

单词 停火线

停火线 ()

cease-fire line

See also:


cease fire


stop v


halt n


firing line (battle)
FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface)
live electrical wire

External sources (not reviewed)

缓冲区内每年例行的一部分,这些轮换通常涉及向高级官员演示技 能和装备,特别是沿土耳其部 停火线 , 以及沿国民警卫 停火线 一 带 的情况 简报。
As part of annual routines within the buffer zone, these usually involve the demonstration of skills and equipment for senior officer
inspections, particularly along the
[...] Turkish Forces ceasefire line, and terrain briefings along the National Guard ceasefire line.
当地居民目前承受的负担同样令人关切,特 别是他们穿停火线的自 由遭遇越来越多的障碍。
Also of concern are the burdens currently experienced
by the local populations, in particular the increased obstacles to their freedom
[...] of movement across the ceasefire line.
然而,这些违规绝大多数只是姿态的变化,多是 停火线 一 带 阵地上刺刀和 戴钢盔。
The vast majority of the violations were simply
changes of posture, however, involving the fixing of bayonets and wearing of helmets
[...] on positions along the ceasefire line.
虽然观察团告诉格鲁吉亚方面不要部署这 些车辆,但内务部 12 月下旬开始用这些车辆日夜沿停火线 进 行 巡逻。
Although the Mission advised the Georgian side against deployment
of these vehicles, the Ministry began to use them for day and night
[...] patrolling along the ceasefire line in late December.
但是,联格观察团观察到当地居民仍然从 其他地方跨停火线,包括涉水过河。
Nonetheless, the Mission observed that the local population
[...] continued to cross the ceasefire line in other places, including [...]
by wading across the river.
事实上的管辖当局指示国际非政府扫雷组织“哈洛信托会”不要 沿 停火线 进 行扫 雷活动。
The international non-governmental demining
organization, Halo Trust, was instructed by the de facto authorities not to undertake demining
[...] activities along the ceasefire line.
特别是在靠近敌对双停火线和联 合国巡逻之处的一些未经授权的 农耕和狩猎活动,继续在缓冲区造成紧张局势。
In particular, unauthorized farming on contested land and
[...] hunting close to the ceasefire lines of the opposing [...]
forces and United Nations patrols continued
to cause tensions in the buffer zone.
2009/10 年期间的主要优 先事项将是,通过以下方式协助创造有利于境内流离失所者和难民安全、有保障
[...] 和体面地回返的条件:向当地执法机构提供咨询意见,对其进行监测和培训,并 向其提供装备,以及在加强治安和打击犯罪方面促 停火线 两 侧 的合作。
The main priorities during the 2009/10 period will be to contribute to the creation of conditions conducive to the safe, secure and dignified return of internally displaced persons and refugees through advising, monitoring, training and equipping
local law enforcement agencies and
[...] facilitating cross-ceasefire line cooperation in [...]
improving order and combating crime.
以色列军队的推土机和重型设备正沿着 Majdal Shams 旁边停火线挖掘 和平整一片数米宽的狭长地带,北起 [...]
Khillat al-Ramlah 地区,南 到 al-Naqaqir 。
Israeli army bulldozers and heavy equipment have been excavating and levelling a strip of land a few metres
[...] wide along the ceasefire line next to Majdal [...]
Shams, from the
Khillat al-Ramlah area in the north to al-Naqaqir in the south.
(f) 继续开展现有的人权活动,停火线 两 侧 的执法机构提供协助。
(f) To continue the currently ongoing human rights activities and assistance to law enforcement agencies
[...] on both sides of the ceasefire line.
5 月 19 日,奥巴马总统提出一些重要原则,作为谈判的基础,其中有特别关
[...] 系到边界的原则,即:边界应以 1967 年停火线为基 础,可共同商定互换部分地 段;也有关于安全安排的原则,即:这种安排应该足够强大,可以防止恐怖主义 [...]
分阶段完全撤出,巴勒斯坦方面能够配合行动,在一个主权和非军事化的国家承 担起治安责任。
On 19 May, President Obama put forward important principles as a foundation for negotiations,
particularly regarding borders, which should be
[...] based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed [...]
swaps, and security arrangements, which
should be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism, to stop the infiltration of weapons, and to provide effective border security, and allow a full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility in a sovereign, non-militarized State.
10 月 25 日,观察团停火线附近 Muzhava 的一幢房屋据说遭到火箭榴弹袭 击一事进行核查。
On 25 October, the Mission followed up on reports of rocket-propelled grenade fire on a house in Muzhava, close to the ceasefire line.
根据俄罗斯联邦部队提供的情报,它们在安全 区内沿停火线集中部署在从上加利地区到黑海海岸的五个地方:Lekukhona [...]
村、 Saberio 村、Chuburkhindji 村、Nabakevi 村和黑海海岸的一个哨位。
According to the information provided by the Russian Federation forces, their deployment in the
security zone was concentrated in five
[...] areas along the ceasefire line, stretching [...]
from the upper Gali district to the Black
Sea coast: Lekukhona, Saberio, Chuburkhindji and Nabakevi villages, and a post on the coast.
委员会经询获悉,任务区局势仍然平静,交给部队的任务保 持不变,即管理 180 公里实停火线和缓 冲区并确保其安全。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the situation in the mission area had remained calm and the levels of tasks entrusted
to the Force, that is, securing and managing the
[...] 180-km de facto ceasefire lines and the buffer zone, [...]
remained unchanged.
观察团警务人员将继续履行关于协助创造条件、以利境内流离失所者和难民 安全、有保障和体面地回返的任务规定,继续协助加 停火线 格 鲁 吉亚和阿布哈 兹两侧的治安,方法是对当地执法机构提供咨询、监测、培训和装备,并促进双 方执法机构之间停火线的合作。
The Mission’s police component will continue to assist in enhancing law and order on the Georgian and Abkhaz sides of the ceasefire line in compliance with the mandated task of contributing to the creation of conditions conducive to the safe, secure and dignified return of
internally displaced
[...] persons and refugees through advising, monitoring, training, and equipping local law enforcement agencies, and facilitating cross-ceasefire line cooperation between the parties’ law enforcement agencies.
阿布哈兹代表停火线的另 一侧观察扫雷的进行。
Abkhaz representatives observed the demining from
[...] the other side of the ceasefire line.
[...] 拜疆被占领土的大部分地区,还有大概接触线(1994 年《比什凯克议定书》规定停火线)周边地区。
It would certainly apply to most areas of the occupied territories of
Azerbaijan, apart from arguably the area proximate to the Line
[...] of Contact (the ceasefire line under the [...]
Bishkek Protocol of 1994).
自 1974
[...] 年《脱离接触协定》以 来,以色列和叙利亚之间停火线一 直 是该地区最稳 定的边界线;但 5 月 [...]
15 日和 6 月 5 日连续发生重大 事故,威胁到 1973 年以来一直维持的停火,危及该 地区的稳定和安全。
Since the 1974 Agreement on
[...] Disengagement, the ceasefire line between Israel [...]
and Syria had been the most stable borderline
in the region; then, in rapid succession, on 15 May and 5 June, major incidents occurred that threatened the ceasefire observed since 1973, jeopardizing stability and security in the region.
2004 年当时的总统乔治·布什致函当时的总理阿 里埃勒·沙龙申明了这一前景,其中载有以下实用文字:“鉴于当地新的现实情
[...] 况,包括已经存在以色列主要人口中心,期望最终地位谈判导致全面及彻底回到 1949 年停火线是不 切实际的,而且所有以往两国解决办法的谈判努力都得出同样 [...]
This prospect was affirmed in a 2004 letter written by then President George W. Bush to then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon containing the following operative language: “In light of the new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli population centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status
negotiations will be a full and
[...] complete return to the armistice lines of 1949, and all [...]
previous efforts to negotiate a two-state
solution have reached the same conclusion.
以色列国防军(国防军)在 Alpha 一 侧限制区继续开展训练活动,隔离区靠 停火线 一 带 的叙利亚平民的发展增多, 针对这一情况,观察员部队继续调整业务活动。
UNDOF continued to adapt its operational posture to the ongoing Israel Defense Forces training activities in the area of limitation on the Alpha side and Syrian civilian development growth in proximity to the ceasefire line in the area of separation.
我们敦促双方保持克制,避免采取挑 衅性行动,以防停火线一带 紧张升级。
We urge both parties to show restraint and to refrain from provocations so as to prevent an escalation
[...] of tensions along the ceasefire line.
这些部队接受 的训练是进行常规战争、静态防御或 沿 停火线 进 行巡 逻,而且军事结构也是照此建立的,他们无法一夜之 [...]
间就转变为高度机动和灵活的行动并拥有良好的地 方情报、接触和技能,若能如此,当然最好。
Units which have been trained for
conventional warfare, static defence or
[...] patrolling of ceasefire lines, and military structures [...]
designed accordingly, cannot
convert themselves overnight into the kind of highly mobile and flexible operations, with good local intelligence, contacts and skills, that would be ideal.
1 月 18 日,Khurcha 停火线附近 的格鲁吉亚内务部的一个哨所遭到袭击,有一名格鲁吉亚人受轻伤。
On 18 January, an attack was reported on a post of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Khurcha, close to the ceasefire line, in which one Georgian sustained minor injuries.
11 月 15 日上午,Kalagali
[...] 村附近发生的事件引发了本报告所述期间格鲁吉 亚内务部和阿布哈兹事实上的保安人员 沿 停火线 进 行的最严重对峙。
In the morning of 15 November, an incident close to Kalagali village provoked the most serious stand-off between Georgian
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Abkhaz de facto security
[...] personnel along the ceasefire line during the [...]
reporting period.
西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)于 2003 年 1
[...] 月部署维和部队,以制止冲突并维持被称为“信任区”的东 西 停火线 , 停火线将 该国北部和南部地区一分为二。
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) deployed peacekeeping troops in January
2003 to contain the conflict and
[...] maintain the east-west ceasefire line known as the zone [...]
of confidence, which separated the
country’s northern and southern regions.
(b) 在停火线两侧 各设一个区,大小相当于 1994 年《莫斯科协定》规定的 “安全区”,除执法人员外,任何武装部队和装备都不得进入,执法人员配带个 人随身武器,每方的执法人员不超过 600 人;并停火线两侧 另设一个区,大小 相当于《莫斯科协定》规定的“限制武器区”,任何重型军事装备,包括坦克、 装甲运兵车、所有类型的大炮和迫击炮都不得进入
(b) A zone, equivalent in its territorial expanse to the “security zone” provided under the Moscow Agreement, on both sides of the ceasefire line, where the presence of armed forces and equipment will not be allowed, with the exception of law enforcement personnel, the number of which should not exceed 600 on either side, armed with personal and side arms, and additional zones, equivalent in their territorial expanse to the “restricted weapons zone” under the Moscow Agreement, on each side of the ceasefire line, where heavy military equipment would not be allowed, including tanks, armoured personnel carriers, all types of artillery and mortars
鉴于国际法院的咨询意见,以色列还必须停止 和拆除在巴勒斯坦被占领土上,包括在耶路撒冷及
[...] 其周围修建的隔离墙,无论在哪里修建隔离墙都偏 离 1949 年停火线,并且与国际法相背。
In view of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, Israel must also halt and reverse the construction of the separation barrier in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including in and around Jerusalem, wherever it
[...] diverged from the 1949 Armistice Line and was contrary [...]
to international law.
60 年来,
[...] 我们看到我们的维和努力如何从隔离交战国和维停火线这一 传统形式转变为更为复杂、涉及不同利益 攸关方甚至包括非国家行为体的多层面行动。
In the past 60 years, we have seen how our efforts to keep the peace have metamorphosed from the more
traditional form of separating warring States
[...] and maintaining ceasefire lines to more complex [...]
and multidimensional operations involving
various stakeholders, which have come to include even non-State actors.
2011 年 6 月,以色列政府决定在被占领的叙利亚戈兰的 Majdal Shams 东部
[...] 修建种族隔离墙,据称是为了防止巴勒斯坦人和叙利亚人越 停火线 、 进 入被占 领的 Majdal Shams。
In June 2011, the Israeli Government decided to build a racist separation wall east of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan,
allegedly in order to prevent Palestinians and Syrians
[...] from crossing the ceasefire line and reaching [...]
occupied Majdal Shams.
8 月,在政治上不能取得突破和以色列继续开展定居点活动的情况下,巴勒 斯坦领导人在阿拉伯和平倡议委员会的支持下确认,他们打算在联合国大会下届
[...] 会议开始时与联合国接触,呼吁会员国承认 1967 年停火线内的巴勒斯坦国,并 申请成为联合国正式会员国。
In August, with no political breakthrough and with Israeli settlement activity continuing, the Palestinian leadership, with the support of the Arab Peace Initiative Committee, confirmed its intention to approach the United Nations at the beginning of the new session of the General Assembly to call on
Member States to recognize a Palestinian
[...] State within the 1967 lines and to apply for [...]
full membership in the United Nations.




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