

单词 健康状况

See also:

健康 n

health n
safety n
wellness n
well-being n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 注意到阿拉伯卫生部长理事会为维持和恢复在加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人 民健康状况而作出的努力。
(b) To take note of the efforts that had been exerted by
the Council of Arab
[...] Ministers of Health to maintain and rehabilitate the health status of the Palestinian [...]
people in the Gaza Strip.
我很高兴自己通过学习这些营养教育主题,能够对改善我所在社区儿童 健康状况 有 所 帮助。
I am glad I can contribute to
[...] improving children’s health in my community through [...]
these nutrition education sessions,” said Ms. Nguyen.
这项调查主要包含的信息有居住于西班牙的居民的残疾现象、依赖程度、 人口老龄化及人健康状况。
These surveys cover a large part of needs for information
on the phenomena of disability, dependency, population aging
[...] and the state of health of the population [...]
living in Spain.
最不发达国家在改进其人口 健康状况 方 面 面临重大挑战,包括:卫生系统 薄弱,人力资源不足,缺少适当的保健设施及设备和用品,国内供资结构不充分, 药品和基本药物供应不充分以及基础设施较差。
Least developed countries face
major challenges in
[...] improving the health status of their population, including weak health systems with [...]
inadequate human resources,
lack of adequate health-care facilities and equipment and supplies, inadequate domestic financing structures, inadequate supplies of medicines and essential drugs and poor infrastructure.
它能够根据这些记录得到各种分析报表包括直观的图形报表,以便获取个人财 健康状况 中 的一些重要信息。
According to these records it can be a variety of analysis reports ,
including an intuitive graphical reports , in order to obtain
[...] personal financial health of some of the important [...]
information .
对于成年人、风险群体及慢性疾病患者的医疗服务,总体上包括评 健康 状况及风 险因素,提供健康生活方式建议,检测健康问题及评估期临床分期,根 [...]
据病患情况对其进行医疗跟踪,对患有多种病症及服用多种药物的病患进行关注 及跟踪,并根据情况,针对其病症向病患或其看护提供健康信息及建议。
In general terms, care for adults, risk groups and chronically sick persons
consists of assessment of the
[...] state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, [...]
the detection of health problems
and assessment of their clinical status, referral of patients for clinical follow-up appropriate to their condition, care and follow-up for persons receiving more than one course of medicine or suffering from more than one illness and the provision of health information and health advice on the illness, and the precise nature of the care required, to the patient or the carer as appropriate.
[...] 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留 者收押时健康状况;以 及任何变更情况;审讯的时间和地点与所有审讯人员的 [...]
Registration should contain the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time
of admission to the detention facility
[...] and the state of health of the detainee upon [...]
admission and any changes thereto,
the time and place of interrogations, with the names of all interrogators present, as well as the date and time of release or transfer to another detention facility.
所考虑的其他要素是她健康状况、 对 瑞典的适 应、创伤经历和精神病史。
Other elements
[...] considered were her health status, adaptation to [...]
Sweden, traumatic experiences and anamnesis of psychiatric problems.
不歧 视儿童的条款有着重要意义,根据该条款所有儿童均享有平等的权利,不论出 身、种族、民族和国籍、社会地位和财富、性别、语言、教育、宗教、居住地健康状况和涉 及儿童及其父母的其他情况。
The provisions on non-discrimination against children are of great significance in that they lay down that all children have equal rights irrespective of their or their parents’ origin, race,
[...] nationality, social status, means, gender, language, education, attitude to religion, place of residence, state of health or other circumstances.
2001-2007 年计划采取的 80 项措施中,有 61 项已得到全面实施(实施率达 76%),其中最重要的措施包括:加强国家立法和规范框架;批准一系列与欧洲
[...] 织、欧洲联盟、世界银行等国际组织的合作;开展有关受环境条件影响的居健 康状况的科 学研究;加强对饮用水水质、食品安全、化学物质含量的监测能力; [...]
The most important of these actions are: strengthening of the national legislative and normative framework with the approval of a group of harmonised documents to the European Union Directives, enlargement of the international cooperation with the World Health Organisation, European Union, World Bank, with the implementation of the certain specific environment sanitation projects,
performance of the scientific research on
[...] the population’s health influenced by environment [...]
conditions, strengthening of the
monitoring capacities of the drinkable water quality and food products, the contents of the chemical substances and extension of the activities of hygienic supervision, creation of the socially hygienic monitoring system under the control of the Ministry of Health, organisation of training seminars in the field of health and environment.
您要制定 个人目标并不懈努力,提高自己 健康状 况和生活质量。
You will set and work on personal
[...] goals to improve your health and quality of life.
全国医疗卫生体系向公民提供一整套的医 疗服务,包括:疾病预防、诊断、治疗、康复以及保健和改 健康状况。
The services provided
[...] by the national health-care system include preventive measures, diagnoses, therapy, rehabilitation, health promotion and health maintenance.
秘书长在题为《履行诺言:促进到 2015 年实现
[...] (A/64/665)的报告中强调指出,一些国家在消除赤贫 方面成绩显著,提高了学校入学率,改善了儿童健 康状况,为 更多人提供饮用水,扩大了艾滋病毒/艾 滋病的治疗范围,疟疾、肺结核以及热带疾病的防治 [...]
In his report entitled “Keeping the promise: a forward-looking review to promote an agreed action agenda to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015” (A/64/665), the Secretary-General stressed that several countries have obtained very positive results in the fight against
extreme poverty, have
[...] improved their levels of school attendance, children’s health and access to potable [...]
water and HIV/AIDS
treatment and have made strides in the fight against malaria, tuberculosis and tropical diseases.
在以公共秩序或公共安全为由作出驱离决定之前,东道成员国尤其应考虑当事人的境内居 留时间、年龄健康状况、家 庭和经济状况、在东道成员国的社会和文化融入情况以及与原籍 [...]
Before taking an expulsion decision on grounds of public policy or public security, the host Member State shall take account of considerations such as how long the individual concerned has
resided on its territory,
[...] his/her age, state of health, family and economic situation, [...]
social and cultural integration into
the host Member State and the extent of his/her links with the country of origin.
上海和睦家医院乐于成为您的伙伴,促进您 健康状况 , 通 过每月提供实用的信息和建议来协助您实现自己的保健目标。
Shanghai United Family Hospital &
Clinics is excited to be your partner
[...] in improving your health by providing helpful [...]
information and tips every month to
assist you in achieving your healthcare goals.
12 小时时,应给予他们每天一小时的室外活动时间,监
[...] 狱中的医护人员应每天对他们在纪律处罚室 健康状况 进 行检查,不言而喻,医 生应一如既往地为囚犯健康的最佳利益采取行动。
The SPT also recommends, in the specific context of the prisons visited, that, when detainees are placed in a disciplinary cell for more than 12 hours, they should be given access to the outdoors for one
hour each day, and the healthcare staff of the prison should perform daily
[...] checks on their health in the disciplinary [...]
cell, it being understood
that the doctor should act, as always, in the best interests of the health of the prisoner.
[...] 人在刑事司法系统中代表过多,与其他人相比,其 社会经济地位较低健康状况较差 ,但仍致力于通 过新西兰奉行的对话与合作精神应对这些挑战。
While the Government harboured no illusions as to the significant challenges remaining — Maori were significantly overrepresented in the criminal
justice system and had a lower
[...] socio-economic status and poorer health than the rest of [...]
the population — it was committed
to meeting them through the spirit of discourse and partnership on which New Zealand was based.
虽然有些疲劳是正常的,但有些时候,它可能隐藏一个潜在 健康状况。
While some fatigue is normal, other times, it may point
[...] to an underlying health condition.
必须促进面向患者的研究,以改 健康状 况和卫 生系统为目的进行科技创新;支助高质量、便利和可持续的医疗保健系统; [...]
解决土著居民和其他弱势群体健康方面的不公平/不平等;做好准备以应对现有 的和新出现的全球健康威胁;促进健康,减轻慢性病和精神病造成的负担。
It is essential to promote patient-oriented research and target
science and technology innovations in
[...] order to improve health outcomes and health systems; [...]
to support a high-quality, accessible
and sustainable health-care system; to address the health inequities/inequalities faced by indigenous peoples and other vulnerable populations; to prepare for emerging global threats to health and respond to existing ones; and to promote health and reduce the burden of chronic disease and mental illness.
他还补充说,根据法医报告,在仅只几 天之内就多次对他儿子施行紧急医疗援助,在如 健康状况 下 ,独立的医生不应 该允许他再被审讯。
He further adds that, according to the forensic medical report, has son was rendered urgent medical assistance on several occasions within just a few days and should not have been allowed by an independent doctor to be subjected to interrogations with such health conditions.
几十年前定下的一些年龄限制可能没有考虑预期寿命 健康状况和 个 人的具体能力、技能和知识等标准,需要进一步研究,并制定更加符合当前环 [...]
Some age limitations established decades ago, which may not take into
consideration criteria such as the
[...] life expectancy, health condition and the specific [...]
capacities, skills and knowledge
of an individual, deserve closer examination and a more contextualized and updated set of criteria for application.
关于预防、控制和治疗传染病的第2/2004 号法律列明相关的疾病,及避免 传播传染病的预防措施,如要求进入澳门特区的人申报 健康状况 ; 当 出现对公 共卫生构成危险的情况时,要求入境者填写特定的健康申报书、出具医生声明书 和接受有关的医学检查;以及控制或限制进入澳门特区的动物、财物或产品。
Law 2/2004 on the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Contagious Diseases sets up a list of diseases and a number of preventive measures in order to avoid the risk of propagation of contagious diseases, such as the duty of any person who enters the MSAR to declare his/her health condition, or, in case of danger to public health, to declare specific health information, to present medical certificates or declarations, or to be subject to a medical exam.
委员会请涉及国政府向其提供有关下述方面的补充情况:所称受害者的拘留条件和地 点;健康状况;他被 指控的罪行,尤其是他在发表言论时是否鼓动使用暴力的问题;其被拘 留的性质 ( 行政拘留、囚禁 [...]
) ( 135 EX/3 PRIV.第 80 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to request the government concerned to provide it with further information: about the conditions of the alleged
victim’s detention
[...] and the place where he was being held; about his state of health; about the offence he [...]
was said to have committed,
particularly whether in expressing his opinions he had advocated violence; about the nature of his detention (whether administrative or penal) (135 EX/3 PRIV., para. 80).
小组委员会建议被拘留者的所有体检应包括:(a) 医疗历史和接受体检的
[...] 个人说明他们曾遭到的任何暴力行为;(b) 记录目前健康状况,包 括存在的任 何症状;(c) 体检结果,尤其是说明找到的任何伤害并说明是否对被拘留者全身 [...]
做了检查;(d) 医生关于之前三个方面一致性的结论。
The Subcommittee recommends that all medical examinations of detainees include: (a) a medical history and a description by the person examined of any acts of violence to
which they have been subjected; (b) a
[...] record of current health status, including the [...]
presence of any symptoms; (c) the findings
of the medical examination, in particular a description of any injuries found and a note indicating whether the detainee’s entire body was examined; (d) the doctor’s conclusions regarding the consistency of the preceding three elements.
当务之急是,最有可能 与注射吸毒者接触的服务部门或设施,如拓展和药物治疗设施以及执法机构应 与保健部门整合,以便对广泛 健康状况 进 行 管理。
It is imperative that services or facilities that are most likely to have contact with people who inject drugs, such as outreach and drug treatment facilities and
law enforcement bodies, are well integrated
[...] with the health services so as to manage a broad range of health conditions.




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