step to buy a vehicle at a lower price, did he not say that it was a political conspiracy?
梁錦松司長偷步買車",他竟然說自己有兩種想法,腦海是分 開,將家庭和正式公務分開處理,而自己又可以是忘記申報利益,甚至說不 知是有需要申報的。
It is also amazing to see that he came up with the explanation that he had two ways of thinking, that his mind was compartmentalized for the family and his duties, and he could say that he forgot to declare his interests, not knowing that he should make the declaration.
本建筑中采用的刚架是钢格构式的,其 梁 、 柱 部 分均由中距500的双肢钢管组成。
The chords of the trussed rigid frame are 500mm apart from each other, which becomes the cavity space between the double skins.
尽管该议定书第 10 条建议那些有共同边界或位于偷运路线的缔约国应当交
[...] 换信息,但良好做法是在区域和跨区域一级尽可能广泛地寻求信息 换 , 这样 偷运移 民者就不能只需将偷运路线迁往没有实现合作的地区。
Although article 10 suggests that information should be exchanged particularly between States parties with common borders or located along smuggling routes, good practice is to seek information exchange as widely as possible at the regional and transregional level, so
that migrant smugglers are not simply
[...] able to relocate smuggling routes to areas where [...]
cooperation has not been achieved.
李卓人議員、梁耀忠議員、何秀蘭議員、張 柱 議 員及 梁國雄議員會動議修正案以修訂第11(3)條,訂明委員會執行其 職能就法定最低工資水平提供意見時,須考慮僱員及其家庭的 [...]
需要(須顧及一般工資水平、生活費用、社會保障利益,及其他 社會羣體的相對生活標準)
;以及經濟因素(包括經濟發展的需 要、生產力水平,及達至和維持高就業水平的可取性)。
Hon LEE Cheuk-yan, Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung, Hon Cyd HO, Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che and Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung will [...]
move CSAs to clause
11(3) to provide that when performing its function to advise on the SMW rate, MWC must have regard to the needs of employees and their families, taking into account the general level of wages, the cost of living, social security benefits, the relative living standards of other social groups, and economic factors, including the requirements of economic development, levels of productivity and the desirability of attaining and maintaining a high level of employment.
陳家洛議員、郭偉強議員、姚思榮議員、范國威議員、 田北辰議員、馮檢基議員、林大輝議員、張超雄議員、陳偉業 議員、馬逢國議員、張柱議員、梁 耀 忠 議員、梁國雄議員、 蔣麗芸議員、涂謹申議員、王國興議員、陳健波議員、黃毓民 議員、郭家麒議員、陳婉嫻議員及梁家騮議員就項目 FCR(2012-13)53發言。
Dr Kenneth CHAN Ka-lok, Mr KWOK Wai-keung, Mr YIU Si-wing, Mr Gary FAN Kwok-wai, Mr Michael TIEN Puk-sun, Mr Frederick FUNG Kin-kee, Dr LAM Tai-fai, Dr Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung, Mr Albert CHAN Wai-yip, Mr MA Fung-kwok, Mr CHEUNG Kwok-che, Mr LEUNG Yiu-chung, Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung, Dr CHIANG Lai-wan, Mr James TO Kun-sun, Mr WONG Kwok-hing, Mr CHAN Kin-por, Mr WONG Yuk-man, Dr KWOK Ka-ki, Ms CHAN Yuen-han, and Dr LEUNG Ka-lau spoke on the item FCR(2012-13)53.
部 分 團 體 個案涉 及 居 者 有其屋 (
[...] 下 稱 “居 屋 ”)單 位 的質素 ,包括柱 問 題 、 偷 工 減 料及滲漏問 題等。
Some group cases were about the
quality of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS)
[...] units including piling faults, sub-standard materials [...]
and works, and leakage problems.
中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)分别经皮下注射ZnSO4、CuSO4和CdCl2 溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经Sephadex G-50、DEAESepharoseCL-6B 及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子换柱层 析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT。
Each extract of Chinese soft shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) liver after induction with subcutaneous injection of ZnSO4, CuSO4 or CdCl2 was separated by gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-50 column and subsequent DEAE Sepharose CL-6B, than Sephadex G-25 for desalination, respectively.
2003年梁 錦松為涉偷步買 車一事,遭到議員炮轟,最終要鞠躬下台。
In 2003, Antony LEUNG came under the bombardment [...]
of Members of this Council for buying a car before the tax came into effect
and eventually he had to bow a graceful exit.
根據湯教授的 評估報告,景賢里建築物的屋頂 梁柱 、 牆 體、地面、欄杆、樓 梯、門及窗等,都受到不同程度的損壞,但受損部分主要是建築 [...]
物的裝飾和裝修;建築物的基本建築布局和結構並未受損,建築 羣的地基和基礎仍然安全。
According to Prof TANG's assessment, among
[...] others, the roof, beams and columns, walls, floors, [...]
railings, staircases, doors and windows
of the buildings had suffered damages to different extents, but the damages mainly appeared on the decorations and finishes.
中国台湾马鞍山核电厂的工程师需要换 Biach RPV 螺柱拉伸 系统时,他们再次找到海卓泰特,因为该核电厂多年来一直信赖海卓泰特的产品。
When engineers at the Maanshan nuclear plant
[...] in Taiwan needed to replace their Biach RPV stud [...]
tensioning system, they returned to
the company whose products they had known and trusted for years – Hydratight.
[...] 重的室內加建或改動工程、改動或拆除樓宇的結構組件, 例如結構牆梁柱、在 用於耐火間隔的牆壁上開鑿牆洞、 加建新的門口而導致違反火警逃生或耐火結構等規定。
Examples of illegal building works include indoor additions or alterations that cause overloading of the floor, alterations or removal of
structural parts of building (such as
[...] structural walls or beams and columns), and making of openings [...]
on fire resistant partition
walls to serve as doorways leading to contravention of the requirements of fire escape, fire resistance constructions, and so on.
这些法-泰文件起草于 1908-1909 年间,又在 1919-1920 年间当界换成了水泥柱子时 重新修订。
These FrenchThai documents were first made in 1908-1909 and redone in 1919-1920, when stone pillars were replaced with concrete ones.
在保證期內,房委會負責所有與結構構件,如 柱 、 橫 梁 、 牆 壁及地台 等有關的結構修葺及維修工程,包括混凝土剝落及裂縫修葺的工程,以確保 [...]
During the guarantee period, the HA is responsible for all structural repair and
maintenance works relating to structural
[...] components such as columns, beams, walls and floor slabs, [...]
including repair works for spalling
and cracking, in order to ensure the overall structural integrity of the buildings.
A positioning manipulator used in partnership with the
tokamak machine has the ability to carry out key operations such
[...] as removing & replacing outer wall beam limiter plates.
拟设 P-4 员额的任职者将负责就批准和执行《打
[...] 击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击贩运人口 偷 运 移 民的议定书》问题向会员国提 供实质性援助,包括为政府间机构提供服务。
The incumbent of the proposed P-4 post would lead the provision of substantive assistance to Member
States in ratifying and implementing the
[...] Trafficking and Smuggling Protocols to [...]
the Convention on Transnational Organized
Crime, including the servicing of intergovernmental bodies.
若薇議員:主席,財政司司梁錦松 偷 步 買車 事件發展至 今 ,主席,就 我 個 人 來 說 , 其 實 是 頗 清晰的,我 的立場已在上星 期就財政預算案發 言 時 表達 了 。
MS AUDREY EU (in Cantonese): Madam President, with the latest development of the incident of the purchase of a vehicle by the Financial Secretary Mr Antony LEUNG in advance of the tax increase, this incident, as far as I am concerned, Madam President, is crystal clear.
各位部长认识到,采取有效行动预防和打击陆、海和 偷 运 移民需要国 家、区域和国际各级的综合方法,为此,敦促各国根据《世界人权宣言》和国 家法律,除其他外采取有效措施,保护 偷 运 移 民特别是妇女和儿童的人权和 基本自由。
The Ministers recognized that effective action to
[...] prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air requires a comprehensive approach, at the national, regional and international levels, and to that end, urged all States to adopt effective measures, inter alia, protecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms of smuggled migrants, especially [...]
women and children,
in accordance with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and national laws.
产品衬面平整、光滑、坚固,与传统的钢衬塑、钢衬玻璃相比,具有良好的耐腐蚀、耐磨损、寿命长等优点,是装运腐蚀液体的理想产品,在化工、稀土、冶金、农药等行业,用作90℃以下的低压罐、真空罐、反应釜、 换柱 等 ,深受用户欢迎。
The product friction lining smooth, is smooth, is firm, models, the steel liner glass with the traditional steel liner to compare, has anti-corrosive, the wearability, the life good long and so on merits, is ships the corrosion liquid the ideal product, in professions and so on chemical industry, rare earth, metallurgy, agricultural chemicals, serves as 90℃ the
following low pressure pot, the vacuum tank, the reaction
[...] still, the exchange column and so on, the depth [...]
is welcome the user.




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