单词 | 停牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 停牌 noun —suspension ndisqualification nExamples:停牌期 n—disqualification period n See also:停 n—halt n 停 v—stop v 停—park (a car)
他建議政府當局加強宣傳以消除此誤解,並建議除最 短 停牌期 外 ,當局亦應就監禁期和罰款額訂立遞進罰則。 legco.gov.hk | He suggests that the Administration should step up publicity to remove such misconception and impose a sliding scale for imprisonment and fines in parallel with the minimum disqualification period. legco.gov.hk |
此外,為使在指明毒品影響下駕駛罪行的罰則發揮最大 阻嚇作用,條例草案建議,如該人曾被裁定相同罪行,而法庭 經考慮犯罪情節和該人的行為後,認為不宜容許該人繼續駕駛 汽車,則除可判處就相關罪行所訂的罰則外,還可判處該人終 身停牌。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, in order to maximize the deterrent effect for driving under the influence of specified illicit drugs, it is proposed in the Bill that, if the person has previously been convicted of the same offence and, having regard to the circumstances under which the offence is committed and the behaviour of the person, the court is of the opinion that it is undesirable for the person to continue to be allowed to drive a motor vehicle, the court may order driving disqualification for life in addition to imposing the penalties provided for the offence. legco.gov.hk |
持牌人若紀錄欠佳,停牌的時 間可能會延長,更嚴重者可 能會被吊銷牌照。 legco.gov.hk | Licensees with a poor track record may run the risk of having their suspension period extended, [...] and in more serious cases, [...]having their licences revoked. legco.gov.hk |
這不是好歹把氣啃下或停牌半年 的問題,而是有些人把聲譽受損視為 比生命更重要的東西,所以我絕對尊重任何人對他認為不公道的任何 事情作出最強烈及原則性的抗辯。 legco.gov.hk | This is why I absolutely respect the strongest defence in principle made by anyone with respect to any matters considered by him to be unfair. legco.gov.hk |
為釋除上述疑慮,法案委員會法律顧問建議,若委員 希望清晰表明,擬議第36(2BA)13 條及第39J(4)條訂定的因素不應 影響根據其他條例就任何其他交通罪行作出終 身 停牌 的 刑罰, 可修訂有關條文,加入字句,訂明每款條文皆不應被詮釋為限 制法庭或裁判官根據其他交通法例施加終身 取 停牌 刑 罰 的權 力。 legco.gov.hk | To address the concerns, the legal adviser to the Bills Committee has suggested that if members wish to make it clear that the parameters in the proposed sections 36(2BA)13 and 39J(4) should not affect the imposition of life-disqualification on any other traffic offences that are provided in [...] other ordinances, these [...] sections may be amended by adding words to the effect that each subsection is not to be construed as limiting the power of the court or magistrate to impose life disqualification under other road [...]traffic legislation. legco.gov.hk |
我們認為, 現時訂明強制停牌,並訂明最短停牌 期 的 做法,是較 清晰及公平的做法,因為法庭如果認為適當,可判處 遠較法例所訂最短停牌期更長的停牌 期 , 以反映個別 案件的嚴重性。 legco.gov.hk | In our view, the current arrangement of setting out the minimum obligatory disqualification period is a fairer arrangement of greater clarity, since the court may, as it thinks fit, impose disqualification periods much longer than the minimum periods set out in the law to reflect the seriousness of individual cases. legco.gov.hk |
即使一個地產代理發放虛假消息都會被罰 停牌,但 當發展商涉嫌發放虛假消息、誤導消費者投資,為甚麼卻沒有針對 [...] 性的法例或機構加以監管呢? legco.gov.hk | Even an estate agent can be punished for releasing false [...] information by the suspension of licence, why is there [...]no specific legislation or body to regulate [...]the alleged release of false information by real estate developers to mislead consumers into investment? legco.gov.hk |
(c) 建議的修訂( 例如延長危險駕駛罪行 最短的駕駛資格取消期間(下稱"停牌 期 "),及為監禁期和停牌期分期執行 訂定條文) 均只會影響屢次違反嚴重 交通罪行的司機,對大部分奉公守法 的職業司機不會造成影響 legco.gov.hk | (c) the proposed amendments such as lengthening the minimum disqualification period for dangerous driving offences, and providing for consecutive implementation of imprisonment and disqualification would only affect repeat offenders of serious traffic offences but not the majority of the law-abiding professional drivers legco.gov.hk |
(a) 有需要確保所有藥物測試均會妥善進 行,並訂明免責辯護條款,在適當情 況下確保司機不會誤墮法網,被指觸 犯毒駕及藥駕罪行,尤其因為屢次干 犯毒駕及藥駕罪行的人士可被處終身 停牌 legco.gov.hk | (a) there was a need to ensure that all drug tests would be properly conducted, and that a defence should be provided, where appropriate, to ensure that drivers would not be inadvertently caught drug driving, especially as repeat drug driving offenders might be disqualified from driving for life legco.gov.hk |
根據從公眾諮詢所得的意見,如停牌期 與 監禁期同期執行,根本沒有實質的阻嚇作用,有市民要求明 文規定監禁和停牌的刑罰分期執行,讓法庭可以依法判處兩者 分期執行,令觸犯危駕罪行的司機更長時間不得在路上駕駛。 legco.gov.hk | There are public calls for implementing the penalties of imprisonment and disqualification consecutively, and that express provisions should be provided for the court to do so, such that dangerous drivers would be taken off from the road for a longer period. legco.gov.hk |
雖然停牌常令人關注到股東(特別是 小股東)可能無法出售其於停牌證券 的權益而受影響,但這些股 份的準買家是否已獲得所有資料以便作出知情投資決定,以及有 信心公司的情況足以履行《上市規則》所規定的持續責任,亦是 同樣重要的考慮。 legco.gov.hk | While concerns are often raised about [...] the impact of suspension of trading on shareholders, in particular minority shareholders, who may be unable to dispose of their interest in the suspended securities, [...]it is equally important [...]to consider whether potential purchasers of those shares will have at their disposal all the information they might need to make an informed investment decision, and can have confidence that the company's circumstances are such that it is able to meet its continuing obligations under the Listing Rules. legco.gov.hk |
按照現時建議,在指明毒品影響 下駕駛的罪行首次定罪的最短停牌期 為5 年,再次定罪則為 10年,加上上文所述有關作出終身 停牌 命 令的因素,以及將危 險駕駛引致他人死亡的罪行的最短 停牌 期 提高至相同的水平, 凡此種種,均有助達致上述目的。 legco.gov.hk | The current proposals to set [...] the minimum disqualification period for the offence of driving under the influence of a specified illicit drug at 5 years on first conviction, and 10 years on subsequent conviction as well as the above-mentioned parameters to order life disqualifications, and to increase the minimum disqualification period for [...]the offence of dangerous [...]driving cause death to the same level, would help to achieve the above objective. legco.gov.hk |
在現行的停牌政策 下,如果上市公司有股價敏感資料而未 能向市場公布,則必須暫停其證券交易直至相關資料已被公布。 hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk | Under the current suspension policy if a [...] company has price sensitive information and is unable to announce this information [...]to the market, it must suspend trading in its securities until this information is announced. hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk |
政府當局認為 有需要按建議增加危險駕駛引致他人死亡罪行 的 停牌 罰 則 ,以 維持各項交通罪行的罰則相稱。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration considers that the proposed increase in the driving disqualification penalty for the dangerous driving causing death offence is necessary in order to maintain the relativity among the penalties for different traffic offences. legco.gov.hk |
在此情况下, 毋須提交停牌及復牌申請。 hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk | A suspension or resumption request [...] is not necessary in these circumstances. hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk |
在這方面,法案委員會的 法律顧問曾要求政府當局澄清,是否在所有監禁期完結之前, 停牌期不得開始計算。 legco.gov.hk | In this connection, the legal adviser to the Bills Committee has asked the Administration to clarify whether disqualification should only start to run after the completion of all the terms of imprisonment. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 把再次被裁定危險駕駛引致他人死亡的最短 停牌期延 長,由3年增至5年,使之與酒後駕 駛的建議刑罰一致。 legco.gov.hk | (b) To lengthen the minimum disqualification period for a subsequent conviction for ‘dangerous driving causing death’ from 3 years to 5 years to bring it in line with that proposed for drink driving. legco.gov.hk |
委員察悉,若觸犯酒後駕駛第3級而第 二次或再次被定罪,雖然建議的最短 停牌 期 與 澳洲(新南威爾士 州 )的法例一致,但較英國和新加坡的刑罰嚴厲。 legco.gov.hk | Members have noted that while the proposed minimum driving disqualification period on second or subsequent conviction under tier 3 is in line with the legislation of Australia (New South Wales), it is more stringent when compared with the United Kingdom and Singapore. legco.gov.hk |
防止酒後駕駛的方法,包括設立專門法院 , 停牌 或 吊銷駕照,取消車輛登記,拖吊相關車輛,訂立車上禁酒例,增加刑罰,及教育等。 hkcarworld.com | Possible prevention measures examined here include [...] establishing DWI courts, suspending or revoking driver licenses, [...]impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, [...]impounding or immobilizing vehicles, enforcing open container bans, increasing penalties such as fines or jail for drunk driving, and mandating alcohol education. hkcarworld.com |
在 該計劃內的食肆,每年須接受的 生巡查次數為其他食肆的兩倍,而 該食肆須在一年內連續兩次通過 [...] 生巡查,才會重新被列入正常巡查 計劃內;否則可能會被暫時停牌或撤銷營業許可證。 legco.gov.hk | Once in the Accelerated Inspection Program, an establishment must pass two consecutive sanitary inspections within a year before being [...] returned to the regular inspection program; failure to do so [...] may result in suspension or revocation [...]of the Operating Permit. legco.gov.hk |
如違例嚴重或重複,分析員可能 發出一個「行政行動」,例如暫停牌 照或撤銷牌照。 childcarelaw.org | If the violation is serious or repeated, the Analyst may initiate an “Administrative Action” such as a [...] temporary suspension or license revocation. childcarelaw.org |
很多市民向我 [...] 們反映,現時駕駛者駕駛的小心程度是越來越低的,因為如果不能證明他們 是危險駕駛,即使是撞死人 ― 這類事件已發生了很多宗 ― 也只會被 罰停牌兩三年,完全沒有阻嚇的作用。 legco.gov.hk | Many members of the public have reflected to us that the level of safe driving by drivers nowadays has been lowering because if they cannot be proved to be driving dangerously, even if someone has been knocked down and killed ― many such incidents [...] have occurred ― they will only [...] be subject to suspension of driving licence for two to three [...]years, which will have no deterrent effect at all. legco.gov.hk |
請參見香港交易所於 2011 年 12 [...] 月 20 日發布的有關發布訊息的系統運作受阻期 間停 牌政策的新聞稿。 hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk | Please refer to the HKEx’s new release published on 20 December [...] 2011 for the suspension policy during [...]the information dissemination system disruption. hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk |
(h) 藥駕罪行的罰則,應與酒後駕駛大致相若;再者, 在所有危險駕駛罪行中,建議把在受指明違禁藥物 影響或損害下駕駛定為犯罪情節特別嚴重的情況9 , 可處最高罰款額、監禁期和停牌期各 增加百分之五 十。 legco.gov.hk | (h) the penalties for drug driving offences should generally be aligned with those for drink driving offences, and driving under the influence of or when impaired by the specified illicit drugs should be made a circumstance of aggravation in all dangerous driving offences9 under which the maximum penalty in terms of fine, imprisonment and disqualification for the offences concerned are each increased by 50%. legco.gov.hk |
如果本公司的控制權有所變動或股份除牌(包括股份在聯交 所 停牌 連續 30 個交易日以上),債券持有 [...] 人將有權要求發行人按其所持有的可換股債券的本金額加上任何累計至指定贖回日的利息,贖回全部或 部份該等可換股債券。 ifn.com.hk | Following the occurrence of a Change of Control or delisting of the Company [...] (including suspension of trading [...]of the Shares on the Stock Exchange for more [...]than 30 consecutive Trading Days), the Bondholder will have the right to require the Issuer to redeem all, or some only, of such Bondholder’s Convertible Bonds at their principal amount together with interest accrued to the date fixed for redemption. ifn.com.hk |
若貴公司需登載股價敏感資料公告(包括業績公告),而貴公司自設網站又因某種原 [...] 因未能經由已公布的網站連結登入,貴公司需聯絡我們的專責主任商 討 停牌 事 宜。 hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk | If you have price sensitive information announcements (including results announcements) to publish but your website is not accessible via the [...] published website hyperlink address for any reasons, you should contact our case officer [...] to discuss trading suspension. hkexnews1.bulletinboard.hk |
(D) 當場外衍生產品未被行使之時,若它們的相關證券在香港交易所或其他任何相關股票交易所交易 被停牌,它們亦可能跟它們的相關證券一樣,在相同時間內被暫停交易 tanrich.com | (D) While OTC Derivative Products are unexercised and if their underlying securities are suspended from trading on the HKEx or any other relevant stock exchange, they may be suspended from trading for a similar period of time as their underlying Securities tanrich.com |
连续停牌澄清,重要的固体回收 应用: 化学和制药工业,特别是对这里的蛋白质来自植物的人血浆分离血浆和细菌恢复恢复 [...] 澄清米酵菌酸和BKB的低温应用而设计,三重冷却实现:直接一碗凉,框架上部冷却器和散热器罩成为可能,只有最小公差产品的温度的精确调整 china-environmental.com | Continuous clarification of suspensions, recovery of valuable [...] solids Application: Chemical and pharmaceutical industries, [...]here especially for the recovery of proteins from human blood plasma in plasma fractionation plants and the recovery of bacteria Clarifiers BKA and BKB designed for low-temperature applications, achieved by triple cooling: direct bowl cooler, frame upper section cooler and a hood cooler make possible the exact adjustment of the product temperature with only minimum tolerance china-environmental.com |
控 制 權 變 動 或 摘 牌 或 停 牌 時 贖 回 : 若 發 生 可 交 換 債 券 之 條 款 及 條 件 所 述 的 控 制 權 變 動 、 摘 牌 或 停 牌 , 債 券 持 有 人 有 權 酌 情 要 求 發 行 人 按 其 本 金金額 的 100 % 連 同 任 何 應 計 而 未 支 付 的 利 息 贖 回 全 部 或 部 份 可 交 換 債 券 。 realgoldmining.com | The Bondholders shall have the right, at its option, to require the Issuer to redeem all or part of the Exchangeable Bonds at 100% of their principal amount together with any accrued and unpaid interest upon circumstances of change of control, delisting or listing suspension as set out in the terms and conditions of the Exchangeable Bonds. realgoldmining.com |