

单词 做大

做大 ()

putting on airs



make a big fuss over a minor issue [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

各成员表示他们理解项目的规模和复杂性,他们对迄今所有相关机构 做大 量 工作 的尊重,以及他们对于秘书处和各执行机构的信息。
Members expressed their appreciation of the size and
complexity of the project, their respect for the
[...] amount of work done to date by all [...]
those involved, and their confidence in the
Secretariat and the implementing agencies.
第五,尽管联合国和其他行为方能够通过外交努 力和维和行做大量的工作,但我们的长期目标必须 [...]
Fifthly, while the United Nations and
[...] other actors can do a great deal through [...]
diplomacy and peacekeeping operations, our
long-term objective must be to enable countries to prevent conflicts by themselves.
为了实现这一目 标,现在还需做大量的 提高认识工作。
To achieve this, a major ongoing awareness-raising effort is required.
这一进程需要政做大量的 细致的工作,以 评估新的条约是否与国内法相兼容,并在必要时对法律做相应的修正。
This process involves extensive and
[...] meticulous governmental work in order to assess [...]
the compatibility of new treaties with
domestic law, and where necessary – to introduce relevant amendments to the law.
[...] 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需 做大 量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 [...]
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal
declaration of ethical principles in relation to
[...] climate change, it became clear that [...]
significant work is needed on the upstream
clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
独创性作品的创作、制作、表演和传播需 做大 量 工作,有众多的参 与者,为帮助学生有所认识,可以鼓励学生完成书中的“创作活动”。
Students are encouraged to complete the Creation Activity to understand the effort and number of people involved in creating, producing, performing and distributing an original work.
目前,在土地供應、人才 培訓、制訂標準、政府採購及增加資源調配等數方面,我們正陸續推出
[...] 一系列針對性的配套政策和措施,積極推動和協助這些產 做大做 強,協同四大傳統產業的經濟動力,以符合策略和持續發展的大方向。
At present, in respect of land supply, manpower training, standard setting, government procurement and additional resource allocation, we are launching a series of targeted complementary policies
and measures to actively promote these
[...] industries and help them grow bigger and [...]
prosper, so as to synergize with the economic
impetus of the four traditional industries and align with the overall direction of strategic and sustainable development.
如果你正做大量的 数据库操作,那么追踪事务而不是单个的请求当然可以帮助你进行决断。
If you're doing lots of database operations, [...]
then tracking the transaction rather than individual requests can certainly aide your sanity.
执行委员会认识到,在使土库曼斯坦在 2007 年实现各类氟氯化碳削减 85% 的目标所开展的活动方面还需做大 量 的工作,并希望土库曼斯坦能够继续努力淘汰消耗 臭氧层物质,取得显著进展。
The Executive Committee recognizes that there is substantive work concerning activities that will enable Turkmenistan to meet the 85 per cent reduction target for CFCs in 2007, and is hopeful that Turkmenistan will continue its efforts to phase out ODS with outstanding success.
注:在保存图章大小的时候要注意,在Photoshop里的大小会比转换到PDF里的小一些,所以在Photoshop制作图章是要将图 做大 2 - 3 毫 米。
Note: Save time to seal the size of note that the size
in Photoshop than switch to a small number of PDF, so the production of stamps in
[...] Photoshop is to make a big seal 2-3 mm.
日本表示,我们赞赏 1540 委员会为促进全面执 行第 1540(2004)号决议做大力努 力,并欢迎提交关 于 2009 年全面审查安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议 执行情况的最后文件(见 S/2010/52),以期推动报告 中的重要结论和建议。
Japan expresses its appreciation for the strenuous efforts of the 1540 Committee to promote full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and welcomes the submission of the final document on the 2009 comprehensive review of the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) (see S/2010/52), with a view to taking forward action on the key findings and recommendations in the report.
他建议,关于卫生资源分配 的辩论应集中在如何“把馅做大” , 以满足所有的需求,以及如何更有效地利 用现有资源。
He suggested that the debate on allocation of resources for health should focus on how to “increase the pie” to meet all needs and how to use the available resources more efficiently.
我們期望政府可以利用“躍進資助”把 “餅做大,使大型藝 團能夠 借外力減少對公帑的需求,從而讓當局可以調動更多資源以扶助中、 小型藝團,使它們也可以茁壯成長,他日成為新的“九大藝團”。
We expect the Government to expand the funding scope of Springboard Grants so that large arts groups which can get external support can have less demand for public funds, thus enabling the authorities to deploy more resources to assist small and medium arts groups; in this way, they can thrive and become major arts groups in the future.
做强做大两头 :上游炼硅、下游电站,形成产业链整体差异化竞争优势及稳定的盈利模式。
Reinforce and expand the two ends: upstream [...]
silicon refining, downstream power station to form differentiated competition
strength of the whole industrial chain and stable profit mode.
从客户提供原样或潘通色卡打小样,经指定 AATCC GRETAGMACBETH  美标灯箱光源( D65 、 TL84 、 CWF 、 U3000 )确认后做大货头缸对比标准样 OK 后,后续大货缸差控制在 灯箱下 同一色系美标灰卡 4 级,或 DATA COLOR CMC DE 值在同一象限 [...]
0.7 以内(出于后加工涂层、贴膜复合颜色变色考虑,目测最重要,电脑测色往往有盲区,判断方面不如人眼灵活),关键不能偏浅(不能超过
3% ),这样方便大货后加工成品缸差在可控范围内。
Provide customers with the intact or the Pantone to play
the sample, specified
[...] the AATCC GRETAGMACBETH American standard light box light source (D65, TL84, CWF, U3000) to confirm the cylinder head of the bigger cargo contrast [...]
to the standard
kind of OK, subsequent cargo tank differential control gray cards of the same color American standard light box under 4, or DATA COLOR CMC DE values ​​within the same quadrant 0.7 (for processing coating, film composite color color to consider, the most important visual, computer color tend to have blind spots, to judge not as good as the human eye is flexible), the key can not be lighter (not more than 3%), so convenient for large cargo processing finished cylinder in the controllable range.
碰巧的是,當天早上Home爸還沒睡覺( 做大 夜 班 的工作),所以才能湊合成這張全家福。
Coincidentally, home dad was awake, and not yet gone to sleep (He worked in night shift).
新生力量一直在为发起进做大量准 备(专家组 2011 年 2 月 2 日向制裁委 员会提出的报告),并于 2011 年 2 月 24 日发起攻势。
The Forces nouvelles had been preparing extensively for an offensive (reported by the Group to the sanctions Committee on 2 February 2011), which they launched on 24 February 2011.
雖然大多數有一個穩定和堅實的“過往記錄”,一些真正的稀有少為人知,可能會受益於進一步的推廣,包括出版學術期刊 做大 量 廣 告,在“榮譽法院”開大型展覽等,所有有助於提高公眾的認知和關注,從而增加的潛在需求和價格。
While most have a steady and solid “track record,” some true rarities are less well known and may benefit from further promotion, including publication in scholarly journals, extensive advertising, exhibition in “Courts of Honor” at major exhibitions, etc. which all serve to increase public recognition and awareness and thereby potentially increase demand and price.
管理评价费时费力, 需要与员工和管理层广泛协商,还需 做大 量 复杂的法律研究、分析、起草和审 核工作。
Management evaluations are time-consuming and labour intensive, requiring extensive consultation with staff and management and thorough and complex legal research, analyses, drafting and review.
这就是为什么我们正在努力教我们的孩子,即使我们是商务部长,即使我们是州长,即使我们在这 做大 使 , 他们必须自己收拾衣服,他们要在家里帮助洗碗,他们要在早上自己铺床并象普通孩子一样。
That’s why we’re trying to teach our children that even though we are the Secretary of Commerce, even though we were Governor, even though we’re here as Ambassador, they have to pick up their clothes, they have to help wash the dishes at home, they have to make their beds in the morning and be like everyday children.
口香糖和達爾文都渴望的,魯賓遜先生的房 做大 量 的 家務,直到他們意外地毀了他的車。
Gumball and Darwin are eager enough to do numerous chores at Mr. Robinson's house, until they accidentally destroy his car.
不做个人布道,以便许多人会听见; 做大 众 布 道,以便群众听见。
No personal evangelism so that many will hear.
有时需将做大手术 的重症病人转到附近的岛屿。
Serious cases that require major surgery may on occasion need to be transferred to a neighbouring island.
当领袖们聚集在一起,放下各自的教会和宗派差异,讨论推动福音的事工的时候,神会因他们 “彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善”(来 10:25)做大事。
When leaders get together, lay aside their church and denominational differences
and discuss advancing the Gospel,
[...] God does great things as they "stimulate one another to [...]
love and good deeds” (Heb 10:25).
严重关切当前世界经济和金融危机对所有国家特别是发展中国家的影 响,强调指出需要采取与危机的规模、严重程度和紧迫性相称的行动,而且此种 行动必须有足够的供资,迅速加以落实,并在国际一级得到适当协调,在这方面
[...] 注意到国家、区域和国际各级为减轻危机的影响正 做大 量 工
Expresses serious concern at the impact that the current world economic and financial crisis is having on all countries, particularly developing countries, stresses the need for actions that are commensurate with the scale, depth and urgency of the crisis to be taken, adequately financed, promptly implemented and appropriately coordinated
internationally, and in this regard notes the
[...] significant work under way at the national, [...]
regional and international levels to mitigate the impact of the crisis
自立品牌威创在这方面坚持着镇定的思想,除了在以上方面与巴可相似之外,二者在产物及技能上全体差异不大,宽博在技能上相当具体,比方再复杂再大的项目,都是用本人的处置器,而国内大都品牌 做大 项 目时,处置器就需求用国外的系统。
Independent brand vtron maintained a calm thoughts in this aspect, in addition to the above aspects similar to barco, both in products and skills all the difference is not big, broad quite specific on
skills, complex again again big projects,
[...] for instance, is done with my disposer, [...]
and most domestic brand was in a big project,
disposer system it needs to use abroad.
如果 专家组建议这做,大会可 将此事项提交第六委员会或大会为拟订该文书专门设 立的特设委员会。
If the group recommended such a course of action, the General Assembly could refer the matter to either the Sixth Committee or to an ad hoc committee of the Assembly specially created for the purpose of elaborating such a text.
有些答复方认 为,在许多领导人和草根民众的心目中尚未树立起团结权或第三代权利,为此必做大量提高认识的工作。
Some respondents felt that solidarity rights or third generation rights are not yet established in the minds and hearts of many leaders and people at the grass-roots level, and much sensitization is needed in this regard.




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