

单词 停车计时器

See also:


pull up (stop one's vehicle)
(of a machine) stop working

计时 v

time v


measure time
reckon by time

External sources (not reviewed)

总体维修成本以及由变器、车桥和 液压装置问题导致 停 机 时 间 损失 估 计 为 每 台设备每年5,046美元。
The overall cost for
[...] repairs and downtime due to transmission, axle and hydraulics issues is estimated at $5,046 per vehicle per year.
该项计划修 建一个现代化的购物及办公综合区,区域内将会有 酒店、地停车设施和通行道。
The plan is to build a modern shopping and office complex with a hotel, underground parking facilities and access roads.
必须强调,正如以往报告所述,对审判和上诉程序的时间长度的 计 , 更 多 是一种艺术,而不是科学;不象制定公共 车时 间 表 那样。
It must be stressed, as stated in previous reports, that the estimation of the length of trial and appeal proceedings is more an art than a science; it is not like creating a bus schedule.
当您在计划每天的旅时,请计算各目的地之间的 车时 间。
When planning each day of travel spend some time to calculate how [...]
long it will take to drive between destinations.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动 停 止; 在以色列国防军撤时,陪 同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和 器 ; 采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would
include, inter alia,
[...] monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary [...]
action within
its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
多指丝 状电刷保证了电位式传感器完美运行,这些传器被广泛应用于踏板、启停车系统 、节气门阀 及车用空调调器等。
Multi-wire wiper contacts ensure the perfect operation of
potentiometer sensors
[...] for the pedal and the start-stop system and also for the throttle valve and the air conditioning regulator.
当成片掉落到翅片叠料装置上时,可编程逻辑控 器 ( PL C)自 计 算 翅 片数,在达到预设翅片 时 , 停 止 冲 床运转。
As fins are manufactured and dropped to the
fin stacker, the
[...] Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) counts fins and stops the press when a predetermined amount [...]
of fins have been created.
要卡车或巴停车时,并非只能依靠刹车装置,当使用福伊特液力缓 器 时 ,高达90%的制动可以无磨损地由缓速器来完成,从而最大限度地保证您的刹车系统可以始终保持在冷态,能有效地应对可能发生的各种情况。
Not just
[...] the brake is in action when trucks and busses come to a stop: When retarders by Voith are used, up to 90% [...]
of all braking
operations can be achieved without any wear.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改
[...] 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定的全面消除 核器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核器区构 成唯一障碍的国家 停止 开发核器,并 无条件地签订《不扩散条约》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific timeline for
the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in
[...] particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the [...]
Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.
监督厅在其关于联合国内罗毕办事处安保和安全管理的 计 报 告 (2005 年 10 月印发的 AA2004/211/03 号文件)中建议,为了明确界定东道国安保人员在控制 进出吉吉里大院方面发挥的作用,安全和安保部应与东道国签订一项关于这些安 保人员具体作用和责任的协议,其中应规定在发生紧急事件时,特别是当需要使 用器时应采取的行动。
In its audit of security and safety management at the United Nations Office at Nairobi (AA2004/211/03, issued in October 2005), OIOS
recommended that, to clearly
[...] define the role of the host country security officers in controlling access to the Gigiri complex, the Department of Safety and Security should reach an agreement with the host country on the specific roles and responsibilities of those security officers, including the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency, especially when the use of weapons may be required.
辅路上的车道和车库内的各通 道在任时候都必须保持车停泊。
Traffic lanes on the service road and roadways in the garage must
[...] be kept free of stationary vehicles at all times.
一般来说, 破产法主要通过以下途径保护私人债务人:作为债务重组进程的一部分,在债务 重组完成前中止执行、停计息和暂 时 取 消 免除债务和义务的能力。
Insolvency laws generally protect private debtors by, among other things, stays of execution pending restructuring of debt, suspension of accrual of interest and the ability to discharge debts and obligations as part of a debt restructuring process.
连续板材应用中转用碳氢化合物技术将涉及到:安装戊烷储存罐;更换发泡 器计 量设 备;用环带切割机更换循环锯切割机;氮供应系统;适合戊烷的搅拌头;适合戊烷的 动态搅拌器;修改泡沫泡沫操作装置;安全相关设备和系统;以及试验 车 间 维 护培训和 安全审计。
Conversion to HC technology in the continuous panels application involves the installation of pentane storage tanks, replacement of the foaming machine metering units; replacement of circulating saw cutter by belt cutter; nitrogen supply system; mixing head suitable for pentane; dynamic mixer for components suitable to pentane; modification of foam manipulator; safety related equipment and systems; and trials, training for plants maintenance and safety audits.
不过,如果计划停留时间超 过三个月,就需要参加澳大利亚道路法则和条例的考试,并在满足所有必要条件后才能领取澳大利亚的驾照。
However, if you plan to stay longer than three [...]
months, then you’ll need to pass a test on Australian road rules and regulations
and meet all necessary requirements before being granted an Australian driver’s licence.
在三色系统中,配方 2-2(屏幕 31)和配方 3-2 (屏幕
[...] 33)可使用户为另外的 A2 和 A3 涂料 (颜色 2 和 3)设置冲计时器。
In 3-Color systems, Recipe 2-2 (Screen
31) and Recipe 3-2 (Screen 33) allow users
[...] to set flush timers for the additional [...]
materials A2 and A3 (colors 2 and 3).
也可以提供每一个车器的精确校准 曲线,但是在订时必须明确说明而且需要收取额外 的费用。
Precise calibration curves for
[...] individual brakes can be provided, but must be specified at time of order and do require [...]
an additional charge.
安全理事会要求朝鲜立即全面遵守安全 理事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议 为其规定的义务,包括:以完全、可核查和不可 逆的方式放弃所有核器和现有核计 划 ;立 即停 止所 有相关活动;不使用弹道导弹技术进行进一 步发射,不进行核试验,也不进行进一步挑衅。
The Security Council demands that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea immediately comply fully with its obligations under Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009),
including that it
[...] abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner; immediately cease all related activities; [...]
and not conduct
any further launches that use ballistic missile technology, nuclear tests or any further provocation.
为确保系统安全制动能力,应附加一套独立的制动系统以确保当系 统存在管路损时车辆或机器仍能 安全制动。
You must provide a braking system, redundant to the
hydrostatic transmission, sufficient to stop and hold
[...] the vehicle or machine in the event of hydrostatic drive power loss.
为确保这项工作的可持续性,可以把培训放在一揽 计 划 中 进行,一揽计划包括提供基本供给、个人防护装备、非致命性 器 、 车 辆 和 通信设备。
In order to ensure the sustainability of this effort, the training could be
provided as part of a
[...] package that includes the provision of basic supplies, personnel protection gear, non-lethal weapons, vehicles and communications equipment.
维护 2 (屏幕 25)控制配料阀 A 和 B 的维计时器的实际和目标值。
Maintenance 2 (Screen 25) controls dose valves A
[...] and B maintenance timers, actual and target.
i-Reader RR-602无线式读器能和 锐帆所有型号的电子标签产品(包括i-Tag RT-202,i-Tag RT-210,i-Tag RT-220,i-Tag RT-230,i-Tag RT-240 ,i-Tag RT-300)协同工作,为物流领域、仓储领域、智能停车场管理、车辆出入控制、生产线管理WIP(Working-In-Progress)、高速公路车辆 停车计 费 (ETC)、设备资产管理、人员出入自动化管理、井下人员设备安全追踪管理等有自动识别需求场合提供高性价比的解决方案。
I-Reader RR-602 wireless read-write can with the sharp sail all models electronic label product (including i-Tag RT-202, i-Tag RT-210, i-Tag RT-220, i-Tag RT-230, i-Tag RT-240, i-Tag RT-300) the joint operation, flows the domain for the thing, stores in a storehouse the domain, the intelligent parking lot management, the vehicles difference control, the production line manages WIP (Working-In-Progress), the highway vehicles does not stop costs (ETC), the [...]
equipment property management,
the personnel comes in and goes out the automated management, the mine shaft personnel equipment safe tracing management and so on has the automatic diagnosis demand situation to provide the high price compared solution.
带 有背光灯的显器可让 用户在低能见度的现场工作,例如地 停车 场。
The display with backlight allows the user to work on sites with low visibility, e.g. underground car-parks.
维捷布斯克区法院得出结论,提交人在一公共场所积极地参与了一场群众活 动,特别是与群众活动的其他参与者一起,在一 停车 场 长 时 间 举 着展开的旗帜 和一个十字架,从而公开表达了自己的个人利益和其他利益。
The Vitebsk District Court concluded that, by actively taking part in a mass event in a public place and, in particular, by
holding unfurled flags and a cross for a
[...] long period of time on the parking lot with the other [...]
participants at the mass event,
the author publicly expressed his personal and other interests.
审计小组由一名技术顾问和一名会计组成,他们在 计时 遵循 的程序与前几年进行核查时遵循的程序相同,但他们也留意是否存在迹象和信号,使他们 相信已经永停止氟氯化碳生产。
While the team, which consisted of a technical consultant
and an accountant,
[...] conducted the audit following the same procedures as they had when carrying out the verifications in the previous years, they also looked for signs and indicators that could convince them of the permanent cessation of CFC production.
我们提供免费上网停车,洗 衣服务(每公斤1.50美元) ,西班牙的经验教训(每时4美元) ,体育馆旁边, 24小时办理登机手续,也没有宵禁。
We offer free Internet, parking, laundry service (USD 1,50 per kilo), Spanish lessons (USD 4 per hour), gym next door, [...]
24 hours check-in and no curfew.
如果马德里的某台服器停机,则需要 花费一时间来 恢复正常工作,但这些时间对我们这个行业 来说非常宝贵,代价不菲”。
If a server in Madrid went down, it could take some time to get it back [...]
up and working and that delay can be very costly in our industry.
公司在德国本土的生产范围从高精密标准元件到客户特定的复杂机电解决方案或电子控制单元,全方位涵盖 车 、 计 算 机 、家用 器 、 电 气和机械工程行业的客户应用需求。
Production in Germany ranges from highly precise standard components to customer-specific, complex mechatronic solutions or electronic control
units – everything that
[...] customers in the automotive, computer, household appliance, electrical [...]
and mechanical engineering
sectors require for their applications.
联合国邮政管理处、参观事务、计 产 品 销售、饮食业务及有关服务停车场业 务、电视服务和出版物销售的直接开支未列预算批款,应由这些活动所 得中支付。
Direct expenses of the United Nations Postal
Administration, services to
[...] visitors, the sale of statistical products, catering operations and related services, garage operations, television [...]
services and the
sale of publications not provided for under the budget appropriations shall be charged against the income derived from those activities.
更换温度控器时,一定要检查压缩机是否在冷、热状态下都能正常运行,以及在使用LST压缩 时停 止 期 间的时长是 否足以让系统实现压力均衡。
When replacing a thermostat it is important to check whether the compressor operates satisfactorily both in warm and cold position, and whether the standstill period is sufficient for the system pressure equalization when using a LST compressor.
加拿大继续同其他想 法相同的国家在各种国际论坛积极合作,制定新的措施,以进一步加强不扩散制 度,特别是针对转让与生产可用于核 器 的 特殊裂变材料相关的浓缩和后处理技 术,并在遇到不遵守核不扩散承诺情 时停 止 核 合作。
Canada continues to cooperate actively with other like-minded States in a variety of international forums to develop new measures aimed at further strengthening the non-proliferation regime, particularly with regard to the transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technologies associated with the
production of
[...] special fissionable material suitable for nuclear weapons purposes, and the suspension of nuclear cooperation in cases of non-compliance with [...]
non-proliferation commitments.




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