

单词 做针线

See also:



needles pl


injection n

External sources (not reviewed)

做法需要针对具 体的社会、经济和环境背景,说明每一种可再生能源的机会 和挑战。
This approach should present both the opportunities and the challenges of each renewable energy source within the social, economic and environmental contexts.
(c) 制定和实施线采购 培训课程,在总部和其他地点之间轮调工作人员, 以确保在整个联合国统一实行并充分遵守既定的政策,程序和最 做 法 , 针 对监 督机构提出的意见和建议采取纠正措施。
(c) Developing and implementing procurement training
[...] courses available online, rotating staff between Headquarters and other locations to ensure the consistent application of and full compliance with established policy, procedures and best practices across the Organization [...]
and implementing
corrective measures to address observations and recommendations made by the oversight bodies.
议定书》的缔约方与联合国机构、政府间组织、非政府组织、学术和研究 机构、工业和私营部门代表等相关组织结成合作伙伴关系,正在努力制定改性活 生物体的风险评估线图,和关针 对 不 同类型改性活生物体进行风险评估的要 素和程序的具体指导文件,以帮助各国在开发、处理和使用改性活生物体方做 出知情决策。
The parties to the Protocol, in collaboration and partnership with relevant organizations such as United Nations agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions, industry and the private sector representatives, are heading towards the adoption of a road map for risk assessment of living modified organisms, and specific guidance documents on the elements and procedures of risk assessments for different types of living modified organisms, in order to help countries in their pursuit of informed decisionmaking in the development, handling and use of living modified organisms.
Oke 等人(1999)对孟买儿童游戏的研究指出了儿童使用空间和材料的方式,使用的材 料包括“塑料袋、瓶子、吊环、木板、破椰子壳、空罐头盒和空箱子 针线 、 纸片、糖或巧 克力包装等。”尽管儿童会从事烦人的家务,或从事地方的经济生产,他们仍旧能够找到某 种游戏方式(Katz 2004),即使做像“ 一个儿童帮她妈妈洗车或洗衣服这样很无聊的事情的 时候,儿童也会玩水,用手或脚拍水”(Oke et al 1999: 212)。
s(1999) study of children’s play in Mumbai notes the ways in which children appropriate space and materials including ‘plastic bags, bottles, rings, wooden planks, broken
coconut shells, empty
[...] tins and boxes, thread/string, scraps of paper, candy/chocolate wrappers, etc.’ Even though children may be engaged in domestic chores, or contributing to local economic production, they will still find some way of playing [...]
(Katz 2004 ), even in
something as apparently mundane as a ‘child helping her mother wash vessels or clothes lingers during the task at hand, playing with the water, splashing it with her hands or feet’ (Oke et al. 1999: 212).
[...] 书处的担心,即这种方法可能过于简单,正因为如此,才对发泡设备和生 线 的 数 量 做出 了保守假设。
The World Bank acknowledged the Secretariat’s concern that the approach might be too
simplistic, which is why conservative assumptions had been used for both the
[...] number of foaming units and production lines.
采取措施防止警察或其他执法机构和官员在逮捕和拘留 针 对 非洲人后裔 使用非法暴力、酷刑、不人道和有辱人格待遇或歧视,确保非洲人后裔不是种族 和族裔线做法的受害者。
Take measures to prevent the use of illegal force, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or discrimination by the police or other law enforcement agencies and
officials against people
[...] of African descent, especially in connection with arrest and detention, and ensure that people of African descent are not victims of practices of racial or ethnic profiling.
[...] 会强烈呼吁,为防止未来恐怖袭击的执法努力必须符合政府结束以种族和族裔线做法的目标。
Citizens and civil society have advocated forcefully that efforts by law
enforcement to prevent future terrorist attacks must be consistent with the government’s goal
[...] to end racial and ethnic profiling.
[...] 家内的情况多种多样,而对于比如小岛屿发展中国家、森林覆盖率较低的国家和 森林覆盖率较高且毁林率较低的国家,则需要采取 针 对 性 的 做 法。
At the same time, there is a need to ensure flexibility and inclusiveness based on recognition of the fact that “one size does not fit all”; owing to diversity of national and subnational situations, a tailored approach may be necessary in the case, for example, of small
island developing States, low forest cover countries and countries with high forest
[...] cover with low rates of deforestation.
将产品附带的 RJ10 4 针线缆的 RJ 10 接头插入 Jabra [...]
PRO 94x0 底座上标有“电话”标志的接口,另一端插入 AZ 适配器的“耳机”接口。
Connect the supplied
[...] RJ10 to RJ10 4-pin cable connection [...]
to the socket marked with the ”phone” symbol on the base of the
Jabra PRO 94x0 and the other end to the "headset port" socket of the AZ adapter.
委员会认识到第二阶段转产还涉及另一问题,即在有些情况下,企业先前的转产符 合供资条件,但不是所有的生产线都已转产,或者后来又添加了新的生产线,需要进一步 澄清未来转产的资格条件是应针对 逐 条生 线 , 还 是 针 对 一 个企业整体。
The Committee recognized a further issue related to second-stage conversions, namely situations in which previous conversions in enterprises had been eligible for financing, but not all production lines had been converted or new lines had been added later, and further clarity was needed as to whether eligibility for further conversions should be taken line by line, or for the enterprise as a whole.
比如:代码行数的时线;针对每个开发者的代码行数;开发者的活跃程度;开发者最近所提交的;文件数量;平均文件大小;最大文件;哪个文件是修改最多次数的;目录大小;带有文件数量和代码行数的Repository tree。
For example:
[...] the number of lines of code timeline ; for each developer's code lines ; developer's [...]
level of activity ; developers
recently submitted ; file number ; the average file size ; maximum file ; which is to modify the maximum number of files ; size of the directory ; the number of files and lines of code with the number of Repository tree.
塞浦路斯概述了打击经济欺诈和与身份有关犯罪的最 做 法 ,包 括 针 对各 刑事侦查部门的工作人员组织授课;征聘专家;在信息共享和培训警官方面改 进并加强与各国和各组织的机构间协调与合作工作;加强专门执法单位的行政 能力;建立一个犯罪分析办公室,为其配备适当的软件和技术;以及应用一个 [...]
Cyprus provided an
[...] overview of best practices in the fight against economic fraud and identity-related crime, including the organization [...]
of lectures to members
of the various criminal investigation departments; the recruitment of specialists; the improvement of and increase in inter-agency coordination and cooperation with States and organizations in terms of information-sharing and training police officers; the enhancement of the administrative capacity of specialized law enforcement units; the establishment of a crime analysis office equipped with the appropriate software and technology; and the application of a central computerized system for producing data reports on serious and minor offences.
此外,还开发了一个区域网 站,用以提供关于相关指导针和良 好 做 法 的 信息以及关于残疾人无 障碍使用信通技术问题的最新信息。
Moreover, a regional website was
developed providing information on
[...] guidelines and good practices as well as up-to-date [...]
information on issues concerning
ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities.
缔约国尤其应当毫不含糊地公开谴责所有形式的酷 做 法, 特别针对警 方和监狱管理人员,明确警告任何人如实施这类行为以及煽动、同 [...]
意和默许酷刑或其他虐待,将被依法追究对这类行为的个人责任,并依其犯罪严 重程度受到相应惩罚。
The State party should, in particular, publicly and
[...] unambiguously condemn practices of torture in all its [...]
forms, directing this especially
to police and prison staff in positions of command responsibility, accompanied by a clear warning that any person committing such acts, as well as instigating, consenting or acquiescing in torture or other ill-treatment, will be held personally responsible before the law for such acts and subject to penalties proportional to the gravity of their crime.
大会敦促有关政府履行《无线电条例》规定的义务,但表示,不能认为在飞 机上开设广播电台,在未经另一国政府同意情况下只对该国领土进行广播做 法,符合《线电条例》的规定。
The Conference urged the concerned Administrations to fulfil their obligations under the provisions of the Radio Regulations, but nonetheless expressed the view that a broadcasting station operating on board an aircraft and transmitting solely towards the territory of another administration without its consent could not be considered as being in conformity with the Radio Regulations.
[...] 非法修建隔离墙,并特别关切该隔离墙路线偏离 1949 年停线,这种做法正 在 给巴勒斯坦人民造成严重人道主义困难,使社会经济状况每况愈下,并分裂巴勒 [...]
斯坦领土的领土毗连,从而可能预决今后的谈判结果,使两国解决办法实际上无 法落实
Expressing grave concern also about the continuing unlawful construction by Israel of the wall inside the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East
Jerusalem, and expressing its concern in
[...] particular about the route of the wall in departure [...]
from the Armistice Line of 1949,
which is causing humanitarian hardship and a serious decline of socio-economic conditions for the Palestinian people, is fragmenting the territorial contiguity of the Territory, and could prejudge future negotiations and make the two-State solution physically impossible to implement
秘密拘留做法最初针对武 装运动,随后用来镇压马克思主义和非马克思主 义的左翼团体,最后用以对付一切被疑为政治反对派的团体。
Practices of secret detention were first used [...]
against armed movements, later against left-wing groups, Marxist and non-Marxist,
and ultimately against all groups suspected of political opposition.
缔约国第九届会议对这些请求进行了审议。除批准这些请求外,缔 约国针对各项请做出了 一些决定,其中大多记录了共同的谅解和关切事项。
In addition to granting these requests, the States Parties took decisions related to each request, in many instances recording common understandings and concerns.
白俄罗斯将普遍定期审议视为了解国内人权状况过程中的重要步骤,有助 于制订战略针和做出国 家层面的相应决定,扩大国家及其他利益攸关方在人权 领域的建设性互助。
Belarus regards the UPR as an important stage in the process of grasping the human rights situation in the country, thus furthering the formulation of strategic approaches, the adoption of the appropriate decisions at government level and the expansion of constructive cooperation between the State and other human rights actors.
对于这一问题, 一位成员在其他成员的附议下说,尽管第一次供资 针 对 某 些生 线 的 制 造能力,但第一 次供资后设立的任何进一步的生产线将不在第二阶段转产考虑之内。
On that issue, one member, supported by others, said that while financing in the first instance had referred to the manufacturing capacity of certain lines of production, any further lines set up after the initial funding should not be considered for second-stage conversion.
分接线的装配应做 到,接上的每根分接线都不 会对分接开关产生拉 力。
The connecting leads must be assembled in such a way as to allow all leads to be connected [...]
to the tap changer without tension.
[...] 熟练操作并自信地根据自己从系统获取的信息对生 线做 出相应的调整。
Intuitively the operator quickly
feels familiar with the system and confident of
[...] his ability to do what is needed [...]
at the right time – his first thought is the right one.
在挤奶厅内给每头牛饲喂不同数量的饲料,是一种很好的利用挤奶时间的方式, 针 对 个体 牛 做 出 饲 料调整,特别是如果您是一位草原牧场主,或许还能激励奶牛进入旋转式挤奶系统。
Dispensing individual rations in the parlour is a good way to use the milking time to make individual feed adjustments, particularly if you are a grassland farmer; or to encourage cows to enter rotary milking systems.
一些缔约方还提到,科学和技术联络员目前负责编制生物物理 和社会经济数据,并就可持续土地管 做 法 进行 基 线 调 查 和科学研究。
Some Parties also mentioned that science and technology correspondents are currently responsible for generating bio-physical and
socio-economic data and
[...] for conducting baseline surveys and scientific studies concerning sustainable land management practices.
在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国,在被告至少出庭一次之 后,通常允许进行缺席审判,但这种审判并不是为了在被告未被拘押的情况下进 行审判所作的调整安排,也不是这 做 的 机 会,而 针 对 被 告的错失行为所作的 权利消减。
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, the trial in absentia — generally allowed when the defendant appears at least once at trial — is not an accommodation or an opportunity to hold a trial without taking custody of the accused, but a diminution of rights in response to the wrongdoing of the accused.
( 如私营 部门)
[...] 在内的排雷行动资源,查明和促进有利于协调全球和国家层面排雷行动援 助的机制,针和最佳做法模 式;促进和支持排雷行动方案的国家自主性和协调 [...]
工作;查明、促进和共享有关有效合作与援助的知识和经验;探讨将排雷行动纳 入发展预算主流可能面临的限制;探讨设立新的筹资机制的可能性;探讨更好地
交流涉及提供设备,技术专家和最佳做法相关资料的方式;以及更为详细地探讨 南南合作问题。
These included: identifying and prioritising mine action resource requirements; identifying and promoting mine action resources including from non-traditional sources (such as the private sector);
identifying and promoting mechanisms,
[...] approaches and best practice models for coordinated [...]
global and national level mine action
assistance; promoting and supporting national ownership and coordination of mine action programs; identifying, promoting and sharing knowledge and experience on effective cooperation and assistance; exploring possible limitations to mainstreaming mine action into development budgets; exploring the possibility of establishing new funding mechanisms; examining ways to better exchange information on the availability of equipment, technical expertise and best practices; and, examining in more detail South-South cooperation.
在米德拉士Wayosha'(耶利内克,“波黑”一56)歌革是第七两个世界各国领导人,减去一个(以色列), 做针 对 最 高级的战争,他是一见钟情下降了神。
In Midrash Wayosha' (Jellinek, "BH" i. 56) Gog is the leader of the seventy-two nations of the world, minus one (Israel), and makes war against the Most High; he is smitten down by God.
欧洲联盟对继 伊斯兰圣战组织向以色列发射火箭之后加沙和以色
[...] 列南部再度恢复交火表示关切,并且谴责这种不分 青红皂针对平民的做法,同时呼吁各方尊重停火。
Concerned at the renewed exchange of fire in Gaza and the south of Israel, following the firing of rockets by Islamic Jihad into
Israel, the European Union condemned
[...] the indiscriminate targeting of civilians and called [...]
on all sides to respect the ceasefire.
第二个支柱是通向和平政治解决危机的 线 图,做法是 :举行包括各方、各派别、各政治力量以 及叙利亚社会各阶层的全国对话,以实现叙利亚人民 对真正民主生活的渴望。
The second pillar is a road map leading to a peaceful political settlement of the crisis through a national dialogue that includes all parties, all sects, all political currents and all segments of Syrian society in order to realize the aspirations of the Syrian people for a life of true democracy.




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