单词 | 做饭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 做饭 —prepare a mealExamples:生米做成熟饭—It's too late change anything now. • lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed See also:饭 n—food n • rice n • meal n • cuisine n
2010 年,难民署供应了三分之一做饭所需的燃气,补充了阿尔及利亚红新月 会供应的燃气。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, UNHCR supplied one third of the cooking gas requirement, complementing the gas provided by the Algerian Red Crescent. daccess-ods.un.org |
文化、宗教和精神价值观赋予了妇女与养育子女、照顾家 庭 ( 做饭 、洗衣、清洁和园艺)和伺候丈夫紧密联系在一起的角色 daccess-ods.un.org | Cultural, religious and spiritual values that give women a [...] role closely tied to child-rearing and care of [...] their homes (cooking, laundry, cleaning [...]and gardening) and of their husbands daccess-ods.un.org |
使用燃料炉做饭,并 身着御寒衣物保暖。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Use a fuel stove for cooking and wear thermal clothing to keep warm. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
德尔瓦.朱迪丝在航空营的家外用碘盐 做饭。 unicef.org | Delva Judith cooks with iodized salt outside her home [...] in Camp Aviation. unicef.org |
营火上做饭是徒 步旅行的不可分割的一部分。 visitfinland.com | Cooking and [...] eating your dinner on a camp fire [...]is an integral part of hiking trips. visitfinland.com |
此外,尽管招募女孩情况罕见, [...] 且往往不被社会接受,但有记载显示,有女孩为武装团体工作,特别是从 事 做饭 和清洁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, while the recruitment of girls has been rare and is generally regarded as [...] socially unacceptable, there are documented accounts of girls working for armed groups, [...] particularly for cooking and cleaning. daccess-ods.un.org |
最重要的事情是要知道,即使我们拥有的水总量无时不刻都在循环,但是我 们用于日常生活的水,例如饮用、 做饭 和 洗 刷的水却在不断减少,而且很难重新 获得。 thirst4water.org | The important thing to remember is that although the amount of water we have in the world will never actually decrease, but the amount of water we can use for important things such as drinking, cooking and washing is steadily decreasing, and it’s very hard to get back again. thirst4water.org |
通常为满足热能需求焚 化废物,例如,在农村地区做饭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Quite often waste is incinerated to meet thermal energy needs, for example, for cooking in rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们缺乏最基本的设施以维持有尊严的生活:他们没有厕所,没有洗澡、清洗 或 做饭 的 地 方,也没有干净的饮用水源。 unicef.org | They lack basic requirements for dignity: There are no toilets, no areas for [...] showering, washing or cooking, and no sources [...]of clean drinking water. unicef.org |
在这里,囚犯从事与日常生 [...] 活有关的各种活动,包括出售食物、准备烹饪的食物 、 做饭 、 洗衣以及制作有用 的物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Here, prisoners were engaged in various activities connected to [...] daily life, including selling food stuffs, preparing food for cooking, cooking, laundering [...] clothes, and making useful items. daccess-ods.un.org |
客人可以享受房间的现代化设备,使用私人淋浴和私人洗涤水槽,在餐厅吃饭,在厨房 里 做饭 , 放 松和社交的电视休息室,能够访问互联网或使用Wi [...] - Fi网络访问每一个宿舍房间。 instantworldbooking.com | Guests can enjoy the modern equipment of the rooms, use a private [...] shower and a private washing sink, eat in [...] the dining room, cook in the kitchen, [...]relax and socialise in the TV lounge, have [...]access to the Internet or use Wi-Fi web access in every room of the hostel. instantworldbooking.com |
参加者还学习如何利用太阳能做饭, 如 何制造节能 炉灶”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants also learn how to solar cook and m ake fuel‐efficient stoves,” she adds. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(a) 确保生活贫困的人至少可获得对个人和家庭使用( 包括饮用、个人卫 生、洗衣服、做饭以及 个人和家庭清洁 ) 足够并安全的最低必须数量的水,以及 性别敏感的、安全、使用方便和廉价的卫生设施 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential amount of water that is sufficient and safe for personal and domestic uses (including drinking, personal sanitation, laundry, food preparation and personal and household hygiene) and sanitation that is gender-sensitive, safe, physically accessible and affordable daccess-ods.un.org |
在处理过程中,系统释放出的气体可以作为能源,满足监 狱 做饭 的 需 要。 icrc.org | During the treatment process, the system releases gas which can be used as a source of energy to help meet the demand for cooking in the prison. icrc.org |
这些措施包括特派团营地服务商店小 卖部和自助餐厅不再使用塑料袋;将空调设在摄氏 26 度的经济温度和下班后强 制关闭空调;双面打印节约纸张;一个非政府组织为回收瓶子和马口铁罐,并收 集切碎的纸张做成烧火做饭的煤 球;采购再生纸用于打印,发放少于要求 15%的 供应物,将其作为“绿动溢价”;特派团还参加了海滩清理和世界环境日活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The measures included the withdrawal of plastic bags from the Mission’s Post-Exchange commissary facility and cafeteria; the use of air conditioners at the economical temperature level of 26 degrees Celsius and their compulsory shut-down after working hours; paper saving, resulting from double-sided printing; the collection, by a non-governmental organization, of bottles and tin cans for recycling, and shredded paper for the fabrication of cooking briquettes; the procurement of recycled paper for printing and the issuance of 15 per cent less than requested stock as a “greening premium”; as well as the Mission’s participation in beach cleaning and World Environment Day activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
做饭并不 意味着吃来填饱肚子的人,但只是表达创意,讲故事,以保持活着的传统,给客人的感受和记忆的生命,寻找新的和独特的感觉。 eventsandtravel.it | Cooking does not mean to [...] eat to fill the stomach to the people, but simply to express creativity, tell stories, to keep [...]the traditions alive, give life to the guests feelings and memories, looking for new and unique sensations. eventsandtravel.it |
妇女也更加易 于受到使用固体燃料做饭和取 暖造成的室内空气 污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women are also more exposed to indoor air pollution from cooking and heating with solid fuels. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多国家公园也有让人生火做饭的设 备和搭帐篷的地方。 visitfinland.com | Many parks also have cooking places and tent sites. visitfinland.com |
薪材:许多人,尤其是穷人,依赖于薪 材 做饭 和 保 暖。 teebweb.org | Fuelwood: Many people, especially the poor, rely on fuelwood for cooking and keeping warm. teebweb.org |
除了通过美术和手工刺激视觉,感觉和让肢体做精细动作,我们也训练孩子掌握简单的生活技能,如穿衣、打扫卫生、洗衣服 和 做饭。 reachsegamat.com | Besides using art and craft to stimulate visual, sensory and [...] motor skills, our children are also trained in simple life skills like dressing [...] up, cleaning, doing laundry and cooking. reachsegamat.com |
在调查媒体使用习惯(比如开车时听收音机 或 做饭时 看电视)时尤其应该这样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is especially important for covering media habits, such as listening to radio while driving a car or watching [...] television while doing the dishes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在该研究报告中,前高级专员表示她认为,“将获得安全饮用水和卫生设 施 视 为一项人权的时 机已到;这项权利的定义是:平等、不歧视地享有足量的、 供 [...] 个人和家庭用于维持生命和健康的安全饮用水(饮用、个人卫生、洗衣 、 做饭以 及个人和家庭 卫生)的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the study, the former High Commissioner expressed her belief “that it is now time to consider access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right, defined as the right to equal and non-discriminatory access to a sufficient amount of safe drinking water for personal and domestic [...] uses - drinking, personal sanitation, [...] washing of clothes, food preparation and [...]personal and household hygiene - to sustain life and health”. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们自己动手做饭的时 间少了,但有能力 花更多钱来保证健康的膳食。 tetrapak.com | People have less time on their hands but more money to eat [...] and drink in a way that takes care [...]of their health,” she said. tetrapak.com |
出于行动不便或个人安 [...] 全的原因,老年人可能无法走远路购买生活必需品,或是买了也拿不动,或者可 能无法自己做饭。 daccess-ods.un.org | With decreased mobility or concerns for personal [...] security, older persons may not be able to go long distance to buy provisions or carry them, or may [...] not be able to cook food. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨儿童通 常 从 事女佣 工作:做 饭 、 清 扫 、 洗衣、 照 看 幼 儿 和 卖 [...] 东 西 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cambodian children usually work [...] as housemaids doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, [...]babysitting the small children and selling things. daccess-ods.un.org |
池中的水也被当地人用来做饭和饮用。 un.org | The water from the pool is also used by local people for cooking and drinking. un.org |
在钦博拉索,你负担得起和舒适的里奥班巴期间,士兵15元,热水,暖气,无线网络酒店音响,包括早餐,提供宿舍,干净,行李室,厨房,洗 澡 做饭 , 食 堂的Wi - Fi的大堂上。 instantworldbooking.com | Hotel in Chimborazo, your affordable and comfortable stay in riobamba, Privates $15, hot water, heating, wi-fi breakfast included, dorms availiable, clean baths with luggage room, kitchen to cook, cafeteria wi-fi on lobby. find us on facebook hotelglamour instantworldbooking.com |
目前已有显示,每个省的每户煤消耗量数据也与慢性肺病(COPD)、肺癌及铅中毒的死亡率有重要联系, 表明由于做饭和取暖目的造成的室内健康危险(WHO [...] 2001)。 zeromercury.org | z The data on coal consumption per household in each of the provinces has also been shown to correlate significantly with the mortality rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), [...] lung cancer, and lead poisoning, indicative of the health risks of indoor [...] pollution due to cooking and heating purposes. zeromercury.org |
在极其严重的情况下,供水量可限制在每人每天5升,这是被拘留者 的最低生理需要量,也就是说只能用于饮用 和 做饭。 icrc.org | In such circumstances it is essential for the prison administration to provide 10 litres of water per person per day; it should also take immediate water-saving measures such as restrictions on watering and showers. icrc.org |