

单词 健视

External sources (not reviewed)

除非非洲各国政府把孕产妇健视为保健议程 的重点,否则,非洲的孕产妇死亡人数在全球仍然是最高的。
Unless Governments
[...] put maternal health as a central focus of their health agenda, Africa [...]
will continue to have the highest
burden of maternal deaths worldwide.
第⼆,可 以 将健视为有 效实施可持续发展教育的结 果:⼀个⼲净、安全的环境,能够满⾜基本需求的稳定的 经济状况,牢固、具有建设性的社会和文化关系,合 在 ⼀ 起构成了⼀个真正的“社会疫苗”。
Participants inter alia discussed the relations and reciprocal influences between transfer of knowledge, empowerment and changes in attitudes in the field of health and ESD, especially within the framework of formal education.
自2001年加拿大开始应用大的图形方 式健康警示,91%的加拿大人表示关注过健康警示,84%的吸烟 视健 康 警 示为了解 健康信息的途径,而在实施文字健康警示的美国,只有47%的吸烟者这么认为。
After Canada introduced large pictorial warnings labels in 2001, 91% of smokers in Canada said they had read the warnings and 84% of smokers viewed health warning labels as a source of health information, compared with 47% of US smokers, where only text-only labels are required.
健康视力检 查应当定期进行,它将为您提供有关人体整体健康的信息,而不仅仅是眼睛。
Healthy vision checkups should [...]
be performed routinely and can provide information about the general health of the body, not just the eyes.
国际社会应当聚焦于全球化的社会层面;应当 把工作岗位、健和教育视为全 球化进程的关键目 标,而不是什么副产品。
The international community should
focus on the social dimension of
[...] globalization; jobs, health and education should [...]
be viewed, not as by-products, but as
key objectives of the globalization process.
同 时还询问了被访者关于回避健康警示 的情况(例如健康警示盖住、健 康警示远视线、用盒子或者不买某 些特定的牌子)。
Respondents are also asked about avoiding the warnings (cover-up, keep out of sight, use cigarette case, or avoid particular labels).
管理人员需要这些功能按照需求查看他们的业务快照,简洁的界面促使流程,运行和市场数据成 健 壮 的, 可 视 化 的 报告。
Executives need the ability to see a snapshot of their
business in an on-demand, simple interface that drives process,
[...] operational, and market data into robust, visual reports.
高级专员的访问为调整难民营援助方案铺平了道路,具体方式是增 加援助,更加关注难民的长期福利,特别 视 营 养 、 健 康 和 教育领域。
The High Commissioner’s visit paved the way for a reorientation of the assistance programme in the camps through an increase in the level of
assistance and an enhanced its focus on the long-term welfare of the refugees, with special attention to
[...] the areas of nutrition, health and education.
委员会还十分关切卫生预算减少的 趋势,并注意到大部分预算划拨给基础设施和身 健 康 问 题,而 视 了 心 理 健康 和 社会支助,包括儿童吸毒和酗酒问题。
The Committee is further concerned
about the decreasing trend in the health budget, noting that most of the budget is allocated to infrastructure and
[...] physical health with a disregard for emotional health and social [...]
support, including for
children consuming drugs and alcohol.
截至 2010 年,已经在各个地区创办了 32
[...] 个国家培训方案,包括护理、理疗、 铁路运输、警务、旅游、工作场所预防 健 康 、 化学、音乐 视 觉 艺 术、舞蹈和 戏剧、信息科学、地球科学、汽车和电子工程。
As of 2010, 32 national training programmes have been established in a variety of areas, including nursing, physiotherapy, rail transport,
police work, tourism, workplace
[...] prevention and health, chemistry, music, visual arts, dance [...]
and theatre, information science,
and geoscience, automotive and electronic engineering.
为阿卡人和姆博罗罗人开展的活动如下:(a) 社区动员会议, 说明他们目前在以下方面的状况:基本 健 服 务 提供、 视 问 题、具有文化敏感 性的健问题 以及服务提供方面存在的语言/文化和地理障碍;(b) 社会动员和 参与会议,说明阿卡人和姆博罗罗人的地方发展优先事项;(c) [...]
会议,说明可再生能源、气候变化、森林砍伐以及可持续林业开发;(d) 调解阿 卡人和姆博罗罗人与私营企业之间的关系,考虑到两族民众的权利和企业的伐林 优先顺序。
Activities conducted with the Aka and Mbororo have included the following: (a) community mobilization sessions on their current
situation vis-à-vis
[...] access to basic health services, discrimination issues, culturally sensitive health issues, and language/cultural [...]
and geographical
barriers to service provision; (b) community mobilization and participatory sessions on local development priorities for Aka and Mbororo; (c) training and community mobilization sessions on renewable energies, climate change, deforestation and sustainable forestry exploitation; and (d) mediation between the Aka and Mbororo people and the private companies, taking into account the people’s rights and the companies’ deforestation priorities.
多党民主和善治视为稳健、包 容性和以发展为导 向的贸易政策的关键因素。
Multiparty democracy and good governance were identified
[...] as key factors in sound, inclusive, developmentoriented [...]
trade policy.
卫生部卫生总局于 2009 年 7 月 5 日发布了第 12/DQS/DMD 号通知,说明 自 2001
[...] 年以来所遵循的方向问题,据此,非法移民在葡萄牙停留超过 90 天期限 的,不得在寻求公共医疗健时受到 歧 视 , 但一般而言他们可能必须承担实际发 生的费用。
The General Direction for Health of the Health Ministry issued Circular n. 12/DQS/DMD, dated 07/05/09, which clarifies an orientation followed since 2001, according to which the illegal immigrants who are in Portugal since a
time period over 90 days
[...] cannot be discriminated in acceding to public health care, although, [...]
in general terms, they might have to bear its real costs.
[...] 术促进消除贫困”项目和设立在肯尼亚内罗毕大学的教科文组织妇女和社区健康教席的统一 战线,筹备“健康与弱势群体大学联合会”第二次会议:“ 视健 康 与人权,促进消除贫 困”。
An alliance between TICH and the UNESCO Chair on Women and Community Health located at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, has
been fostered to prepare for the second UNISOL Congress “Combating
[...] poverty through mainstreaming health and human rights”.
这并不意味着澳大利亚的医生不视 您 的身 心 健 康。
This doesn't mean that Australian doctors
[...] don't think your health and wellbeing is [...]
其中包括:通过《艾滋病毒和艾滋病预防及控 制法》,该法禁止对感染或被视为感染或疑似感染艾滋病毒和艾滋病的人一切形 式的视;将《生健康议 程》纳入国内法律,以促进安全妊娠和提高儿童存活 率;通过《全国疟疾战略》;采取措施将全国医疗保险基金转变为全国社会医疗 [...]
These include: HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act; which outlaws discrimination in all its forms and
subtleties against
[...] persons with or perceived or suspected of having HIV and AIDS; the domestication of the Reproductive Health Agenda to promote [...]
safe motherhood and
the survival of the child; the National Malaria Strategy ; and Measures to convert the National Health Insurance Fund into a National Social Health Insurance Fund to cover all employees both in the formal and informal sectors of the economy and to offer coverage for outpatient costs.
艾滋病 署确认文化作为一种社会基础的核心作用,并致力于最大限度地发挥文化领导人 对具有以下特点的应对措施的积极贡献:(a)
[...] 通过实行证据支持的办法实现公共 卫生目标;(b) 尊重个人的尊严和权利,在不视、 健 康 、 人的安全、隐私和免 于暴力的自由方面尤其如此;(c) [...]
UNAIDS recognizes the central role of culture as a foundation of society, and seeks to maximize the positive contributions of cultural leaders towards responses that: (a) achieve public health goals through the implementation of evidence-supported approaches; (b) respect the dignity and rights
of individuals, particularly
[...] with regard to non-discrimination, health, security of the [...]
person, privacy and freedom from
violence; and (c) include pragmatic approaches that respond to peoples’ behaviours and needs.
使用Web用户界面在大多数的移动设备和所有的桌面计算机上来 视 S QL Server的健康状况和性能。
Use the web UI to monitor SQL Server health and performance [...]
from most mobile devices and any desktop machine.
(2) 任何人如果明知或故意或鲁莽而视 人 类 健 康 、 安全或环境,造成污染 事故,以致危害人类健康或安全或严重损害环境,即为犯罪,应于定罪 [...]
后判处 100 万美元以下的罚款或终身监禁,或两者并课。
(2) A person who, knowingly or intentionally or
[...] with reckless disregard to human health, safety or the [...]
environment, causes a pollution incident
that results in harm to human health or safety, or severe damage to the environment commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000,000 or to life imprisonment or both.
任择议定书》生 效后,还将有助于满足所有人的需要,确保实现他们的经济、社会和文化权利, 并有可能帮助结束贫穷和饥饿,改善教育机会,打击对妇女的 视 , 增 进母健 康。
Once the Optional Protocol enters into force, it will help meet the needs of all persons in ensuring the realization of their economic, social and cultural rights, and may contribute to ending
poverty and hunger, improving access to
[...] education, combating discrimination of women and improving child and maternal health.
[...] 的时候去寻求适当的治疗,同时,也要对我们身心健康(身、心、灵)的各个方面予以足够的视,积极提健康理念,积极使用可用的社会资源。
We should seek treatment when needed, as well as promote
wellness by paying attention to
[...] different aspects of our health (physical, mental and [...]
spiritual) and accessing available resources.
AMDAI首席执行官Narinder Sharma表示:“对于从事及关视力保 健 的 人 士而言,这份报告强调必须继续提倡让患者接受持续护理,这是防止湿性AMD引起视力丧失所必须的。
For those of us involved in and concerned about vision care, this report highlights
the need to continue advocating
[...] for patient access to the ongoing care that is required [...]
to prevent vision loss from wet
AMD," said Narinder Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of AMDAI.
[...] 禁时,迅速提供足够的信息,让他们享有必要的医疗协助,准许独立的医护人员 前往视,检查他们健康状 况,敦促各国采取必要措施,以便确保以违反本决 [...]
议所提到的有关公约和违反适用国际人道主义法的方式遭受逮捕或拘禁的人获 得迅速释放
Also calls upon all States to provide adequate and prompt information in the event of the arrest or detention of humanitarian personnel or United Nations and associated personnel, so as to afford them the necessary medical assistance and to
allow independent medical teams to
[...] visit and examine the health of those detained, and [...]
urges them to take the necessary
measures to ensure the speedy release of those who have been arrested or detained in violation of the relevant conventions referred to in the present resolution and applicable international humanitarian law
小组委员会建议更加视预防保健措 施 ,例如,除了采取更加严格 的卫生措施外,还应减少蚊子滋生地点、对垃圾进行日常处理和大规模治疗疥疮 [...]
The SPT recommends that more
[...] emphasis be placed on preventive healthcare measures, such [...]
as reducing mosquito breeding locations,
routine disposal of refuse, and mass treatment of scabies infestations, in addition to stricter measures of hygiene.
今天,国际老年性黄斑变性联盟(AMDAI)对公 视 力 保 健 团 体 发出全球行动呼吁,确保适当护理湿性老年性黄斑变性(AMD)患者,并支持不断改进治疗方案的研究。
The AMD Alliance International (AMDAI) today issued a
global call to action
[...] to the vision care community, to ensure appropriate access to care for patients [...]
living with wet age-related
macular degeneration (AMD), a condition where new blood vessels grow into the back of the eye, seriously damaging vision, and to support ongoing research for improved treatment options.
很多外国方面视设立这些健设施 所服务的崇高的人道主义目的,以及卫 生部门提供的出色的人道主义服务,为了实现其本身的外部政治目的,硬是把该 部门牵涉到与它毫无关系的事情中,在它们围剿叙利亚的战争中,该部门既被用 作工具,又被作为目标。
Notwithstanding the noble humanitarian purpose for
[...] which those health facilities were established and all the splendid humanitarian services the health sector provides, [...]
many foreign parties,
with a view to achieving their own external political aims, insist on dragging that sector into matters to which it is in no way related and on using it as both a tool and a target in their war against Syria.




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