

单词 停留

See also:


halt n

park (a car)

External sources (not reviewed)

布蘭特原油及紐約原油的即期價格在十一月二十 四日分停留在每桶 42.7 美元和 49.3 美元的高位,儘管已低於先前 的最高位。
The spot prices of Brent and WTI stayed high at US$42.7 and US$49.3 per barrel on 24 November, though down from their respective peaks.
一位成員解釋,污染物不停留在污染源頭;另一位成 員認為所有地區都需要藍天。
A member explained that pollutants would not only stay in the sources.
如為確保安全或秩序而有需要拒絕任何汽車於任何時候進入停 留在停車場,服務人員可如此行事。
(1) An attendant may refuse any motor vehicle to enter or remain in a car park at any time if the
[...] refusal is necessary to ensure safety or order.
數據顯示, 每月就業收入中位數的 50%自 2001 年第二季起停留在大約 $5,000 的水平。
The figures indicate that 50% of the monthly median employment earnings has stayed at around $5,000 since the second quarter of 2001.
如未獲海洋公園公司給予的授權,不得在海洋公園或其部 分停止向公眾開放時進入停留於該
(b) without authority granted by the Corporation, enter or remain in Ocean Park or a part of Ocean Park when it is closed to the public
如某僱員停留期間 的私人時間(例如睡 覺時間)內,並非按照僱傭合約、在僱主同意下或根據僱主的指 [...]
示,為執行工作或接受培訓而留駐僱傭地點當值,在計算其最 低工資時,該段時間便不屬於第3(1)(a)條所指的工作時數。
If an employee in his personal time (such as sleeping
[...] time) during the layover is not in attendance [...]
at a place of employment for the purpose
of doing work or receiving training in accordance with the contract of employment, or with the agreement or at the direction of the employer, such time is not hours worked under clause 3(1)(a) for the purpose of computing his minimum wage.
如未獲海洋公園公司給予的授權,不得准許他擁有或在其 看管下的任何動物(失明人士的引路犬除外)進入 停留在 海洋公園內
(b) behave otherwise than in an orderly manner in Ocean Park or behave in an obscene or indecent manner
在航空業,僱主可能會安排機組人員及機倉服務員於航班工作 後在香港以外的地停留,僱 主亦可能 停留 期 間 向他們提供 免費住宿及/或膳食。
In the airline industry, an employer may arrange the
[...] cockpit and cabin crew to have a layover in a destination outside Hong [...]
Kong after they perform work
during the course of a flight.
出入境法例 對於無權進入停留於香 港的人來說,本條例不影響管限這些人進入、逗留於及離開 香港的出入境法例,亦不影響這些法例的適用。
As regards persons not having the right to enter and remain in Hong Kong, this Ordinance does not affect any immigration legislation governing entry into, stay in and departure from Hong Kong, or the application of any such legislation.
被服務人員拒絕進入某景點或被拒登上某機動遊戲機後, 仍進入停留在該景點或登上停留 在 該機動遊戲機(視 屬何情況而定);及
(a) enters or remains in an attraction, or mounts or remains on an amusement ride, after having been refused to enter or mount (as the case may be) by an attendant; and
有見及此, 隧道兩端的通風口仍會配備輔助抽風設備,以應付當有列車在 月台或隧停留一段 時間時,把新鮮空氣抽入隧道,確保隧道 內的空氣質素維持良好。
Air temperatures in the tunnels will rise. It is therefore necessary to make supplementary fans available at the ventilation openings at each end of a tunnel section, so that fresh air can be drawn in to maintain the air quality within the tunnel in the event of a prolonged delay of trains at platforms or in tunnels.
在候 選人、其選舉代理人或其監察投票代理人中,只限1 人進入停留在投票站內。
Only one such person may be present in the polling station: a candidate or his election agent or his polling agent.
從公司當日收入收款(Keeper):如果你要求收款官使用這個方 式,收款官會到你雇主的公司去,並在那 停留 一 段 時間。
Keeper: If you request a keeper, a levying officer will be sent to your employer’s business, and will stay there for a specified period of time, collecting money that comes in during the day.
事實上,第 90 個百分值自 2001-02 年起停留在$30,000 的水平。
In fact, the 90th percentile figure has stayed at the level of $30,000 since 2001/2002.
(A) 空氣傳播防護措施 空氣傳播防護措施可預防由空氣中飛沫核( 相等或少於5 微米)
[...] 或灰塵傳播的疾病,空氣中飛沫核含有微生物,可長時 停留 在空 氣中,而灰塵則含有傳染性病原體。
Airborne precautions prevent diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplet nuclei (5 micrometres or
smaller in size) containing microorganisms
[...] that can remain suspended in the air for [...]
long period of time or dust containing the infectious agent.
除非獲海洋公園公司給予的授權,否則不得容許屬於他的 或他掌管的而無法憑本身動力離開停車場的汽車,於停車停留超過 為使能夠將它移走而合理所需的時間
(j) without authority granted by the Corporation, permit a motor vehicle belonging to him or in his charge, which cannot move away from a car park under its own power, to remain in the car park for a period longer than is reasonably necessary to enable its removal
食物在消化道停留的時 間變長,導致更多需要透過腸道排泄的物質被人體 重新吸收。
This slowing of transit time – the time it takes foods to get through the gastrointestinal tract – also permits greater reabsorption of substances normally excreted through the intestines.
再者,為免的士在繁忙時間長時間在該路 停留 而 影 響 車輛流通,運輸署採取特別交通管理措施,規定的士在早上 7時至晚上10時的時段內只可在該處上落客,而不可停車候 客,以免影響車輛流通。
Taxis are only permitted to pick up or set down passengers from 7 am to 10 pm at the road section concerned, and waiting for passengers is not allowed during the period.
除非被服務人員指示將汽停留,否則不得阻塞任何停車 場的入口或出口,或在停車場的任何出口或其他地 停留 超過 取得泊車票或繳付泊車費所需的時間
(g) obstruct an entrance to or exit from a car park or remain stationary at an exit or elsewhere in a car park for a period longer than is necessary to obtain a parking ticket or pay a parking charge, unless directed to remain stationary by an attendant
絕對的限制 如服務人員合理地相信為確保安全或秩序或確保某景點或某機動 遊戲機的安全運作,有需要拒絕任何人進入 停留 在 該 景點或登上 停留 在該 機動遊戲機(視屬何情況而定),則該服務人員可如此行事。
(1) This section is subject to the provisions of Division 2 of this Part. (2) An attendant may refuse a person to enter or remain in an attraction or mount or remain on an amusement ride if the attendant reasonably believes that the refusal is necessary to ensure safety or order or the safe operation of the attraction or amusement ride (as the case may be).
對於因成本增加而需停止僱用留宿 家 庭傭工 的家庭,其中一個在職配偶(較為可能是妻子)或會被迫 [...]
For families that need to stop employing live-in domestic [...]
workers owing to increased cost, either a working spouse (more
likely the wife) would be forced to leave the workforce and stay home.
7.3 倘若下列任何一項事項出現,本行 留 暫 停 賬 戶及/或服務的權利
3.3 We reserve our right to suspend the Account and/or [...]
the Service upon occurrence of any one of the following events
一名業界代表查詢,既然修訂建議將會採納食品法典委員 會的標準,為何仍留食品 法典委員會食物分類系統沒有 涵蓋的食物。
One trade representative wondered while the proposed amendments were going to adopt Codex standards, why food items absent in Codex food category system was still retained in the proposed amendments.
[...] 與食品法典委員會的標準一致,但仍會 留 沒 有 相應食品 法典委員會標準的本地食物。
Though CFS was making effort to align as far as
possible respective food standards with the Codex’s, local food without corresponding
[...] Codex standards would be retained.
(c) 草案第6(1)條將予修訂,訂明獲委任的公職人員、警務人員 或醫療輔助隊或民安隊的隊員可逮捕任何從扣留的地方逃 走的人,以及把該人送往其逃離的地方或衞生主任批准的 任何其他地方;及 (d) 根據《條例草案》第7條訂立的《預控疾病規例》將賦權醫 院員工停和扣留任何 已犯或正犯與隔離或檢疫有關的罪 行的人。
(c) clause 6(1) will be amended to provide that an appointed public officer, a police officer, or a member of AMS or CAS may arrest a person who escapes from a place where he is detained and convey him to the place from which he escaped or any other place authorized by a health officer; and
可 是 , 必留 意,實 際 上每年向 用 戶收取的 基 本電費,須於前 一年由政府與港燈在周 年電費檢討中商討後釐訂,當中須顧 及財政計劃組成部分的 任何變 動 。
However, it should be borne in mind that in practice, the actual basic tariff to be charged to consumers each year will be determined in the preceding year, following discussions between Government and HEC during the annual Tariff Review, taking into account any variations in the component parts of the Financial Plan.
(b) 倘就股份而言,任何人士根據上文所載有關 轉讓股份的條文有權成為一名股東,或根據 該等條文有權轉讓股份,則董事會可 留就 該 等股份所應支付的任何股息或其他應付款 項,直至有關人士成為該等股份的股東或轉 讓該等股份為止。
(b) The Board may retain any dividends or other monies payable upon shares in respect of which any person is, under the provisions as to the transmission of shares hereinbefore contained, entitled to become a member, or in respect of which any person is under those provisions entitled to transfer, until such person shall become a member in respect of such shares or shall transfer the same.
政府的公務員薪酬政策,是提供足夠的薪酬以吸引、留 和激 勵具合適才幹的人,為市民提供有效率和成效兼備的服務; [...]
並透過保持公務員薪酬與私營機構薪酬大致相若,讓公務員和他 們所服務的市民都認為公務員薪酬是公平的。
The Government’s civil service
pay policy is to offer sufficient remuneration
[...] to attract, retain and motivate [...]
staff of suitable calibre to provide the public
with an effective and efficient service; and to ensure that civil service remuneration is regarded as fair by both civil servants and the public they serve through maintaining broad comparability between civil service and private sector pay.
2.3 在不影響上述條文的前提下,本行 留 增 加、修改、調整或縮減不時由本行提供予閣下的 服務範圍的權利。惟本行須就上述各項根據所有適用的法律、規則、規例、指引、通函及 守則給予閣下適當的通知。
2.3 Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, we reserve our right to expand, modify, adjust or reduce the scope of the Service provided to you by us from time to time provided always that due notice in relation to such expansion, modification, adjustment or reduction will be given to you in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars and codes of conduct.
透過接納上市公司要約,南聯股東將向要約人出售其不附帶任 留 置 權、質押、申索及 產權負擔的南聯股份以及隨附於南聯股份的所有權利,包括接收在提出上市公司要約日 期(即公佈相關要約文件)後宣佈、作出或支付的所有股息和分派,但不包括以實物方 式分派及特殊現金股息。
By accepting the Listco Offer, Winsor shareholders will sell their shares in Winsor to the Offeror free from all liens, charges, claims and encumbrances and with all rights attached to them, including the rights to receive all dividends and distributions declared, made or paid after the date on which the Listco Offer is made, being the date of posting of the relevant offer document(s), excluding the Distribution In Specie and the Special Cash Dividend.




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