

单词 健儿

See also:


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

政府负责支付与教育、卫生健、儿 童照料、老人照料和退休金相关的全部或大部分费用。
The Government is responsible for all, or most of the costs, related to education, health care, child care, elderly care and pensions.
卫生部是初级和中级卫生健、儿童 和产妇保健服务以及 计划生育服务的主要提供机构。
It is the major provider of primary and
[...] secondary health care, children’s and maternal health care services, [...]
and family planning services.
帕斯和安娜都是出色的运健儿,他 们两个人不单单酷爱运动,也具有多年参加世界各地荒野挑战赛的经验。
Both Pasi and Anna have a background in extreme sports, competing over the years in challenging wilderness contests around the world.
越南计划生育联合会感谢政府推动非政府组织参与普遍定期审议进程,赞 扬其在教育、卫生健、儿童权利、两性平等和消除对带艾滋病毒/ [...]
艾滋病生存 者的歧视方面作出的努力。
The Vietnam Family Planning Association thanked the Government for involving non-governmental organizations in the universal periodic
review process and commended its
[...] efforts in education, health care, child rights, [...]
gender equality and the elimination of
discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS.
Are you curious what Olympic medalists wear on their wrist?
[...] 数据、知识管理、提供社会服务、促进产妇和新 儿 保 健 、 儿 童 营 养等领域的能 力建设工作,包括制造和使用随时可用的食疗食品。
Delegations particularly welcomed the capacity-building efforts of UNICEF in the areas of data, knowledge-management, the provision of
social services, and the promotion of
[...] maternal and newborn health and child nutrition, [...]
including the production and use of
ready-to-use therapeutic foods.
我国运健儿在此 几乎包揽了跳水金牌,并在游泳项目上有重大突破,各国运动员在此多次打破世界记录。
China's athletes at this almost a clean sweep of diving gold medals, and swimming there is a major breakthrough in this many athletes from various countries to break the world record.
这些措施可 细分为 12
[...] 个领域,分别为:接纳与收容,教育,就业,住房,社会服务,医疗 卫生和健,儿童、 少年和青年问题,妇女问题,待遇平等,参与,宣传,共同 [...]
The measures included in the plan are divided into 12 areas:
reception, education, employment, housing,
[...] social services, health, children’s and youth [...]
issues, women’s issues, equality of
treatment, participation, awareness-raising and co-development.
基本服务:保健,包括妇孺健、儿 童 生 存和教育
Basic services: health, including maternal and child health, child survival [...]
and education
由1973年起,法国巴黎银行一直热心赞助网球运动及大力支持球手与广大球迷,包括新晋球星、职业球手、球证、拾球员,甚至观众席上的家庭和爱于周末在球场大展身手 健儿 , 由 与网球结缘开始,集团一直希望让更多人投入这项运动。
Since 1973, BNP Paribas has shown unrivalled enthusiasm in its partnership with tennis and its support for both players and fans, from the rising young star to the seasoned professional, from the umpires to the ball-boys and -girls, from the family sitting in the stands to the veteran who goes out on the courts at weekends.
在此,您可以阅读各个体健儿的故 事,见证他们胜利的一刻,了解他们的正规训练和毅力之源,听取他们的建议。您更可登入我们的Facebook官方主页,追踪定期更新的信息和最新的挑战内容。
Read on here about their triumphs, their training regimen, motivations, and the advice they have to give, and come back or follow us on Facebook for regular updates and new Challenges as they are added.
在奥伯霍夫(Oberhof)滑雪运动体育馆内夏天也能向成功的德国滑雪射击体 健儿 提 供 人造雪地的训练机会, 当然体育馆也向冬季运动爱好者与业余越野滑雪人士开放。
In the Skisporthalle Oberhof the successful German biathletes can train even in summer thanks to artificial snow, while the hall is also popular with winter sports enthusiasts and cross-country skiers.
因而,政府认识到,初级健、儿童死 亡率、孕产妇保健、生殖健康以及预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其他传染性疾病等措 施是相互关联的。
With that view, it was recognized that primary health care, child mortality, maternal health, reproductive health, and measures to prevent HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases are linked to each other.
各国应采取一切合理措施,以确保土著儿童、家庭 和社区 获得与医疗卫 生和预防保健相 关 事 项方面的信息 和教育,例 如 营 养、母乳喂养、产 前 和 产 后健、儿童和 青 少年健康 、 预防接 种、传染病(特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病和 肺 结核)、 个人卫生、环境卫生以及杀虫剂和除草剂的危险。
States should take all reasonable measures to ensure that indigenous children, families and their communities receive information and
education on issues
[...] relating to health and preventive care such as nutrition, breastfeeding, pre- and postnatal care, child and adolescent health, vaccinations, [...]
communicable diseases
(in particular HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis), hygiene, environmental sanitation and the dangers of pesticides and herbicides.
委员会还表示关切的是,缺乏良好的卫 生习惯以及饮用未经处理的饮用水都可能对孕产妇和 儿健 康 造 成威胁。
The Committee is further concerned about the lack of adequate hygiene practices and
the consumption of untreated drinking water, both of which may contribute and pose a
[...] threat to maternal and infant health.
十年来,许多政府间进程承认国际人口与发展会议在实现千年发展目标方面 发挥了核心作用;新增加的关于普及生殖健康的目标 5b,补充了关于《行动纲领》 其他方面的目标,比如关于促进两性平等的目标 3、以及孕产妇死亡率(目标 5)、 新儿健康(目标 4)和艾滋病毒预防(目标 6)。
Over the last decade, the centrality of the International Conference on Population and Development in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals has been recognized in many intergovernmental processes; the addition of Goal 5b on universal access to reproductive health complemented other Goals on different aspects of the Programme of Action, for example, Goal 3 on the
promotion of gender
[...] equality and the health Millennium Development Goals on maternal mortality (Goal 5), newborn health (Goal 4), and [...]
on the prevention of HIV (Goal 6).
因为他和他的儿健康状 况恶化,他们才被 允许离开机场。
They were allowed to leave the airport on account of his and
[...] his daughter's deteriorating health.
作为在低收入/高负担国家中服务面最广的机构,保健 4 加的成员决心充分
按照援助实效问题巴黎宣言和阿克拉行动议程的各项原则,发 挥整个卫生部门的
[...] 协同作用,与各国交流有证据可循的干预措施,国家之间相互学习和交流有利于 改善孕产妇和新儿健康的 最佳做法,确保为国家的卫生计划提供公平和综合的 [...]
支助,并 利 用每个国家级机构的相对优势,按照现有的协调程序,加 快取得成果,
As the constituency with the most extensive reach in low-income/high-burden countries, the H4 plus agencies have resolved to manage the follow-up on the commitments made to the Global Strategy by ensuring the provision of equitybased, integrated and coordinated support to countries’ health plans, in full compliance with the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda
for Action, taking advantage of
[...] synergies throughout the health sector, sharing [...]
with countries evidence-based interventions,
peer-country learning and best practices that contribute to improving maternal, newborn and child health/reproductive health, and utilizing the value-added of each agency present at the country level to accelerate results in line with existing coordinating processes.
其它优点有:近乎实时获取有关妊娠以及 儿健 康 的关键信息,提高了病人安全性,有助于临床医师在占有信息的基础上做出决策;可机动获取胎儿和母体的波形数据和关键的妊娠数据,如预产期(EDD)、估计孕龄(EGA)、宫颈检查状态和胎次/产次(gravida [...] [...]
Further benefits include near real-time access to
critical information about a woman’s
[...] pregnancy and the health of her baby, improving [...]
patient safety and helping clinicians
make informed decisions; creating mobile access to fetal and maternal waveform data and key pregnancy related data such as estimated due date (EDD), estimated gestational age (EGA), cervical exam status, and gravida para; and allowing clinicians to compare historical pregnancy data that can be used to evaluate the health of subsequent pregnancies.
该倡议包括承诺支持采取措 施促进孕产妇和新儿健康。
The Initiative included a commitment to support measures for
[...] maternal and newborn health.
人口基金、 儿基会、世卫组织、世行和联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病署)在阿
[...] 富汗的机构正在制订一项 2011-2013 年联合行动计划,以支持公共卫生部改善孕 产妇和新儿健康, 这也是综合战略框架的一个关键主题。
UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank, and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) are developing a joint action plan
2011-2013 to support the Ministry
[...] of Public Health to improve maternal and newborn health, also a key [...]
theme of the integrated strategic framework.
食物安全中心在ORGANIC Echo Brand Les Viva Organic
[...] Infant有机初生牛奶粉(0-12个月)验出蛋白质和钾含量超出食品法典委员会的标准,有可能影响 儿健 康。
The Centre for Food Safety found the potassium
and protein content of an infant formula, Organic
[...] Les Viva Infant milk powder [...]
(0-12 months) (pictured), exceeding the standards
of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
在学习 和 研究领 域 ,依照先 后于 1990 年和 2002 年 召
开的两次世界儿童问 题首脑会议所确立的世界目标评估,阿尔及利亚定
[...] 期对所取得的进展 进 行 评 估 , 特别侧 重 于 母 亲 和儿健康(1995 年的中期调 查 和 2000 年的终期调查)和家庭健康(2002 [...]
年的 EASF 调查)。
In the area of study and research, following the evaluation of world objectives established successively in 1990 and then in 2002 by the two World Summits for Children, Algeria has regularly carried out evaluations of the
progress achieved, focusing in
[...] particular on the health of mothers and children (in the MDG 1995 [...]
and EDG 2000 surveys) and on
the health of the family (EASF 2002).
[...] 抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩具、 手握型板块、儿健身房 、布玩具、毛绒玩具、挤压即响玩具、嵌套玩具、分类 [...]
玩具、堆叠式玩具、简单因果关系玩具(如弹出式玩具和不倒翁)、大粒串珠、 塑料钥匙串等。
Examples of cognitive and motor manipulative toys for these children include mirrors, teething toys, lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured balls),
multi-textured and multi-sensory infant toys,
[...] manipulative panels, activity gyms, cloth toys, [...]
plush toys, squeeze and squeak
toys, nesting toys, sorting toys, stacking toys, simple cause-and-effect toys such as pop-up toys and roly-poly toys, large beads on rings, and plastic keys on rings.
在这 方面,我们欣见 2010 年 7 月
[...] 19 日至 27 日在坎帕拉举行主题为“母婴儿健康 与 非洲发展”的非洲联盟首脑会议第十五次常会;非洲联盟“加速降低非洲孕产 [...]
号的提出;2010 年 8 月 3 日和 4 日在雅加达举行的审查亚洲及太平洋千年发展目 标:为在 2015 年实现目标而加紧努力的特别部长级会议;拉丁美洲和加勒比经 济委员会关于拉丁美洲和加勒比实现千年发展目标进展情况的报告,以及其他区 域委员会撰写的类似报告。
In this regard, we welcome the convening of the fifteenth ordinary session of the Summit of the African Union in Kampala from
19 to 27 July 2010, with the theme
[...] “Maternal, infant and child health and development [...]
in Africa”, the launch of the African
Union Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa; the slogan “Africa cares: no woman should die while giving life”; the Special Ministerial Meeting to Review the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: run-up to 2015, held in Jakarta on 3 and 4 August 2010; the report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean on progress in Latin America and the Caribbean towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals; and similar reports produced by other regional commissions, all of which will contribute positively to the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, as well as to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
该办事处将通过投资个案方法建设合作伙伴系统和体 制能力,这对于处理孕产妇和新 儿健 康 的 区域挑战、通过良好保健和卫生习惯 提高营养率、达到卫生指标和增加获得优质中小学教育的机会至关重要。
Building systems and institutional capacity of partners through the investment case methodology will be central to
addressing regional challenges
[...] in maternal newborn health, improving nutrition rates through good health and hygiene [...]
practices, reaching
sanitation targets and improving access to quality education at both primary and secondary levels.
根据第 4 条第 2 款的规定,新加坡对于第 11 条第 1
[...] 款的理解是,在被认为 有必要或有利于保护妇女或儿健康 及 安全的情况下,不排除对妇女在某些领域 [...]
的就业或她们所做的工作实施禁止、限制或规定,包括新加坡因其他国际义务而 实施的禁止、限制或规定。
Singapore interprets article 11, paragraph 1, in the light of the provisions of article 4, paragraph 2, as not precluding prohibitions, restrictions or conditions on the employment of women in certain areas, or on work done by them where
this is considered necessary or desirable
[...] to protect the health and safety of women [...]
or the human foetus, including such
prohibitions, restrictions or conditions imposed in consequence of other international obligations of Singapore, and considers that legislation in respect of article 11 is unnecessary for the minority of women who do not fall within the ambit of Singapore’s employment legislation.
4 到 7 个月婴儿玩的认知型和手握型玩具,常见的有:磨牙玩具、拨浪鼓、轻的
[...] 球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟的、抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种 纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩具、 儿健 身 房 、游戏垫、布玩具、毛绒玩具、挤压 即响玩具、塑料碟和连锁胶圈等。
Examples of cognitive and motor manipulative toys for 4- through 7month-olds include teething toys, rattles, lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured balls),
multi-textured and
[...] multi-sensory infant toys, manipulative panels, activity gyms, play mats, [...]
cloth toys, plush toys, squeeze
and squeak toys, plastic discs on a ring, and interlocking plastic rings.




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